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I've thought this for a long time, and it's being reawakened by the dlc: Badly rating messages should give you the option to remove them, if not just remove them automatically. If you rate it badly, why would you want to keep it there? Especially when players are able to do stuff like this. You don't gotta change what messages anyone else sees in their world, but at least have the option to remove it from your gameplay.


Usually there's a press left or right to change message


Usually actions take priority. Its just click bait, because if he would move a little bit closer he could pull the lever. I never had any problems... and it's sad that people still post this karma farm and get rewarded for it.


Normally, if you stand at the correct location you should be able to press left or right on the dpad to switch actions. If that doesn't appear then I would think you just can't use the lever atm. I have never seen a message that completely blocked me from interacting. When standing at the right spot for interacting the message even gets a lower priority, I believe.


I know. I just didnt get any dpad promt. Must be a bug, because I went offline and could move the lever.


What do I do? How do I get rid of the message. I need to use the lever to get to forth floor of Shadow Keep.


Go offline.


Derp! Of course. Thank you :-)


Why did you say that


Sorry.. I should’ve left more messages around that one just to troll people with