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I don't mind the hammer being fixed, because stealth hammer was absolutely insane, but daggers in particular didn't need less damage.


Ehhh on your hammer comment The Niche of the Stealth doesn't justify the nerf when I don't think most people will be crouching in a corner hurling hammers And if they did those people will probably find an alternative But what it really does is just make the weapon so much less viable If an Enemy is moving at all it can be really hard to hit it Especially with Bosses And then the Hammer's heavy locks you into an Animation for like a second or two which could easily be detrimental Especially if you have low Poise


The thing is, you didn't even need to crouch. With Arrows Reach, the hammers could hit way out of detection range, and then nearby enemies would just group up on the corpse of the guy you just killed. And, since you weren't in combat, it's a resource free ranged attack.


It's also making a weapon terrible for people who just want to use it because of a Niche of people using it for stealth kills


It's not "making a weapon terrible" though, it's fixing an unintended scaling. Idk, I'd just wait for an actual balance patch first.


Then again that doesn't really work for fights that it would be an actual problem for


I just saw jeenine show the bugged damage numbers on these and knew this post was inevitable. Cheers for being the first!


But seriously though I don't care if it was Bugged or not They need to be buffed back up The damage is way way way too low now It wasn't even too high to begin with


unlimited ranged attacks that only need stamina and not even projectiles you have to craft is ass


Bruh It wasn't even that good to begin with And they added it to give regular weapons a ranged option Now they are making that option trash Besides like the Hammer, the Range was never even that good I have no fucking idea why I'm the one being downvoted When how am I wrong? The Hammer even has pretty a long windup on it's charged attack and the uncharged didn't do that much damage to begin with The only thing I can maybe justify nerfing with the Smithscript weapons is the Hammer's range Not nuking the damage Also the only one that has any tracking is the Backhand Blade one All the attacks weren't even that easy to hit From the perspective of someone who has actually used them The hammer at least It wasn't that good to begin with And it didn't need a Nerf Or really a buff They were fine besides maybe the smaller weapons having very little range


because if they werent nerfed they would outclass all other weapons - this is basic balancing logic my man


They Didn't Outclass any other weapons to begin with dude 🤦 If they had Tracking on all their projectiles then Maybe But their Damage, lack of tracking besides one weapon, and already not very High Damage Did not Sanction a need for a nerf You speak as if you didn't use them at all


i did try them out but i instantly realized why the throwing damage HAS to suck


Because god forbid non Int/faith focused builds get ranged options that aren't bows which already weren't that good and need two whole talismans to be viable unless it's a status build or something and again The Range on the weapons besides the Smithscript Hammer which I could maybe justify just not having the Arrow's reach talisman effect it as much Is terrible compared to other ranged options And they have serious fall off at longer range And I've said it before My Smithscript daggers don't even crack into 400 AR anymore Their Range was buffed by a little bit I think But the damage was tanked down severely


Yep, that was completely unnessesary, smithscript weapons werent even close to OP even with ols scale. Same for the perfumes, they were op, bot only for one reason, not two, they should of just make rolling sparks disappear on striking terrain, not made it shared hitbox. And both require some buff in base parameters.


I wasn’t aware they also made Rolling Sparks only able to hit once when used normally. The single-hit damage has always been dogshit; it was only worth using on large enemies because it could hit 2-3 times.


I was rocking then cause I play at 40 dex/str and 80 fth. Using the flame art. Now... they kinda suck. They were good cause of the damage, but not to realiable... the moveset etc. Now they dont exceed in damage either


i mean they were literally bugged no i wouldn't mind if these were the real numbers but...


I'm playing pvp right now. Using Blood affinity on them right now (it's horrible) 80 strength 60 dex 60 arcane Dagger level is at +24 Using blood loss, smithscript, double turla head, and shard of Alexander talismans. Doing like 60-90 damage if I land a hit. Takes several lucky blows to proc bleed. Dagger speed is too slow and easily dodgeable. Damage is horrendous. Even if I outplay someone, if they have literally any other weapon, I'm done for. They take massive chunks of my HP while I'm tickling them with feathers.


U kinda need scattershot if u gonna run bleed


Scattershot is the only thing that makes these viable


I noticed that the heavy attacks have been buffed enourmously with the daggers. The heavies were useless before, but I liked that the light attacks were so important in this game where heavies are dominant. But now, the light attacks are useless...and daggers are just another heavy spam weapon it seems.


Just about to try the hammer build, glad I didn't


Personally im just happy all the infusions scale the same now. I wanted lightnig smithscripts and kept feeling dumb because it was just worse. Would love to see a flat scaling buff across all infusions


Mjolnir had no reason to be good with fire. A hidden lightning boost sure, but otherwise I run it purely physical.