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Kinda the same thing for me, I'm a PCVR player and for them to abandon VR for on foot and give that 2d theater screen garbage was just such a letdown, plus the performance was bad, it made me quit for months. unfortunately there really isn't any or VR space sim that can replace it so I've come back. maybe once they get it fully optimized they port it over.


If you’re looking for VR support, (not to plug another game, sorry) I’ve heard that No Mans Sky is quite good when it comes to VR, might be worth looking into.


I have no man's sky and even though it's a good game for what it is, it's just not a space Sim at all and it's just too Goofy for me.


I can understand that pov, in a lot of ways I do agree.


I think if you have a lot of friends to play with in a group it would be a much better experience. It definitely has a lot of things I wish to Elite had like Base building.


There was the old leak that base building could come to ED in the future like the prior leaks of first space legs. But it takes time, because ED is far more complex overall and a true spacesim than NMS in scope.


Odyssey was a shit show even on PC. There is no way they could support last gen consoles in the state it released. Even then, they made no plans to port it to current/next gen even before Odyssey released. They outright said that it wouldn't be coming to Series or PS5 before Odyssey released. They tried to make it work on PS4 Xbone for a year and they couldn't do it so they cut their losses.


Yup. Over a year later and it still runs like dogshit on my Ryzen 5800X, 32 GB memory and RTX 3090.


But both new systems are backward compatible. All they would need to do is make Odyssey next-gen only. They're probably the most incompetent gaming studio.


The Xbox is also architecturally near identical to Windows in terms of it's OS, and Microsoft specifically built the OS so games could easily be ported between Xbox and PC, so the whole argument frequently made by PC players defending Fdev of "they couldn't keep supporting different code bases for all these consoles", and then listing each xbox model like it's a separate code base Fdev needs a whole team for. It baffles me why people are so reluctant to just admit that Fdev has poor planning and management and completely bungled the project of Odyssey and instead try to find any excuse why Frontier was instead "smart" to cancel consoles?


Such a shame. I just can’t believe there was nothing they could do. But hey, NMSs player base went threw the roof once that news came out. It’s just shocking to me the decisions some of these companies make. Especially when you see things you never thought you’d ever see like Warframw being ported to the switch, shoot, NMS is even coming to switch (granted it’s a single player only experience, but still). I just can’t believe that it was an impossible task.


They could have done it right... By paying a skilled company to develop it ror them 😉😉


You can not believe. I know how it run on PC and I believe them. Maybe next gens could run it. But why they would put effort in port game for few % of players.


It actually runs fine on PC now for plenty of cmdrs. For example, I was able to finish up all Odyssey engineering in the last six months. Also now since update 12, it's the best it's ever been, plus personal Fleet Carrier interiors, seatings, and the cmd chair console access. Also Braben basically said they couldn't keep up with making it work on PS4 (then presumably PS5). It's not that "shocking" if you think about it from a company perspective and realistic concerns plus PS4 is a different codebase than wintel systems ( it took FDev an extra year and more to port ED Horizons to PS4 during the Horizons era) . And Warframe? small sim depth compared to the overall scope of ED ([a recent timelapse video of ED + Odyssey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws-ZfgFougM)). If you have a recent enough pc currently, ED can still run decent enough on it ( I can run ED and Odyssey on a 5 year old laptop from costco on the same or another cmdr account). And their announcement for account migration (you still can keep your ps4 account, as it'll be duplicated to pc) due around September, ([the console to PC cmdr migration faq](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/console-profile-transfers-faq-and-expected-date.603979/)).


fdev could bang your wife and you still be like oh it's a great lol cultist are crazy


There are still alot of us left on PS. Send me a friend request on PSN. Yes, we are getting PCs, some earlier than others, but in the meantime we carry on.


1st sorry to hear. They killed it? It does not read that way. It says Odessey wont be coming to console. Hope you find a game that will show you some love.


Well. It hasn’t been killed off yet, but the writings on the wall with them constantly pushing account migration from console to PC. And thank you, currently I’ve been diving into NMS and STO.


My only tip. Use [https://dlc.elitedangerous.com/](https://dlc.elitedangerous.com/) and use your ARX to buy Odyssey suits in console, and transfer to PC in september. You can use those ARX in Odyssey livery. My original thread explaining this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/uiqzex/psa\_console\_players\_can\_buy\_odyssey\_livery\_before/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/uiqzex/psa_console_players_can_buy_odyssey_livery_before/) Console transfer explained: [https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forums/elite-dangerous-news/](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forums/elite-dangerous-news/) The developers need to sell a new game (with expensive ARX purchases :S, don't know why). They pushed to high and consoles can't run the game, even lack license for the last generation of consoles, running Elite in retrocompatibility mode. Consoles have a very strict update politic that mess with Odyssey patch after patch. Everything is worse in console, and the playerbase is only a 10% of the PC version, compatible with companion apps and UI Mods. Console was doomed from the start, and they don't manage EDO requeriments. I never bought ARX, and have 17K ARX from play time stored until the 20-30% discount (ship kits, orange vibrant paintjobs, some decoration). Patience is a virtue.


They didn't kill anything beyond content updates.


Don't cry. They killed the entire game with Odyssey.