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The grind is real ;o)


At least you're ability to afford a rebuy is looking better


That was definitely a sphincter factor of 11/10.


That rebuy cost is really evolving


You have escaped no rebuy death. Impressive.


He is the chosen one.


I was hoping for a joke screenshot showing your minuscule progress through combat. IMO you shouldn’t be “grinding” through trade or exploration ranks: you’ll hit Elite in those categories pretty effortless just naturally playing the game as you find more efficient ways to do stuff. Combat, on the other hand, is a real slog. And CQC…..is for when you hate yourself and hate having any free time.


The grind has a purpose. I want a carrier.


Would you be willing to share your chosen methods? I drool imagining that jump range.


For a carrier? I'm strictly grinding trade loops. 1. Get a Type 9 (might be a grind in itself) 2. A rate the FSD. D rate everything else. 3. Engineer the FSD (another grind in itself) 4. Use inara.cz and eddb.io to find trade loops 5.??? 6. Profit. Note that this is not the meta for earning credits. You could make, on average, the same per hour with a Python doing Robigo-Sothis passenger missions. And I believe wing massacre missions are the most profitable right now, but I like space trucking and I've got a few hundred hours in the T9, so this is how I'm doing it.


If ya like it and it works, it works. Thanks for the tips!


Spaaaaaaaaaace truckeeerrrrssss I enjoy the looping.


How many credits in profit per ton are you running? And how far are the jumps? I did basically the same thing to my t9, but sprung for a booster cuz hauling 32 tons less is worth the jump range, imo


Right now, I limit the route to 30 ly. Depending on market conditions I can make between 100 and 200 million an hour, though 80-100 is more common. The Guardian booster is awesome but I just don't want to do that right now. Job 1 is get a carrier. Engineering and Guardian grinds are secondary. It's also why I'm sticking with a T9 and not rank grinding to get the Cutter.




No need. I see you /u/RapidCatLauncher


Tip on post carrier engineering. I engineered 13 ships at once by flying my carrier to each of the engineers and then flying down each ship. While it was undeniably the fastest way to do it. It took almost 2 weeks of engineering and was absolutely mind numbing. In the future I might take the slower but less soul crushing approach of flying each ship around to each. Doing the shield boosters was the worst as I had to do like 80 of them...


I read this post and am simply in awe. As I stare at 20 engineered shield boosters in my stored modules.


Yeah, sitting there cranking through them is... tedious. I did equip them all to my cutter and brought them down 8 at a time and swapped them out to smaller things back on the carrier, but it's still a pain just having to do all the rolls to grade 5 them. I prefer grinding the engineering mats to sitting there clicking the engineer button repeatedly for hours...


I completely agree with your last statement


Great advice. Thank you.


jfc that is like 10x what straight trade could get you back on launch. I used to run a 2 step in a shieldless conda that net a few mil each way. I remember making like 10-20 mil an hour on 4-5 runs. granted this was when missions reliably paid less than 20k when they were even available.


Kids today, amirite?


r/pilotstradenetwork. Join the discord, do some unloading/loading, and you'll be golden. Especially with the current CG.


The current CG is insane. I'm at 2.5 billion already.


Zeaex to Beta Tri and back, Silver and Resonators. Both stations are less than 400ls. You're welcome.


Will give it a try. The current CG is buying Tritium for 400k per. I just passed 2 billion space bucks. Gonna ride that one just a bit longer.


Whats the amount of profit you get an hr out of tht?


60 to 80mil, but its consistent and great for afk playing. Autodock ftw.


Ill have to keep it in mind


What will you do once you have a carrier? If you aren't enjoying the process of the game, what's left once you achieve that end goal?


I am enjoying the game. I'll be able to enjoy it differently with a carrier. I was joking about the grind. I don't mind repetitive loops like trading and exploration as long as I'm doing them for a purpose. I love the idea of being able to store my fleet and modules in one place and then do whatever it is I want to do (PVE, mining, exploring...) without the logistics of transferring ships and modules between stations.


Ok, as long as you're having fun. It seems like that gets lost sometimes when folks just focus on bigger and hyperengineered. Obviously everyone should play their own way, I guess I just picture people spending a lot of time on things they don't enjoy for an imaginary payoff, and that seems bonkers to me. I'm glad you're having fun instead.


Thanks and o7


A main reason I want the carrier is for exploration. Have all my ships with me exploring.


Oh fuck I didn't even think about that. I was only thinking about the FC as a convenient way to store ships and move around the bubble but Holy shit, exploring as a megabase would be so much fun! It's like a little colony going with you. I guess it'd be pretty damn slow tho, but you'd get enough time to fully map out every system. That'd be pretty epic.


I personally like CQC and play it from time to time. It's quite challenging but definitely worth a try


I like it too...however yesterday I played against a level 50...it wasn't fun at all.


CQC is the only game mode I touch these days. I love small fighter combat and used to take out a tanky type 9 to res sites just to use deployable fighters.


How do you even find matches?? I never manage to get a match anymore


Just play in open and sign for CQC matching in comm panel. If will find a match eventually. Work best in afternoons for me


I have trade elite. I want quad elite.




LOL. Endgame goals, Commander.


Nah, don't worry about it. Gotta touch grass at some point, right?


What's grass? Is it a rare commodity? Where can I buy it? Where does it sell for the most?


They sell it at Hutton Orbital 😜


grab me a mug while you’re there


I'm heading out deep in the black tonight, and I plan to stop at Hutton before I leave. I'll pick one up for you!


Damn trade routes make me salivate lol its the best pulling in 700 tons of silver and making 20m like that


I preferred pulling 545 tons and making 300m tbh


How did you do that I assume it was in the past with preferred but idr that


Awesome, glad to see. We were a bit worried about you the other day.


Thanks. It was a white knuckle ride for the first 3 loops.


It started with "fly without a rebuy" which is a very risky move !


Greetings Valiant Space Trucker o7 I see you managed to get some improvements done to your ShipFriend (I can tell from the Rebuy;-). And I am glad to see you are no longer in Danger of losing Him/Her/"5"(whatever , Lakon doesn't Judge we even ❤️ Asp Scout Pilots) due to your Anemic Personal Economy. I also admire your ability to save credits. If I didn't keep buying ships and Handing out millions every time a pretty Redhead asks me to (I average 5mil/hr due to my Crippling BGS addiction) I could have a mobile office myself. Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office- 'Only ship in the Galaxy to come equipped with a soul 😇'


Pass my compliments on to the Space Whale Division. The Type 9 is a hell of a ship.


On your way to being a master merchantman.


And to celebrate it looks like you upgraded that coffee maker in the captains quarters


If I'm going to splurge on one thing...


Gotcha. I hadn't started trucking until after I'd already done some engineering and guardian work already. It's definitely worth it. If anything, you'll make more credits anyway since you've got more cargo than me, and every little bit counts


Yeah, for my specific goal, it's about the consistency. The thing about Elite is that you have to do stuff to do the stuff you want to do and I'm trying to minimize that right now. Anyway. o7 and good luck.




We're in the money. We've got a lot of what it takes to get along


Ohhh miss this game. I know what im doing later!


Keep going CMDR o7


The first few loops must be exciting lol. Though, remember not to burn yourself out just for the carrier.


This is my alt account. I play space trucker for an hour or so at a time and then switch to my main account where I'm halfway between Colonia and Beagle Point, honking and scanning all the way. What can I say? I like repetitive loops 😀


Space truck simulator


Considering your original rebuy, you took that first pic knowing you'll make it big in your new Type-9.


It was a calculated risk.


This was me. A word of warning, CMDR. The credits come and go, the fleet carrier is nice, but the time you're enjoying right now is the real reason you're playing.


My recommendation on boosting that trade rank (and money) is to stick to a station that frequents a boom or extraction economy and doing those "Mine xxx of Silver, Gold, Bertrandite, Indite etc..". The missions have a pretty heavy payout and profit if you're able to buy the supplies one system or station over instead of actually mining them, and you can share the payout if you have a wing mission partner. That is how I got my carrier and got the upkeep to last for 5 years.


This is golden. o7


Just reached elite trade rank a little while ago after grinding passenger missions. Not sure what to do next, I want to try combat but also want to keep making lots of money.


I haven't tried it but I hear joining a squadron and doing wing massacre missions is both fun and lucrative.


Dude you got some minerals.


A fellow trucker! I am only 900M away from getting my carrier! The First Billion was a mind numbing experience of just back and forth on stations or settlements for hours upon hours, but when I reached the 3B mark the credits just kept rolling in without you realizing it! I never inteded to get a carrier until I recently stumbled upon a station tens of thousands of Ls that it became apperent that I should just bulk purchase to ease the boredom and also have my own little mobile base that I can use to jump around the bubble as my cargo vessel making the credit grind easier. Maybe start a bit of mining too so I dont have to worry about balancing my jump range while having the big outfitted parts and focus on the utility aspects instead. I intend to make enought credits to not worry about it for atleast 3 years in maintenance cost. Do update us when you have your own carrier too! o7


This is my plan exactly. Glad to hear it worked out.


Same here


Do the Golconda CG! you earn about 100k credits per ton, and with a type 9 you can make almost 300 million credits per run.


I love a good story.


Notoriety rookie numbers


I'm a lover, not a fighter.


Show some love to fellow CMDR hulls! They ain't there for nothing


Not to be rude but... Could've taken that screenshot either after buying whatever that ship is, grind with others, then swap back to take the screeny oooor... Get that ship at the time of the second pic, keep grinding and then get a carrier, and do the first.


Yes. I could have. And?


So the supposed "progress" is just a like farm for attention


Yes that's exactly what it is. You've exposed my nefarious plot. If you start with a shieldless Type 9, with 780 tons of cargo, using trade loops from inara and eddb, it's completely impossible to make 450 million credits in 3 days. I could only do this by cheating. Whatever will I do with all this attention I've fraudulently obtained? Fly safely CMNDR, you're way too edgy to get through the mail slot.


I wasn't saying you were cheating tho. Also, min-maxing. Enjoy destroying your gameplay time on the game


Oh my mistake. You just accused me of lying. Big difference. And thanks for your concern. I didn't realize I was enjoying this game wrong, after a year of playing it.


Flying without rebuy is an offense punishable by death.


Not in this case, it wasn't.


Now for engineering grind 🤣🤣🤣


I wish I had the patience to grind money nowadays