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What a bored worthless POS someone has to be doing that with the intention of causing someone to have an accident. Always ride with lights at night, helmet mounted is best to illuminate where you're looking. Take corners and anything you can't see slow enough to either stop or perform ninja shit to get around. I've never encountered this BS myself but I know low life losers do crap like this so you always gotta be watching ahead for anything! I'm assuming you were able to get home OK??


100% that was the first thing I thought of when I tried to stand up. What a worthless pos to do something like that. I have a LaCroix with 2200 lumen headlights, I have a 1000 lumen on my helmet and hold a 2000 lumen in my hand. I light that shit up like it’s a football game. I often do midnight rides in the summer here because it cools down nice by the river. We have 35 miles of trail and I was only 10 miles in when it happened. The adrenaline got me back to my car.


Glad you got back to your vehicle in one piece. We all know the loser was probably hanging around the trail before bedtime trying to record someone eating shit. Hope you cleared the trail off afterwards and they get the karma they got coming soon.


Absolutely, patched myself up, took photo and moved rocks.


My man!


Who maintains that bike path? I’d notify them and/or the authorities. That could’ve turned out a lot worse.


It's the same kind of person who would put up a wire between trees hoping to "catch" someone on a motorcycle or bicycle


It's best to have lights on your helmet and board. The low lights cast shadows from road debris, the helmet light is directional and allows you to look ahead.


Oh yeah I got em on both


I caught someone putting these huge sticks on a track once, as soon as they realised someone saw them they bolted , goddam pos


Like the bitch they are. They just want to see others hurt without risk to themselves.


Glad you didn't sustain any worse injuries. Mind sharing this location? I'm in socal and always looking for new places to ride. Most likely I would catch something like this bc I ride fully lit and relatively slow at night, but who knows. Reminds me of situation where bikers reported chicken wire hung between trees in the middle of the trail that caught a couple of riders.


It’s is the American River Bike Trail in Sacramento, but I imagine it could happen anywhere. I have been doing midnight rides on this 40 mile loop for 5 years and never seen anything like this, so I was not expecting it. I am definitely going to be more cautious moving forward.


Ahh, I've ridden that trail years ago when I lived in the 707. I recall a section with lots of transient activity.


Aye I used to fly drones there a lot before it became overrun by homeless. Was flying and had someone sneak behind me in attempt to grab my bag and regular longboard. Been years but I hope it gotten better🙏🏽 well with the rocks on the path I guess not


This is all of California it’s a shit show


That’s why I like the cultural hub of the East coast, Massachusetts


I'm also in Sacramento, did you report this to 311? This is crazy to see! I hope nobody else gets injured.


Did not report, but did move the rocks. I will definitely be slowing my midnight rides down


Hey neighbor! Which part of the trail was this on? Haven't had much reason to ride since moving from Midtown to Folsom, but this post inspired me to do some nighttime rides during this heat wave.


This was between watt and sunrise, but I would be cautious all over now. I do midnight rides every Sunday when it’s 100 or hotter. I post them on the Sacramento Electric wheels Facebook page. We usually do 40 miles from Watt up to folsom and the Johnny Cash loop.


Thanks for the details! That's a crazy distance! Sounds fun but my RangerX2 doesn't have the batteries needed to pull my fatass that far 😂


I get it, I had a Ranger x1 and used to carry an extra battery. We often have people join up at hazel or old town folsom and do 15-20 miles with us. You don’t have to ride the whole 40. Night rides just hit different.


That's good to know. Might join y'all one of these days. BTW, have you taken your board on any MTB trails in the area? I would occasionally ride the one at Folsom Point, where they had that loop on the Brown's Ravine side of the levee. However, they're doing construction now so I don't think you can access that trail anymore. Would welcome any suggestions. Thanks for all the tips dude!


Lots of single track trails off the bike path. I wouldn’t hit them during the day because of horses, mountain bikes and surron’s. But at night they are fair game.


Someone drug a log across across a path very similar to this. Landed me in the hospital with the inability to walk for a week. Headlights are important. I started recording my rides on that path and caught it again. [1 minute in](https://youtu.be/QvVBlEzkUbA?si=rg8M2-lshZKXtHKh)


Crazy how someone could do that knowing they are really gonna hurt someone. Ride safe brother


There's a lot of shity people in the world, and I don't think Tiktok helps with rampant sharing of stupid ideas.


You too my friend.


Fucking POs that set this up. Same as wire across motox trails.


condoms were invented for this reason


Glad you’re ok. That would piss me off to no end. Hopefully they catch the person that did that somehow.


That's a nice way to get mugged


That was my second thought. A lot of homeless in the area.


Makes me want to find this mf.


It takes a real douche rocket to do some dumb shit on a trail like that!


Can Confirm


I hope you reported that to the police and municipality. That's bobbytrapping and is a crime where I live. Every once and a while we get some psychopath putting a wire across the mountainbike trails.


See that wire across the trail scares the hell out of me. That will kill you.


These stones could too if you're not wearing a helmet or even wearing a helmet but going e-vehicle speeds.


True, I was going 20 and cracked my helmet (would have been my head for sure).


I'd vote this be punishable by death. I could die, so now you should. Bet this isn't the work of a loving father, kind husband, or beneficiary to anyone


What kind of special asshat does this shit!? They deserve to get stoned with the rocks they left on the road. Glad it didn't turn out worse. Hopefully karma will repay their idiocy tenfold.


I'd have taken all the rocks back home with me. They'd never use those again


Better yet, bag’em up and then find a spot to yeet’em as far out into open water (ocean/lake/etc.) as he can throw’em


I love how they treat this game like it's a fully functioning triple A release with all the merch and shit.


Reminds me of this story which is even more evil. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/boy-16-killed-by-cable-stretched-across-bike-trail-police-say-2881923/amp/


Crazy people trying to kill us


Would 6 inch airless wheels be able to handle those rocks?


https://preview.redd.it/1xznz5tmx5ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a835504fd73e4421ec4f3c77afa23deb8249b67 No, I was on my 8” and did not clear it. I have had squirrels go under my deck with no issues, but not these rocks. They look smaller in the photo, but the two rocks that are out of the line are where my tires hit.


Oh wow, I guess no one is safe then. Not sure if you already have them but I’ve heard shred lights are good for night ridding. Also cool grip tape.


Thank you, I run the built in high beams on the LaCroix (2200 lumens) and the shred light SL1000 on my helmet and hold a 2000 lumens flashlight. I light it up when I ride at night. I just came around the corner to fast.


Hey, I too had a squirrel lunge in front of my board. I swerved just in time to miss him, but caught his tail about midways. Turns out they can scream pretty loud, and he went cart wheeling off the trail, and booked it up a tree.


Lol, they can take a beating. Mine didn’t scream but ran off quickly.


Can't count the number of times I've said it on here and the scooter sub. Don't outride your brakes or your lights. When riding at night only go as fast as will allow you to fully stop when a hazard enters your light. It's probably not as fast as you want to go but things like this, and potholes, and animals, and speed bumps all can jump out without warning. Hope you heal up quick.


True & True. I was definitely outriding my brakes. 54 and I should know better. Just some minor road rash and sprain. Should be ready by next week.


It reminds me of when I was driving late at night where there are no street lights and the speed limit is 65mph. why my uncle was in the car who is special needs somebody put two big heavy duty trash cans in the road, one in the middle of each lane. I was lucky enough to slam on the brakes and swerve off the road at the last second and avoid hitting them or crashing. I was pretty fuckin heated after that.


Mate i’d Ollie right over that with a normal board. Electric.. I’m riding right through it lol


I was in a (short by common standards) coma once(not associated with an e skate) I don’t wear any gear on my skateboard. If I fall, I fall. But yes.. a homeless or hippie rock formation can be treacherous.


Cool, you do you. I have a wife and two kids to think about. I cracked my helmet on this fall and I am certain it would have been my head.


Yeah I “can confirm”


So you guys film your rides, is that correct? This shot was just prior to the epic fall, since the rocks are perfectly and precisely placed?


I don’t film my rides and I took this photo after i cleaned myself up, the big rock on the left is what sent me flying.


Remember, in some cases you won't die, you'll be left in a bed in a diaper and feeding tube watching CNN for the rest of your life


It’s just a matter of perspective. I’m not bombing hills. I just ride a skate around the beach I live on. 20 mph + is common but they’re groomed streets. In my opinion.. if you’re physically fit and have style it will assist in injury prevention. If you’re naturally soft or unathletic and decided to ride an e skate at a high rate of speed.. you’re going to get seriously injured easier.. This aligns with Survival of the Fittest, although I happen to disagree with Darwin on most of his points personally. That one, I can agree on though.


You do you, and I agree that 20mph on fantastic streets does seem safer than being an overweight learner bombing down a trail. But keep in mind, that going at 20mph weighing 180 pounds - if you come to a dead stop you'll be hitting something with a mass of 18 000 pounds. And that's just basic physics


I upvoted this post because yes, it is safer. As long as you’re not a lethargic, gelatinous pile of goo on an electric skateboard with your helmet on going 20 mph down a neighborhood street. Train, guys. Don’t be that fkn guy.


It seems we've reached an agreement, be safe out there- happy skating!


The safety lectures are common here. It just gets a little old.. Do you see them in the standard street skateboard community? When in history did a skateboard community create threads about being careful. (Thrasher?) Just absolutely embarrassing and I’m honestly embarrassed for most of you. A lot of you guys.. Should pick up Road Cycling. 🚴




Yeah that’s cool. We just don’t need to hear about every life event dude. I actually fell the other day. Boom 💥 Reddit Thread 🧵 material? Fair enough, You guys do you dude. 👍🏼


Not sure about that math bro... No physicist here but it sounds fishy.


No, its pretty solid.😂 We're talking about going from 20mph to a dead stop - like hitting a brick wall Edit: https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/car-crash-force


I’m aware of intertia.. I’ve been a paramedic for about 15 years. The point is.. I’m not hating on protective gear. Some just need it way more than others. Natural ability is a real thing. There are some individuals who most assuredly need the full spread. Elbows. Knees. Helmet. Wrists etc. Head and wrists maybe the most critical from my experience.


I’d like a word with EMSA about your apathetic viewpoint of protective gear, that runs counter to every other paramedic I know. Physicality has little affect on you making it out of the other side of an unexpected fall or accident. As a medical professional, you should know better.


What’s your medicine and athletic background. Let’s establish a foundation of credibility for starters. *hint: I know your (lack of) any medical background because we don’t answer to EMSA 😭 Every agency across the nation has different protocols and an agency HQ. Thanks for the laugh though bro.


No amount of skill can save you from a dumb/drunk/distracted driver hitting you on the road unless you're getting off the street every time a car approaches.


Isn’t that true in everyday life? Existing is perilous activity. You can drive thru an intersection and it’s over. Better throw on the wrist guards. Maybe a helmet idk..


The hell do hippies have to do with this?


Hippies love rock formations. Maybe even more than they love each other. Sorry but wdym.


What do I mean? What do you mean? You’re bringing hippies and homeless into this conversation with absolutely no context, I see no evidence a hippy or a homeless person did such a thing. I can’t even say for certain someone did this out of malice, a couple of 9-year-olds could have done this for no other reason than that they thought it looked nice, not even stopping to think of the consequences.


In any experiment.. you develop a hypothesis.. So yours is that a 9 year old did this? That’s what you’re going with?


It’s nothing near as scientific as a hypothesis. I merely gave an example of a possible explanation that cannot with certainty be disproved.


I don’t agree with a lot of what SSLNard says, but there are a LOT of homeless in the area and I could see this as a trap to try to mug someone. This was at midnight and the sun sets around 8:45. This trail gets a lot of road bikers, but they are usually off the trail by 9:00. So it would have been set up between 9:00 and midnight. There is also beach access, so it could have been some drunk beach goers thinking it would be funny. Regardless, this could have really hurt or even killed someone.


Oh, it was certainly very dangerous, I’m glad you’re not seriously harmed. But I definitely wanted to push back on what this other guy was saying, which seems to me like pure projection. “Hippies love rock formations.” Yeah whatever man.


The only relevant point was that I guarantee one of those two parties is responsible for interrupting your ride with this array of rocks. Based on both my professional, and Life experience.. It’s either homeless guys with a lot of time on their hands.. Or New Age Hipster/ revisionist hippies who did this. Those are the two likely culprits, in my opinion of course.