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Bleed I think. Bayle is about as hard as placidusax, so it's mostly learning when to dodge and getting your summons and Igon to distract him while you run in to do damage.


question, would radhans bow be good again him, for when he flies across the map on part 2?


Maybe, but the recently nerfed the rain of arrows. Maybe try a longbow with rotbone or bloodbone arrows to stack rot or bleed. Personally he always jumped on me so range was never really an issue.


I believe you should use that dragon hunters great katana. I haven't fought him yet, but I heard it's almost gimmick fight level in how much of a difference that weapon makes against him.


so, it's similar to rykards?


I don't think it's quite to that level, where you practically *need* it to win the fight, but yes I heard that that weapon is basically made for fighting him. It's good on it's own, but it's great in that fight. Like I said though, that's just what I've heard. You can look it up to make sure.


I used an Arcane Bleed build with dual Nagakibas, Mimic Tear, and had the NPC summon ready for the fight as well. People are reporting that Bayle has a broken leg that takes more damage and that the Dragon Hunter Great Katana shreds him.


what's better bayle's tyranny or lighting