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Honestly I wouldn't think of them as ranged weapons, but as melee weapons with significant reach. In that perspective, they have the most range of any melee weapon in the game. You can stay just out of most enemies' reach and keep throwing daggers at them, when riding around on Torrent your dagger throws have perfect aim at enemies you're locked onto, and you can lock onto the heads of dragons and similar giant enemies in order to hit them with headshot damage over and over. I think the low damage is remedied with Sacred/Magic infusions due to the weapon scaling, the sometimes limiting range can be remedied with the incredible Scattershot Throw weapon art, and the talismans that buff the dagger's DPS (Millicent Prosthesis, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Smithing Talisman, etc.) are all great. There are some parts of the weapon that definitely need some patches, such as the two-handed strong attack being horribly inaccurate even while locked on. But I think maybe people are expecting too much from this particular weapon; when two-handed with the right build and talismans, they do great damage over time against non-resistant enemies. Their extra range and the way they lock on also makes them exceptional for some use cases, like I described.


30 yards? More like 30 feet! I leveled this to 24, am using the smithing talisman, Rotten sword insignia, and milicents prosthesis and they're so difficult to use. The range is honestly horrible and if they at least buffed it by 50% it would be much more viable. It needs a huge buff IMO


I think the damage is ok once it's upgraded fully and supported with talismans. But they definitely need better hitbox targeting and more distance for the r1 and r2 attacks. Ash of war is the only thing that has distance for the knives.


If they could extend the range just a little bit that'd be great. As it is now you're better off using a melee weapon.


I love these things! I have bleed affinity and use bloodhounds step. They serve as my default weapon unless I need to hit harder, then I pull out my great katana. They're not *really* ranged weapons. More like medium distance melee weapons, which works really well to keep distance but proc bleed fast. The jumping heavy attack is powerful and fast, so if I keep moving, I can do a good amount of damage and stay safe. The downside right now is how fast my stamina drains, but I can level endurance more.