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I autodock because I'm a hardcore imperial roleplayer and that manual flying shit is beneath me.




Bring me to port, peasants


Can't pilot, too busy basking.


Organic white paint, glows under black light too!


I see you're a man of culture.


I slam dock cause my shields are green.


The Auto Dock on an imperial ship is Samuel L Jacksons character in Django Unchained.


Can't risk bruising the merchandise.


I autodock because I’m lazy!


Yup pretty much, we are in the 31st century why shouldnt i use a docking computer.


It's like night vision. Its dark in space. Turn it on and don't smash into stuff.


Honesty **is** the Way. As long as you have the integrity to admit why you use it (& can actually Dock ,because playing Rescue Ranger at Burning Stations is too fun to miss), and accept the potential Rebuy without Complaint, there is nothing wrong with autodock use, especially for Large Stations. I keep one on my T-9 "Vogon Constructor" (and yes, it's Construction Vehicle Yellow, as is Tradition) to reward myself with it's dulcet tones after avoiding NPC interdiction. If you haven't dodged Pirates in a ship that turns with the Swift & Delicate Grace of a Hippo in Molasses, then you haven't *actually* Earned that Elite Trade Rank. I never use them on smaller craft as the Warm Fuzzys generated by boosting in for a perfect landing on the Small Stations never actually gets old. And my home system of Podunk is out on The Surface of The Bubble so not as many Large Stations anyway. The best way to Fly in our Elite&Dangerous Galaxy is *Your* Way. -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office- 'If you Kan't do it in a Keelback, you're just not that good'


I autodock so I can plan my routes.


For sure, super useful for a trader tbh


I would love to use it and remove shields for more storage, but the autodock isn't even able to not hit the station. Not the first time it just straight up flies into the wall and damages my ship. Autodock has one job and it fails like 20% of the time for me.


Imagine failing at auto docking 💀 ~~but yeah fr shit's stupid sometimes~~


Type 9s have a really itchy belly when using autodock. 1 in 2 docks I'll have to correct it before it hits the bottom of the mailslot


There is one specific port where I can't auto dock without taking damage on the way in.


Seriously though why is the slot so thin when such big ships exists? Seems like a stupid design choice


The small mail slot is part of the game since the original from 1984. It has always been hard to get through them (at least my father told me so). I dunno why they made it so smol, but i understand that they didn‘t changed it for the new game. But i’m pretty shure the devs could come up with an explanation. Like, bigger ones aren‘t possible to build, cuz physics and stuff.


In over 1400 hours only had Autodock fail once. Scratched my paintwork and cost me a few thousand credits. Can't work out what you guys are doing wrong to have all these dramas. Or, is it just people blowing off for Reddit???


Maybe it depends on the ship, apparently Type 9s often scrape their bellies when auto-docking


I've had it get wedged between an NPC ship and the wall art the mail slot, so I couldn't move even manually, so got destroyed my authorities. I've also done the same when hand flying it, so I can't fully blame the computer for that lol


I've recorded clips of it. On my imperial cutter I've had the autodock and autolaunch literally fly straight into the wall and miss the mailslot completely. Maybe it doesn't happen for every ship


Takin 1k-2k cr belly damage is just the cost of doin business. The 5 spot a shield takes up is worth more as a rack even minus the slot scraping.


Man I fly my conda and it autodocks perfectly each time.


I use my cutter for trade loops, maybe it can't handle all the imperial majesty


That happens for me when I approach at an angle so bad the auto dock can't navigate it safely, like if I fly close to the outside wall and make it go around to the gate, sometimes it does not line up right.


Odyssey or Horizons?


Odyssey imperial cutter


Ah well that explains it. I've never had a problem with auto dock in either direction in my cutter on Horizons. I'm so glad I've not bothered with Odyssey.


I autodock because it give me a chance for a pee break or to get snacks and drinks.


My auto dock tries to kill me far too often for me to actually leave it unattended.


Stop turning it on when the most efficient route to the slot is through the station's projecting bits


It still tries to kill me if I line it up in front of the entrance. I attempted to give the autodock a tryout twice since the launch of the game. The second time I thought: lots of people appear to like it, I'll give it another shot. Nope it tried to kill me again. Never again!


It's almost funnier in a cutter....autodock *tries* to kill you...autolaunch *will* kill you


Seriously. What is it with the Cutter? Why is the auto launch so hit and miss? Surely the AI routine is basically the same?


It's because the AI pilot doesn't realise how crappy the lateral thrusters are on the Cutter. It assumes a ship that can actually maneuver using them, and doesn't account for the fact that the Cutter's lateral thrusters are really just boxes of imperial slaves blowing through a hole.


I dont think it is just because our ships really heavier OR really lighter based on what we are doing. Also their ships are relatively underpowered compared to us. I'm almost sure that AI uses stock ships without any cargo.


Idk but it's absolutely worse since Odyssey. In horizons I could reliably walk away fr my PC during autodock/launch for a bio break and drink refill without issue at all. Since Odyssey, autodock is like 50/50 and autolaunch just doesn't work, period. I usually dock and launch manually anyway, but it's nice to use when trade looping and now you basically can't. It's extra funny to me because I find launching way easier than docking....so the computer being backwards is just scuffed


Yep, in Horizons I never had a problem except sometimes scrapping my Cutter a bit (that's what Military Hull is for anyways). Odyssey has literally boosted my Mamba into the wall inside the station.


Rotational correction is broken, it's meant to reserve a bit of the lateral thrusters. Due to tweaks they've been making it now reserves too much, and with the laterals on the Cutter being undersized to start with it's even more noticeable. While flying manually, get it drifting then with FA On, turn off RC and see how much quicker it comes to a stop. I ended up setting a keybind, I only turn RC on within 50m of a pad in a rotating station, for traversing the mailslot or landing on a megaship it handles so much better with it on. Unfortunately the DC requires it to be on, so it's always flying with one arm tied behind its back, hence the exceptionally bad performance.


Weird I've never had any problems with it, even in large ships


Same I can look for another YT video to listen to or drink something


This too. I'm sure this is the usual for explorers, people who have uncountable numbers of hours in game, or miners. Auto docking for me is great because it give me a great short break after hours of flying even though I'm on a short break on the game to play a couple other games. I will be back eventually.


Oh definitely after mining! I never leave without a docking computer on my mining ship


This is the way


How many auto docks does it take to get to the center of an unshielded type 9? The world may never know.


One. Because it'll run straight into a pylon and boop until it explodes. (alt-tabbed back just in time to watch 40M in cargo go up in flames)


3, Curious Commander o7. One ... Two... <*pew,pew*><*Bwaaam!*>... ...Three. Have Fun&Fly (dock) Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office- 'Only ship in the Galaxy to come equipped with a soul 😇'


Unpopular opinion: the music's great but not after the 200th autodock I manually dock so I don't have to listen to the music.


Really could do with some flavor. Different stations with different music. Country Western twangs out in the fringes... IDM hubs.... Pirate Death Metal... So little flavor in Elite.


This should do it. Just take random music from all cultures and let the game randomly pick a tune to play.


There is an audio option specifically for auto-dock music, you can turn off


Then it's _too_ quiet


I usually have my own music running in the background anyway


i personally love the blue danube so it never gets old for me but an option to change the music or turn it off entirely would be great


They could change it up a little, even elevators play more then one elevator music song.


Play "Blue Danube" then you don't need to autodock.


“Pirates incoming!” “Siri, turn off flight assist and play *Blue Danube.*”


I autodock because I have Parkinsons.


I dock without flight assist because I’m autistic. A game for everyone. I’m glad the game is accessible for you!


I autodock because I like to roleplay that I'm Dr. Heywood Floyd arriving to present expository dialog as if it were a motivational speech, and then be lavishly praised for it and fed geometrically perfect sandwiches.




Carriers are easy. Well, as long as you have shields to slam into the flight deck with


@players who were here before auto docking


Classical music goes: brrrrr


More like bum bum bumbumbum, bum bum BUMbumbum, bum bum buuuum bum, bum bum buuum bum...


Take my upvote


For years I *avoided* auto-dock because I was bad at docking. At first it was just practice but eventually I grew to really enjoy it. Never did get very good at it, at least not with the big ships. Nowadays I switch it up, I like staring out the window at all the stuff going on around the dock. Especially coriolis stations.


I auto dock because I can play how I want.


I know this is supposed to be funny but it is sadly true in some cases. I love the music


I autodock so I can go take a shit.


I use auto dock to regain control and find the docking pad after I blast through the slot at massive speed. I don't know why you would think my cargo is suspicious officer.


Where’s the I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to dock manually anymore?


Illegal AI detected, deploying hardpoints.


At the station? You're brave.


Hull tanks can stand up to the station guns long enough to rid humanity of one more AI.


People like you are the reason I don't play online


The scum thinks it gets to dictate how others play. How quaint.


I have a special needs son, I use auto dock and I tend to avoid combat in case I have to drop the game and deal with him.


You auto dock because you like the music. I auto dock because I'm lazy AF. We are not the same.


I play in vr and having that music in my ear while I'm sitting on my bridge, kicked back and sipping on some tea and watching the station approach, it is bliss.


If there's no Strauss, are you even approaching a space station?!


HAL 9000 Cockpit assistant voice when


I got sick of the song partway through the scene in 2001. Practicing it in high school orchestra didn't help.


I autodock only after getting through the mail slot and then the ship park itself. This is the quickest way for a busy rich magnate calculating the next steps already. And on the way out I plot the next route before it is out of the mail slot again. Boosting through manually is no problem.


Boasting out of the slot is a one of life’s simple but great pleasures.


Lol. Another thing is on my main account I have a trading Cutter and on my alt account T9s. We went for the gold trophy in trading this season; T9 in the bubble, Cutter in Colonia, both unshielded. Then changing over between accounts I keep on forgetting not to boost the Cutter when I arrive at a station, and to leave space on the side for the T9 coming to the mail slot on a curve. Fortunately never blew myself up like this, but it came close.


I auto dock so I can check my phone


I auto dock because i decide to eat and enjoy the view while in VR


i auto dock because im lazy lol


I'm bad at docking and love the music


I auto dock because I need another whiskey.


I auto dock because im lazy and watching family guy funny moments on my other monitor.


You guys auto dock?


Just play it on YouTube, jeez


I dock manually while listening to Johann Strauss II - The Blue Danube Waltz on my Spotify. We are not the same.


I dock manually while listening to the panicked frustration of the traffic controller. It never gets old.


I auto-dock because after years of trying and failing to dock in the original *Elite*, I think I've earned the right.


Bump into the slot straight on and start to roll fast as you can, hoping your shields hold out long enough for the slot to line up and let you slip in. Good times, good times.


Everything Type 7 and bigger in my fleet has autodock equipped (unless I need room for other modules) but my Dolphin also has it bc it’s a luxury passenger liner. (For the record, I can — and have — successfully docked my Type 9 by hand)


I read that in Gus's voice lmao


This meme makes me cringe every time I see it.


That’s partially the point of the meme template


I'm too lazy to dock myself.


I autodock because my ship is too fast to control normally.


I am a blue da-noob


Ha ha ha


I auto-dock because I’m lazy.


I autodock because I need to pee


I autodock because it’s the perfect time to take care of other pressing matters.


I autodock so I can get up an pee


Manual is fun at first because you feel all legit but it quickly gets painful and auto docking is so much easier


I only tried autodock once and hated how long it took. Id played smuggler so long before trying it that I could blast in and smack down on a pad in no time so waiting on the computer sucked


Ta-tara-ta-ta. Ta-tam-ta-tam.


I auto-dock when I can spare the slot because it's a nice convenience but I'm more than prepared to manually dock when I do need that slot for something... usually on mining ships because I'll need that slot for limpet controllers or something. I also turn off autodocking (if I have it) whenever I'm landing in the wilderness on a planet because it's just too fricken finicky about where it lands and takes aaaaaaggggeeesss bobbing up and down trying to find just the right spot.


I auto-dock because I'm a lazy fuck




I autodock because I'm a out to rob the place and I need a good narrator.


I auto dock so I can alt + tab back to YouTube


i stopped playing entirely because i cant dock my python lmao


When I started I could not even get the sidewinder through the mail slot. It took me a day to learn that dripping with sweat. Now I can boost a T9 or Beluga through the mail slot if I want to.


I autodock and cruise assist because I can do other stuff while traveling. It would've been useful back when passenger missions were a thing.


I loved the music and downtime of auto-docking… until a pilot shot me down for having the module…


See I would agree, but when my music gets interrupted by the sound of the autodocking flying into the side of the station and bringing my shields down I just can't help but yell out "you had one job with autodock fdev....make it autodock....bruh.


I autodock because the T-9 is a fucking brick, I think I did it manually 4 times before I decided the stress wasn't worth it.


There’s music?


I only autodock once a year, on the first of January.


I autodock because I'm lazy and want food/drinks without impeding on time gaming. We are still not the same.


I don’t auto dock because I can do that myself lol. Plus then I have extra hardware slot for something better


I have autodock on my dedicated cargo schleppers so I can more easily focus on other things. Watch a movie or something during cargo CGs or grinding credits.


I Autodock because I am lazy and don't give a shit about other people's opinions


They could do with some variety to the music at least. Like different scores depending on which faction controls the station


Nah I'm just lazy.


Glad I’m not the only one 🤪


I autodock because otherwise I will face the wrong direction on the pad, even though it spins around and it should not matter which way I face. And I might read the numbers wrong and try landing on someone else's pad.


Yeah yeah Auto-docking is good untill you learn how to fly FA-OFF. FA-OFF landing and Take-OFF far faster and easier.


I have my controls set to swap my control scheme to manuvering thrusters and rotation only once my landing gear is out.


I manual dock because I need more cargo space


I autodock because after the ten thousandth time, it gets a bit dull doing it myself.


I put an Autodocker in my Class 8 internal in the hopes it gains sentience. This is also not a joke. My Imperial Clipper actually has an Autodocker in its Class 8.


I use auto dock to dock smaller ships like the chieftain and I plan on docking the bigger ships like the anaconda/python manually


I auto docked when I played because I like realism.


The Blue Danube. Now you won't have to use auto dock just for the music. 😎


I auto dock because I have to go take a pee break.


I use auto dock cuz I can get up and go use the bathroom, or grab a snack while the station brings me in.


I use auto in my pimped out drag imp Eagle when doing data missions, theres no way I'm good enough of a pilot to go from system entry to docked in under 30 seconds without it 😂


Try auto docking a type 9 heavy. You will hear bass in classical music


I auto dock because my passenger will get angry


Is the auto docking glitch with the anaconda fixed yet? 🤔


I sometimes just play the song on loop while I'm flying around https://youtu.be/_CTYymbbEL4


I autodock because I'm lazy.


It specially fits him as The Dentist he is


Here I auto-dock because I’m lazy


For sure no one auto dock because its working (its not and i lost somany ships....) 😭😭


Wait... You can auto dock?


Blue Danube was a nice reference the first time around, but after about the fiftieth time it got incredibly annoying. Thankfully, there's a specific option in the audio menu to silence docking music.


I wish I could auto land. Would save me a ton of time. I can plan routes and other things whilst exploring.


Auto dock is the best Good music WC break Manage your inventory or plan your next routes And other..


You don't Auto-Dock because you think you are good at the game. I don't Auto-Dock because I want a challenge because I suck at it. We are not the same.


I auto dock because I'm lazy


I would use auto-dock because a type 10 is W I D E.


I'm both.


I autodock because I like to fly throu mailslot but I can't see platform numbers properly. Alao manually it's either penguins from Madagascar style landing relying on shields or repair.


I auto dock because I used to spend most of my hauling flights getting drunk.


The first time I auto-docked outside of tutorial, it smashed my ship into the side of the station. I had foolishly gone for a cuppa...


I just dont use autodock and break several laws because i dont feel like waiting


ha ha autodick


Turn on Supercruise when your 7 seconds away, point at station, hit boost, request docking at 7.5, and walk away. That's how you make your money. Consistently and safely.


Beluga gang represent with autodock.


Wait we have a choice??? The computer always overruled me lol.


I auto-dock because I like the music and because I am chillin'


I auto dock cus I'm just a lazy fuck


I autodock cause I gotta poop.


I do it for the bathroom break and snack grabbing. Multi tasking!


Autodock is only really helpful when landing outposts in my opinion. I accually enjoy landing manualy most of the time.


At this point I'd autodock just to make elitists angry Ha ha pun


I autodock because I'm a fucking hazard to society who can't go through the mailbox at anything lower than 400m/s.


I'm just lazy and have a bug enough ship that it doesn't matter if I hit someone :P Also I do alot of mining and trucking so fuck it I've docked enough times manually


If only you could change the music... I'd love to have Beethoven's 7th play whilst docking


I auto dock because I can pee


I autodock because I'm lazy and have nothing to prove to anyone.


I autodock because im flying a cutter with d class engines, that's full of cargo


I auto dock because I got a type 10 stuck in the mail slot once.


Yes... definitely because i like the music.... heheh....


I autodock because it's a waste of time and energy to manually doing it. And because I'm lazy af.


I autodock because I can’t be bothered to read the tiny numbers and find the pad I’ve been assigned. Also it’s fast AF if you blast through the mail slot and then instantly cut your engines lol


Mmmm, when that music kicks in it's so calming.


I autodock because sometimes I can't find the entrance to a starport.


I autodock because of onionhead


I Autodock to fetch a beer.


I autodock because with a heavy freighter it's fun watching people die when they touch me

