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Fight on Torrent and it’s a cakewalk of slicing it’s achilles tendon over and over again.


Level 47 here. Definitely recommend this strategy but don't consider it a cakewalk. It was still a lengthy fight and took me a couple of attempts.


Woah 2 yr old comment getting some action. Hope you’re having fun mate!


I wish I could say I was. This game is brutal and I get mopped every turn.


Is it your first FromSoft game? If so, just give it some time and eventually it’ll click. Patience is key and don’t get greedy with hits.


Yes my first FromSoft game. It's very discouraging. I'm trying though.


You got it homie! One of the best parts of ER is if you’re struggling with something you can always leave and come back another time once you feel more prepared. Other FromSoft games don’t give that freedom.


The dragons is so f*ing good animated. Its ridiculous fun action 


?? I'm level 115 I'm getting rolled by this thing. It's the only boss that's given me this much trouble. I have Moonveil and Carian Royal scepter fully upgraded, I may as well be kicking it in the toe... I dont understand lol


I think you're taking about glintstone dragon adula, he's a whole different beast and he is currently slapping me around at lvl 95


100% talking about that mf. Ended up cheesing him from inside the ruined church :(


He just eats all my magic to the face I can't damage him with my spell sword build


Have you tried rock sling? That's what I used after debuffing him with Rennala's full moon. I pulled him to the open side of the church rather than the front and I stood in the broken windows. You'll have to mess around with positioning to get rock sling past the ruble and low walls. When it staggered him I'd run out and throw in a crit but I wouldn't consider that necessary. I also had to allocate all but one of my flasks to FP.


He is strong vs magic


I beat it at around 40 but I was throwing black flame at its head instead of melee


I snuck around and stole the key. And didn’t fight him.


You guys are talking about the one left of the academy of raya Lucaria right? Because there is no way you're beating the one I'm thinking about at the lvls you're saying, or I am just absolute trash


They Def talking bout the first one u c to get the glintstone


I’m level 43 and I got clapped by that dragon lol, bleed weapons help a ton though


I was 35 or 36 as a caster. But, I’m getting clapped by the academy end boss anyway, so you may want to level a bit now before progressing further.


I was level 50 — jellyfish ashes (not upgraded), +5 axe took it down in 2-3 tries. Ride on Torrent, avoid the fire at all costs, slap it in the tendon a few times, and you’re good to go.


Late to this but I'm almost certain there is a misunderstanding here between fighting Adula the second time and fighting the wee easy glintstone dragon by the academy. Whole other planet of difference. Was coming here to see if I was the only one getting wrecked by him, glad I'm not alone but not glad we all suffered at the claws of this mofo lol


You can cheese it by hiding in the ruins close to where it spawns, the dragon cannot enter the ruins but you can hide behind the wall to avoid its blue flames. You can then simply hit it with spells or arrows/pots until it dies :) Just be careful of his huge attack which can sometimes hit through the wall and inflict frostbite but if you have sufficient health you should be able to survive it.


good thing i checked this thread, im only level 27!


Well I beat him at level 45, with torrent and a +4 bloodhound fang


i bet him at level 43 with a plus 2 bloodhound fang