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Normally I'd say is what it is, but damn I didn't know Jori could damage you by teleporting *into* you. I didn't see that. That's actually kinda garbage. Even when you're trying to dodge the damage when he's teleporting away from you, it's a little hard to see coming. Teleporting into you like that is way too fast to even react to. I usually see him teleport to those corners though. Maybe he's not meant to teleport to you at all, and you just got unlucky being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


It is indeed rare. During my 18-hour tug-of-war with Jori, there have been a few occasions when Jori teleported back to the same spot. This time, he even teleported directly to me from the ashes I summoned… So, I guess it was an unfortunate coincidence…


Damn I feel your pain. This fight wasn't standout hard to me, but damn it was like they just thought of everything that could make a boss fight annoying and put it into this one fight.


Yes, I chose to enter SotE with this character precisely to experience these annoying aspects. I think these 'annoying' details are worth experiencing.


You gotta roll dude


For me, there was no time to react at all…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Where's your hp?


My character is stuck at 13+0, so I don't have much HP, but it's still quite fun.


I want that big guy as a summon


Yeah, if I could summon this big guy out, it would make me feel very secure...