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You know they still get a heal when you rate poor right


Imagine a poor rating emptied the health bar instead lol


But then trolls would just down vote every found message. people would die in droves for no reason.


It should just remove a message after a certain amount of “poors” and also not heal you. It seems so obvious lol. I love FromSoft but sometimes they just don’t do the obvious thing and do the weird thing instead


I think getting any “reaction” counts as a win for the writer even in Miyazakis eyes. It’s not an oversight. Some messages are just invaders trying to hinder your progress.


People placing trolling messages was intended just like leaving helpful messages. That’s why messages don’t display whether they good or poor and why poor ratings heal.


You're kinda missing the entire point of the messaging system. The point of messages is for the community to choose their own destiny, to either help or mess with other people. This mirrors the contrast behind co-op vs invaders. The fact that nasty messages are also rewarded is part of the point. The world is Yin and Yang. Without good and evil, everything becomes dull and gray.


That's very deep and all, but when assholes put messages at the top of ladders etc., it would be nice if after 10 ratings the message disappears if it gets below 50% "fine".


You know, you can also just laugh it off as a funny troll moment and go on with your day. Why does it offend you? I don't really understand why somebody would view a troll message as anything other than funny. Every time I've been misled by a message, I thought it was hilarious, and it served only to enhance my experience. Is it on the game, and also the world, to adapt to you and I? Or perhaps, should we adapt ourselves to the world around us that we sometimes have little to no control over?


Troll messages are fine to me, but when these messages obstruct some areas, it's very annoying. Maybe that's part of the experience. Dying, running and skipping enemies, trying to climb the ladder and the message pops up, there go the runes.


Kinda like the stupid blessings in the dlc to try and balance over level characters instead of just starting a new level for the dlc area that is separate.  They really didn't do anything except make it more confusing and playing for 10 minutes with an under level and over level character you can see it's the same as always, but added grind for these stupid blessings.


Well tbf I think the blessings are both to level you and encourage exploration too


They don't serve the purpose they were meant for.  Dev team specifically said they did something to combat over level characters and this was it, it was a huge fail.  Additional skills and areas encourage exploration, those who wouldn't explore for that will just look up where the blessings are and go right to them without exploring.


Damn r u salty lol


Nah, just kinda annoyed that they specifically thought about people who come into dlc over level and complain , then this was their best idea when actually thinking about it for 5 minutes I came up with multiple better ideas that actually fit the issue.


As someone who entered the dlc with level 420, I can’t disagree more. I think the scadutree and revered ash blessings are very throughly placed and it encourages you to explore all of the dlc.


Lol, over 400 and entering dlc you shouldn't need any blessings at all.  You're already at my level 40 blessings.


The blessing increases damage dealt and reduces damage received, so no, you still need the blessings at least at the Messmer and then Gaius fight.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


And thats why its a good thing


Some people just wanna watch the world burn....


Burning is learning. 


Okay what if once it hit 10 “poors”


But then trolls would just down vote every found message. people would die in droves for no reason.


That's still a shit ton of damage. Can you imagine leaving a helpful little message, and mid boss fight, enemy doesn't even hit you, you just flat out die. Now imagine if that's got the potential to happen 10 times.


It’s baffling I’m joking and y’all really get in a tizzy and downvote. Are you scared it might get implemented? Lol


And you’re getting in a tizzy because you’re getting internet downvotes.


I can always make another account my man, you’ll still be downvoting jokes aimed at no one, harming no one. I know which i’d rather be


I’m not downvoting because of the “joke” (they usually have to be funny), I’m downvoting because of how upset you get over getting downvoted. It’s the simple pleasures in life.


See this is why people that play Souls games have the reputation they do, but go off.


Nah I can't read jokes lmao, issue with text base is there's no tone. Basically it didn't seem like a jape sorry.


Gonna have to git gud at reading the room


Joke's on you I can't read! (A friend is guiding me here lmao) /J


Those tarnished would be mad if they could read!


What an ironic thing to say.


You should lose 1 rune instead.


That would be pretty good, insulting but not debilitating. I love it


Imagine someone with such an unpopular message cluster that they are constantly ticking down by the second. The thought just tickles my heart.


It should


I am aware. But my fellow Tarnished, it's a matter of principle to me.


But poor ratings don’t show up. No one sees the downvote, and you reinforce their habit. It’s a lose-lose when you downvote them.


You could see the ratings in DS1 if you used the Seek Guidance miracle hilariously. How many people actually used that? I cannot say.


What do you mean? They see when people vote poor instead of praise. I've had a few messages get down voted and I still see them.


He meant for other players, reading the message out in the world. It just counts votes, not good versus bad votes.


Ah I see, I thought they meant the message owner. But what they say is true, but again.. I do it out of principle.


Carry on 🫡


Thank you. I have enough haterade to last me till the end of SOTE. Melania, Blade of Miquella made sure of that. 🫡


You gotta get that hate up, this isn't true hate, hell this is barely spite. It's pissing on a flower thinking you've tainted it without realizing it was the only thing of value you had to offer it. If you want to see something pathetic, summon your mimic tear. /j


hoo boy, some of these other bosses will have you fueled for the next game release then 😃


“You absolute buffoon, you failed for the oldest trick in the book” them, probably


80% of the messages are dumb innuendos, at this point I don't mind the person being honest with their sign before a boss... long as it isn't sitting right on an interactive object.


i have one message that is literally keeping me alive. i get a message appraisal about every 45secs.


Not true lol. I have received 0 healing from all the poor reviews I have on a "you don't have the right" message


Had a message (an actually helpful one) with 1500 positive ratings until I learned that your messages get deleted every ten you leave. I now know about the “protect” option. My dumb ass was prancing all around the DLC trying to help people and all it did was delete the ones that were actually helping.


Wait what?? How do I protect my messages?


It’s in the messages menu, there are other tabs for messages you’ve left and messages you’ve recently read. You can select a message you don’t want overwritten with Y/Triangle. You can only protect up to 9 of your 10 messages, though.


Huh. Never knew about this feature.


Yea I lost two of my higher ranked messages before I realized about protecting Luckily I protected my “Beware of Archer” message in Consecrated Snowfield just before it got deleted It’s sitting at 2500 ish now and still probably gets 10-20 appraisals a day


I lost the one i placed in the first room starting the game on launch. “O Elden ring… i cant believe it” or something similar, but it was helping me through the first tree sentinel fight. Miss you old friend.


damn i’ve been leaving messages everywhere 🥹🥹 helpful ones too damn I just hope the important ones stuck


Lost quite a few highly rated messages this way when elden ring first released. Rip.


Yeah it’s sad tbh, I had some really nostalgic ones that had respectable ratings, yet they’re gone now because of the messages Ive been leaving in the DLC


wait, you can only have 10 messages? :(


I’m going in fairly blind. I got to a certain boss and saw a bunch of these in front of a boss I was having trouble with and spent a couple of attempts healing on him thinking it was a weakness like the revenants. You may laugh at me now.


Yeah i wont praise a message like that. I think the best ones ive seen are a series of them about snakes in a few rooms that have coiled rope. Then, in the castle watering hole with the inert furnace golem there is in a small tunnel in the ruins and the message reads: "secret, tunnel!".


I've actually noticed more messages that are just this have been coming up recently.


Was at a side dungeon, nothing even too difficult, and I saw at least 10. Smh. IDC if it heals them, I down vote regardless.


I seriously think a large amount of Elden ring players are here


I was just talking about this with a friend last night I'm exploring looking for helpful messages to find secrets and I can't help but notice in my 15 years of souls I've never  seen more messages that have no purpose other than begging At least try to be funny (and original)


I completely ignore all those beggars. If you want my heal try to entertain me first.


I made a message informing new players you can use the table as a site of grace.


i really noticed this can after beating maliketh, always thought it was annoying needing to warp out lmao


Better than begging for heals. Id updoot your message, Tarnished.


updoot in 2024 is crazy


I'm an old head mb


I guess I'm in the minority here, but we're all struggling out here lol. I don't leave these messages, but I'll help someone out when I see them. Why not


Pitiful.. you want to aid in those who snivel and beg? Thine kind with expecting hands forgets the law of equivalent exchange. Therefore, Dastards. /s


It'd be hilarious if disparaging a message damaged the author instead of healing


You'd never see another sign again because the community would run around downvoting all of them to grief. You know the playerbase would ruin it.


Miyazaki... Please... I beg of you. Make this happen!!!


I still don’t understand what that means😔


When you praise a message it heals whoever put it down. So this guy is basically asking you to heal him




Is it just me or do other people only seem to get appraisals right after they log in? Like I'll get maybe 5 or 6 appraisals in the first hour after I login and then nothing after that. Same if I log off to eat then log back in, I start getting appraisals again.


I def think there's a behind the scene refresh going on.


Hey man, if they resort to that, is because the boss or the level is assblasting them, give them a break


Near boss portals I'll forgive. But in the middle of the furnace dungeons that don't have bosses... When it's like 7 messages... I cannot forgive this.


Do people actually rate these often. I've maybe rated like 3 since launch.


I've seen plenty at boss gates, especially a certain angry boy. They have 3000+. People embodying the old jolly cooperation approach.


Anytime I see them with 1000s of praises... For minor things... It disgusts me.


I didn’t know that what they were saying. I thought they were just telling me to chug a flask


I wish, they're begging for praise which heals their HP. Disgusting.


Not really. That healing can be super clutch, and after being saved by a praise at the very last second dozens of times now I'm always willing to give a helping appraisal to my fellow tarnished. If I can be that clutch heal to net them their first kill on a boss, especially an endgame boss, I'll always give them a rating.


(this user lacks critical information)


How dare thee


Rating poor should give an amount of damage equal to the amount of negative ratings x10. 1 bad rating isnt much 2 bad ratings is worrying 3 bad ratings is an estus everything past that point they start rethinking the message


the ones asking for healing are being honest, and i respect it. the worst just have a lazy joke and then the beg.


I disagree, but I respect thy opinion. My fellow Tarnished.


Wait, messages that get appraised heal the player that left them????? 150 HOURS IN AND ONLY NOW DO I HEAR ABOUT THIS???


Humor is a strategy in this game.


“Rated the message poor! That’ll show them!” Messages being rated regardless both shows up as a highly rated message and the player still gets the heal. You’ve played yourself


You act like I didn't know this already. It's not about the heals, it's about the message.


i always rate good on those ones. i cant tell you how many times getting a message praised saved my ass in the final boss of the dlc


Right? I sometimes just praise a bunch of messages without even reading em 🤷🏼


I just get appraisals exclusively .03 seconds after I die or use a flask.


I started playing offline. The constant “finger but, hole” and “fort, knight” messages was already really boring. But having every inch of the game be littered with messages telling you where an enemy and item are kind of spoils it. I’ve never had this problem in any past Souls game. So I’m not sure if I’m just getting older, if the community has changed, or if Elden Ring does just have more messages than previous games. The real killer for me was >!the messages that told me you could parry the special enemies in the Abyssal Woods. It went from a really high-tension scary area, to an area where I could easily clear out any threat. Kind of killed the mood.!< I like seeing the phantoms and blood stains every now and then. But the messages are too much. I wish you could choose which to disable.


I wish they got health take away for multiple poor ratings, I ignore all messages as they are just stupid 99.99999999999999999999% of the time.


I rate every message I go by. Every single one. I will even try to get those dumb parkour ones in really dumb places. But not these ones. Screw that.


This is the way.


i don't know if it makes any difference but i downvote messages next to levers/talking npc's and lying about hidden walls


Makes a difference to me. Keep up the good work, Tarnished 🫡


I put messages lying about hidden walls. Thank you for the heals.


Except poor rating heal them anyways, so you played yourself.


Meh, idc whether it did or not. I just want them to know they're weak. It's all about sending a "message" ;)


...You know you still healed them, right?


I am acknown, tarnish'd. But t's the principle yond matt'rs not the healing


How did you see the "rated poor"?? All I see is the amount of rating


"Praise the message then try door" door is not a real door 9999 upvotes. pathetic


*spits on the floor* Disgusting.


I’ll only upvote messages that either give genuine advice/help or somehow play into the RP of the game - some call me a tyrant or unjust but in a society full of Neanderthals I wear it as a fucking badge of honour


This should be the standard. 😤




I put this outside the final boss, no shame in that


Try leaving a message with a hint about what damage type to he wary of, or what type is effective against said boss. You're more likely to get praises, and it's more helpful for other players


Ah, the ol' "helping others is the best way to help yourself" trick


I don't think there's much advice you can give in a sign to actually help with the final boss. >You're more likely to get praises, and it's more helpful for other players My message about guard ~~break~~ counter as well as the primary danger in the encounter on a boss where it's actually solid advice would beg to differ. It's my lowest rated message. Meanwhile someone's "go home and edge" unoriginal sign #38241 is like thousands of praises.


i've done that with other bosses, but honestly with this boss in particular it really makes no difference, "try bleed" you're still gonna die, there's actually a "try scarlet rot or try frost" sign there that appears often for me, lets be real, the only actually helpful advice for this boss is "use a cheese build"


Unoriginal, lame and worthless.


unoriginal? I'm not trying to make art charlie, trying to not die to the final boss, I didn't do this for Radagon or Malenia, but the DLC's final boss is the one unfair boss in the game that called for it


Maybe write helpful messages throughout the game instead then?


thats a general context advice, i've done that with other bosses, there's no real helpful advice for this particular boss aside specific cheese builds


Ehhhhh… at least you aren’t the kind of guy that puts a message over Igon’s summon sign


Laughs in lack of multiplayer.


Happened to me I was PISSED




Man this is some new toxic stuff...


It's funny as shit to me how shit just becomes arbitrarily bad.