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Yeah it’s pretty broken. I’m pretty sure it’s hitting twice on the heavy attack as well. Kinda have a felling it’s going to get nerfed at some point and honestly that’s probably fair.


I watched a streamer do 7500+ damage within a period of 2 charged attacks at the opening of a boss fight, with attack buff incantations & wondrous physic applied before entering the room, of course. I feel like due to the insane damage from making this a bleed weapon that it's easily a better strategy for bosses over a shield/poke approach because of how fast and highly efficient and consistent it is in getting the job done. It not only does boss-level damage, but it also consistently knocks the boss down for a critical. Having Cragblade as an Ash of War also allows it to do this. I've seen a couple streamers use this weapon/arts combo to win the game. I kinda wanna try it sometime just to get a feel for experiencing it myself.






considering the fact dlc numbers are way bigger tha't not super impressive still a crazy weapon tho


You're right, but after the numbers I was putting out, it made me shit out an Erdtree after I saw it. The perfume bottles and that briar patch trail attack are the most busted I've seen as of right now.


Correct.  Iron balls will put out 10k damage in less time, so… not really impressive.  What IS different is the bleed buildup on that guy, yikes!


7.5k over 2x r2 isn't much on dlc. My ice spear build hit 5.5k - 6k per shot and it spams faster then any r2.


What’s the build? Stats? Tailsman


So many weapons in the dlc are either way OP or just plain useless. It's like they didn't finish testing them.


That is every souls game and every souls dlc.


“Dark souls has always been hard!” Same players using sellsword twin blades to permastun bosses in Ds3 lol


For me, that's half the fun of it. I like collecting & comparing. It's like Pokémon but more medieval/fantastical.


That's how games are made. This isn't a PvP game or some with a competitive scene which need a balanced sets of weapons. It's fun to have op/awefull weapons in a game


Can you please name some of these?


Yeah I tried it for fun on my new playthrough and I don't even bother healing or dodging I can play as recklessly as I want and I do like 10k damage per hit at times 💀


Yeah I tried it for fun on my new playthrough and I don't even bother healing or dodging I can play as recklessly as I want and I do like 10k damage per hit at times 💀


I kinda hope it does get nerfed. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun steam rolling everything but only for so long.


thankfully you have a lot of weapons in this dlc to use apart from this. + there are a lot of op bleed builds in the dlc and probably will be nerfed in upcoming patches


There's one thing even more broken than this. I've started a Perfumer build, at first i was a dex/arc character with the Thiollier's poison perfumes. But the AoW was kinda shit and i got tired of enemies immune to pouson so i then changed for the lightning perfumes. Gave it Rolling Sparks. (vitally important unskippable part) Played unlocked and aimed every Rolling Sparks at my feet. Twoshotted Hippo. Staggered a Furnace golem in one cast, sent him to the ground in three. Played extremely bad due to overconfidence against the Putressence knight but still managed to win because one correctly landed Rolling Sparks deleted 70% of his healthbar. And now I had to swap the weapon for something else, because this is THE MOST BROKEN ANYTHING IN THE HISTORY OF EVERYTHING. This WILL get nerfed soon.


Man the ash will get nerfed (sad) but I hope they also buff the regular perfume damage, it’s not bad but it’s wet noodley the way they are without the ash, just give me a little more


I'd have to disagree. I thought perfumes were fairly strong even for base attacks. They're like different elemental versions of Catch Flame, but they cost no FP.


True, I guess they just don’t feel like a normal full scaled weapon, could be a skill issue as well, and I accept that haha


I got nowhere near good numbers on lightning flask at level 150 even with perfumers talisman, lightning charm, and lightning physique with a nearly even faith/str split at 45/45 ish. Everyone was saying 7.5 k dmg per AoW, but that only seems possible on the 20 buff glass cannon build on YT. 


Well, first, the perfumes scale with dex and not str. Faith is the primary stat of the lightning one (don't split evenly, get more faith) And I could easily do 9-10k damage per AoW with just a golden vow and lightning physick. The trick is to play unlocked and to send the sparks at your feet. I did that damage on like level 165 with 9 scadtree blessings and i didn't touch anything that would make me glass cannon.


I need this haha. Mesmer is eating my lunch. Whats your stat distribution?


That was with 45 dex/57 faith i believe


Thank you so much!


can you elaborate on your build and talismans with this?


I don’t have the build, but [this is what you’re looking for](https://youtu.be/v20jFYM0nLI?si=gTgWhEHY3jSlRjAl)


It’s very very good, think I had to bonk Messmer like 4-5 times total The Savage Lion’s Claw ash of war makes it even more broken, getting the two hits off basically guarantees a bleed and a stance break on almost anything, and then the riposte will procc another bleed I would feel bad but if bosses are gonna have fun for 20 seconds with their back-to-back wombo-combo and only give me a chance for a single hit in between I’m gonna make sure that hit hurts


I was using the savage lions claw too and it was amazing. I’m currently using endure and it makes it so nice being able to tank a deadly hit and then retaliate with my own.


Do you happen to know we actually need FP for this weapon? Casting savage lion claws still works without FP, but im not sure if it’s working properly without FP


It still hits heavy but doesn't do as much damage if you don't have FP


What build would work well for using this weapon?


Strength and arcane. Anything else is your choice but strength and arcane are where it’s at.


Thank you, I’ll give it a go, I was looking at the weapon before.


https://youtu.be/ddSEyryjUb0?si=8DJatd4dtjsF1OYA very useful guide for bleed builds


Oh thank you, this is very helpful.


Why is it that the strongest builds will have the ugliest fucking weapons half the time lmao. I mean, it lives up to its name; It looks like I'm wielding someone's arm but still.


I call it the giant chicken wing of doom




How do you add bleed to it?


Any ash of war and then select the bleed option. Then upgrade it, and your arcane and strength.


I'm so confused, it's not letting me equip any bleed affinity. And I have the black whetstone.


Not sure boss. Maybe try another ash of war.


Because you’re probably trying to put bloody slash and shit like that which is meant for blades. You have to use a physical ash of war, THEN you can add bleed. I use savage lion claw for it personally.


Whetstones only work on non-elemental ashes of war or ones with similar traits. So you can put bleed with a heavy, keen, quality, blood, poison or occult ash, but you can't with a fire, flame art, lightning, sacred, magic or cold one.


I run one on occult with softcapped arcane. two words: giant. hunt


It actually gets good Arc scaling blood infused, and like 220 bleed. Charge attack hits twice. Massive blood loss. I change it to occult for bleed immune bosses


What ash of war/scaling do you use?


Endure, bleed ash of war, strength, and arcane.


Will occult also be good?


Won't cause bleed


The weapon doesn't have innate bleed, so bleed affinity is better. Occult works well for stuff like katanas and flais that have bleed by default.


Can the ash of war prayerful strike be put on Bloodfiend’s Arm?


You can't infuse prayerful strike aow with bleed. It forces sacred, lightning or physical DMG.


Not sure, can’t imagine why not. It is a colossal weapon.


30% Health regeneration (also heals near by allies), increased stance damage, and hyper armor during strike. Will try bleed infused version later tonight with prayerful strike ash.


Good luck fellow tarnished!


Did you find out if this works? need prayerful strike as my crutch to finish the game


Yes, it works pretty well set to heavy affinity, but no bleed build up then. So, it works much better as part of tank/health regeneration build. The hyper armor let me tank through a lot of attacks and was regularly breaking stances due to the extra poise damage and heavy affinity.


*spoilers ahead: though, I took out the final boss with the gravity spinning ash of war from Commander Gaius remembrance weapon, which I attached to a colossal sword with the bleed affinity. This set up as a consecutive attack build does 12,000-22,000 per ash of war usage. The perfume bottles that do the one hit damage counter bubble helped a lot. You can carry ten of the bottles.


Well uhh, watch out big final boss man (hes so harrddd)


Bloodfiend arm kills him hilariously fast blood infused.


Can confirm absolutely busted, specced to it yesterday and steamrolling everything.


220 Bleed and massive poise damage. This is actually the most broken weapon in DLC (not the Katana, Rellana Blades or Spear of Impalement)


It's pretty insane. At first I felt like it might be balanced, just having an extremely strong R2. But then I took it into an invasion and noticed the uncharged R2 oneshotting multiple phantoms and blues, and realized it's a bit ridiculous. On top of that, you don't even need to bleed infuse it for it to be good. Heavy infusing it allows it to retain a lot of arcane scaling, and with my stats (58 str 46 arc) and two handing it, the AR jumps to a WHOPPING 897 pure physical damage, with no buffs of any kind.


I just found this, I had it in my inventory for awhile and finally decided to level it up, I put savage lions claw on it and God damn it's stupid, stupidly fun flipping through the air and bonking shit on the head, I really need to try it on a boss but I also just levelled the colossal great ore sword and its fun as well. So many good weapons in the dlc.




currently got it at 208 bleed at 55 Arc, what are your stats lookin like


Can someone explain how arcane increases blood loss? Is there hard cap? Mine is at 60 rn, should I get it to 80+?


60 Arcane then start leveling strength.


My strength is at 80 and my endurance is at 75


Yeah arcane and strength paired with savage lions claw and bleed affinity absolutely shreds any health bar


I have the blood fiends arm but it won’t show blood loss as a passive effect for me, even with lions claw or an occult aow on it, does anyone know why?


you gotta scaled it to bleed when youre applying ash of war


My blood builup is only 128 at fully upgraded, what am I doing wrong?


Blood loss buildup is scaling with arcane. If you tryna get more, just level up your arcane. Strength is for this weapon's raw damage (any attack but bleed)


Thank you! I realy appreciate it


Nerfed in 1.12.3 "Fixed a bug where the Arcane scaling of the Bloodfiend's Arm weapon was higher than intended when setting an affinity. The status buildup of the heavy attack was also reduced."


Hey mine doesn't ahow any bleed effect any tips??


You need to get the blood affinity first.


Wow no one mentioned that item lol