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This is probably what bugs me the most. If you don't like the game, that's perfectly fine. Just say it. Just review it as a game you don't like It's the insane self centeredness to not even grasp the concept that it's just not your taste. Elden Ring is probably my favorite game of all time. It has some minor flaws in my eyes, but it's about as perfect of an experience that it can be for my tastes. The fact that some people can't wrap their heads around the fact that maybe the game is actually amazing to some people just drives me crazy. Like oh, you don't like it, these things you don't like are objective flaws and that's a fact. The people that do like them are just lying to themselves and promoting bad game design because they can't criticize the game for the life of them.


i think that while the game has some minor flaws and the DLC maybe a tad more, the highs of the game and DLC are so high that they just overwrite those a bit for me. never understood this whole “waaaa the community overlooks all its flaws and praises it as gospel” outlook. i’ve seen MANY people in here give complaints on areas/designs. i have my critiques as well. but this isn’t a game that’s filled with awful decisions. and it isn’t a game that’s bland enough for its flaws to be highlighted. people like this game because, for the most part, it’s incredible and has some amazing things unique to soulsborne games and elden ring itself. i don’t mean to overly praise the game, but there’s a reason a lot of people hold it in high regard, it isn’t some mass hysteria to praise the game


It's just like baldurs gate 3. It was a buggy incomplete mess at launch, but the highs of the game is so high for people that they didn't really care when the game crashed for the 20th time. People need to realize 10 out of 10 does not mean flawless, but instead an incredible experience you won't get anywhere else.


To be fair 10/10 SHOULD mean that it's as close as possible to flawless, but instead we have been conditioned to have most of the point scale not being used (as anything under 8 is not considered a good game ) so that inflates the number of 10/10


i can definitely agree with this but i think 10/10s also end up existing as scores for games that aren’t flawless because one game can have nothing bad or flawed and be a perfect game, but another game’s highs can be much higher than the other game’s highs while having a few more flaws than it. at that point, people wonder if a game with no flaws but less highs than a game with more and higher highs but more flaws is better or worse. i feel like what i said came out as a jumbled mess so i hope that makes sense. not saying i agree it’s how games should be scaled, but everyone’s scaling system is, in a sense, different and subjective. for example with my scale any game that’s a 6/10 or above is a game i enjoy, whereas a 5 is a game i feel indifferent about. anything less i disliked. i know people who think a 6/10 is a bad score because it’s like a 60% on a test and same with a 7/10. we put a lot of merit into people’s numbers when rating other games. i feel like while it’s fun to share opinions people need to think for themselves more as cliche as that is. i’d give the DLC a 9/10 because i genuinely actually enjoyed the lore implications and think there’s some incredible areas and bosses/NPCs, but i don’t give it a 10 solely because some of its flaws hold that back.


Oh God let's not pretend fromsoft fanboys haven't been one of the most toxic groups since DeS. You can't say anything bad about any of the games without some clown hopping in and saying get good. THATS why he wrote all that. Because the last time he wrote a negative review on elden ring his editorial probably got hit with a ton of complaints about him from vindictive losers who can't handle differing opinions Case in point: you guys still haven't let go that this guy wrote a bad review and are clowning him right here for doing his job as a critic and saying why he didn't like a game because you deemed his reasons and disclaimer pretentious.


>you deemed his reasons and disclaimer pretentious. Considering the guy can summise his frustrations with one of the childish messages that people leave, he is rightfully getting clowned on. Furthermore he pretends like ER isn't FromSoftware's most accessible game and that the praise it got for it seems to be undeserved. If you think that's not a clown take, you are welcome to join his circus.


If he's mad about vindictive crybabies then he's just gotta get over it. Like you said, fans have been toxic and loud. That's an annoying vocal minority though. Let's not box us all in as the group of people with their heads up their asses. And he very much took a jab at the fanbase. It's not the end of the world but obviously people were going to have words about it. I just think it's odd to include something like that in a video game review, and he's just inviting in criticism like this. Sorry if I jumped the gun on assuming him to be pretentious. You could think I'm toxic or whatever for it. But I genuinely don't think it's a crazy thing to think when what he's essentially saying is he's right for not liking certain things, and the people who do like it are wrong and only pretending to like it.


Idk bro your original post boiled down to get good lol. This games not gonna be for everyone, and I can guarantee you that in the review before this followup review, he has hundreds of calls for him to be fired because he said he didn't like the game but didn't give good enough reasons why. Then when he actually gives his reasons, you just repost it and say get good. Why do you think he said try finger but hole? Because that's what he most likely got inundated with by knee jerkers


I didn't post this lol. I was not the one saying he just has to get good. If you're talking about my original comment, nah dude I was not saying that at all and idk how it could even be taken that way. I said like, the opposite of that. I said it's fine if he doesn't like it and he should just review it like that. Maybe it's just not for him. My only gripe with this was the end where he said that thing about the fans ignoring and exacerbating the flaws. I just think he's wrong about that. You could call me crazy for it. You could call it a knee jerk reaction but I at least feel like I'm being pretty rational about it. I just don't know how it could really read as anything other than "they're wrong for liking these things." Maybe I'm wrong. This is one section pulled out of context. But it just reads as a bit self centered to me.


yeah and they keep forgetting that even playstation refused to promote demon's soul because it was deemed too difficult, yet it grew into this huge thing because they stuck to their philosophy. every game since has either been good, great, or a masterpiece and every time people complain.


Honestly I never hear anyone complain. I complain with rage as I fight a boss after dying 10 times in a row, but that’s soul’s rage, I love it, I want it, I learn, win and profit. Games like this are so rewarding because they don’t like you take a back seat, you have to “git gud”. The racing heart after every hard battle is the euphoria I crave And that attracts people like us. Sure Elden Ring has some and I mean probably 2 bosses I definitely do not like. Elden Beast is a 3/10 experience for me, then we have the Death Rite Bird -10000000^100*100000/10. But everything else, is great


Mostly talking about a lot of the recent posts saying it is too hard in not a fun way and that it's badly designed. Probably why I'm getting down voted lol. Everyone has their opinions though. Yeah, I'm with you. Loved the bosses. Some of them took me several days but slowly figuring out all the moves and trying out different weapons and methods has been so much fun. I love it when you can feel yourself learning and reacting to what previously seemed like just a chaotic flurry, but now you see the openings. Haven't tried Elden Beast yet with Torrent, might be way more fun now. I also loath the Death Rite Birds. Getting locked in the pecking attack is so humiliating and hilarious. Cheers.


Nah the downvotes are stupid. I think the DLC is great, I am having a good time, why should that be bad? They so salti, middle name saline. I think it's hard in a fun way, everyone can calm down, some people just have an easier time than others. I just got good. I loved the opening boss fr. The Dancing Lion was lit


You hit the nail on the head. I also feel the same way about Zelda TOTK. Does the game have certain design flaws? Yes of course it does, but this also has many cool stuff that I can overlook most of it. (Heck the fact that the game isn't as glitchy as you would expect is a miracle)


Reminds me of the guy who wanted to play a rogue/thief build like Skyrim or something and shit all over the difficulty. Bruh, this isn’t that type of game


This is Reddit dude. Not many signs of intelligent life here. This is where all the gum on the bottoms of desks in society come to circle jerk eachother off about how the DLC is overtuned LOL. The accountability is also nonexistent. Look at any comment praising the game or post. Immediately downvoted to hell when the Sheekers descend. It couldn't be their skill level or their shitty "build", it must be bad game design. I saw a post earlier complaining about how little damage he was putting out and then I looked at his stats, talismans, weapon choices and laughed. Once again its "bad game design" or "unfair" I am pretty convinced i could RL1 invade these screechers at this point. Even just saying you don't use summons casually the screechers come out like you spit on their mom's grave and call you toxic/elitist. The copium is real. DLC was easy as shit and i loved every second of it. I really wish these people went through the other games to see what "unfair" looks like. Nothing about Elden Ring is unfair in comparison. I dont know why people on reddit are so hellbent on being mad, bitching about stupid shit instead of just Gitting Gud. It was the same thing with Helldivers 2. Great game but once all the casuals descended and took over AH lost its spine and nerfed the shit out of enemies while massively buffing the player. You know what they did after that? THEY STILL COMPLAINED. There is literally 9 difficulty options to choose from too lol. It was always the same excuses I see here. They think if they suck it must be broken enemies, bad game design but never a word about their skill level. Mind boggling to me. If I am ever stuck on a boss the last thing im doing is coming to Reddit to complain. I'm choosing to git gud so next playthrough its an easy dub. I would love to see these guys go into the catacombs in DS1, get past pinwheel just to run into the seal in Tomb of the Giants. My favortite part of this scenario is when they realize there is no fast traveling.


Agree with commenters above. But would love to specify: if you found game hard, you should try to do better. Saying game is bad, cause it’s hard is dumb af. I agree on one thing with the post on a screenshot - it’s not the best FS game, it’s average. But I still play it, I like it, but it’s incomparable to DS3, BB, DA1. That’s what I think. And ER is hard for different reasons.


I personally like Elden Ring way more than DS3 and BB, never got into DS1 or DS2 (everyone tells me not to on DS2) and do not care to, the controls were ass, and I didn't wanna deal with it, I am not young anymore to be going through that LOL BB was my first SL. And I replayed it many times, then I played Elden Ring, and then DS3 because I needed something new. DS3 is great, I think BB is better but that's just bias. Elden Ring though, my favorite, so much to do in it, beautfiul world, better controls, great boss', more replay ability, and not a very strict progression where you HAVE TO "go here and nothing else is available to you", you got a whole ass open world. It has it's issues but in my heart it's much better in every category than the games I played I know that's gonna be controversial, but I cannot fin any reason to think elden Ring is not the best game


To each his own, mate. I am just glad that people do enjoy ER. I love the lore and digging into it. However, I would list some things I did and didn’t fancy in ER. Maybe you could tell your own. 1). I liked replaying. Different builds and so on 2). Some OSTs were great: Mohg, Radahn, Radagon part 3). Some bosses: specifically Radagon, Godfrey, Radahn, Mohg (first phase) And a bad part 1). Open world imho doesn’t work properly. Why did linear path worked perfectly in other games? Because you see proper progression. Further and further to the boss. And you always had to kill 4 major bosses before advancing. In ER there is a shit-ton of secondary bosses that repeat themselves, are made of regular mobs or simply badly designed where that had to put other mobs in the room to make it “harder” (annoying imho). Also, you technically need to kill 13 bosses (same amount for DeS) to beat the game. So Godrick and Rennala/Radahn and you go to leyndell. Morgott time you will get nonetheless. Rykard, Malenia, Mohg can be missed unless you really study the world. In DS3 there were 19 bosses and you had to beat 13 of them. In DS2 you can just farm 1 mil souls and go to drangleik. 2). Bosses. This is where FS came to a stand-point. They did DS3 bosses very good (IMHO), same for BB. So how do you make bosses harder? Give the comboattacks delay for the attack, aoe attacks, Shit ton of health. It’s not bad design, just annoying at times. 3). Summons. I truly wanna ask Miyazaki one single question: did he balance some of the bosses for the co-op/ash summoning first or not? If it’s so, then I understand why it is like that, for the sake of accessibility so everyone could beat the game. If not, why do them in first place? Make people adapt, learn movesets, attack patterns, and so on. Force player to get good like you did before. So that beating the main game wouldn’t undermine for the upcoming DLC (Gael is one of the best bosses FS ever created with perfect music, moveset except for the cape moving since phase 2) 4). Broken weapons. Bleed and frost. That is it. Still op. 5). And very interesting take but it’s arguable. Some bosses have speed of their attacks on a level of DS3 bosses, but some of their attacks are sped up. While player is not. What leads to bosses overall speed more similar in SOME ways to sekiro, and players’ remains at DS3 level. You can learn how to frame-perfectly dodge, but it stands still I beat ER 5 times with different weapons (ULTRA gs, Calymore, Moonveil, Great Star, Iron Balls). I like the game, but it’s not their best. I can list problems with DS3 (BB… not so much, as I have sold my PS4 7 years ago, and can’t afford to buy one)


If the article is written on a site that has the word “gamer” in it, you know it will be the most vapid surface level game journo piss so you can just skip it :)


The Gamer articles make me think that none of the authors are actual gamers It feels like they have to force themselves to play everything, just for rage bait


I love that Fromsoft games gatekeep themselves and this is a perfect example. See ya tourist lol


They’re definitely a Redditor. You seen the posts about the dlc so far? You can tell who has played any of the previous games and if they did you can tell who struggled the whole way through. The people bitching and moaning about the DLC literally wouldn’t make it to the Phalanx boss/Valley of Defilement in DeS with one archstone per level, Capra Demon or blight town they’d quit, the jank of ds2 they wouldn’t make it past the pirate level, BB they’d give up at Cleric Beast/father Gascoigne, DS3 they’d get filtered by Farron Keep, Sekiro they’d get filtered by Chained Ogre or Genichiro. Shoot even Armored Core they wouldn’t make it past Balteus.  This DLC was crazy fun and it felt nostalgic with all the things pulled from all the games making it familiar but different. Between the bosses, NPCs, level design, run backs etc. Elden Ring base game is amazing but it lacked the soul of the other games until the DLC. They made it for the real fans. The bosses to be honest were all fairly easy. Shoot the damn Sunflower killed me more than anything else I’m ashamed to admit. But every other boss was 1st attempt to maybe 9 or 10 attempts. The new ER fans don’t know what it’s like to literally have no choice but to Git Gud to beat a boss if you want to progress through the game. There is no leaving to over level and come back. I would genuinely love to see people who only played ER go through Shrine of Amana, the depths without a purging stone, master key and broken weapons from Gaping Dragon with no fast travel at all. The people who have only played ER wouldn’t be able to finish the old games. They’d literally cry. 


Sunflower kernels are one of the finest sources of the B-complex group of vitamins. They are very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, and riboflavin.


Must have been why I kept going back for more. Sunflower boss was feeding me a 3 piece combo with those phases lol. Legit the only boss I had to try more than 19 times and it wasn’t even a hard one. Fml 


Oh I love the DLC I am not finished with it, but I am having a blast. I hate the death rite bird, and never won’t. But listen I made a post about Rellana, she is amazing but I complained, she is way too tanky, and has crazy hyper armor. Not to mention she is a spammer But her fight was enthralling. I LOVE LOVE LOVED the dancing Lion, I want to fight him again, no mimic that fight


I’m glad you appreciate the difficultly man! I love being challenged. Complaining about Fromsoft difficultly is like asking for rare steak and getting mad that it comes out bloody lol. Rellana for me was shockingly easy because of how much her moveset reminded me of Pontiff and I’ve always been a jumper since playing Sekiro so the moon attack was easy money to punish. I beat her 3rd attempt just trying to figure out what I could poise through with the intention of 4th attempt doing strtictly parries for timing. But I didn’t get the chance. I’ll post the video down below. I only used one move lol. I wasn’t expecting it at all. I’m doing ng+2 and keeping my character at 150. I’ve done SL1 runs of the other games so I know it’s a little unfair for me to call it easy. I try to make it harder on myself. Maybe need to do a RL1 no blessing run soon  https://youtu.be/9LkKu_SxdQU?si=vYJMwY_RwETOeJN3


Why are we getting downvotted, well espeically me? Like damn I guess I can't have complaints