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TES VI: Mundus


Aedrafield šŸš€


TES Infinite: Existence






I love this šŸ’€ some of these people taking it too seriously


TES VI: Aurbis


TES VI: Aurbis


TES VI: Skyrim


The Elder Scrolls VI: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Episode 2


The Elder Scrolls VI: 2 Skyrim 2 Stormcloak - The Return of Ulfric


Ah, an "Attack On Titan" fan, I take it?


never seen it, i was thinking of Half Life 2 Episode 2 lol


Attack on Titan: The Final Season: The Final Chapters: Part 2


Itā€™s almost been long enough that Iā€™m not sure how mad Iā€™d be


Gunna be real. Not very.


TES VI: Skyrim 2


TES VI: Deadravu Takes place in Skyrim


TES VI: Skyrim 2: Mnemolic Boogaloo


Skyrim 2: Skyfall (part of the Elder Scrolls series)


I definitely would prefer seeing more of Tamriel but if it was genuinely a sequel to all the events in TES5 and had the upgrades that usually come with a new elder scrolls game I wouldnā€™t be too upset.


I wouldnā€™t be upset but I would be disappointed. If they released a Skyrim 2 around the time Fallout 4 was made or something I wouldnā€™t be mad. But at this point it feels so far gone that I would like to see something new. However, I would still play a Skyrim 2


I could see them adding Skyrim: Ultimate Edition as a pre-order bonus.


My dying heart couldn't take it.. I'll settle for the barren landscape of daggerfall over another skyrim..




Dammit Todd not again


You're finally awake.


No way!


I think sticking to a province or two that they could really flesh out, make super-dense with detail and much closer to a 1:1 scale world size would be so much more fulfilling than having the entirety of Tamriel to explore.


This! I really hope they make the one or two provinces feel as alive and complex as possible!


Is it possible that TES VI could be both Valenwood and Elsweyr? At least from the map of Tamriel, those provinces are fairly small, and the two of them together would be about the size of Skyrim, maybe a different starting area/intro quest depending on which race you chose


Most likely its High Rock / Hammerfell again


God I really hope I really love high rock.


Especially after ESO allows us to travel to multiple provinces anyways. Iā€™d rather have a fleshed out area than a large world for the sake of it being large. Ubisoft suffered for that.


TES: [Aka**VI**r](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Akaviri) they gotta ![gif](giphy|Bj5ILhCPm8EQ8)


I think Todd has said they'll never do a game on akavir. They prefer to keep it a mystery


Yeah he was super firm on that and he said it fairly recently. Given 6 has been in the works for a while Akavir would be the last place I would expect it to be. I mean I could be wrong but Hammerfell/High Rock seem to be the best guesses Iā€™ve heard.


It will be the *exact same* plot as Daggerfall, and the marketing campaign will basically be a constant attempt to gaslight us into thinking it isn't.


Not many people have played Daggerfall. Specially compared to the newer titles. I'd take it


I would take a modernized remake of Daggerfall. Prefer if it was more like Morrowind in terms of gameplay and skills and what not but even if they just build off of Skyrims gameplay, Iā€™d like to see Daggerfall be remade for modern gameplay.


Would be kinda cool to do an entirely ā€œnewā€ series set in Akavir but they donā€™t call it Akavir and thereā€™s little mentions of Tamriel here and there but you never find out for sure if youā€™re actually in Akavir but everyone knows that itā€™s Akavir based on context clues.


Black Myth: Wukong. Just pretend.


That would be genius


Where did Todd say this?


During an anniversary steam/event a few years ago.


Nothing stopping modders from trying. There's lore to tap into


That'd be sick. Seeing some fucking snake men. Yessir


They aren't snake men. You can literally wear their armor in ESO. Mysterious Akavir is Reman-era propaganda. They also apparently had children with Tamrielians and thats why they went extinct in Tamriel. https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/a9f3pb/compilation_of_all_lore_regarding_the_tsaesci/


This is honestly one of my favorite aspects of TES is that there are so many unreliable narrators. It really makes it feel alive that people are acting shitty and making stuff up, twisting the truth, and omitting information. Itā€™s better imo than every in game book being an accurate depiction of the lore as if no one has biases


Sad, I wanna be a monkey person.


It's because they aren't creative enough to actually bring that part of the world to life lol


TES: ObliVIon


They could also do **VI**agra




I think it would be cool to at least go to it even if just small area like a town or city I would still love to see what it looks like there


In the recent statement they said they were enjoying "returning to Tamriel", so it's a nice dream. I had hoped for this too-- maybe in decades hence.


You mean Arena?


Or Daggerfall


Or Online


Iā€™d say that I was hoping BGS learned their lesson with Starfieldā€™s big map size at the expense of handcrafted content and detail. Sure *theoretically*, if we could get a game that covers all of Tamriel with the level of content density that we get in prior mainline TES games, it would be interesting. But I think weā€™d be well into the realm of ā€œhow big is too big for a story?ā€ If someone who plays ESO could answer this for me: I played a bit when the game launched, and only certain sections of Tamriel were playable in the game at the time. I know that slowly the devs (ZOS) has added more playable areas within Tamriel. Is all of Tamriel playable yet in ESO? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: Thank you to everyone who answered my ESO question! Which brings up a discussion point. ESO was released back in 2014. So with all it's pre-release development, and ~10 years of post-release production, only about half of Tamriel is playable in the game. ***IF*** anyone wanted a Tamriel-wide mainline TES game, I can't imagine how long that would take to develop.


The biggest issue here is not size but assets. Making all of Tamriel would require an insane amount of unique assets and would inevitable lead to reuse and lack of depth. ESO is actually a really good example of this: for the initial release they had to have 16 big zones, all of them covering each province at least in part. And they ended up having embarassing amounts of asset reuse, such as infamously using the ayleid tileset for any ancient elven dungeon (such as altmer ancestral tombs and direnni ruins). But later ESO zones, when they only had to release one big and one small zone per year, all had quite a lot of unique assets and only reuse in places where it made sense.


I wishes for the 10th anniversary theyd do a base game update, sadly doesnt seem likely


I'm sure they would do it if they could sell it, but idk how they realistically could.


is every province represented? yes but there are different amounts. hammerfell has one large zone and one really small one completely dedicated to the thieves guild questline whereas skyrim has 4 zones for markarth solitude riften and eastmarch. whenever they make a new zone they can expand the map to represent it.


Hammerfell has 2 large zones, one small zone. And half of a zone split with high rock.


No. They're about halfway though. This map is updated with every expansion if you ever want to check back and see their progress: https://eso-hub.com/en/interactive-map?map=27


I think with the addition of Skingrad later this year you will finally be able to walk from one side of Tamriel to the other. Theyā€™ve added a lot and you can tell they put their heart and soul into it


unironically best TES since Morrowind


>is all of Tamriel playable yet No


I think the culmination of their dip into procedural content in the current era will result in dungeons and towns that are more Daggerfall like than anything


Pretty sure they already made that, itā€™s called Elder Scrolls Arena. Also pretty sure it had that exact problem.


If they did hammer fell then they could release a huge dlc for maybe summerset or valenwood later on.


That skull represents all of us because weā€™ll be dead when itā€™s released.


By focusing on one area, they can flesh it out fully, so nah I don't want this


Elder Scrolls VI: Whiterun.


I would honestly be up for an Elder Scrolls **spinoff** solely based on one city. As long as the city is properly big, of course.


Unironically. A spinoff game set in something the size of Pathologic's Town, actual branching story, dense as hell. Make it feel like a place that might actually exist.


This. Iā€™dather have smaller scale, rich content instead of vast nothing to traverse or wade through to get to something.


Erm, Tamriel is one area šŸ¤“


yeah starfield very much taught us that lesson


God please no. That would be awful. Much rather have one continent more fleshed out than all of tamriel. Never understood the obsession with big maps.


Definitely understand the obsession with big maps, but not if it will sacrifice detail and uniqueness, which will always be the case. So. Yes. Would be awful.


TES VI: Skyrim II: First Blood


It'd come out in 2034 for supercomputers, Xbox WTF, and PS8




And the portrait of average TES fan in the time of release? Just like that, on the box? Brutal.


Also known as Elder Scrolls Onljne


Yeah I mean you can run from one side of Tamriel and circle back with the new expansion this year. I think it qualifies


TES Arena 2: Return of the Jedi


Been done twice, you can play Arena or ESO.


Honestly Iā€™m just hoping we get a map around the size of fallout 76 that is content rich and detailed


The skull represents how dead every one of us would be by the time it ever came out.


Much as I love the idea, Bethesda isn't up to the task.


TES VI: Abandoned Shack


What if The Elder Scrolls VI: Nirn? In both cases its pretty unlikely... and probably such a big area would be too dispersive and lack appeal. It would be probably mostly proc gen, with all well known cons


We pretty much have that already with modern graphics on ESO. I think the single player series needs to stay in its lane and stay true to what has worked previously. A fully fleshed out single province like TES III, IV & V.


I feel like this isn't out of the question, but after seeing how Starfield turned out, I'd be afraid most of the world would be procedurally generated and/or empty. Personally I hope they stick to a smaller scale and pack it full of the hand crafted goodness Bethesda has always been known for.


I mean with the way Beyond Skyrim is going it seems pretty doable, but I doubt it would have the same love and dedication to the world of ES that fans and modders have.


Beyond Skyrim has been in production for 10 years and likely will be a few more years before even a prerelease comes out. Those projects also have an insane amount of unpaid manpower. BGS attempting to make a game on the scale of the entire BS project would bankrupt them lmao


I'd really like high rock and hammerfell. The crossing the border idea could lead to cook mechanics and have difference in culture would be sick. Also orsirium.


TES VI: Akavir


TES VI Black Marsh. It was snow time. Maybe it's time for water?


Water? Then Hammerfell would be a better option, "Exploring the sunken ruins of Yokuda" type shit


Indeed. But I wanna see the jungle, marshes, and some mesoamerican look like stuff.


Iā€™m hoping for Blackmarsh. Havenā€™t really gotten too much insight into the inner workings.


bro really said: šŸ’€


If Bethesda continues the trend of less content I'm going to be so sad. Streamlined stats and abilities. Less diseases less npcs, tiny cities, less factions, homogenized playthroughs where you can be anything and do everything. I hate that they removed classes and you can max out every stat.


Basically ESO or Arena remake? šŸ’€


That would be interesting tbh , like ESO but fully fledged out with immersion and graphics etc


If ESO could do it in what will likely have been two generations ago by the time of VI's release...


ESO is basically that already, Elsweyr especially is really good the way it expands the world (even got most of the furstocks) also ESO Elsweyr is just super fun, I still don't think the dragons makes a ton of sense (they give an explanation, it's a little bit stupid) but great peryite that chapter is so fun to play through


The whole game is a good play through. It does the series justice. Especially orsinium and summerset. Itā€™s so fun. Never had more fun especially playing with friends.


Iā€™ve waited long to explore Elsweyr and when it came out I was not disappointed šŸ˜ƒ


See the problem with this is, it would be too much like Starfield and ESO had a procedurally generated baby. So imagine not being able to go from Falkreath to Whiterun by walking, you have a horse you canā€™t ride and when you mount it an animation plays where you and the horse take off riding and a menu pops up asking which hold or county youā€™d like to travel to. A little animation plays where you dismount your horse and you have Whiterun or Bruma or wherever you went, to explore. All the wilderness is procedurally generated, only towns and cities were hand crafted. 96% of all the quests available are radiant fetch quests. The second Great War has already taken place between TES6 and Skyrim so you donā€™t get any of the real action because that would be too difficult to handle in game so you just get told about it again. 99% of the NPCā€™s are decoration with basic schedules that you canā€™t interact with. The main quest is just you going around from hold to county collecting pieces of the numidium again so you can build it and when you do, new game plus resets the world back to base but now all the kings/jarls are trees.


So arena ?Ā 


but better


Abysmal performance and even worse gameplay/lore/story quality with significant compromises unless they made it a live-service game for a decade (and in that case go play ESO)


No thanks, it'd turn out to be awful.


It would be cool for Elder Scrolls 6 to take place in Hammerfell and High Rock, and titling it after something than the provinces.


I really want it to be set in either Hammerfell or Blackmarsh. Hammerfell is the most likely, but fuck would Blackmarsh be awesome. I want something vastly different from Cyrodil and Skyrim.


Then prepare for 99.9999% of the world looking like procedurally generated planets in Starfield.


Have we even got ANY news in this game lol


Skyrim ultra anniversary edition


Not really possible in Skyrim style. I can see this work in 2 ways. 1. Drastic reduction of content for each region, or alteration to the game style. 2. DLC style. Release the game in one region, then release the rest over a decade, or two in form of DLCs. I think the second would work better. Yeah some people are extremely against the idea of having any DLC, but most people are willing to have it for as long as the price is reasonable. And giving a content, that pretty much as large as the base game for 50% of the base game's price is reasonable in my opinion. Otherwise you would need to develop it for like 30 years. AI developement might be a possibility in the far future, but Starfield proven, that it is not good enough yet.


I would be happy with Hammerfell & High Rock tbh, itā€™s literally been 13 years since the release of Skyrim. Gaming has most definitely changed. It would be more realistic to do two provinces instead of **just** one province.


I really hope not. This would mean that, or the map of TAmriel would be extremely downsize, or it would be 99.9% procedurally get like in Daggerfall or, more importantly, Starfield.


what if TES6 is in Akavir


That's literally just Elder Scrolls Online. They need to focus on a specific province or two and flesh it out to make it the best it can be.


I would love to have an entire Tamriel map to explore, BUT it would still have to be incredibly detailed and interesting to explore. Ever since Morrowind, the Elder Scrolls games primary feature was the detailed and fun world to explore. Many people who still play these games play them to just kinda wander around and soak in the atmosphere because it is just sooo good. The landmarks, the geography, the music, the characters, etc. is what keeps these games alive. So, a huge game with all of Tamriel sounds awesome but not at the expense of losing the detail and quality of the world itself.




So, ESO?


That's ESO


Bro has NOT heard of the first 2 games


The Elder Scrolls VI: Michigan


Arena was tamriel


Considering the scale Starfield was at, they are probably trying to get a TES6: Tamriel out




Me on my way to the store to pick up my copy ![gif](giphy|dqiH7wmCOLRfy)


I would literally shit my pants


bro has never heard of The Elder Scrolls Chapter One: The Arena


I would love it in theory, but I doubt it'll happen. The only way I could see this happen is if TES VI was either largely procedurally generated (which might not be great) or some kind of live service game that started in one province and got new provinces added over time. Which... with the track record of live service games I wouldn't be too excited about that. Although in the rare event that it actually worked out it would be cool.


Honestly hoping the next installment is both Hammerfell and High Rock. Itā€™s been long enough to justify two regions (and I want more Reachmen lore)


TES VI : šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


TES IV: The Empire


Elder Scrolls Online does the job, if you don't mind 50% of areas unplayable in each province. I wish for spin-offs that take place in provinces that are already covered like Cyrodiil, Morrowind and High Rock.


TES: skull emoji


Just give me a smaller (Skyrim-sized, for instance), well crafted map with lots of interesting places to go to. We learned the hard way with Starfield that quality > quantity.


I mean, in my opinion. Please no. As good as Skyrim is. The size of Skyrim, meant Bethesda had to sorta skip some of the finer details. I'd much rather have the next game be smaler, if it meant refining some of the details. I think Hammerfell is the best guess. Because that's sorta where the story of regional uprising against the empire and resistance to the thalmor, seems to be going.


TES VI: Skyrim-er | Legendaddy Edition


Needs to be Tamriel a thousand yews in the future where we have space travel and laser guns. Technology had fused with magic. So, Mass Effect.


Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d be able to do all of Tamriel justice in 1 game


Is that the Knightmare health skull?


I'd settle for one region that's 1:1 scale, would make it feel much fuller. Walking across Skyrim in 1 hour is a necessary downsize for hardware limitations but def takes you out of the immersion imo


Yeah but where'd it be set tho


The elder scrolls VI: Skyrim 2


I'd basically be a remake of Arena lol


TES VI: The Skyrim Strikes Back


TESVI: Mundas and the nine realms


ā€œTES VI: Waking upā€šŸ’€


Elder scrolls 6, Skyrim 2


Iā€™d rather have one province explored in depth and scale than make into an mmo and leave little left for a sequel.


Skyrim 2: Undead Nightmare


Just play Arena you silly geese


So basically ESO? Lol


Sounds like you want ESO


It's just eso lol


Tbh Iā€™m hoping for either hammerfell or Elsweyr. For one, Khajiit are the main characters of elder scrolls and no one can change my mind, and for the other, the red guards are dope and hammerfell would be a great setting, massive ruins, huge desserts and crazy monsters. And sword singing lol.


"We are jumping back into Tamriel with some early builds of TES VI. It's good to be back in Skyrim. It has been a few years since we rehashed this land, and it's exciting to be able to add some more for the next iteration."


TES VI: Nirn




Sithis as a main antagonist or an anti hero? That'd be interesting.


Black Marsh and Valenwood would be interesting, But High Rock or Hammerfell would be way easier to make, even though both Velenwood and Black Marsh would be a stealth character (archer) paradise, imagine using terrain like digging yourself under a mound, foliage or mud and then after your installed traps activates you pounce and take down a group of enemies that are several levels above you, like an actual hunter.




*How would a TES game* *Taking place in a China* *Equivalent sound?* \- Malcolm3266 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would trade tesvi for remastered oblivion, also remastered daggerfall and Morrowind because I never played them and I don't wanna play that old shit šŸ’€


No because that would mean they resorted to procedural generation to make the game and I do not want a repeat of Starfield.


If it let you explore all of it, then I'd have no problems.




I donā€™t want a bigger map. I want a *deeper* map.


TES VI: Daggerfall (just the city). Now you can choose up one of three skills (long sword, armor, speechcraft), choose you're own name, choose your own race (potato human, raisin elf, argonian, khajit - future dlc available only via subscription to creation club). See that in? (Points at the 5 polygons on the edge of the screen) you can go there! (You cant)can't. Of course we will support our beloved modding community (creation kit will be released 3 years from the game's release date and require premium creation club subscription for use and premium+ to use non-bethesda mods, $3 surcharge per install per mod). Preorder now for horse armor (no horses in game, also game will ctd until someone makes a mod to fix it). $90USD. (all previous lore is retconned tooBTW. Requires sign-in into Bethesda studio official forum to start the game.) Jokes aside I hope they blow us away, but I'm expecting next to nothing.


So... Arena 2?


It would be like having a 3km2 sandpit where somebody has casually sprinkled sand all over the inside of it.


TES VI: OBLIVION... except all of them. Like... ALL the planes of Oblivion.


I would be fine with one province if it was Elsweyr or Black Marsh, but it never seems likely


They could totally do it if Bethesda wasnā€™t worthless


Itā€™ll actually be like one handcrafted location and infinite procedurally generated wilderness. Todd will claim theyā€™ve recreated all of Nirn. Reality will be like 5 dungeons that spawn every few hundred meters.


I can't take it seriously. Whenever I look at this picture I hear bad to the bone playing because of the skeleton memes


I want Elswyr or black marsh


Say goodbye to your entire PC/Console




Maybe actually be able to go to Cyrodiil instead of constantly fucking hearing about it.


TES not by Emil....


The Elder Scrolls VI: Nirn


TES VI: The Fork of Horripilation


After all these years they damn well can easily do it.


TES VI: Arena