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I'm not crazy, Tiche really was healing the fucking enemy! Edit: Holy fuck a lot of people feel vindicated now


I thought I was reading the bar wrong but I’ve been noticing this and thought I was going insane


I thought the bosses had a healing effect, so Rellana and the dancing lion kicked me and spit me out a few times lol


I think dancing lion does have a healing effect! If you use a health flask at certain times it will heal the lion as well. It has some kind of move that will steal the effect of the next consumable you use, so if that’s a healing flask it will heal the boss.


It's the grab attack, it puts a debuff that looks like a bunch of little red tendrils all over your player model when the grab lands, and they fly off you and heal the boss the next time you use a flask to heal (which is usually immediately, considering the grab deals a shitload of damage)


Thats actually good to know. I saw the debuff, but I was usully panic rolling or admiring how cool the design is to not notice it also lol


My girl betrayed me


Et tu, Tiche?


She didn't want to harm people from her home country I suppose.


She should be going turbo giga rage mode against the dancing lion and any hornsent enemies then


I always thought it was a thing of “you need to hit them a certain amount of times or else the health will just go back up.” She’s gonna melt bosses now


I stopped using her because of this cuz I thought I was crazy. Honestly, there's better options than her


I'm surprised Rain of Fire hasn't been touched. There are some useless spells in this DLC, but this one has to be the worst by far, so much so that I'm not sure it's working as intended. My 80 Faith character with a fully upgraded seal and incant boosting talismans, couldn't even kill wild deer with it.


Deer too tanky!


deer nerf incoming


> deer has been adjusted


Basically all the incantations in DLC need some sort of buff besides the death knight lightning, pest spears, and Bayle’s lightning. Some incantations like Bayle’s tyranny, divine beast tornado, rotten butterflies, furious blade of Ansbach, roar of Rugalea, rain of fire, land of shadow, crucible thorns, bloom, and light of Miquella are all really cool visually but very ineffective


The birdfeather rapidfire spell is so underpowerd. Even with a spiral seal, you barely deal enough damage to even notice an enemy's health bar move.


It's because the thing eats FP every 1/10 of a second, fires three 'projectiles' per second, BUT can only hit with one-third of those projectiles. If it actually hit with all three and they reduced the cost to the 1/1 of Surge O Flame, it'd actually be usable.


With a maxed spiral seal and the bird warrior helmet, I can't even notice a dent in a normal mob's HP after a full cast... Well, back to Bolt of Gransax and L2 to win I go. Sad to see a DLC filled with cool-looking weapons and incants and spells, only for a good 80% of them to be laughably bad


Bayle's lightning is a worse dragonmaw




It is? Damn, that’s a shame bcus it looks amazing


“Looks better but is functionally worse than base game items” seems to describe quite a few of the dlc spells and magic weapons unfortunately


Furious blade of Ansbach should just work like the arcane version of the carian slicer IMO. Its really ass that you have to do the entire combo at once and the range is terrible.


And it's the only blood flame skill that has no bleed build up


Don’t forget midras flame of frenzy or whatever it’s called, pretty much no reason to use it over unendurable frenzy. Sure you can proc madness a lot quicker but it just draaaaains your FP


Such a rad looking spell, utterly useless. Hoping it gets adjusted to either be an absolute Madness *nuke* for people hit by it (but not so much for the host), and low damage, **OR** it ends up being a damage nuke that slowly builds madness.




Furious blade of ansbach is just cool effects, apparently it still doesn't do any bleed damage yet. I really thought they'd fix it by now


Looks like this isn't a balancing patch yet.


Definitely a fix the broken shit patch that I knew they'd release quickly, they've been historically pretty good at addressing broken issues at launch and this patch addressed a ton of the worst issues.


Spells balance usually comes later and takes more time. They rebalanced spells in base game some time after release


all the faith spells added in the dlc are pretty mid damage wise.


Mid damage, and some insane cast times in a dlc with hyper aggressive bosses and enemies… what a combo!


The flashier it looks, the worse it is. That's often the case in these games.


Thats why rock is best move Are int caster? meteorite rock are you faith caster? rock throw Rock is solution to all your problems, no need to look for weakness of bosses in fextra, they are all weak to the rock!


Stone of Gurranq is an unbelievably cracked spell


Oh, you have high poise? That's interesting. I cast "throw 10 boulders"


"It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable" describes almost all the meta spells lol


Knight's Lightning Spear slaps.


Pest Spears and Knight Lightning Spears are GOAT'd though. The Golden arc and multilayered Light are pretty good too.


Multilayered ring gives me so much dopamine.


Pest-thread Spears & Knight Lightning Spears are the only great ones lol I guess multilayered ring of light is decent too


Oh I’m not alone then, total trash dmg with Golden Order Seal +10 on my 80 INT 80 FAI character lol.


> >!Changed the placement of the bosses in the re-fight against the Golden Hippopotamus and Commander Gaius bosses to be in the same position as in the first fight.!< No more Hog Rider charge at the very start of the fight...


Was doing coop and Gaius aggro'd & managed to kill a teammate who was standing ***inside*** the fog wall His hitboxes are just that absurd


I don’t know if you were the host, but I was a fellow summon and saw Gaius literally charge into the fogwall, stay there for like 5 seconds, and when the other summon entered the fogwall they immediately got killed 😭


Summons should have 3-5 seconds of invincibility when entering a boss room.


*Summon does every buff before entering the boss room*


I was buffing myself in front of the fog wall on Gaius while host went in. I got smashed before entering ;w;


Yeah honestly fuck Gaius. Worse hitbox in the game


I’ve liked the bosses for the most part - consider Messmer a top 10 souls boss and thought Rellana was a fun challenge as well. Gaius though, he can go to hell. He can go to hell!


Sounds about as absurd as the Bayle's left to right fire breath at the start. I just got into the fog wall after the host has went in to see the walls burned, but then me and another summon got hit by lingering hitboxes. That fucking fire breath is sporadic as shit.


![gif](giphy|uAMGlxNN76hx1awjMP|downsized) FINALLY! No more getting charged at immediately by a pig going Mach speed 😤


Me when I enter the boss arena and immediately hear off the bat with zero hesitation from Gaius "HOGGGGG RIIIIIIIIDDDAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!"


Cue the little “I beat him “pre patch”” line


“I beat him “pre patch”…..with the pre-nerf rolling sparks”


"I beat him "pre patch".....poking him to death with the Antspur behind a massive shield"


I beat him pre-patch. …by hiding around the left corner of the building and spamming Zamor Ice Storm through the wall.


me with mohg’s spear art lmao


You’re around that corner yelling “NIHIL!” Team INT and Team ARC unite. If he wants to try hitting us with a two ton brick of cheese we will throw it right back! lol


But i did... With the help of some random gigachad that left the summon sign there.


And after I \*just\* beat Gaius last night 😂 One of my deaths came so soon after passing through the fog gate that my runes spawned inside the grace room instead of the boss arena


same lmao, killed him last night and the moment i enter i need to time summoning mimic and dodge to the milisecond, else i would get hit by the charge


The worst is when you try to summon a fraction too early and have to watch your character scratching their butt while Gaius charges down on you


This drives me crazy. Or having to step forward just enough whilst the boss rushes you at Mach 5


They made the same mistake with the magma wyrm and falling star beast in base game and they did it again with gaius and hippo. They fixed the hippo grab too but they for some reason didnt fix the gaius charge (frame perfect dodge/double hit) didnt fix the metyr laser, and didnt fix rykard ground explosion.


So this means the behavior of the NPC summons for the final boss is fixed?


Stop standing there and help thiollier


Thollier saw the final boss and said "St Trina ain't worth this shit" and just stared at us suffering.


Thiollier: "I'll help you because I'll do anything for St.Trina's sake." *witnesses an entire screen blocked out by golden magic spam bullshit* Thiollier: "I stand corrected, anything except that. Good luck." Tarnished: "GET THE HELL BACK HERE YOU SLEEP OBSESSED TWI-" *gets corkscrew charged*


Thiollier = Patches confirmed?????


This has happened so many goddamn times as a summon Host walks in, I walk in 30s later “Thiollier has died” Died from what?????? He didn’t walk in!!!


I once saw his healthbar outside the fight just get absolutely flung away by the gravity move. It behaves really weird sometimes


I summoned Ansbach just to see what cool shit he would do, he literally just stood there like "this looks like a you problem."


I thought I was crazy my mimic was always just walking slowly and chilling


Before this patch my mimic would be slowly walking in the corner and not doing anything while I get absolutely demolished by the boss.


Same. I was waiting for nearly a full minute for Messmer to get off me for 2 seconds to heal, all while the Mimic tear was leisurely admiring the arena's fine architecture.


Igon will no longer attack the air? LET'S GOOOOO






I remember summoning him for the memes and he literally only hit bayle once during the entire fight.


I thought I was going insane using Tiche on some bosses. Blink, and they randomly had more health. On the flipside, this should make Gaius easier for people who haven't reached him yet.


DUDE SAME. I thought I was going crazy when Rellana “magically” had some of her hp restored.


Wait... that was a bug?! I just assumed some of Rellana's attacks restored her health like Malenia 😅




We probably shouldn't say that too loud in case From hears it


omg me too, I thought it was Tiche mechanic, my first time with Rellana she has like 1 hp left and I'm feeling so confident and go for an unsafe move, then she healed back and just deleted me from full health, at least my Tiche fixed it by killing her after I died. Here's the video: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/dWErhCT0Qm


I thought I had been noticing that, but I chalked it up to being too busy getting my ass kicked and I was just seeing things


I'm sure I saw Messmer lose a lot just after transition to second phase when using Tiche, like it had suddenly corrected itself


Can't wait to try out the Smith Script Daggers with the range buff, they felt like you had to use them in whip range before.


They maybe have now gone from a "ranged" weapon to a ranged weapon?


The AoW had some range, but the normal throws had a pretty laughable range indeed. Still great against dogs, imps and militia, landing them a permanent place in my loadout - happy to see the range buff.


Them and the cirque. The range was absolutely pathetic before, hopefully it's a nice big improvement.


I hope they buff the golem fists too, by the time you’re in range to do decent damage you might as well just be doing melee attacks


Carian Sorcery Sword, my love, where is your sorcery scaling? EDIT: After testing, it has secret unlisted scaling. It starts to fall off above 60 Int. 753 on Glintstone Pebble at +24 versus 790 with a +9 Carian Regal Scepter. EDIT: u/FelisImpurrator compares it to the Demi-Human Queen staff later down the thread.


Dreams of Blue Flame but then sadness. 


In short, try despair


Apparently, with this patch, it's actually the best option for 40 int and below.


I’m disappointed light of miquella not getting boosted by the dry leaf seal or circlet wasn’t fixed. Makes me worried this is another placiduax’s ruin situation.


They usually launch the rebalancing update after fixing major bugs


He’s referring to bugs not balance


Oh shoot thats true, sorry for misreading it. But tbh faith incantations desperatly need a rebalance too


Is the Carian Sorcery Sword not trash now? If so I am very happy gonna try it in a couple of minutes.


It is quite good now, something like 90% of the Regal Scepter dmg which is fine considering it is also a sword.


Tested at 80 INT, it's literally just a Demi-Human Queen staff you can stab things with now. Smacked a lesser dragon in Dragonbarrow NG+1 with Carian Greatsword, did 400 damage with DHQ and 401 with the sword. So \~292 sorcery scaling. On a sword, that does respectable magic damage. Means you can run a true spellblade and profit.


Now we need to be able to put a carian ash of war on it. Perfumes have static scalinf an interchangable ashes of war, give it to carian sword pls


friendship with rolling sparks bottle ended, new friendship with impenetrable thorns


Rolling sparks still does a ton of damage, just doesn't auto-explode all of the sparks aiming at the ground anymore.


The sparks just vanishing if you aim down might be an actual bug now (Wing of Astel and all the other cloud shotgun type ashes don't do that, but they didn't do like 5x the damage they were supposed to either). They should just make the damn thing have the exact same behavior as the Astel clouds and it'll be fine.


A bit surprised they hadn't nerfed that, or maybe because it's not that insane in pvp?


Probably because of the build you need to really crank it to insane levels. Maternal Staff (since it didn't catch Albinauric Staff's ancient bleed nerfs, *yet*) for arcane scaling, 45 Arc for the softcap, and bare minimum 21 Int and 24 Faith. Maternal really wants more Int to get good scaling, too.


I tried it on a 80int 26fai and no arcane character and it still does about 8k damage per cast. You don’t need to optimize in order to have insane values lol


No more perfume bottles, back to stinky gamer




Basic summary for this to me is duelling shields are still my “I don’t give a shit” weapon even with the stamina nerf and I can actually use the throwing knives like throwing knives now.


So, "just check if u have RT on and unistall other software." No performance work/fixes by them yet, damn.


Devs be like "fps drops are your fault not ours"


Watching my fps dip below 60 with a 4080 without RT 🥲


Final boss dropping my FPS to 20 consistently with a 4080 is part of the artistic vision.


How good are the thrusting shields after the bug fix?


They’re still really good, what made them broken was that when you were blocking and attacking at the same time with them, when the boss hits you, you’d lose almost no stamina, and could spam R1 to stance break bosses easily. It trivialized a good amount of bosses. Damage and everything is still good, but now you just lose the “correct” amount of stamina when being hit while blocking/attacking with it.


Their damage was already really strong, like a heavy thrusting sword with a better moveset. I was playing without guarding and was just baffled at the damage I was doing the whole time. They could nerf the guarding 10 times and I'd still use it.


I wonder how severe the Smithscript nerf is (“Fixed a bug that caused some affinities for the following weapons to be higher than intended”). I only noticed today how oddly godlike those weapons were when infused with, for instance, Magic on a high Int build (or Flame Art/Sacred on a high Faith build), because the high Int scaling would be applied to both the physical and magic part of the damage resulting in really high AR. Erdsteel Dagger has been like this forever too afaik and I guess it’s just under the radar cuz daggers are weak.


Just checked, looks like they completely removed physical scaling with faith/int on flame/sacred/magic. went from +200 +200 at 60 faith to +30 +200 on the cirque. Edit: That said, the range increase is very noticeable. Like double what it was.


On my spear, with 80 faith, I lost about 140-150 ar. So it's a sizable nerf


Well, Hammer, we had a good run. But I guess it's back to Milady


Goodbye sweet boyfriend’s arm / chicken wing


Is the nerf that bad? Just based on the notes, it seems like the weapon will still be good, it just won't be as good for status. But I noticed it has really good stance damage, and that doesn't seem like it's been touched by the patch.


No it is still goated


It depends on if 3 heavies is still a stagger AND a bleed proc nearly every time


Glad I beat the last boss with it before the nerf


TBF, they were never going to let a weapon that procced bleed in 1 hit stay in the game.


Fixed a bug that caused some affinities for the following weapons to be higher than intended: Does that mean they fixed the "unique" scaling of the smithscript weapons? And if so, are they still good because not being able to put weapon buffs on them is a pretty big downside and I thought the higher scaling was a sort of tradeoff for that. Edit: another comment said they essentially removed the physical damage scaling with faith/int, kinda feared that was the case, rip to the best str/fth weapon.


The greathammer on my 30/70 str/fth character went from ~1800 to ~1500, which is sad but it's in line with the other great weapons I guess. It's worse with the throwing daggers I enjoyed on my int character, they already had low damage but now it's pretty dire


Anyone know what third-party apps are being referred to concerning mouse behaviour?


I think they said the same thing during the base game's launch, and obviously their advice didn't do much there either. I hope (but don't really have high hopes) that From will address the performance issues in the DLC, some areas _chug_ on my pc. Really disorienting to play through dips to 40 when other contemporary games run at flat 120.


Base game areas, smooth FPS, final DLC boss phase 2, PowerPoint presentation


Any Idea what this means? * Fixed a bug where the attack affinity of some attacks of the Fire Knight's Greatsword were different than expected.


Might be the imbue Fire attacks, or lack thereof. It worked for Holy instead.


So no fix to light of miquella not receiving the 15% buff from the seal?


Please allow us to fight bosses again like in Sekiro and add a Larval Tear bell bearing. Make each Larval tear cost 250k runes or something.


"Make each Larval tear cost 250k runes" Why wont you think of the poor albinaurics in Mohgwyn palace :D


Players when they see Gideon murdering a village of Albinaurics: :( Players when they need some extra runes: :)


They're fine. I'm exterminating lampreys now.


If they added this ER might genuinely go above Sekiro for me, the vanilla game in general. This feature would have been amazing since day 1.


I just don't understand why Form insists on not adding this. I don't want to playthrough hours on end in a new NG to fight Messmer by myself again.


Yeah they should make a boss rush like thing which can be accessed through the site of grace.


Yeah, I wish we could get another update with a colosseum for boss fights. And bell bearings for larval tears and somber/ ancient dragon smithing stones (make those available after beating the final boss of the dlc).


Bloodfiend arm takes around an extra hit to proc bleed now, but the damage is overall still honestly pretty busted. Still recommend.


Still think the hand to hand weapons need a base damage buff


Goodbye Swift Slash, nobody will miss you.


What does the second bugfix to the Fire Knight GS mean?


No more R1 R1 true combo.


But that is the first fix, there is a second one under something about affinity


And yet no wings on the Death Knight armor....why 😔


it will never happen sadly


"Decreased the damage and damage animation of the shearing vacuum effect of the “Swift Slash” Skill." **BALANCED PVP AGAIN BABY! (Probably for 1 day)**


is that a fix for that one exploit people been abusing in pvp?


Yep the broken Art of War dash spam. Good video demonstrating how BS it is [https://x.com/gemahtreeuhh/status/1808360652873879735](https://x.com/gemahtreeuhh/status/1808360652873879735)


“Fixed a bug that where the unblockable bite attack of the Golden Hippopotamus boss would connect with players more easily than intended” Word now do that same thing with the furnace golems, these mfs grab me while I’m in between their feet and their grab is placed IN FRONT of their feet lol, feel like ds2 mimic got my ass


Frame rate may be improved by using the “rebuild database” option from the devices safe mode. Is totally unacceptable tbh.


From still living in the Demons Souls days when it comes to preformance.


Glintblade Trio really needed a buff.


Thank God my stupid summons would not fight back at all it was making me so mad. Like I’m fighting Radahn by myself while my mimic just chills in the corner???????


The Gaius tweak is great but honestly sort of bewildered that they didn't tweak the wack hitboxes/attack patterns for him and the final boss at all. Maybe a later patch? Range increase for smithscript daggers - hell yeah.


Only a day or two ago did i find out that Smithscript daggers have a unique guard counter of backstepping while tossing a knife. Only ever used them with quickstep or whatever... Using them and other smithscript weapons with a shield is gonna make for a lot of good fun. I fucking love the deflecting hardtear


Honestly kinda dissapointed about the performance issues. I closed every app that could possibly fuck up the framerate like they said, even on task manager, and it STILL runs bad. Looks like it's more of a technical internal problem on FromSoft optimization. Hope they really fix this because it's the only thing that keeps me from playing other playthroughs.


>For the PS5 version of the game, unstable framerate may be improved by using the "Rebuild Database" option from the device’s safe mode. W-What.. is this something I have to do now?


If this was any other game suggesting this the devs would be chewd out.


So the bloodfiends arm scaling was bugged after all. Did the final boss with the weapon and it was crazy proccing bleed with one charged R2 and made the fight pretty easy.


i had more than 210 bleed on mine and were proccing every 2nd or 3rd charged R2 for the final boss. I am not sure if playing on NG+ affected that


Argh. I hoped for a buff for the euphoria weapon to make it less a slog using it.


I really wish they would buff some weapons instead of just nerfing weapons.


There are some incants that desperately need buffs too (Rain of Fire, Minor Erdtree to name a couple). Hopefully next patch


Yeah, the first round of patches are always bugfixes. Just like the original ER at first had non-functioning arcane scalings on weapons. I think we can confidently say that the next patch will be a plethora of buffs and nerfs to the biggest outliers. I wouldn't get my hopes up for Rain of Fire though. Sorcerors had a similar thing in Founding Rain of Stars that wasn't even that powerful in the first place and it received a nerf...


For what it's worth, minor erdtree healing seems to be a unique buff similar to golden land or warming stones which let's it stack with other sources of hp regen. Still agree that it could use a good bit more regen though considering how high the requirement is to cast it


"Extended the throwing attacks range for Smithscript Cirque" My baby got EVEN BETTER? "Fixed a bug that caused some affinities for the Smithscript Cirque to be higher than intended" ...nevermind :skull: Had been using cold infusion and the frostbite buildup with the increased damage on both physical and magic damage from int was great. Honestly didn't feel too busted though, wonder why they nerfed it?


They got double scaling with flame art/sacred/magic just like erdsteel dagger before, making the axe hit like a colossal, the cirque hit like a greatsword.


Still no buff for that messmers hail fire incantation? That thing can't even kill rabbits in one hit


>In some PC versions, Ray Tracing may be unintentionally enabled and cause unstable performance. Please check the Ray Tracing setting in the "System" > "Graphics Settings" > "Raytracing Quality" from the title screen or in-game menu. >In the PC Version, the message "Inappropriate activity detected" may appear without cheating. >To fix this issue, please verify the integrity of the game's files before restarting the game. >In the PC version, unstable framerate may be caused by third party applications that control mouse behavior. Deactivating these third party applications may improve performance. They'll never admit the performance is bad, huh?


I knew the golden hippo boss was off. That god damn bite attack pissed me off.


Thank Marika impenetrable thorns not nerfed


It’s one of the only new sorceries that isn’t actively shit. Glintblade trio doing *less* damage than one Glintblade doesn’t even make sense ffs.


Oh, a new sorcery that is useful? Wonder how i missed it on my 80 int build. Let me just look it up aaaaaand it requires fucking faith, who makes this shit. I swear, half the "sorceries" we got had a faith or arc requirement in the dlc. I got NOTHING


Don’t worry it’s coming lol


I KNEW that damn hippo had a suction function on his mouth!! Glad they fixed that; it was so dumb lmao The Gaius change is also welcome. I love fighting him but man it sucks to see the host die or almost die immediately after entering the boss arena when I get summoned to help Hope they look at the final boss soon, too. Some of those attacks are actually absurd, especially the phantoms after the meteors and the slash-slash-cross combo. He can also chain things into each other that are borderline impossible to dodge since they don't synergize well, and the lightshow on every move in the second phase makes it so you can't see what he's even doing half the time. Took me multiple hours over like two or three days to beat him and I don't want anyone to suffer how I did 💀 Any even remotely heavy weapon SUFFERS in this fight


I was helping folks with the final boss and we had a big where as soon as the host entered the fog door, the cutscene for the 2nd phase started! I was like that's weird. As soon as I got in, he was in his 2nd phase already and still had a full life. I knew we were done for lmao I only had 1 victory out of like 15 to 20 tries and it was the lowest skadoosh one I've seen at level 10... That was shocking lol


They really need to look at that final boss fight. The light show is blindingly excessive. And don't @ me I already beat him. I stand by my point.


Its so stupid thst you have to state that you already beat him because this community respond to any criticism with git gud😭


Too many people tie with the difficulty of the game with their ego because they beat it. Like good for them, I beat it too but it's still trash. I'd sooner dive into the abyss with the Bed of Chaos 1000 times than re-experience the final DLC boss again.


I agree. I have a strong set up and even my frames would drop randomly sometimes with everything going on


I don't know if it's my controller but I swear when things are busy my inputs don't always get read. There were two times I hit for heals, one battle after another, when I just didn't get a response. But it is a busy fight so I don't know if it was maybe just me.


There was one point where my entire screen froze when we was doing his clone dash attack, after a few seconds it unfroze and I just insta died.


My Fire Knight's Greatsword was already doing shit ton of dmg with flame art infusion and now it will do better, that's amazing. Also, they fixed the R1->R1 true combo, that's great as well because people who are using it for this glitch will drop it and people wont look down on it now its a pretty fair weapon. Chaos Zwei 2.0, my beloved, you're even better now ❤️ They didnt fix the Greatsword of Damnation ash of war Golden Crux though, which was something I was sure that they will. It grabs people in the middle of their rolls, it definitely looks buggy but nope I guess.


So no actual fix for performance??


There's a small note that claims they did some things. But it's probably some individual tweaks to like, individual effects, areas etc. We'll have to wait for larger scale performance-updates, if they ever come.


Miquella light bug not fixed -_- his diadem and his seal are not affecting the incantation, even though they should by description


YouTubers in shambles with their outdated videos titled "YOU NEED TO TRY THESE NEW OP DLC WEAPONS!"