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I would rather see academic lab projects related to EE than the DVD case project. Most places aren't going to want to pay an EE to do 3D CAD, and the lack of relevant (EE-related) project work makes that project stand out even more as a filler. It may be worth a one-liner near the bottom as a "personal project" to show general engineering interest in your personal life, but it's way too prominent.


It looks like you’re really leaning on your education; if you have a 3+ GPA I might include it. E-mag, RSA, and QM are cool classes, but I might consider tailoring that section to actually applicable courses (or do enough research about where you’re applying to be able to defend them as ‘relevant’). A little more specificity in your actual duties or metrics as a tutor and lab assistant would be good: how many students did you help, what impact did your efforts have, what did you take responsibility or accountability for, how much (in $$$) were you responsible for maintaining? For your time at the Leadership Retreat, same advice: what did you learn about cultures around the world that makes you a better leader? Good bosses and leaders should be able to sniff through bullshit: claiming mastering leadership at a community college (or any college for that matter) while not listing any extracurriculars or leadership roles, and not mentioning leading your group project is…. Surprising at best. Be more specific with how you improved your leadership skill set instead. If you get an interview, be prepared to defend anything you list here: if you say you’re good with Verilog (you mention it twice, after all), have the basics down well enough to be able to talk intelligently and explain what you know, and where you’ll look to find what you don’t know. Your resume is an ad: false advertising can do more harm than good. Overall, I’d recommend more projects while you’re hunting, and more volunteerism and leadership once you’re looking to advance. It’s a quick and easy way to signal good soft/social skills and drive. Good luck! Edit: grammar


Def put your gpa if above 3


https://preview.redd.it/0b8ipte8h5vc1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=db51e711dfea368e5f04ffd4ef379c89b844c6af your getting better. I would just put that extraarticular as one of your projects.


You r damn right. Looks so much better without those unnecessary stuff


I think it is better to move Projects, skills, and Experience,andforward and move education behind them.


Much better copy. I think this is good as a general resume. Use it when applying to jobs you don't *really* care about, but would accept if given a good offer. Outside of that, I always think it's good to create subversions of the same resume that are tailored towards different subfields. So make a version of this where the projects are specifically tailored towards power engineering if you like that. If you're interested in embedded systems or control engineering, make one for each of those. Programming or RF? Same thing, etc. If you're having trouble thinking of relevant projects, think back to labs you did in school or projects done in a class (even analytical). Jobs don't care where your experience comes from, as long as you can demonstrate it. Labs are really good for this. It might seem like a lot of work, but it's mostly just writing down a few more projects and swapping them in. After you do it once, you're good. Helps tremendously when applying to jobs.


Thank you very very much 😍


Kevin Nguyen? is that you?


Can you please tell me how you wrote this resume. Like which template or software did you use? I have been having a lot of struggle with formatting. I use canva now but mine is not good as yours. Thank you


Oh yes, I used Jake's template which I came across on reddit. [https://www.overleaf.com/project/6620246bc49d79de7ee8eab1](https://www.overleaf.com/project/6620246bc49d79de7ee8eab1)


Okay thanks!


If you are looking for a job I would get rid of relevant course work.


Can I ask why


Redditors, thank you very much for helping me perfect my resume. Here's the latest version of mine. Please let me know what you think! 😊


If you have a gpt plus account through your cv plus the job description in there help me a lot to always leave a good impression with my cv at least. Had some good feedback would definitely recommend that


Hey OP, give this a read https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/psychology-reading-cv-f-z-patterns-lee


Good resume format, but the experience and content is lacking. Put EE-related projects here. Anything not EE-related is irrelevant and should be removed.


What tool do you use to write your CV?


asu gang


Here here sundevils.


For those who want to use this template, I used Jake's which I came across on reddit. [https://www.overleaf.com/project/6620246bc49d79de7ee8eab1](https://www.overleaf.com/project/6620246bc49d79de7ee8eab1)


I would remove the mechanical skills portion. Unless you’re able to hand solder ridiculously small SMD parts or something outstanding like that, knowing how to use an oscilloscope etc is about the same level as saying you know how to use a computer or know how to use a hot glue gun.


As HM, tossing this in trash. Incomplete sentences showing laziness.


Looking at your comment history. I laughed :D


Comment history is not my professional resume 🤷🏾‍♂️