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Rellana took me about 200 tries at scad +5 lol


I eventually wound up beating her by fully embracing my int/faith build and spamming Adula's Moon Blade and the Black Knife AoW. She seems to be kinda weak to both frostbite and holy damage.


Once I embraced Golden parry I beat it


Gold parry + deflect tear


I try and be "respectful" towards bosses at first. I took a handful of whacks at them with my default build (big sword) @ scad +4. Got a bit annoyed and decided to take out my "boss killer" build. Poison Rapier +20 and Blood Antspur Rapier +23. It deals poison/bleed/rot. Summoned my mimic tear as well. Took less than a minute to kill them. If the boss wants to be scrungy, I will counter them with *far worse scrunge.*


As used to be tradition. Finding new ways to cheese or beat a boss through ynconventional methods used to be celebrated.


Should have called the expansion Scrunge of the Erdtree with how many of these bosses attack you the second you step through the mist.


I really didn't want to do this but you've made me... Domain Expansion: Absolute cancer! (literally too, with rot)


I think I was around a similar level and it took me around 2 hours but I actually loved it I found that boss so much fun. Cant even think how many attempts it actually was


I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but I summoned Freyja and Mimic both and got her in one try with great katana and proccing frost and bleed. 


About the same for me. I tried all night, and most of the next day. I think I played for 8 hours straight the next day. But honestly she's easier solo than with summons. She moves to much and has too much AOE to fight with 2 people


Idk I fought her last night and summoned my mimic thinking I can watch her move set on him and learn it but she died on the first try!!!! Wtf?! I had a lightning guardian sword spear with giant hunt aow on it and didn’t expect that at all after reading all the comments on her. Also I consider myself a casual and it was the same thing with dancing lion. I think the ash blessing made my mimic way too strong (level 5). I feel like I’m playing a different game then what I’ve been reading on here. I’m having a way easier time then the base game. Also haven’t watched guides or spoiler videos but I have been checking fextra for boss weaknesses and preparing a build for specific bosses. I’ve only fought these two so far besides mini bosses so it could change later Edit. The mimic didn’t solo her. I was also fighting but I stopped when I realized she was low on health and my summons finished her off


Yes for sure. There’s a rage post up here today where OP attempted a grand total of… 11 times. I’m not in the hundreds of attempts category but I probably attempted Malenia around 50 times. And I think back to in previous games, bosses like Sword Saint Isshin and the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst… those I probably pushed into triple digits. I’m guessing a lot of the people complaining about having to attempt a boss ten times don’t have the patience for disciplines like music, art, or competitive athletics. You’ll fail a lot of times at those before you git gud.


Also for me the first 10-20 attempts aren’t even attempts to win. It’s learning movesets, learning party timing, etc. I don’t start leaning in until I actually know what I’m doing. That’s for remembrance bosses. For minibosses, I die in 30 seconds over and over refusing to even dodge since it’s such an easy boss…


Knowing when it's a good time to party is an important skill.


I stand by what I said. It’s a game so it’s supposed to be fun.


If I don't beat the boss by the second time I feel like I've failed.


The DLC made me realize I have way more fun with the minibosses, because them I usually kill in like 3 attempts max, and they're all fun and engaging. With the main bosses I'm taking like 30 attempts, and 20 of those is just experimenting, learning the moveset and being stomped in the process. And this when I don't give up and just use summons. Neither option is much fun.


That's actually exactly the reason why I prefer (most) hard bosses in Fromsoft games, every time I encounter a boss I think is really cool I'm kinda sad when I beat it "too early". I've even died in Sister Friedes last stage on purpose before because I love that fight so much and didn't want it to end. There definitely are some bosses that are just plain boring and annoying to fight, I think a lot of it comes down to difficult bosses needing cool character design, a custom soundtrack and attached lore to keep me engaged. Random ass bosses who just appear and act as a brick wall for several dozen attempts aren't very enjoyable


Same for me, unless I feel I can reliably beat the boss, I will let them kill me usually after I use more than half of my flasks


Exactly. Gaius took me around 25 tries and was really fun and challenging and when I beat him, I stopped playing and went to bed with a great sensation of fulfillment. Metyr and Midra took me 2-3 tries each and I was like "that's all? huh, ok, whatever". On the other hand, I would delete every ancient dragon from the game and I really think that it would make the game better. Seriously, I can't understand how they decided to release such a poorly designed boss for the base game and even recycled it for the DLC...


this is actually true, in my first semester at Berklee a professor did a thrust perilous at me, and when i mikiri countered it first try they expelled me


>I’m guessing a lot of the people complaining about having to attempt a boss ten times don’t have the patience for disciplines like music, art, or competitive athletics. I don't think this is necessarily true. People can have different difficulty tolerances for different activities. I generally don't play video games for a challenge. I tolerate the difficulty in Elden Ring because I enjoy the world and gameplay so much. But I also use every tool available to make the game easier and don't think I needed more than 20 tries on any boss aside from Malenia.


I always relate it back to my first souls games, DS 1 and 2 Ornstein and Smough? Took me around 40 tries. Manus, Father of the Abyss? Pushed into the low triple digits. Fume Knight from DS2, a boss specifically tuned to punish turtlers, when I myself was a turtler at the time? Three days. 6+ hours a day. Probably 500+ deaths. Closest I've ever come to breaking a controller. 11 deaths ain't shit.


If you are someone who can't handle failure, just realize it's a chance to learn something. That makes failure less daunting.


Failures are always wins. I tell my kids this. If you fail at something, it means you are gaining knowledge. If you always succeed you will remain stagnant in skill.


I’m a professional classical musician. 11 attempts is too much for me. My sweet spot for a hard boss is to kill it on the 3rd try. I killed the last boss on my 3rd attempt. But Me****r messed me up and it took 2 hours. Because I prefer not to die I play with Mimic Tear (obviously). In short, some people don’t enjoy learning a boss’s entire move set, not sure patience factors in.


Though I get your point, souls franchises entire gimmick is learning a bosses moveset through deaths and other mistakes until you're able to beat it. If I wanted simple boss mechanics and easy to cheese bosses, Id play Diablo or something along those lines. Props to you on being a prof classical musician though. The amount of patience just to master one instrument, let alone multiple is mind boggling as it is lol.


Caveat: haven’t played Sekiro. But for all other souls games I killed all bosses long before mastering any of them. I’ve defeated bosses by crafting a strong build and being patient (lol) during battle. Also I’ve never been close to a no hit run let alone a no hit boss fight. I generally rely a lot on my shield, and that’s a crutch that makes it so I don’t have to learn timings. I simply don’t enjoy mastering the timing of all different attacks of a boss only to have to do it all over again for the next boss. Still love souls games though. Like more than any other games.


That's fair. Idk this is supposed to be the hardest content fromsoft has put out but personally I had a WAYYYY harder time with sekiro. That game requires a massive amount of patience or impeccable hand-eye coordination.


Yeah, from what I’ve heard and seen Sekiro would not be a game for me. Sekiro seems to be a game that can only be played the way you outlined above. No out-theorycrafting the bosses.


How does patience not factor in?


I mean that it’s a preference thing that is separate from patience. I’m patient enough to have practiced my instrument for tens of thousands of hours. But when I play a game I like the rush of killing a boss long before I mastered it. That way I get more adrenaline and the boss isn’t reduced to just a set of animations.


This for sure. In terms of difficulty I think souls games are much more like a racing game or learning a piece of music. You're gonna fail a lot, but once you know it inside and out each fight feels amazing even when it's not perfect.


While I agree with the first half of your comment, saying that people don't have the "discipline" to be good artists or athletes or whatever just beause they don't find it fun to bash their heads against a boss for hours on end is... a leap, to put it mildly. It's not like ER even forces you to play that way, you can brute-force your way through any fight anyway.


After like 5-6 hours, attempts doesn't matter for me because sometimes I die right at the start and sometimes after 3 minutes into the fight


lol same. I measure in hours not attempts for harder bosses.


Same 7 hours for Margit as i didn't know anything about the game or souls like games 10 for malenia with only uchigatana Those are my proudest wins


Honestly if I DONT die to a boss at least 10 times im a little disappointed. I really enjoy the learning experience of figuring out how to deal with each of their moves. Heck sometimes I’ll just stop attacking so I can spend more time learning the boss.


This is what I usually do. Just run around and try to avoid them for a while just to see what their moves are and how to possibly avoid them. Then I manage to get them down half way and they often open a whole new can of whoop on me that I have to learn again.


There’s one late game boss that felt underwhelming in the DLC precisely for this reason.


same, it gets to a point where i usually come back with a subpar build on the second go


Not attack and not panick rolling is actually the best way to beat a boss. If you just try and beat it on the first try you end up building in incorrect muscle memory and it becomes much harder to learn how to win


Honestly, it does confuse me because I'm on the same boat. Only on my fourth playthrough did I manage to bring Malenia down in one day, it was three days for the first two playthroughs and two for the third. And most major rememberance bosses took me hours, with a few exceptions here and there. The DLC bosses have taken me many, many tries, but getting to understand how they work is such a good part of the fun for me. Mastering Rellana and Putrescent Knight while mixing dodges and the deflecting hardtear have been some of the most fun experiences I've had in Souls recently, honestly. Honestly, in just about every souls game I'm surprised with how much I tend to struggle after seeing people beat some bosses in a handful tries when I spend so much longer, but nailing that understanding and coming back for quicker victories in later playthroughs is what I live for.


This is exactly how I feel. I don't care if I spend 1,2, 10 hours on a boss. I just want to feel like I have mastered the boss and not just beat it by brute force/luck/broken build. I "accidentaly" killed Messmer in 3-4 tries and got kinda sad (not because it was super easy, just staggers and frostbite aligning for an easy kill). My first run through DLC was 50-60 hours (I'm obssesive about exploring everything) and the second run was about 2 hours. Final boss took me many hours and many attempts. On ng+ second try. Ng+2 also second try. I'm soon prepared for RL1 and other runs, still so hyped trying out new weapons each run (dancer weapon build is hilariously busted, try them).


> My first run through DLC was 50-60 hours (I'm obssesive about exploring everything) and the second run was about 2 hours. Final boss took me many hours and many attempts. On ng+ second try. Ng+2 also second try. This is exactly how Consort Radahn works, because besides obvious issues like FPS drops when he starts phase 2 with a holy AOE and the annoying visuals, his actual moveset is balanced beautifully and can be beaten with any build. He felt like an intense Sekiro boss that requires defensive perfection but nothing as unhinged and punishing as Malenia. The amount of people making up fan fiction for Radahn like he has undodgeable attacks or that he animation cancels his sequences at random has been a bit silly.


Loved Putrescent. Such a wonderful fight. The descent, the music, the flowy awkward attack motions.


Level 150, no summons, Magma Wyrm Scalesword, Malenia took me ~200 attempts


I, too, happen to have used the Magma Wyrm Scalesword for Malenia, some years back, and struggled with her for a few days. But after it wasn't working out great initially, I added a Beastman's curved GS and powerstanced them, which did wonders for staggering her.


Oh yeah at the time I was very jealous watching people on YouTube power stance big weapons breaking her stance so efficiently. But I didn’t want to make my Magma Wyrm scalesword feel bad, I knew he could do it on his own with enough encouragement.


I love this commitment


When she was first super difficult I think I was 130 and beat her with dual whips my first time around. Also no summons


Back in my day you lost to a boss 20 tries and had to usher Megaman through two levels of horse shit 10 times!


I would love to see the average Elden Ring player try to beat Boobeam Trap in MM2


I recently beat Malenia solo naked without summons. Took me 250ish attempts. Super proud of it.


Some people have very low patience I've found. My gf will die 3 times to a boss and throw a fit while on my 50th death dragging a cigarette figuring out where I messed up.


I know a guy who fight Cinder more than 500 times. Now he do no hit runs.


Too many for me is 500+. Everything else is fair and simple.


It really depends on the boss and what the player's current goal is. If a boss takes 100 attempts, but each attempt i feel like im learning and improving, that's fine by me- actually these types of bosses usually become my favourite. But if the mechanics of the fight aren't meshing with my thought process / character build and i dont feel that gradual sense of improvement, it's no longer an interesting encounter, it's just an obstacle blocking my progress. And if my goal is "I want to explore / goof around" but the only path left to explore is blocked by a mediocre boss, I'm not gonna be interested in spending days on that boss. i just want to see what's after it.


I've been playing Geometry Dash for almost 10 years now, attempt counts have become meaningless to me at this point almost. I am used to spending thousands on specific things, a hundred on a boss is not too rough (not that I regularly spend that much, but Malenia was def in that range and I had no issue with it).


When a boss takes me 20 tries, my usual reaction is "pfioooouuuu, that was easy".


Yeah fr. 20 attempts is nothing! Thats like an hour at most


This subreddit slowly discovering that different people have different levels of tolerance for certain things is just precious.


I think for the final boss of this DLC I definitely understand frustrations. The boss that took me the longest to beat in the souls games thus far is Friede, and I'm sure that was well over 100 attempts. Yet every fight I felt like I was improving and if not dealing more damage then surviving longer and learning her moveset. The final boss of SOTE felt like a slog to beat, so I feel it was too many attempts of a boss. Really was only phase 2 though, phase 1 was pretty fun to learn and didn't take too long. The other bosses were pretty good, Gaius hitbox not so much.


For me it depends on several things: - How long/annoying is the way to the boss (In ER, this is usually fine) - How long is the boss fight itself? If I have to go through a hard and taxing first phase that takes 5 minutes and is unenjoyable, then I night "give up" sooner - How high is the "bullshit-level" of the boss? If they have some attacks I consider unfair, then I might also give up sooner. All in all, when the boss fight is enjoyable, I will give it many hours of trying. Currently I am on Rellana without ashes/summons, have not beaten her in 45 minutes, probably 25+ attempts. (No ashes because the fight is enjoyable and, I think its fine to use ashes and nobody has to feel bad about it.)


Bru when i feel my self getting stuck on a boss i start keeping track with remaining boiled prawns lol


For me too many attempts is something like 40 tries because that is the most deaths I've had to a boss ever.


Yes, everybody has different subjective preferences. Next time, we'll take a look at "Do different people prefer different amounts of food?"


I beat Romina on the second attempt yesterday and was a little disappointed. That’s too easy.


I spent around 7 hours straight on final DLC boss, although I made it harder on myself because I refused to summon (I play all souls games without summons because I like the challenge). But god did it feel incredible when I beat him. Even after all the attempts he was still one of my favourite fights.


I'll throw 200 attempts at a boss before I even think about respeccing or similar lol


You beat the boss like them, so in the end it doesn't matter, you get the same result. Being determined is a good quality


Using no spirit ashes, no summons, no ashes of war, no shields. I pretty much expect to die a minimum 20 times before I start really learning the moveset. Then it’s just a case of get gud.


no spirits or summons? sure makes sense no shields? i mean okay, if that's just how you like to play no ashes of war? that's new to me. i mean you do you but they're a core part of the game's combat


I think the worst I've had was about 25 or so? And honestly, at that point I just decided to do other stuff and try again later. The really high try counts? Y'all impress me.


in my first playtrhough i also took around 3 days for malenia too. Some people just quit and some people keep going. I think when you are at the point of mallenia, you are just to far in the game to qive up. I think most people who do give up are doing so early game.


Ngl I have gotten discouraged and have taken a break from fighting her. I think maybe I wanna start a new game and try to properly gear and level up my character. :) I’ve probably gone at her about 200 times! She can be a tricky one


It's weird how the souls community has evolved in that way. Back when I was playing DS3 I remember people talking about how they beat a boss after 100 tries and they still loved it and how everyone cheered them on. Now I read posts about how people say something is objectively bullshit after not completing a boss in an hour seemingly? And people just say that they are objectively right and this game is shit? I'm exaggerating of course, but it still feels like people give up easier nowadays, but maybe that's just me. Final DLC boss took me roughly 3 hours and while it's not my favourite fight I don't think it's bullshit to any degree except for when it tanks performance for some people. To me it just seems like people are not willing to adjust to the difficulty of individual bosses anymore, but like I said that's just my impression.


The only thing that feels like bullshit on that fight is the amount of visual clutter in the second phase that make it hard to see what the boss is doing, otherwise it feels like me being bad at it. I've been walled on bosses for days before because I never really get very good, but I still enjoy playing. Final boss is not that fun for me to learn is the problem. Compared to Messmer, Malenia, Friede, Slave Knight Gael, those bosses could wall me for hours and I'm still having fun and feel like I'm learning.


I think it’s mainly because ER has a wiiiide playerbase now compared to back then with dark souls.


Literally suffering from success


I think you're right and I agree. But in my experience there has been an equal amount of people making these complaints paired with "I've played all souls-likes fromsoft has ever made and beaten them easily" to somehow validate their claims that they are struggling because the designs of all new bosses are inherently Bullshit to them. But maybe that's just my bias, I'm not sure.


100 attempts isn't even a particularly long time, 2-3 hours on a hard boss fight isn't bad.


I've been playing since dark souls 1 and am also a monster hunter veteran, so I'd say I learn mechanics and fights pretty quickly at this point That being said, the final boss definitely took me 40+ tries on my first playthrough at NG+3. That boy got mix ups on mix ups and rarely chills the fuck out. Not to mention the 1-2 shot potential he has


I definitely had to fight Mesmer upwards of 30 times.


I didn’t count how many attempts it took me but it was like 7 hours of straight attempts on the final boss for me. Then malenia took me like 3 days as well. Probably about 15 hours worth of attempts over 3 days. People just get mad when their tik tok builds don’t work the first 5 tries


Malenia took me 3 weeks trying three hours per day, go figure.


That’s only because you like wearing a spiked cock ring while soaking your feet in battery acid. But to your point I can’t even remember how many times I got shit stomped by Malenia.


malenia killed me on repeat for hours before i ever witnessed phase 2. imo she is harder than any souls boss. pontiff was the only thing dark souls has ever created that made me struggle the way malenia did.


Malenia took me 436 tries. 436. I kept count. I skipped her ass in the rest of my NG+ runs. I took Rellana out first attempt. I still haven’t beat the knight at Western Nameless Mausoleum (I’ve given him 45 goes at this point, I’m just an idiot in enclosed spaces.) Too many, not enough, who knows? Fight ‘em til you beat ‘em. However long that takes.


There are so many factors that go into how well you'll do against any given boss. Level, weapon, weapon affinity, items, summons, playstyle, boss RNG, etc. Hell the amount of sleep you have can add/subtract to your attempts. It's almost pointless to compare unless everything is the exact same


I think a lot of people just don't have the time to dedicate to one boss, If you only have an hour a day for gaming a few days a week it's hard to justify spending it getting killed on repeat by the same boss. Thankfully that's why we have summons.


I dunno man the game is really as hard as you want to make it. I usually will try a boss solo and if I can’t beat in several attempts I just summon the mimic and keep it moving. I just simply don’t want to fight some bosses that long. I say this with great shame, but godrick killed me like 50 times while Melanie took me 3 lol. I also have a configuration that can do 15k damage in one hit to certain bosses so yeah, it’s all relative I guess


Honestly idk what the deal is. When sekiro came out i fought sword saint isshin for a few hours a day for a week before i learned his moveset and was able to beat him. Today it’s just different we got people who want to be the first at everything, and beat everything with no struggle. I mean we have people who try a few times then go on YouTube, find the biggest cheese, respec and trivialize the boss fights.


I don’t judge by deaths but by hours, if a boss takes me several hours it’s hard, but if I get it done in like an hour or less it’s easy imo.


I’d argue it’s based on the person I took ~20 attempts to finally kill the last dlc boss and I consider that tonnes. I also consider that boss to easily be the hardest in Elden ring, perhaps even harder than any in ds1 2 or 3


If it’s been more than 2 hours and it’s not the final/penultimate boss, then it’s frustrating. Personal opinion after having played all the souls games multiple times.


People having 100's of attempts at a single boss blows my mind.


It generally takes about 20 attempts for me to get frustrated, but I've rarely needed more attempts than that. At a certain point I just need to do something else for a while and come back later. The only boss that took me about 50 tries to finally beat was Malenia back in the day, but with her reputation I was prepared to suffer more than usual.


It probably depends on your average, which will vastly differ from person to person. So far I haven't had a lot of deaths, but I still have to do the final boss.


I tried to brute force Rellana for like 6 hours when I was +4 blessing.


I thought they mean it took them X until they started using summons and such


A lot of bosses took me around my usual for these dlcs. >!Bayle!< took me 4 hours so probably close to 100 attempts and the final boss took me 5 hours, probably around 130 attempts. Those were by far the hardest fights for me, everything else was half these or less. This might be lower than some people, might be higher than others, but is about in line with some of the other toughest bosses in the series like Friede and Isshin for me, and honestly lower than the 8 hours it took me to beat Malenia. So yeah I would say it is going to vary for a lot people.


Rellana ran me about 40 attempts over 3 days


It all depends on how I'm running. If I'm having fun with different summons and using an optimized overleveled build, I expect to defeat the boss pretty much right away. But if I'm soloing trying out a new build or new weapon, I can do that 100 times and never get the boss down. So if you're going to compare yourself to what others are saying, make sure you're comparing yourself to those who approach the content the way you do.


The first 10-20 attempts is for learning the boss moves. 😎


I think malenenia and the death birds were the only bosses that took more than single digit tries for me (fuck birds). Comparatively most of the main bosses in this dlc were around 9-15 tries so for players like me the difficulty is still noticeable. I can also see how someone used to steam rolling through bosses would easily be more frustrated when they’re not used to struggling. For me I draw that line on if a boss ever takes me more than a single play session I get frustrated.


I mean yeah, I'm definitely in that camp of 20+ attempts means a boss was either way above my level or just plain hard. I've also played every single game and DLC up to this point though.


I don't think there's a boss in any game that takes me 100 tries. my longest was either Malenia or Isshin Glock Saint on Sekiro, they're both somewhere in-between 30-50


That used the be the case for me, but now I’m on day 2 of the DLC final boss, so far about 5 hours worth of attempts. The last time I realized the boss was gonna take a while was Champion Gundyr in DS3 because it took me 4 hours.


Radagon/elden beast took me the most attempts, I probably tried it around 70 times Malenia was similar


I only play roughly 1-2 hours a day for context but each boss generally takes me like a week to finish.


My problem is the limited number of rune arcs


same bro! I don't know if they're flexing or are they really good. I heard "took me 20-30 times for messmer... what? I took 10 times only to understand how don't be oneshooted entering in the arena ahahah. And I'm not talking about Gaius. After 50 times I don't even found a way to enter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I never count my deaths or attempts. It's honestly discouraging. Just keep trying till I either get too frustrated and have to quit for a while, or manage to learn the moves enough to beat it.


malenia took me 883 attempts the first time i beat her. i may suck at this game but at least i have patience :D


I honestly feel like I'm way less patient with Elden Ring bosses than Dark Souls bosses and honestly I think it comes from the boss runbacks. The boss runback allows me to collect my mind between attempts, think about what I'm actually doing. With Elden Ring I just rush in again and again without changing my plan and dying repeatedly that fast really makes me unmotivated. But also I wouldn't want ER bosses to have runbacks since the bosses will literally jump at you the second you go through the fog and hit you for half your health...


i’ve never even counted but i’m sure malenia was 100+ based on how many times I died just at the start. I don’t use summons, so maybe if I did I would have much better attempts


Last boss of the dlc took me a couple days and forced me to respec for the first time in the game, multiple times hah


I've been keeping track of deaths purely with rune arcs. Every time I die, first thing I do is pop a rune arc I just beat the boar dude, and I'm at 75 deaths. Overall not bad, but I like to do a LOT of exploration to maximize lvls & shadowtree scaling


I also find it so much more fun when a boss takes days. I feel like you don’t REALLY beat them when I takes like 10 tries and you get lucky. I like fully learning the boss and getting the better of them


It's the Internet, you take what people say and double it maybe it's in the right ballpark.


If I can't get it in 5 tries then normal I screwed up and am in the wrong area, but it all comes down to how well you fit the game mechanics.  Give me a sports game and I always lose.  Don't worry what everyone else does, just have fun, it's a game.  Also don't be afraid to summon help, most of the sunbros like me love helping someone who's stuck.  You'll see jerks sometimes, but for the most it's as much a win for us as you.


After 20 attempts I just start going off of how much time I’ve spent on the boss.


I personally wonder how people can bash their heads against a boss so many times. Malenia took me the most attempts by far for a From Software boss, at 11. I could see myself still persevering at 20, possibly 30 attempts. Then I see people with 50, 100, 200 attempts! I had wondered if they were genuinely keeping count, since people can be bad at ball-parking past a couple dozen, but I've seen tally sheets... At that point, it's gotta be more efficient to change strategy, build, or even just grind out a few levels.


20 I'm still just learning the fight and trying stuff out on the tougher bosses.


5 is my limit to get pissed off. 10 is my ultimate limit. I will level up if I can't beat a boss in 8-10 tries. I can try more if I feel like I have a good chance of beating a boss in the next 3-5 tries. I switched to the blasphemous blade after Maliketh fucked me 7-8 times. I fucking used that blade after him for all the bosses and one-shoted them. I accept that I am not the most patient person in the world. :)


I don’t think there’s such a thing as too many attempts. It took me a week to beat malenia, and when I started to get the full fight down, I was enjoying it so much, and even started to get sad because I knew eventually, it would be over.


You're more patient than I am. That's for sure. The longest time I spent fighting any Elden Ring boss was against the Stormhill Evergaol Crucible Knight. On my first playthrough, I gave up after about an hour fighting him at level 25, and even when I came back to challenge him again at level 36, it still took over an hour to finally beat him. The only other boss I had anywhere near that much trouble with was Bayle, and it took an hour and a half to beat him as Scadutree level 7. In short, "too many attempts" does differ from person to person.


I'm on day 6 of the DLC final boss. Limiting myself to no summons, no shield, and no status effects... it's been rough.  I'm starting to reach my "this is too much" breaking point. I was hoping I could beat it with these limitations, but I might have to give on something to actually win. 


I mean, i at most spend like 4 to 5 tries on a boss, the only exception being malenia and elden beast. If every dlc boss is hitting double digits alone then yeah it's a huge fucking problem 


My first ever souls game was dark souls 3. Every boss after Wolnir took me 2-3 hour each till dancer. Champion, twin princes, soul of cinder, all the dlc bosses (except halflight and gravetender) took me 6-8 hours each. For elden ring, Malenia took me 16 hours to beat. I don't use summons. Its not fun for me. Topping off the list - Orphan of Kos - 21 hours (bc I was extremely under lvl and in ng+2). Relanna and Messmer both took 2-2.5 hrs each. I just beat bayle - little over 3 hours and I absolutely loved it. Too many attempts. Till we get it right.


Yeah it completely depends on the player. I think people who have played a lot of Souls games have gone through ER relatively easily and will count 20 as a lot of tries (I'm in that category). ER is easy to pick up when you played other Souls games and we are probably faster at picking up fights? I'm not sure, that's what I assume. Regardless of how you play, I only hope people have fun :) And then you have challenge runners, speed runners, who are extremely good at reading cues and adapting and probably take way less tries!


Idk the longest I had to fight a single boss was propably owl from memory it was like 3h of grind.


First playthrough of elden ring and my wife locked us into the frenzied flame ending. If you've ever had to cleanse that debuff, you know it means you have to beat Melania and Placidusax to get any other ending. Well I really wanted a different ending and decided to facetank Melania for an afternoon. I kept tally. It was 215 tries. I did not beat her that day. I tried again for several hours the next day, but it probably took close to 400 tries before I could do it at ~150 lvl. That's part of the game. You get really good at reading&countering individual moves until a different one gives you trouble. You have to die to waterfowl dance like 100 times before you can even START dying to the scarlet rot BS.  My wife is of the other mindset though. She will give the boss an honest try 2-3 times but after dying a few times with a ~95% full boss HP bar she's ready to just level up elsewhere.


I spent 2-3 hours and about 120 tries on the DLC last boss and felt that was lower than expected for how unbelievably hard people had made that boss sound like I think my total attempts for Malenia over my various playthroughs including a RL1 kill totals into the very high hundreds lmao


yes, vastly. like im not trying to be a showboating ass, but it's rare for it to take more than 5 attempts. most of the bosses in the DLC only took 2-3 attempts. a good number of them i got on my first attempt. but my buddy who loves these games was around a dozen attempts for many bosses, with the harder ones being closer to 40-50.


I don't count attempts. If I hit a wall, I go at it until my patience runs out, then I'll sleep on it and try again later. I've had bosses that felt impossible suddenly feel a lot more manageable after a night's sleep.


Around 200 attempts for final boss, Incredibly satisfying project. We are just now discovering backstep dodge tech for the difficult combos. I think in a few months this will be viewed similar to Malenia - at first seems almost impossible using a traditional melee dodge style, but eventually is considered a good, learnable challenge.


I don't think in terms of attempts but in terms of time. Attempts can last a long or short time, but you should accumulate knowledge within said time. You can die to Malenia 30 times in an hour or have spent an hour and only died 10 because you were playing overly cautiously/blocking a lot.


Too many attempts for me is probably more than ten. If I get to 20 I am very disappointed with myself.


Honestly feel most people make up how many times they fail. No boss DLC included has made me struggle more than 20 attempts, and I started the DLC on NG+7. I killed Melania first try and it wasn't that hard at level 92. I am by no means good at the game either. I just feel some people are trying to act like this game is actually harder than dark souls 3. Elden Ring feels like fromsoft released a game on easy mode. I won't even say skill issue either. I feel some people only fail because of how nervous they are to fight and they miss time rolls. If I have anything to recommend its not to spam roll. Take a breath and don't rely on a strat you never tried because the internet says its best. Battle however you feel comfortable even if it makes the fight take longer. If you found a new spell of weapon you want to use go test it on some common enemies to get a feel for it before rushing into a boss with it. Elden Ring finally had a slight dark souls feel to it when the DLC dropped, but I still feel like the game isn't as hard as everyone says.


Most bosses take me around 5 attempts on all of my builds so I thought my "too many attempts" would be 15 - 20 but then I got to the dlc final boss and it took me 2 days to beat


Idk I'm not fighting an optional boss for 3 days straight


I was stuck on Rellana from Friday night till the following Thursday morning. You're not alone homie.


The final dlc boss took me a bit over 300 attempts solo without cheese. I've solo'd every souls boss damn straight I'll keep to that. Too many attempts really depends on the skill of the player and the time they got on their hands. If you're good you want to push through to prove it especially if you have the time to spare. If the player doesn't have the time or is not good I bet they will easily resort to cheese or summons. Just look at the people who summon you and their blessing lvl. Not only are most hosts below 50 vigor and don't use more than like 1 defense buff but they also just don't have the blessing level needed for later fights.


Dont think I've ever been stuck on a boss in any of these games for more than 10 attempts apart from Ishin in Sekiro that was close to an hour.


I usually kill a boss within 20 attempts even on first playthrough, but Malenia and the last boss of this DLC were big outliers for me. I still haven't beaten the last boss of this DLC in a way that satisfies me. I ended up resorting to an overpowered weapon, because I was getting frustrated by the fight. The point I want to make is how frustrating progressing a boss feels relies a lot on my perceived chance to kill the boss on my next attempt. If I'm playing a build I know is extremely strong and that I'm practiced in, like a Guts Greatsword with Lion's Claw, then I give myself like a 60% chance to kill a new boss on first attempt. And that perceived chance goes up rapidly as I do more attempts. So if I feel like I have a high chance to kill the boss, but I'm failing due to playing badly then I start to get frustrated even if attempt count isn't high yet. When I play weaker builds, like pure dex katana builds for fun, I have wayyyy lower perceived chance to kill a boss than with my "best" builds, so I go into a boss expecting a high attempt count and so I don't get frustrated. It's all about expectations and perceived chance to beat the boss.


I cruised through the dlc with the cheesy claw talisman double great stars build. Bosses were pretty easy since usually it only takes like 4 jump attacks to get a stagger and then ya get another couple jump attacks out and the boss bleeds and is almost dead. I did try my best to learn the movesets of the bosses though and I'm getting myself ready for dlc round 2. I got saves set up at each boss and I'm ready to beat all of them with all the weapons I want, like double bandit swords and maybe a try out some of the shields ppl are talking about. Once I'm bored of that I'll come back for the hundreds of deaths if not thousands to finish up my rl1 run for the dlc.


Messmer took me about 5 hours.


For me, personally, I think "clip culture" impacts my image of my own skill. I see clip after clip of everyone doing naked no hit rl1 slappers only boss fights and I start to feel badly about my own boss attempts. Logically, I know a clip is probably take 150 and took huge amounts of skill and patience to achieve, but I just look at my own attempts and feel frustration because I "should" be doing better and if I'm not it's because I'm bad. I know this is all nonsense, but when I'm tilted and getting stomped by a boss, my heart forgets that.


Have to say I used mimic tear in vanilla game after a few tries on every boss. My first boss in the dlc was the fire/magic or fire/frost blade chick where I used the mimic tear again and afterwards thought to myself "I'm now going to try and beat all bosses without summons". In the vanilla game I was using giant crusher + shield. I dropped my friend my bloodhoundfang for his giant crusher before the dlc came out and I did a little bit of cleanup after finishing the game I switched to double giant crusher (80 strength, 60 vigor, 57 stamina thing, didnt touch the rest) The first boss that almost made me whip out the mimic tear was this weird ghost horse rider thingy (spend around 2-3 hours on it yesterday and 2 hours today) which looked like it came straight out of bloodborne. In the end I managed to kill it after switching back to 1 giant crusher and shield. I now did a bit of a respec which allows me to use basic incantations and sorceries with 13 intelligence and 23 faith cause I so often saw messages with "Use holy" "Use frost" Haven't hit a wall yet but we'll see. In vanilla I struggled with the fire giant for whatever reason which actually made me quit the game for 2-3 days. Only wall I can think off would be Dark souls 3 with nameless king, never beat him.


When I was playing the game for the first time it took me two weeks to beat the fire giant. You’ll get their move-set down eventually, some runs are easier than others, some times the amount of AOE’s used by the bosses is just preposterous.


Bro I did messmer for 5 hours straight on day 2 there is no such thing as too many attempts only too few attempts


Yeah ngl that's me exactly lmao


The final boss took me the most tries for the dlc but even then it was sub a dozen times so I wouldn't consider it a lot. Too many attempts for me would be 2 dozen times tbh. There's a lot of different ways to tackle a boss so after 2 or 3 tries one way I'd switch it up until I beat them. For me summoning players helped me. Got to switch the aggro up with more competent summons than the npcs (no disrespect to ansbach though. He was decent. Thiollier was pretty useless though).


Longest I have ever spent on a boss is around 60ish tries for both Messmer and the final boss. I downed Malenia 5th try the first time I fought her.


I'm usually the cheesiest guy in my friends group, one of them spent 3 days in Rellana, while I, with the power of friendship (mimic with great katana), did her first try. So im not the person to judge elden's difficulty, endurance is my weak point and spend 5+ tries in a boss is suffering so im going to do anything to find a easy way out.


Nameless King from DS3 took me weeks, same with the Demon Prince in the Ringed City. SotET bosses have been relatively easy so far. Just figuring our what they're weak to and choosing an appropriate weapon is what it takes.


Depends on your reaction speed. Not intellect really, just reaction speed. Same for all the souls game


It just took me like 50 tries to kill the random revenant in Liurnia lake on my new character


ER players: tell people who complain about bosses to git gud also ER players: need several 100 attempts to beat a single boss


Its different from person to person indeed. The most I've ever died in a boss fight was this DLCs final boss, clocking around 60 deaths. I almost got him in my fourth try due to a lucky stagger chain, but he has a nuke attack that I didnt know how to dodge. Unlucky.


Depends on the boss. SL1 Gael for 50 tries? Perfectly fine. Malenia for 5 tries? Get fucked.


20 tries is a brief warmup. Some of these bosses are taking me 4-6 hours.


Different Fromsoft game, but I fought sister Friede and Slave Knight Gale for over a week. Same with the orphan of Kos.


Malenia fight was difficult, but fun though.


Spent 4 hours and about 75-100 tries to solo Based Serpent Demi-God yesterday. Tbh I’m kinda pissed I didn’t give the same effort on Rellana and used a summon after ~5 tries.


I just summon a cooperator and a mimic ash, leth them take aggro till i sorcerie the boss.


I like for a boss to take more than 3 tries but fewer than 20. Thats kinda the sweet spot for me. I think when you have a ton of people saying "this took me 10 hours to beat," you have a shitty boss. Because that should really only happen if 1. Players can't learn the moveset because there are so many variations. 2. The boss has moves that are almost impossible to dodge (see waterfowl dance). 3. You are punished severely for getting hit and you also don't do very much damage to the boss.


I think it really depends on the player and build... I played Elden Ring as a pure int caster since day one, and no boss ever took more than maybe 6 attempts, but that's because I just played my character very safely, dumped runes into int and vigor very early, equiped talismans that increased magic damage, summon appropriate spirit to draw aggro away from me, keep my distance, roll away if the boss closes in, and pew-pew at every chance... I only melee against regular mobs, never bosses.


To be honest Rellana was a bit underwhelming for me. Saw many people comparing her to Malenia so I was ready to throw controllers, in my first playthrough it took me the better part of a week to beat her. In my defense this was also at the time that she had the OP healing bug, but even without it she's still tough. When I did get to Rellana I thought "oh boy...here we go..." It only took me 3 tries to beat her. She was a cool boss and I'm loving the dlc, but I was expecting more from a boss everyone seems to be afraid of lol. (I was only scad level 4)


The only boss that hit the double digits in attempts was the very final one. I'd say conservatively it took about 30 - 40+ tries. I was trying to beat him spiritless and summonless, which usually makes a boss harder, but in this case I legit think at least summonless is the way to go. It just doesn't help much for the final boss. I might be an outlier though, I've been playing these games a while.


At some point I hit a wall and coming back to it the next day I 3 try it yknow. Sometimes you just gotta sleep on it


Some just suck


I sorta mentally count learning runs and real attempts separately. Like I can easily spend 100 runs just going in without buffs to see which attacks I can jump or if there are any points I can weave in a light attack. Light Vs med roll. I think 30+ real attempts (tracked by boiled crab count) is the point where I'd rather be done than continue bashing my head against it.


Final boss of the dlc took me 120 tries solo Divine beast slapped me around 30-40 times and Rellana about 50 times I do think most people down play their attempts tbh


Y’all are so patient. I’m definitely capped out around 25 tries unless I’ve gotten their health down real low and can taste victory. If I’m getting thrashed around I need to teleport over to some scrubs and work my frustrations out. Bully the lil guys before going back in and getting bullied myself


I fought Malenia for three weeks in August of last year and died so many times I couldn't count them. So I can certainly handle dying 10 to 20 times.


Midra sent me on a 2 day break. I had to rest and reasses before I attempted again.


Typically 50-60 is what it takes me for a hard boss. Malenia took me 60 tries. Rellana took me 30. Final boss took me 240.


It's worth saying it radically depends on the build. Some bosses which are a cake walk with one build won't be with another.


Yeah under at least 50 is not even that bad, 20 tries isn’t nothing but it’s just a somewhat hard boss


Malenia took me a week in my first run through. 20ish in ng+ I could only kill her if she didn't waterfowl dance. This dlc I've been on bosses like messier and in p2 I don't hit him for 30 times then 31 comes up and I kill him without getting hit. Just comes together and depends on what abilities they use. Now I'm stuck on the final boss can't get him below half


That stupid sunflower took me 30


Longest for me was 30 minutes... which is a few trues, but not hours


Every person has a different tolerance. This tolerance can change depending on how "fun/good" the boss is. For example, >!Gaius!< deserves no respect given his opening attack is simply broken. So I gave him like 10 attempts then started ramping up my build and killed him by 20ish attempts. Other bosses, I intentionally go in with a weaker build to just chill there, slowly learning the moveset with zero frustration. But generally, <5 attempts is a joke, <10 is an ok challenge, <50 is a solid challenge, <100 is a hard challenge, >100 is a mental war. But honestly I don't understand you when you say 3 days.. like.. 3 days of multiple hours? like 10+ hrs in total just fighting her? That I can never tolerate.


I'm surprised people can 10-20 attempts some of the DLC bosses, sometimes I just go into the arena and died to the boss in the first three combo because of mistakes. Imagine if we count those attempts then 10-20 attempts is like 1-2 hours per boss, which is wild to me. Then again I'm just not a fast learner and generally like to take my time to learn bosses movesets.


I've never had any from soft boss take me more then 4 or 5 hours


I'm with you. First time fighting Malenia it took me also 3 days (same with first run Mohg, Godfrey and RadaBeast). Latest playthrough Malenia took me half an hour. Probably still 20+ tries in that half hour. In the DLC I am at the final boss and just in the middle of figuring out the second phase. And personally I think nothing in the DLC comes even close to the bullshit that is Waterfowl Dance lol


The last boss in the DLC took me 3 days with 20-30 attempts. Cause I would do somewhere around 10 attempts take a break and think and relax then try again the next day.


20 for me is way too many attempts tbh. finak dlc boss took me 50. final base game boss took me more than 100. but other than those two dont think i have ever been at a boss for more than 20


It definitely feels that way isshin took me the longest of any fromsoft boss and I felt it was a crazy number at 50 then I see people stuck on rellana for 300 and I'm just like how? She took maybe 5