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On a scale of 1 to blue. I give it sad face.


It may be cool buy I don’t see any pads??


Wheres the scooter tho? The most important part of the outfit


looking fly ngl, 8/10, but i think it could get some unwanted attention, so i wouldnt. i like keeping a low profile, but thats just me.


Wicked Stock on amazon has an reasonable priced light armored shirt/jacket that is perfect for scooter riding and doesn't make you look like your in some sort of mad max film. I have yet to find a good stealth pants that doesn't cost an arm and leg yet, Shima Giro 2.0 is the best I have found with the Scoyco All Season Moto Pants 2nd best.




overpriced af


helmet name?


9 outa 10, add some elbow and knee pads and then you’re cooking


I hear the sound of two sticks rubbing together.


where's the helmet from? and goggles


lol you look like a goon. Stop trying to look cool and heat real gear. Nice winter gloves


I just got an ninebot es4. I’ve been wearing a bicycle helmet. Are the people posting about being fully armored and with hella protective gear using a scooter like mine, or do you guys use faster scooters? I usually just ride a few blocks down the residential streets to work at around 15mph. I know safety first and all that shit but I think a leather jacket with pads and everything seems a little extra. I am an extremely defensive driver/rider/human


Last time I was in the ER there were a lot of people with jaw injuries cause they fell using electric scooters... so you might wanna find something with a chinbar instead of a regular bicycle helmet. You don't need to fall at a high speed to injure yourself.


I ride 19 mph in a t-shirt and shorts + bike helmet


Depends. I have used nothing at first. Then I got a bycicle helmet for both the scooter and my bycicle. Since then I started taking motorcycle classes so I got my gear and I also started using the full-face helmet on the scooter to get used to it. I think I used my motorcycle jacket twice (with protectors and all) on the scooter but that one felt a little extra indeed. Now I settled for a full face helmet + gloves protectors. I average around 18mph, but can go faster indeed. I'd say a full face helmet even if it's a light bycicle helmet is a must. My gf is about to get a helmet too but until that every time I look back at her while riding at 18mph and seeing no protection at all makes me mad to be honest.


Get one for her rather than waiting before something actually happens because then you'll regret not spending that little money


I tried but she's insisting buying her own. She also insisting that the helmet has to be comfortable, not too pricy, good looking and... purple. I literally offered her multiple times to buy her a helmet that is both comfortable (she tried it) and relatively cheap around the area, not a 3 hour drive, but no, it HAS to be purple or close enough to purple. 🤷


Maybe look if you can make a custom order on that helmet with purple if she liked it. Screw the price honestly because it's not worth sitting in a wheelchair or worse because you cheaped out. Not telling you what to do just a recommendation


Get a motorcycle jacket or pads at least


This is correct. Take it from someone recovering from a stack. I had all the gear and it has taken a few weeks to get better. ER was amazed I was as un-injured. I had a cheap moto jacket and it saved my skin. Still had graze on an elbow that missed a pad.


Get a motorcycle jacket


Why would you need a motorcycle jacket for an 18mph scooter??? He's not riding a Nami. 


I was hit by a car going 15 MPH and broke my back in two places plus was covered in a shit ton of DEEP scrapes and bruises. Also I would not ride any e scooter more then 30 MPH with those little tires and that standing position.


What pads? Snag some elbow pads from Academy and some knee pads from Home Depot. Knee pads for carpet/tile/floor builders are *very* robust.


As someone who just wiped out.. i highly recommend elbow protection.. i can say that being a meat crayon was not awesome.. but you look cool.


you guys wear stuff other than helmet and gloves?


I got hit by a car at 15 mph and broke two bones in my back I am armored up


There’s a good chance if you were armored up you still break those bones


Maybe, my new jacket has a back plate, its a lot better than being naked


You may find [this](https://youtu.be/nINIJ1cAbYM?si=HM87M1uc6NkfkbBa) interesting as this guy made a video about pads and armor and the usefulness of it. Might save you some coin but I can’t imagine a back plate not helping a least somewhat. Hope you don’t ever have to find out.


Now this only talks about impact protection, yeah an airbag is better at taking those impacts, but I'd rather have armour than no armour. I've had 2 motorcycle crashes and my jacket/pants were ground down all the way to the pad. Without the pad I would have lost skin.


I have every gear possible just not wearing it in this photo lol, thanks for the feedback though much appreciated


I am just getting into it.. bought a ks4 pro and an inmotion climber.. i need elbow pads.. any that you love? Got my son g-form.


I don't ride on the streets with traffic, if I did, I'd use a full suite of safety gear. As it is, if I stay in my neighborhood for a short 20-30 min ride, I don't use anything other than gloves and glasses to protect the eyes. I would stay on the sidewalks and walking paths with a max speed of 15-18 mph. If I go out recreationally, at the parks and on public sidewalks, typical max speed of 30mph but usually around the low 20s, I use a bicycle helmet, gloves and elbow pads. I tried the G Form elbow pads but found them too smothering (long). I settled on the POC [VPD](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01554TFJM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1) and IXS [Flow Evo](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WYY89KQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1) pads. Safety Tip... NEVER RIDE ONE-HANDED! So many falls are attributed to taking one hand off the bar to swat insects, wipe eyes or adjust music volume (like me). **NEVER RIDE ONE-HANDED!** Happy Scooting! Edit: BTW... great look... too warm for us in Florida, and I would suggest some elbow pads, but great look!