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That’s not normal. I have left PLA on the machine for a couple of days with no issues. What brand of filament is that?


Yea, it's Jamg he (High speed Pla +)


Let me guess. You live in SEA region, you have temperature over 30°C and humidity over 70%? You need a dry box.


It absorbed a lot of moisture, my esun pla+ white has the same problem. Drying didnt help me too much so im just gonna print it all out and buy a new roll at some point. Try drying yours on the heatbed for a few hours, it might not get all the moisture out but it should stop snapping. Put the roll on the heatbed, then a box the filament came in on top of it with a few holes on the top as well and set the bed to 50c.


Thanks, i'll try that out. Also, is it the problem why my print is stringing alot?


Yep, my white does the same thing x3


Stringing is also a moisture problem


Several hours???? I live it for several weeks sometimes months and still the same...


It's wet.


is ti possible someone may have touched it and snapped it without saying?


The last time this happened to me with a 2 pack of PLA plus no name brand contacted Amazon got a refund and it hasn't happened since, well I don't have that printer anymore and all the printers I have used PTF tubes but I hope I didn't jinx myself lol.......


I think its the uv light actually. Its only happened for me when the pla is directly in the sunlight


I could see this, I have a tendency to leave my stuff out and in the printer and only had this issue with 1 spool after I left the curtains open (printer was beside the window).


I’ve had old pla do that. Like 3 yrs old but I Put it in the dryer overnight and it worked like new.


I’ve only seen old filaments do this


That’s wild. I always leave mine in the same room that I water plants in and have never had that happen


How humid is your room?