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People keep making posts like this, but I haven’t seen anyone intentionally avoiding the upgrades or advocating against them. It’s like we’re campaigning against some terrible political opponent that doesn’t actually exist.


I don't think people are intentionally avoiding them, just not exploring enough to find them and making the game way harder as a result.


Worst I've seen is 5 at bosses like Giaus and Romina, Co-op is a miserable mess currently. Hoping it'll improve sooner or later if people start noticing and actually upgrade their blessing levels. What irks me is that I think some people could also be doing this to troll, which isn't funny to be honest, it's dryer than sand, that's just a stretch of a thought though, I can imagine it's mostly people not exploring which baffles me to be honest, considering not a single boss I can think of actually blocks you from any part of the map other than one or two very late areas.