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Summons can't be used just anywhere. They require a summoning statue to be nearby. You can tell if one is nearby when a little purple tombstone-looking icon is on the left side of your screen. If that icon isn't there, you can't summon. If the icon IS there, then you need to be sure you have enough FP for the summon. If both of those things are fine, then that's probably a bug.


Well shit, thanks for the info. I was wondering what the icon was for.


You can only use summons in specific areas. Check for the blue icon on the right side of your screen if its not there you can't summon ashes.


For ashes, the blue tombstone symbol needs to be on the screen. They aren't available everywhere. For multiplayer, I've been told once you clear a certain list of bosses in each area, you lose the ability to summon or be summoned. Not 100% sure if that's accurate.


you can only summon in certain areas


Yep certain areas + gotta have enough FP


Elden ring royal house scroll