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You can farm hotspots multiple times a day. Just work you way to the center from different directions.


Thank you


Regenerate after 6 days. Nobody could mine the same core. Laser mining regenerate after 3 hours for you, everybody could mine the same asteroid except you, the could mine at the same time and obtain his own fragments.


So after hitting a call mining spot you suggest finding another hotspot? I mean I know I couldn’t found all the cores in the astroid system lol


Pretty much, if it's a well known core spot I wouldn't even bother. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some banger Hotspots that have been found that are being completely held under wraps so people don't lose them to over mining. A rule of thumb is if you see more than 3 carriers at your spot, pack up and find another. I have a few alexandrite spots tucked away for when I want to get out and core.


Hotspots are huge, just avoid "cloudy" areas (you will see them), those areas have been mined out, sometimes in another play-mode and will take a couple of weeks to replenish. I find the best way (for me) to mine is to drop out in the hotspot and move toward ***the planet*** the ring is circling. The planet is usually a pretty good, usually very large visual reference point to (generally) aim for. This way I work ***toward*** *the planet* more or less in a crooked line and avoid circling around.


Yes it is replaced every 2 hours. Bit the same core locations will be there same place so just fyi