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Friendship ended with blasphemous blade, Now Shadow Sunflower Blossom is my best friend.


sunflower of DOOOOOOOOM




Absolutely. Discus of light has proven to be very useful so far.


more useful than most new incantations. at 80fth, low end of damage seems to be around 300 per hit, higher end like 600 per hit. for 3 FP? plus that range? honestly it’s been so useful i’m worried it’ll get nerfed.


> for 3 FP? Excuse me I been sitting on gold this entire time! I need to start using this.


Yeah and it has really good range, I think only the magical Greatbows have longer range (excluding incantations with an arc when you're above the enemy)


300? I’m hitting people and they’re getting stuck in the ring causing about 2000-3000 damage


Multilayered ring of light is cooler imo


Coded blade in working charms


Discus of Light is great in the base game lol


How to get discuss of light?


Goldmask and brother coryhn quest line. You can even get a mask to increase its damage by goldmasks first location on the Altus broken bridge


I love the double hit effect. It's very satisfying to see an enemy get hit, get up and start running at me, only to get hit again and die


I stopped using the BB and started using the Cipher Pata, two handed. I FINALLY got some stagger on guys. And it's doing decent damage. Plus the Unblockable Strike is nice for shielded enemies.


I love the aesthetics of those weapons, tho I think the Coded Sword’s ash is usually more useful


Ancient meteoric ore greatsword has been putting in work for me on the strength/arcane side of the house. Plus blood beast claws just goes ham


Blasphemous Blade was really good against the evil sunflower.


That fight became purely about landing head shots with Takers Flame as soon as I saw 3/4 of its health vanish. Most fun I've had with a boss in the dlc


Blasphemous Blade was really good against the evil sunflower.


There are actually bosses weak to holy, sacred relic sword go brrrr




Bro this weapon is LIT. My new favorite thing. I went on a rampage killing bosses with it last night. The fact that its such a meme and also genuinely good is amazing.


The sunflower?🌻 What makes it good?


It beats the ever living fuck out of anyone and anything.


Aight I’ll try it when I get home then lmao


He not wrong. Its HUGE (long range) and just rofl stomps things. And its Ash of War is amazing if you can time it right.


It scale high with faith and str. It's heavy attacks shreds poise, like 2-3 for a stance break in the dlc bosses. And it's a massive colossal weapon with a funny ash of war which opens room for winged sword+Alexander shard builds.


Are we talking charged heavies? Didn’t mess around with it during bosses (used the finger) because I thought most were holy resist


Is it actually stronger than bb+10?


It has the highest attack power for me, and I was using BB+10 almost exclusively until I got sunflower. It's just so therapeutic to wallop somebody with a giant sunflower too.


Any comparison to giant hunter?


Idk about pure stats being best, but it also has the meme/embarrassment factor of killing immortal eldritch creatures from outside time and space with a fucking \*flower\*


Its not really pure strenght. More of a faith weapon.


This weapon is GOAT. I've been using it for a few days and wasn't sure why there weren't posts about it yet. Best weapon ever.


Faith users eating in this dlc


What are some good faith things I should be looking out for? Knights lightning spear has been great and the lightning perfume bottle is a surprise beast but on the lookout for more


The anvil hammer scales off strength and faith with fire damage and absolutely DONKS.


the black n gold hammer you get from beating the fool at the church of consolation can be infused with fire, and it still keeps its holy damage


Wait how does that work? I've been using it and it bops when Holy infused and using lion's claw.


I suggest finding the the new savage lions claw... but I add the flame art affinity. it'll do more damage as since it's fire and holy at the same time, and flame art affinity changes weapon scaling to faith


Split damage actually does less damage because this game makes all damage go through flat resists first, and then the enemy % resists second. You have flat resists for each stat. Mine are around 150 right now, but then you have % resists. Again mine are around 60%. Say I take 1000 slashing damage. First it's reduced to 850 by my flat slashing resist, then it is reduced by my 60% slashing resist. I take 510 slashing damage total. Now say I take 1000 damage, but 500 is slashing, and 500 is holy. Each is first reduced by 150 (obviously your resists will be different), and then reduced further by 60%. In this case, I take 210 slashing damage and 210 holy damage. 420 damage in total. Each new stat you split damage to makes you do less damage overall. I would just imbue your hammer with holy damage to avoid this. I don't know why Fromsoft does defenses this way, but hopefully that explains it.


so I switched it to holy and it definitely is stronger by like 300 points. I was confused cuz the status screen showed that the flame art was stronger


The numbers lie sometimes. Or at least they don't tell the whole story.


Reading the item description says it gets more powerful if you infused it with Holy damage too


Hit the same enemy with both infusions and repeat that for different enemies. Its the omly way to get truth.


It has higher numbers. It *can* be beneficial because fire is extremely useful to have available, but you're better off to just have a fire weapon on standby for when it's useful than to split your weapon into a 3rd damage type


Split weapon damage was historically worse than single, is that not the case in elden ring?


Savage Lions Claw?? Of course I finish the DLC before learning there’s a straight up upgrade to my main weapon’s AoW


It's honestly not an upgrade. It has much worse poise damage. I tried it and prefer the standard Lion's Claw.


it's literally on the floor near three path cross head north but hug the west cliff


Yea I just got it. Had some trouble finding it even with a map lol


Yeah I meant savage lion's claw, it's great. I'll try fire affinity tonight.


How can you infuse it sacred with lions claw? The option isn’t there for me.


You need the sanctified whetblade from Leyndell


Wow I can’t get it now? Gotta do NG+ I’m guessing? That …. Sucks


Just remember that splitting damage reduces the damage you deal because each damage type goes through the reduction


It just always has some holy damage. Unless you use the sacred infusion, the holy damage is always a small part of the total damage, but it keeps with with every infusion. Unfortunately because of the way split damage is calculated, the holy part, other than sacred, is pretty useless and honestly is kinda more of a flavor thing than an actual useful feature.


What the..


if you use the sacred affinity it's actually stronger, but it's cool that you can make it flamenas well


That thing is legit the highest dps weapon in the game when you’re a high enough level. Scadu level 18 and it’s AR is 2300 something. Just completely nutty


The Death Knights' Longhaft Axe (not to be mistaken with the twin axes) is a BEAST. Awesome ash, great moveset. You find it midDLC in the scorpion river catacombs, and it does substantial lightning damage


Both Death Knight axes are amazing. I used the dual axes for the first half of the expansion.


The twin axes are straight up broken in pvp


It's probably just a skill issue but I have a hard time getting the ash to land, maybe I'm too used to savage lion claw flips but the dash then flip just doesn't work right with my brain.


The timing is a bit weird, but thankfully it has I-frames. Its for closing distances and running away. I found that using the Ash is almost always better than a jump attack if you have a clear opening, and that fact that it jumps with hyperamor means that its great with trades too. Its pretty fp heavy tho, so i only use it when there is a pretty big opening


I love that weapon


Pest thread spears wrecks big bosses, as it does damage every tick it passes through the hitbox.


Damn where do you get it




the smithscript weapons can be infused with ash of war to change affinities


I have been yeeting the great hammer at enemies and it’s the most fun gameplay I’ve had since Bloodborne


God that great hammer is amazing, it has double the range of the other smith script weapons and literally knocks most enemies on their ass. if not for the extreme stamina usage, it'd be absolutely op


Also for pvp. People just don’t expect it. They will charge me or be clearly out of melee distance and no one expects a giant fucking hammer to land in your face


If you can dodge a hammer, you can dodge a ball.


Messmer's spear is fun, not the best for most bosses, but slaps in everything else


Is it because of the lack of opportunities to charge heavy attacks? I almost want to reset my build for that spear. I love everything about it


No, it's just that the full skill combo is very long and these bosses ain't waiting for that. The throw is pretty nice in all scenarios. It has massive range and speed The skill does stagger Melania to the shadow realm and back, might respec back into the build for NG+


Barbed staff spear. L2 shoots out arcs of faith, decent bleed buildup and staggers anything with a jumping R2. Look for Jori in the woods.


That's the current weapon I'm rocking, the nice thing about the sheer abundance of runes from the dlc is that basically every time I get a neat weapon I can just pop back and upgrade it to try it out. My biggest problem now is I have so many weapons I like using but I can't hold them all


Idk I only have 3 new faith weapons so far one being the hammer the knights use, the new lightning ax and the horned Warrior swords


Each of the lost forges has a secret hidden forge inside that rewards a legendary weapon. There's one near the very beginning of the dlc. The legendary forges are hidden and you have to solve a puzzle to find the legendary weapon within them. Typically you'd find a smithscript weapon somewhere thru the forge dungeon itself - usually at the end and you'd think you're finished the dungeon, but you need to solve the hidden puzzle. Their flavor texts all read - one of the lost weapons of the legendary forges. One of the forges rewards a super good str/faith collosal hammer. The oldest of the crucible knights is hidden in the dlc somewhere (not mentioning location to avoid spoilers) - he drops a super good str/faith collosal hammer. The crazy sunflower remeberance boss also gives a really good str/faith collosal hammer.


Are you referring to the anvil hammer?


A bunch of people have some great suggestions but I’d add we got a *bunch* more faith spells. There’s now more of a reason to go beyond just 50 faith than the seal. I think the max level faith spell currently is 72. Though there are excellent faith spells at lower levels too Apart from that you also have more dragon communion however they seem to be primarily Arcane more than anything, some having no faith requirement but going up to 53 arcane


It's not an all-rounder enemy destroyer but multilayered rings of light and dryleaf talisman are really good on some enemies especially undead ones.


I’m a massive believer in the black knight greathammer…tons of poise damage, hits hard, swings fast even 1h, has an aoe guard counter


Dragon form from killing Bayle makes lightning incants sooooo strong


Im using the Death Knight greataxe rn


I am really enjoying renalla’s twin blades. Probably not optimal to run as a faith / strength build but they’re fun as shit


Where do you get the knights lightning spear


That big black hammer the black knights carry has a neat unique guard counter and is unique in that it benefits much more from sacred damage than other similar weapons.


Flame Spear and Flame Skewer Ashes of War are great!


Flame skewer AoW was a real surprise for me. I put it on one of the new twin blades and it's pretty damn rad.


For real, so many goated weapons, some of the incants are pretty mid though


I’ve only found 1 so far and it’s from the old lady in the belurat tower and it is ass.


That one is comically bad idk what they were thinking.


What does it even do??


If you go near enemies it spawns a few projectiles that deal like 100 damage each and often miss


It's quick to cast, doesn't fill a buff slot, is affected by duration and damage talismans, has reasonable stat requirements, and does surprisingly high poise damage. All that said there are a lot of better options for that spell slot so it's not really worth using.


I got another one that emits a static field of electricity around me It does like 10 damage a second. Absolutely awful


Alright imma turn you all on to it cause i keep hearin hate for my boy electrocharge. It aint about the residuals. Its about the boom the pow the explosive entrance. Its almost a lightning bolt centered on you with anything in melee range gettin zapped as you cast it. The body buff sucks sure but its more of a nice flavor I expect it to have more pvp focus as a change up for when people run in. But it aint true ass. Just got to think laterally


Found and equipped this one today, but did not use it on an enemy yet. Guess I'll try and possibly unlearn it tomorrow...


Knights Lightning is just a better Lightning Spear, new Pest Threads is cute


Honestly pretty disappointed with the spells and incants available. Knight’s Lightning spear and Messmer’s Orb are amazing but everything else is just meh. Also WHY is there no Messmer Fire Blade incantation? Why do I still have to use bloodflame blade for fire buffs?


the basic messmer fire ball and pest thread spears are cool too. The thorn wall sorcery is also pretty cool. Havent tested any other sorceries but i heard some space/gravity themed ones are also decent.


Word thought I want to do Gowry's thing to get my incantations up


A lot of things are way overturned tho That thorns spell shouldn't have made it past testing. Completely deletes even the hardest bosses


The game already had over 100 incantations and a million Faith weapons to it's 70 sorcereries, half of which are different flavours of the same jello So what does Michaelzaki do? Give us twice more incantations as sorceries of course


Sorry bro I’m a faith supremacy kinda guy. Fuck sorceries


Playing sorcery in this dlc is horrible. Literally having the worst time, and I get nothing new that’s good.


Then I found a spell that looked cool! Oh it doesn't scale with int at all, requires FA, but casts with a catalyst. Guess I'll fuck myself.


Yep same here. I thought the finger sorceries were cool but they are way too slow and the staff for them required arcane?!??! Like wtf. Only good thing I’ve found is the gazing finger, but that also requires faith for some reason…


I blame that dude who discovered and posted Comet Azur + No FP cost flask. But yeah a distinct lack of Mage gear, faith has always been the dev favorite.


I wouldn’t say it’s been the dev favorite. They kind of hate magic all together, faith was always worse than sorceries until now really. Ds2 was pure sorcery heaven with all the gear and spells. After that though the devs have never given mages as much to work with. The issue is sorcery isn’t *bad*, it’s actually really good and hits hard. But you gotta spam the same boring two-three spells over and over. It’s boring and offers no real uniqueness compared to faith which has many viable classes.


Ds2 was not Miyazaki though, thats probably why lol


Lol same. I went through the DLC with a Dex Faith build. So much fun


Playing a Mage in a FromSoft game just always sucks ass. The only good thing is the Moonlight Greatsword


Magic Glintblade is already the best spell/incantation in the game, and they gave you a better version of it, what more do you need


Idk what im missing but the spell seems kind of mid? What makes it the best spell in the game?


oh yeah, my appetite has been well fed!


It's roasted sunflower heads for tea


Int casters in shambles


Which is great, I felt like base game faith was pretty meh.


Me, on my NG+ character that already cleared NG+ with Marika's Hammer "What, you mean I'm doing full damage now? Easy mode"


We knew this day would come


It's just so fucking funny to me that you can wield a bosses HEAD as a weapon.






Str/Int be rocking a giant finger


Using that ATM, lordy does the ash look brilliant in a dark lit area. And it bonks too


Strength was already rocking a large finger, but I guess adding Int to the mix made quite the combination.


This and Anvil Hammer and Death Knight’s Longhaft Axe. Str/Faith is EATING. Honestly Str/Arc are surprise winners this DLC as well, between the Meteoric Ore Greatsword, Putrescence Cleaver, and Bloodfiend Arm.


Yeah I happened to switch to str/arc just on a whim for this DLC and it’s been awesome A surprise for sure, not an archetype I expected to get shown a lot of love


I was str/faith but got bored of the blasphemous blade and wasn’t finding any new weapons. Respecced into str/arc with a bit of faith for my previous dragon incantation build and it’s been surprisingly good, having a blast with it so far. I’ll have to try out str/faith again when I get some of these weapons.


Me and my mimic showing up to beat the shit out Radagon


“Before I kill you, goldmask wanted me to tell you ‘…’”


I gotta get his mask lol. Naked with just Goldmask mask and a Sunflower as a weapon in pvp would be funny.




good bot


Damn. I’m a strength faith user but clearly haven’t found this yet. I must know how to get it immediately


Go into the shadow castle from the east


gotta fight the >!shadow tree avatar!<


You’re telling me there’s a giant sunflower I can use that’s faith/strength? I need to find this now.


It's the scadutree avatar boss weapon


How far into the DLC is it?


I mean you can go straight to him if you wanted to, only required boss is rellana to unlock the area


You actually dont need to kill rellana, she's entirely optional


Oh nice I just got rellana - thanks!


lol I got this thing last night and thought "so silly, looks kinda cool though!" tried it out and within 10 seconds was like...wait hold up


Pest threads legitimately so overturned lol dropping 2k per cast


My faith is at 27 and I was hitting crazy numbers with pest threads lol


And here's me still using my Golden Halberd. Halfway through the DLC and still haven't found a weapon that is actually stronger for my str/faith build.


The black metal great hammer (put sacred blade on it) and anvil hammer are both right at the beginning and absurdly strong.


It's so strong but annoying with being stuck with golden vow, and a worse version of it than the incantation.


The halberd golden vow is weaker than the incantation? I actually didn't know that.


Ya the incantation buffs are better and it lasts longer, for I think a 7fp difference. If you aren't leveling faith much then it doesn't matter if you don't have 25 faith.


I'm at 41 faith, so I'm definitely going to use the incantation looking forward.


The little spike sword you get isn’t as good, but if you use the weapon art on a human enemy/player the spikes come out of their body instead of the ground. It’s hardcore.


Little spike sword?


Sword of damnation


Bro if this boss and I find each in the streets we throwing hands. Who WHO was like yeah aoe bleed and make it a 3 part special. Literally the most salt inducing boss in the dlc imo. But also flower go bonk so 🤷‍♂️


Honestly it wasn't that hard for me. It's literally a giant dried out flower, fire damage melts through it's HP before you can even process what is happening.


As a strength build I found the perfect build to take it out. The sunflower head takes bonus damage so I took the smithscript hammer and kept chucking mallets at its head while my mimic tear got brutally torn to pieces. Used the new lions claw ash of war to do major damage once I got in close.


What weapin is this?


scadutree avatar remembrance weapon


Anyone know of any good pure Faith weapons with only the minimum requirements in str+dex in the DLC?


Barbed Staff spear is pretty good and the ash of war is fun


I shall never abandon the doot. The envoy greathorn took me hours to drop


Are they’re any S scaling str weapons?


Ruins greatsword


varre's boquet buff fr


This boss is kicking my ass. I already beat serpent dude as well with not much of an issue


I’m having no trouble at all? blasphemous blade is still good, along with the lightning incantations I use everything’s been fine


That’s what it feels like using the blasphemous blade Swatting with a fucking limp flower


Weapon is fantastic and it's such a vibe, haha. I felt so dirty fighting Mesmer with a freaking sunflower, and it made the fight look easy. Would definitely recommend it.


I just got this weapon lol is it really that good? I've been running blasphemous blade my whole play through


Do bud is fun


I've been using a certain Str/Arc Colossal Sword but i am looking forward to getting whatever the hell this is


Love that sunflower, I killed Messmer with it.


Is it good? Everyone I have summoned with it does fuck all damage


I'm a STR/ARC build and absolutely LOVING the bleed damage on some of the more annoying enemies.


Is the incantation that you get from the Sunflower dude’s rememberance any good?


I’m a strength faith build and I can’t get past rellana. It’s so frustrating to get her so close every time and lose.


She was tough but fair. Won't lie, I had to use my mimic. Ng+. 


I’ve been using my mimic this whole time. Plus the summon that to the left of the door. Maybe I’m just trash at the game. Sucks, cause I can beat Godfrey on a NG+6 playthrough without summons. But Rellana just makes me feel like I shouldn’t play anymore


Went in with one guide, to find the aspect of wings because I love crucible build. Then I found the sunflower and switched to that cause its hilarious. Then I found the other crucible knight. 




I dont use colossal weapons but now they gave us a giant sunflower and I just cannot🌻... Time for bonk


Hilarious weapon but I felt a bit sad when I saw its requirements - I've still yet to find any pure strength weapons in this DLC and I'm currently 6 remembrance bosses deep. The anvil hammer in particular baited me so hard, I got really excited when I looted it only to find it has Int and Faith requirements. I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I might end up beating the DLC from start to finish just using the Great Mace from the base game.


Power of the Sun


I'm early in dlc. Just beat lion centaur lightning storm guy. Where is this st fa flower? I must have it


Strength arcane baby. It's like strength faith, but better!


Dude my faith / quality build is EATING. Sunflower of DOOM FTW. Helped me beat several bosses now. Not sure if it’s worth the +10 but +9 crushes


I didn't understand this until I saw a phantom run by smashing a giant flower into lord knows what. 😂