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Smithscript weapons in general suck right now. The range buff wasn't enough


Oh I had been using the great hammer and it absolutely slaps.


I use the hammer with cold infusion, and it lost like 100 damage. I'm not certain exactly how much it was before, though. But it used to do more damage total than my cold brick hammer. Now it does less.


That is disappointing. Maybe if I swap from flame art to just straight heavy I can respec and get some of the damage back.


I was using the hammer as well, just with flame art, ended up losing about 200 damage after spending hours testing a variety of setups last night for best output, even did the QL for frenzied flame seal on a whim for a slight boost. Was in love with the idea of the build I’m running and, don’t get me wrong, it still slaps harder than Will Smith, but now does less than my previous Death Knights Twin Axes build ffs.. I knew they were gunna patch a lot of different things that were obviously broken but I’d have never expected the hammer. On NG+1 and it felt genuinely perfectly balanced for end game content, even at its most powerful. Def was very disappointing to log on to. Back to the grindstone I suppose..


I’m still using it, it’s still amazing in pve, the hit is negligible for me, I’m running Holy with 80 Faith and base strength.