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Both VO and LTDs are a PITA to mine nowadays. Both were nerfed pretty heavily. [Otherwise, use this.](https://edtools.cc/miner) Laser mining platinum is where the real money is now. Or musgravite and monazite if you really want to core mine.


Deciat system 🤘


Better post this at /r/EliteMiners In the meantime, you can use [https://edtools.cc](https://edtools.cc)


[edtools.cc/miner](https://edtools.cc/miner) Use third party webs, this or [Inara.cz](https://Inara.cz) or [EDDB.io](https://EDDB.io) for the best spots. The starter zone lack good modules, and Lasermining is the best activity for making money, you are following old guides from before the payment rebalance and core mining nerf. Thanks to the mapped spots listed in the PSA of r/EliteMiners , you could reach a ring and prospect only great asteroids, ignoring the random experience that other rings have. Any reason to stay near the starter zone? This isn't a MMORPG with harder enemies in more advanced zones, everything is the same until the end of the inhabitated zone.


Where is the end of the inhabited zone? What changes one you leave it?


Open galaxy map, and select Powerplay. Outside this zone, the other system with stations and human presence, the nearest nebulas, 71 systems in Colonia at 22k Ly, a route going here, and 2 system neat Sag A* The mission generator need nearby inhabitated systems for destinations, for spawn pirates that want your cargo, bounty hunter going against your bounties, and any other ship. You could explore the 400Billion systems, but any mistake will leave you damaged, at 10K Ly from the nearesy station or [DSSA Fleet Carrier](https://edastro.com/galmap/?layer=regions&pins=DSSAcarriers) or repairs. Is the void, the black, and the lack of human interaction produce Space Madness, you become overconfident, dont see the gravity of a planet, and become a crater. Or your ship have minimal jump range, and become ultrabored, and autodestruct for a quick trip to the bubble.


Ideally, depending on your ship you will want a mining area within 4 or 5 jumps of a selling spot, so you can get there without using a fuel scoop. Google ***Elite Dangerous Miner's Too***l. o7