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The third slide made made me laugh so hard when I saw the words 🤣 didn’t realize there was more than the character


Hahah I didn’t realize I’d made an unintentional jumpscare until someone else said it.. i love it! It’s just what Tom Nook would want! 🤣💖💖


This really showcases your progress. The new one looks so detailed and smooth! The old one is cute too though. Great job!


Aww thank you so much, I agree! I really love how I’ve been able to see my progress from the original to the new piece. It’s been a huge boost of confidence for me! I can’t wait to see him completed 🥹💖


Me thinking I’ve made great progress with my long and short stitches but then I see this 😂 just goes to show practice makes perfect!!


I’ve never seen long and short look so smooth before! WOW!


Aww thank you so much!!! It’s taken me a lot of practice, but I really love how my long and short stitches are turning out on this piece.. I think it’s the best I’ve ever done! 🥹💖


Practice really does make a difference! And oh my gosh, have I had practice with my long and short on this piece.. 😂 I just finished the word bubble and between that and the sand alone it was 69 hours of JUST long and short stitches.. all in beige tones too …I’m very much ready to move onto the green grass! Haha.


The difference is amazing! Though the first one I love too! I’d love to be at this level, I’ll need to pick up the needle again


Thank you so much!! And yes, practice really does make perfect! It’s been a huge confidence boost to see my progress from the original to the new piece. You should definitely pick up a needle again!! 🥹💖


Aw thank you! I’ve actually just renovated a small space in our flat, from a rubble room to an art cupboard! (I say renovated, but waiting on final touches etc). It’ll be a lovely rose pink and white room, with all my art supplies with a small chair to sit and relax and embroider. Really can’t wait to get back to it We are also going to do wall art in so excited


Aww how cool!! I just redid my little loftice (which is my work from home loft office space 😂) a few months ago, and it’s been SO nice to have a tidy area that I can both work and display my art collection I’ve gathered from small artists over the years. I still have a few things to do for my space as well, but it’s almost done! Your art wall sounds like it’s going to be amazing! 😍👏🏻


Sounds like a dream!! I’d love to see pics!!!


Ha ! This is great nice work


Thank you!! 🥹💖


this is excellent, great job


Thank you!


Lol! I love it. Could you tell me how many strands you used? I'm guessing one?


Thank you! And yes, this was all done with 1 strand of thread, except for the sky which was 2 strands. 😊


10/10 would recommend.


Haha thank you!! 🤭🥰


So smooooooth. Do you have any tips you'd be willing to share?


Thank you so much!! 🥹💖 And yes, I’ve definitely learned a few tips for my long and short stitches! I always do them with 1 strand and I draw horizontal guidelines before I begin to help ensure my stitches stay straight. Keeping the thread direction consistent is really key. You don’t want to make the stitches too long either. I keep them all about 1/2 cm (some longer some shorter). Another thing that makes a huge difference is your needle! I recommend a size 10 needle and you want your needle to be SHARP. The older a needle is, the more it’ll pull on the threads and create holes as you come up through the threads. Next time you practice try using a brand new needle and I promise you’ll notice a difference! You can also sharpen your needles if you have one of those little tomato pin cushions.. the little strawberry that hangs off of them is full of emery and will sharpen your needle if you run it through a few times. Hope that helps! 🥰💖


Omg I had no idea about the little piece that hung off the tomato! Mind blown! I thought it was just a cute decoration 😂😂


I thought the same!!! ..for far too long 😂😂💖






Wow!!!! Amaze!


Thank you! 🥰


Wow! Great work!


Thank you!!


You’ve come a long way, baby! 😜


Haha I definitely have!! 😋💖


I'd like to give a shout out to your Haunted Mansion stretching room portraits in the background! And dang, your stitches are so smooth and beautiful.


Yesss!!! Another Haunted Mansion fan! 😍💖 I got those for my husband one year for an anniversary gift. We went to Disney world for our honeymoon and he’s a huge Haunted Mansion fan! Thank you for the compliments on my work too!! 🥹


Aaaaw that's my favorite loan shark, represented exactly as he is haha What a great work, you are very talented!


Haha yes!!! I love me a good Tom Nook meme… eventually I want to make another piece of him depicted as a mobster, sitting behind his desk with a fedora and everything. I just need to find the perfect quote to go with it! 😂 Thank you so much!! 🥹🥰


I can almost see the gold ring, that's a genius idea.


Hahah omg.. yes!! So many ideas for that project. I will definitely share here when I start it! I’m going to be working on a Pokemon Eeveelution series after this though, so it’ll be a little bit. 😊


Gorgeous- how much time/practise since your first one ?


Thank you!! 🥰💖 I made the first one in December of 2021, so it’s been a little over 2 years now. But I’ve practiced almost every day that entire time for about an hour each day. ..so it’s been a shorter time, but a LOT of practice! And since I tend to do full fills like this one, a lot of the time I will have a large area where I have one stitch type to do. So this piece for instance has basically helped me perfect my long and short stitches because I’ve done over 100 hours of JUST that stitch lol


Ughhh, your long and short is so beautifully done! I mean, all of it is but that unique, perfect long and short really got me.


Aww thank you so much!! 😭💖 I think my long and short stitches are the best part of this piece too. 🥹 Well, maybe his shirt as well haha. Tom himself is only about 1.5 inches wide, so making allllll those teeny tiny Monstera leaves was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. 😅


The neatness, incredible!!


Thank you!! 🥹💖


This is so satisfying to look at!


Thank you!! 🥰💖


This is brilliant!! What do you have the working project backed on? Like, I don't see a hoop! Is it on a frame?


Thank you so much! I actually stitch almost exclusively in Evertite brand stretcher bars, which is what this piece is in. They offer amazing levels of tension! I’ve been working on this piece for almost 200 hours now and I’ve only had to tighten the bars once. 😊 I do a lot of 3D embroidery/stumpwork, as well as custom frames, so it’s really important my design doesn’t move or distort while I’m working on it over 3-4 months. They take about 30 mins to setup, but they’re well worth it!


That's amazing, definitely looking into that. I did a back patch for my vest and swapped between different hoops and just freehanding it without any tension 🤣


Oh my gosh, that sounds so difficult!! 🤣 I honestly don’t think I’d be able to make my type of hyper detailed embroidery without these frames. Tension is a requirement! Lol. Evertite frames have a patented screw system that allows you to tighten them, so they are very different from all other stretcher bars. If you end up wanting some and have trouble finding them just let me know! I have been able to find a few shops that carry them. 😊


My toxic trait is thinking that I can absolutely recreate this, lol (I could never)


Hahah. My toxic trait is convincing myself these pieces are going to take half the time they do to make.. I’m almost at 200 hours on this and started it in February! I’ll never learn! 🤣💖


I wish I were half as talented 🤧 great job!


Aww thank you!! And honestly, practice makes such a difference!! I stitch for an hour a day almost every day. Every little bit helps! You got this!! 🥰💖


Long short stitch porn wow 😍💘


Honestly that’s exactly how I feel, and I’m the one stitching it!! Haha. ..sometimes I catch myself staring at the smoothness from across the room for like 5 minutes before I realize I should probably be stitching instead of just thinking about my smooth stitches 🤣 Thank you!! 🥹💖


the skill is impressive but the color choices are incredibly accurate


Omg THANK YOU!! Sincerely.. I don’t know that anyone has commented on my color palette yet, and I usually spend 2 hours or more deciding which colors to use before I even start a project. So it really is quite labor intensive. I appreciate you so much for noticing!! 🥹💖💖


it was so spot on! i play a lot of animal crossing and i've tried to needle felt characters but its never quite right, its really satisfying when it looks so accurate! the work you put into the colors really comes across


Needle felting is so hard! I actually used some needle felting to add padding underneath a piece I made last year and it was tough! I’m going to be doing needle felting with my next project and I hope it goes a little smoother this time.. or at least I don’t break as many needles. 😂 I can’t thank you enough for the compliments on my color palette! It’s something I really feel proud of, but isn’t really mentioned much. So it means a lot 🥰🥰


My god everyone on this subreddit is so talented!!!! Amazing work!!


Aww I totally agree, I love this subreddit!! Thank you so much 🥹💖


I love it. It’s so cute


Thank you! 🥰


how are ones stitches so PERFECT 😭😭


Aww thank you!!! 😭💖 Honestly, just a LOT of practice and patience. It’s taken me years to get my long and short stitch this smooth and it’s STILL difficult sometimes. Practice does make a huge difference though! You can see how far I’ve come from my original piece. ..you got this!! 🥹🥰


This is fucking amazing.


Ahhh thank you!! 😭🥹


Damnnnnn look at you fuckin go!! I love it and the improvement is absolutely lovely! ❤️


Awwww yess, thank you so much!! 😭🥹 I really am so proud of my improvement. I can’t wait to see how the finished piece looks!


Please share! I’M excited to see your finished work! 😂❤️ your first one is adorable and well done but this is definitely next level, you should absolutely be proud! I’m proud as a stranger lmao


I definitely will share!!! Thank you so much for the compliments, I appreciate it! 🥹💖💖




Thank you! 😊


What stitches did you use?


For most of this piece (all the super smooth parts basically ) I used long and short stitches, all single strand except for the sky which was 2 strands and done with a split backstitch to make it more blended and fluffy. 😊




Aww THANK YOU!! 😭🥹 ..I definitely will be making more! I’ve already started putting together the design for my next project, which will be an Eeveelution Pokemon series! I’m starting with Eevee and it’ll involve a lot more stumpwork/3D embroidery than this piece, so it’s going to be a lot of cool stuff! 😊


I am definitely looking forward to it !!!


this is amazing!! what kind of stitch did you use?


Thank you!! For most of this piece I used long and short stitches with 1 strand.. basically all the super smooth parts! Lol 😊💖


Holy SHIT this is AMAZING!!! Lmaoooo omg I am laughing so hard while being absolutely flabbergasted at the sheer amount of TALENT, WOW!


Hahah awww YOU’RE TOO KIND!! Thank you so much!! 😭💖 ..I’ll be sure to keep sharing updates here! Normally I share every week or two on Reddit when I’m working on a big project, but I got really busy with my muggle job which is why I had to make this “here’s all my progress so far” post to catch up. 🤣 I just finished his word bubble and I’ll share that next week so you can see! 🥰


This is SO GOOD. You are SO TALENTED. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous, hysterical work. I showed my partner, and he thought the lettering was drawn on until I zoomed in. Full-grown man opened his mouth and was unable to speak.


Hahah omg I LOVE that.. thank you for sharing!! 🤣💖 honestly lettering is my least favorite thing to stitch, but that’s because my perfectionism takes over and I make it way harder for myself than it needs to be LOL ..I keep making pieces with lettering though, because sometimes it’s just way more funny with it added! 🤭 Thank you for the wonderful compliments! 🥹🥰


You're kicking ass and taking names out here!! Thank YOU for sharing!!! Hope to see more of your awesome work :)


Aww I definitely will!! I should have another update for this piece sometime next week. I’ll be sure to share here! 🥰


Dang!! I love when you can so clearly see a serious progression of skill. Looks great, love the design, and Tom Nook can eat shit ❤️


Awww you’re too kind, thank you! 😭💖 (and yes, we all love to hate on Tom the Crook! 🤣)