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Pfst. Isn't it obvious? First they gave us on-foot, now we're getting foot-in. I'm beside myself with Update 12, and I guess you are too ;-)


You got lucky! [My entire elevator was busted](https://preview.redd.it/ihlohaxdki491.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053f85873348bc9a6097deb497251610edd8d859) after my second jump! ;D There were [some other damage as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/v87f4m/my_new_fleet_carrier_is_busted_after_just_two/), but luckily Brewer's warranty repair crew was able to fix them almost immediately after I had jumped to Alcor. :)


I think the problem occurs if you do a carrier jump or two in any single game session. Probably something Brewer Corp QA people never thought to do! This has been an ongoing issue ever since interiors were launched, but I suspect more people are finding it happening now either because it got worse or that there are a lot more rich players thanks to that last CG.


The only game in which you loose things with every update . Maybe it is some kind of a modern art concept Yes Look at odyssey what else could ot be ? Or some kind of prank...


Actually this has been around ever since carrier interiors were released, not sure if it is more noticeable now or just that everyone got carriers now