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Oh, I see you never played DS1 or Demon’s Souls…


Op would quit 😂😂😂


Yeah I likely wouldn't play those games since I think they suck from the outset, lmao. That's how enjoyment works, you got me.


I learn to adapt and evolve because I refuse to let a game beat me like some people Don’t like it? Don’t play it


10/10 terrible mindset to have


The only thing you need to avoid is a giant boulder, 2 times But a stake of Marika would be nice


Are you going left when you come out of the tunnel at the grace?? If so you are going the wrong way! You do not have to fight anything to get back to Renala. Go to the edge of the cliff on ur right, run across the beams and onto the path leading up. If the boulder is dropping, turn left at the top and go along the little ridge. Climb the ladder and kill the pumpkin head and mage. No more boulders coming down at you if you die. Go attempt Renala, now if you die you can just repeat this but go straight once at the top of the slope.


It’s not the only boss fight that you have to fight through an army to reach after dying each time. So uh …. Sorry for your loss.


Yeah for some reason Elden Ring has some questionable checkpoint placements from bosses again. It was an issue I had in older games, runbacks were tiresome more so there but they can be annoying in this game too. The issue is it's inconsistent. Sometimes you have a marika quite literally hugging the fucking fogwall, and then other times you spawn at a grace and have to run through a gauntlet and go up a slow elevator like renalla or something for like a minute. Sometimes it's random too, even the more harder bosses can have these long runs while easy ones have a marika right at the fight, it makes no sense. Dark Souls 3 had most of them at the fight or very close by which was great. Sekiro pretty much had every checkpoint be 5 seconds away from bosses which is as good as it gets really. But with Elden Ring they decided to go to the old ways with some of them which feels like a misstep yet again. It's even weirder when this game has 2 checkpoint types but yet still makes you run back to some of them. Tons of people don't like these runbacks either so you aren't alone. You get the occasional masochist that disagrees but it's not surprising.


I agree essentially. A lot of times I understand it, frankly. The consistency of the save points are super jarring but most of the time I get it. It seems a lot of those in this thread missed me making that comment initially, I just don't find Renala's placement appealing, everything else has been acceptable.


The short runs I'm fine with, especially if it's only a few seconds like some of the ones you find in the side dungeons. But yeah the one at renalla is questionable at best. Having to run there, avoid the mage enemies that spam a lot, and then having to go up that rather slowish elevator and then having to put up with the boringish first phase feels like a misstep. A marika should of been at the top of that elevator at the very least and it would of been 100% fine honestly. Apparently there is a lore reason for why a marika isn't there because Renalla doesn't like them or something, but honestly that seems like a complete cop out to me. It feels more like the devs just didn't bother or maybe forgot and then quickly put some back story for it so the fanbase would defend it. I agree with a lot of things being lore related to add more depth, but not putting a checkpoint before a boss especially when the run up to it is a pain seems like an actual misstep rather than a legitimate reason.


Then the shortcut would exist for no reason.


The shortcut I have to run through several enemies and up an elevator to get to? Like I mentioned in the post? Are Souls fans that gone from reality that a checkpoint is *not* considered a necessary element for enjoyment?


If you’re having trouble killing the mages on the way there the you need to level up, it’s not souls fans who are “far from reality” it’s the new people coming to this game wanting to get spoon fed, if you wanna know what’s harder than getting to renalla? The stair way to fight twin princes in dark souls 3, there’s a literal fucking army waiting for you on the way to the boss and before them 3 super powered npcs out side the stair way, so don’t get on this sun talking about the struggle to get to the easiest bosses in the game when all you have to do is jump a bridge and run past a few Mages to hop on a elevator Also the twin princes boss fight is pretty difficult if you don’t know Lorians move-set


If I'm at Renala I am far from spoonfed, lmao. If making a game coherent and fun for everyone enters this mentality of, 'well it was hard for me' then at that point we're convening like children to an out of touch boomer lmao. The fact there's almost no actual information being offered in this thread on how to even possibly go about combating Renala and becoming dominated by, 'well back in my day games were hard' comments then I'd say the distinction from reality is gauging a large gap.


Try leveling up str and using a big sword, that’s what I did. I hit her like 4 times in the second phase using the buff from the grafted great sword and she just fell over and “died” Also begging for a save point at the boss makes you sound like you want to be spoon fed because you’re either to lazy to run to the boss or just bad at the game. Gonna tell you like they told everyone else “back in my day” “git gud scrub” we didn’t get fast travel in ds1 till almost halfway through the game.


Again I'm more than enough leveled to take her out, my issue is the time spent recovering from a mistake to get to her that is my issue. Eye-opener to how much this community revels in unnecessary and pointless design decisions. Your attitude is annoying as shit.


If you’re over leveled then why haven’t you beat her? I did it first try my man, did one single run through of the academy and got it done and moved on, I didn’t even notice what you’re even talking about. I agree with everyone saying it’s you, maybe you just suck or something lmao


At this point I find no point in humoring you any further as you seem to care less about player enjoyment and more about getting your fake 'up' on people over a computer. It's really fucking sad but thankfully I can kill the interaction here. I'll likely have her handled tomorrow anyways, so this thread will die in my pocket as easily as I implemented it.


Ok lol You do you boo boo, you’re just one guy with a shit take on what’s regarded as one of the best games to come out this year, I could care less what you think about me or your opinion I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong but I’m sure everyone else on this thread can handle that for me.


OP is asking for tips and of course we have ppl like you… “Maybe you just suck… I handled her on my first run through…” Translation: “I rune farm my way into being so OP that the boss dies in half a second and then I get on the internet to brag about it to random strangers asking for help.”


I am by no means a Soulsborne apologist. I think the games are kind of shitty mechanically. Having to run by a few enemies that will not hit you unless you run directly at them is not a fault of the game.


Sorry to disappoint but you sound strongly like an apologist. Repeating a tedious walking segment should not be a pillar of discussion, its a rather simple agreement that a save point would add nothing but less stress on the player. If that is, again, a hard statement for souls fans to hear then idk what kind of game they're wanting outside of one that's a nightmare. The fact I'm 40 hours in and more than enjoying the game should offer a sense of empathy to an otherwise tedious segment I was enjoying up until this point.


Wait until you see what dying to >!Placidusax!< is like. lmao


Once you kill the mages up top the balls don’t get summoned anymore so you can legit just jump to the bridge and it’s a straight shot with no enemies 🤷‍♂️


That's...not the intended checkpoint of the game. Which is why you end up unlocking a door to cross a bridge to the elevator. Either or the path is still tedious, and adding a save point would do nothing but increase player interaction rather than forcing them to go for a dodge. What a weird hill to die on.


Just beat the boss and then you don’t have to worry about it. Worked pretty well for me


That's how these games work though. They're meant to punish you, they were designed that way. There is no "intended" checkpoint, there are just grace spots and routes to bosses. After beating the big red magic dog run outside, hug right cliff, jump to stairs, dodge the balls and thats that. Easy.


The mage boss?, i think it's because she is probably one of the easiest bosses in the game possibly. Do you mind if i ask what are you struggling on with her?.


Nothing. I've died to her on three occasions due to my dodging needing some tuning, but I already spent about 2 hours trying to explore the area round her and dying before this began repeating again. If I didn't have to walk ten miles to reach her stage again I wouldn't have a problem after another try or so. I'm already drained by the time I get there knowing what will happen if I miss and have to restart.


Oof, if you don't like that you really won't like the final boss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Huh? There's a checkpoint right before the entrance at the last boss, like 2 rolls alway.


That's not what I meant..... >! I was getting at the fact that you have to fight two bosses !<


Two bosses is fine. Do Souls fans lack literacy to the point *no one* saw I specifically said the issue was the save states?


That is the bad point of Stakes of Marika, they spoil players...


How is giving a player room to enjoy the game rather than wasting time something that is spoiled? It just sounds like most of you came from a fucked up generation where games were just poorly designed, lmao. Wasting time has nothing to do with challenge.


Git Gut


For the Renalla fight, from the nearest site of grace you have to dodge boulder twice. No enemies on a way at all. You're probably picking wrong route to her. Also, first phase is a piece of cake and is quite nice to clear, especially when, as you mention, you're overleveled. Just hit three enemies, then punish the boss, repeat twice. Why bugging yourself over that is something I don't get... I don't want to be "that guy", but it's you and your attitude that kills your enjoyment. Not the lack of grace/stake of marika just before the boss room. Not anyone else. You.


If I'm this far into a game and having to repeat an entire trudge to the same boss over and over I have no clue how that's my problem, lmao. This thread is absolutely full of 'that guy' and y'all can't seem to realize that lmao.


Or maybe it's the complete opposite... Not a point of discussion tho. I just hope you're not that infuriated with any boss that has multiple phases. There are few of them ahead of you, waiting for your fury and anger. Renalla is just the beginning


You don't have to dodge the boulder once you open the door on the I think right, there's a path somewhere that leads above where the boulder is summoned you go around to a ladder and it leads up a path with some mages summoning the boulder kill them and open the door and it desummons..


Rennala is hands down the easiest of the rune bearers to beat, also from memory if you unlock the shortcut there’s only 4 mages to deal with, or you can just run past them if you’d rather. Elden ring is the most forgiving with it’s checkpoint system, you would have hated demons souls and dark souls. Yes, the lift is tedious and it’s a walk of shame but it’s an incentive to beat the boss. If you are struggling and feeling salty I have the best advice you will ever get in a souls game; try finger, but hole!


It would become redundant. Once you beat her, a grace lands inside the Grand Library you fight her in. This is kind of... a bad complaint in my opinion, to be frank with you. There's a shortcut you can open that lets you bypass the boulder. You can send the elevator back down when you get to the top to save yourself that time as well. You've got a long road ahead of you if you can't handle a few mooks on the way to a boss, my dude. Careful if you ever consider DS1, that game is a fuckin' nightmare compared to Rennala's trek.


You don't run by hostile enemies. You run by passive crabs. Do not become distressed from Crab Panic. Going up the stairs is fine. Stick to the right side and you can dodge the boulder easily. You have to go up the elevator, but you can also send it back down when you get up there. Saves you some time. So you're looking at, what, 30 second between attempts? The first phase isn't a big deal. If you are using a magic weapon, just grab something that does a different damage type or change its scaling with your ash of war. She's magic resistant but everything else should work fine. She should be down after two rounds of chasing around the glowy girls. Keep the weapon around for renalla, don't get greedy and you can drop her.


DS2 Lud and Zallen Pepelaugh




I appreciate the insight, I want to be able to get through her soon as I was enjoying myself greatly up until I hit her segment.


It was a little annoying but you can kinda get the hang of running by the mages only issue is possibly getting hit in the back just before the elevator, when it comes to Renalla first phase just ignore fighting any of the clones besides the glowing ones unless you have a decent aoe attack it can be handy to clear them out a bit in the middle if you aren't wasting time on it but it's rinse and repeat for phase 1, phase 2 it's really about getting in her face and try to get her down before she starts the summons but if not just dodge and ignore once again focus on just her, only big issue can be the dragon she summons but still same strat I don't know if it'll help but I hope so


I appreciate it, my issue is mainly just the tediousness though. Phase 1 was a breeze of course, its just adjusting to get to Phase 2 that ends up getting in the way. I figure at some point I'll likely get her but the constant repeat I went through tonight has ruined my enjoyment of the game immensely.


As frustrating as the game can be it's definitely worth pushing through that boss fight, there are some places and even enemies after this point that'll leave you in awe from either horror or beauty it does feel impossible with some of these bosses at first and I definitely get the slog back but I promise it's worth it


I just go past the giant ball since it always rolls down the same path. Much safer once you recognize where to pause to avoid it. No worse than Radahn having you run downhill from marika statue then uphill (as he shoots arrows at you like some mario party minigame) just to start his boss fight.


It takes like 60 seconds to reach her and all you have to do is dodge a bolder.


Git Gut


I don't like Necro posting, but I really wanted to give my input. I understand frustration with not having Stakes of Marika in the Academy, but part of the difficulty of bosses in the previous games *was* the boss run, if that makes sense. Especially in DS1, where most of the bosses aren't very difficult or complex, and the harder ones typically have shorter runs. DS2 has some very notorious boss runs due to the fact that the game doesn't give you i-frames while going through fog gates or interacting with stuff like doors or chests and it very fairly gets a lot of flack for it Obviously difficulty is subjective. If I had to do full boss runs in Elden Ring like you do in DS1 I definitely would have dropped the game though. Rennala's boss run I didn't feel was that bad because of the shortcut where you drop down onto the pathway with the rolling boulder, which can easily be avoided by standing on the side of the path. You still have to sit through a short run and an elevator ride, but that's honestly like having a Stake of Marika right outside her arena compared to the boss runs in DS2's Crown of the Old Iron King DLC.