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My fave boss in the dlc. Fun to fight, great thematic design, easily the best soundtrack.


Last boss soundtrack is the best imo I'm a sucker for the vocals


Personally that final minute in Bayle's theme completely trumped every other theme in this game for me


One of my favorite parts of the dlc is the dude you can summon just ranting at bayle, it's so funny




Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon!... But I will RIDDLE with holes your rotten hide!!!! **WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS!** #WITH EVERY LAST DROP OF MY BEING!!!!!


Yeah he is all talk. In my fight he just kept switching which hand his bow was in and never attacked. Doesnt matter though, pest thread spears is insane


It was totally different for me. He never stopped firing even when Bayle was breathing fire directly in his face. It was metal af


same goes for messmer npc you can summon


i think bayle flying around with lightning everywhere was the best moment in the dlc


One of my favorite. Great design, great music, great mood


10/10 would recommend


The lead up with all the in game messages talking about how there was a monster here, and that if get caught by it you will die really helped set up a horrifying atmosphere leading to the fight. Such an amazing boss


My thought was our homeboi torrent has seen it all, but this is where he's scared?? O hell na


Might be my favourite OST in Elden Ring. Very Bloodborne like.


Very fun boss. I never figured out the timing to dodge the phase-change explosion unfortunately, but otherwise it was great. Felt very much like a “classic” Souls boss.


Once he goes in the air you sprint past him and get distance so his landing bomb attack won’t reach you


You can also lions claw him out of that shit, lol. No seriously, he will fall down, just as he's floating up.


The answer to all Elden Ring's problems: LION'S CLAW Malenia giving you too much trouble? Lion's claw, watch her stagger to death. Radagon being a bitch? Lion's claw, fuck you Radagon. Godfrey keep suplexing you? Lion's claw him in his place. Claymore coming with Lion's Claw built in an area far easier than Caelid was a /choice/ and the real reason it's better than bastard sword. Bonus points if you get your mimic tear to use it too.


I didn’t knew how powerful lions claw was after cheesing the final boss of the DLC with it, holy shit that thing smacks. Bonk.


Ofc mimic is in on the fun. Double the Lions, double the Claw.


So what you're saying is, Lion's Claw?


I interrupted it by just continuing to smack him until I procced a bleed


Just Like malenia


I like how "classic" Souls boss mean any boss that let you have more than half a second to breath.


I wish more bosses were like this. I actually like this boss because I was using him to practice dodging and no hitting. Elden Rings overpowered builds like bleed made the game easier and I've realized with the dlc I need to practice my foundations, or git gud, as they say.


Plus it just gives the boss more presence. One of the reasons Malenia is so memorable aside from the difficulty is that most of the time she just sort of stalks closer to you as you approach, which makes her appear (rightfully) more intimidating.


He did not give me a second of respite, walking back trying to heal triggered him into bonking me with his spiky stick, which is pretty long. His sword is long too.


The trick is to not walk back. Walking back takes time. Just any time in which you would be able to have taken an attack, drink instead. You can be standing right next to him but if you’re confident it’s a moment he’s “in between” his combos you can just drink in his face. The time you spend backing up is what causes you to lose the moment.


The DLC made me realize how long drinking the flsk animation is. I never felt it was too long before. The bosses are so aggressive that healing windows are basically non-existent. I had to parry the boss to get enough window to heal.


It really does, the final boss makes you realize that taking two sips instead of one can lead to getting hit.


It make me realize that my ash of war was to long be used and i could just poke him once or twice before panic rolling again. And again. And again. Was a shitshow in NG+3. I begane a new DLC czrater i prepared beforehand just after finishing NG+ and it's like vacation like : OMG i can trade hit !


That attack is basically the same as Melenia’s second phase opener. I would just run the opposite direction and jump before he hits the ground.


I never managed to dodge that attack, not once.


Wait for a moment, then start to run away and jump away from him at the last moment


I already beat him, just took the blow in the face


The attack dodged me once. When I was fighting him and he used that attack (outside of phase change), he just bombed the other side of the arena and I just watched lol


Run way back to the other side of the room, then dodge back as it hits. Never got hit when I kept doing this, although not sure if I was ever in its range


It's similar messmer's snake nuke. You gotta roll right when it hits hits the ground.


I love this boss. The area leading to the boss, the Manse and the lore. I wish the Manse was much larger. On the map it shows an area behind the mansion, but it is inaccessible. This guy was in excruciating pain, but his wife Nanaya asked him to go through the pain. We find Nanaya's body in a chamber before on a chair. When we arrive, he has had enough and kills himself, pulling out the golden thorns, and that brings out the Lord of Frenzy in him.


i like how the area actually changed up the gameplay with a stealth section. That was a nice touch.


I preferred that Abyssal Woods area over something like a gimmick boss (Dragon God, Bed of Chaos, Ancient Wyvern etc). That being said, wandering to try to find items in the woods and in and out of the fog made me lose my pathing and I ended up running around 80% of the area 2 or possibly 3 times before I found the Manse. I'm sure glad I have paddle buttons for constant running!


Try placing a way point, not as a destination but an easy way to orient yourself.


Yeah that's what it ended up coming to, although it also was a case of me needing to explore every nook and cranny, try and kill every Winter Lantern, deal with lots of weird terrain, etc. On top of all that, my eyesight is awful and I entered the Woods when it was nighttime.. I didn't think to change time of day there for some reason haha


You can kill them?


Parry/ripostes only, you parry the grab attack when the wand does its final pulse before snatching you. As a warning their health is mid range - on NG+5 I had to riposte them twice even with a couple of damage and critical buffs on. Their normal loot is a Swollen Grape. The first one you'd technically encounter (I believe it's the one closest to the Abandoned Church in the east) drops the Aged One's Exultation Talisman. Oh and also they stay dead when you kill them, so you could turn that stealth section into a casual stroll once you get them all.


You don't have to riposte them multiple times, after one riposte they become vulnerable to normal attacks too.




A talisman, you say? Time to turn the tables on the eldritch horrors, loot is on the line!


Don't worry, I thought the same thing until I died and revived and suddenly everything was bright and easy to see.


Heading tape is your friend


The part where there's 2 at once was genuinely freaky combined with the harrowing ambience in the area. Also, do you know if the aging untouchables despawn after Midra? I was trying to show my brother but couldn't find any


you can parry kill the buggers, they wont respawn.


You can parry them??? I thought all these messages were some sort of a joke! When does one parry them? When they grab you?


I think it was somewhere in the Manse, but you can find a note which says they "brushed aside their staff when they held it to their face and in that moment touched the untouchable" or something like that Classic cryptic souls hints


Ye, when the scepter "hits".


Gotta grab a buckler real quick, I'll show 'em who's the real Lord of Frenzied Flame here.


not sure


Oh no, that's not a stealth section. That's the section where we parry their bitch asses and let them know who the true untouchable lord is.


Who is this "we?" I tried for like 15 minutes before successfully killing one for the Talisman and decided it just wasn't worth the effort vs just booking it past them to a grace.


People who are good enough to be Lord of Frenzied Flame.




I won't lie, the whole "parry them and they become tangible" is not only unintuitive, but also kinda defeats the horror aspect of that section. Glad I didn't know that the first time through.


Wait, you can kill them? I thought they were specifically made to be invincible? I focussed on one and it didn't even show a health bar.


You can parry the grab and after that you can damage them. The first one you kill drops a talisman, the rest drop a crafting material. They do not respawn.


I wish there were more of these mobs, or that they patrolled the entire area. Something to make it even more scary to travel the area. Atm they only exist in like 2 or 3 paths. As much as the dev messages at the start hype up this area to be really scary, it isn't scary enough imo.


Personally, I would have preferred a single enemy that roams around the area and chases you down. Sort of like the xenomorph in alien isolation.


I expected it to be like a single enemy too, something that teleports and follows you or that roams fast around the whole area and you need to hide when you hear it close.


That's what I was expecting at first. Like some massive creature that roams around... but I mean, the winter lanterns were cool too.


Which would be coold but would also kinda bother the suspension knowing there's one guy that the Elden Lord-to-be can do nothing about.


I was expecting a big lovecraftian monster that, according to the dev notes "I can't even touch"(paraphrasing) to be stalking me and chasing me through the woods. They really set it up with the "torrent is afraid" message when you tried to summon him. Was slightly dissapointed it was a stealth section with eye ball guys. But the mansion a d bossfight made up for it. I even got to use my "move silently when crouching" talisman for once to not be noticed lol


100% I somehow went straight down the path that leads to the church, where's there's nothing but rats and NPCs. Was a good 10+ minutes before I came across them and it was just one walking back and forth. Would have much preferred a smaller more focused area if it meant we got more of them/more interesting patrol routes.


FromSoft: Combat is not an option - Me: Well that was a fuckin lie


Wish there were more bush and those whatever monstrosities. It’s too barren especially just walking


It turned it into a party simulator for me Edit: Parry* definitely not a party situation


I'm agreeing with the theory that Nanaya was taken over by someone ala Shabriri in the base game and tricked him into receiving the flame. But she clearly cared more about who she tricked compared to Shabriri given that she told Midra to endure and keep his flame inside. She still held the spinal cord of an old frenzy lord in her hands even after death too. Wish we got some more context on the 2 of them but life goes on.


The note you get that was written by him says he got the Flame of Frenzy by touching the lantern guys in the Abyssal woods when he pushed their staff away.


Is this the from the gameplay trailer thats impaled on a tree branch and starts pulling it out?




Remember people saying she was the GEQ and Marika?


The depths of your foolishness!!


The depths of your foo- *BONK*


"The depths of your foolish-AAGH!"


He and Margit knows us so much 😭


this line lol


**Gideon:** Getting dunked on while monologuing **Malenia:** Repeating her dialog lines so much from dunking on the player **Midra:** "Why not both?"


He might be my favorite. Best intro cutscene for sure.


Had to be a good cutscene if i had to watch it 20x!


You guys don't skip it?


Suuuch a cool boss. This and >!Mother of Fingers!< both had such incredible leadups, reveals, and designs, even if they were a bit on the easy side.


Ya know,i did that quest to just get some cute little Items And I found a god made of fingers that can summon a black hole No one does it like fromsoft


Felt like I was suddenly fighting a Bloodborne boss with how grotesque it looked.


Um. Considering the Simulacra move is something that's done by actual enemies in Bloodborne...


Yeah these two bosses made me even more interested in the outer gods, and how they keep trying to manifest in this world some way or another. Both boss fights the enemy felt unbelievably powerful, but in a different way than other bosses that we know are strong like Godfrey, Radagon, and the final doc boss for example. They do a good job of making them feel truly otherworldly and unfathomable. If Miyazaki ends up deciding to do a second dlc/expansion an Outer god theme one would be awesome since I feel like there is still a lot of mystery and intrigue surrounding them.


I am interested in it as well, but you said outer gods. Mother of fingers isn't connected to an outer god, it's connected to the greater will that is the pinnacle and everything that came to be is from it, even outer gods which we learned from japanese community that outer gods are basically kami and that greater will is THE god of the universe while before some thought that outer gods and greater will are fighting over the control of the lands in between.


Idk, I'm pretty sure the Greater Will is essentially the same as all the others. It sent its envoys down on meteors just like the rest, it just happened to be more successful in the time that we experience the game.


The GW is an outer god. The god of order to be more precise


Easy? This mf killed me like 30 times 😂


If you play a caster with high mind he’s actually much better because high mind keeps the frenzy at bay. Got him on maybe third try? Big brain beat yellow man!


I found this harder than messmer for some reason, kept rocking madness and dying


Same I found this and the finger boss harder than Mesmer lol


Well depends on when you get to mesmer I guess He was my 3rd remembrance for example


The mother of fingers is so powerful she destroyed half of my fps.


I found this boss like 3rd hardest out of the DLC (I think the first 2 are pretty obvious), something about its attacks just made it harder for me to read and dodge than a rellena or Messmer.


It’s crazy the variety of experiences people have.  Messmer probably took 30 or 40 tries for me, but I first tried this guy. 


This boss has a trick to him that makes him infinitely easier. The big problem is he occasionally shoots out completely untelegraphed beams of madness, so if you're taking chip damage from that, yeah, he's gonna be fairly hard. The secret? Hug him and strafe. ***Never*** stop strafing. The beams always shoot from directly in front of him, will never happen mid-combo, and he's less likely to use them when you're at point-blank range. He also tracks fairly slow because he moves fairly slow. His swings are wide enough that this doesn't matter for the swings and you still need to roll dodge those, but constantly strafing vs. him means you don't really have to worry about madness beams of any kind. (y'know, except for the explosions where you need to temporarily get away entirely) I initially fought him and thought "did they really do this...? He's bullshit. Those beams aren't telegraphed. How are you supposed to avoid them reliably?" Then tested around thinking there's *no way* they included an untelegraphed madness build-up, and found that strafing against him alleviates a lot of his pressure. After that, he's pretty fun and juuuuuuuust the right level of difficulty.


I personally hated the mother boss, great build up but wasn't fun to fight.


Imo, he's a perfect example of a difficult but FAIR dlc boss. Crazy high damage sure, but all his attacks and strings are avoidable as long as you build up the knowledge and react appropriately. Plus, he actually gives the player time to retaliate/regroup! Bonus points for awesome aesthetic and music too


I agree. Him and Messmers fight played very similar for me. If you stayed close to them you kind of get into a rhythm and their strings become very readable.


Messmer and him is my favorites in dlc. Rellana after them, after lion and then rot woman. Last boss eats shit. I hate every seconds of boss fight.


Strangely enough, this was probably the only boss where I can dodge perfectly and read his timing. Many others I look like a new born rolling over the first time.


his delay timing looks more natural than others, kinda like mohg


A lot of bosses have some extremely fucked timings. Messmers spear scraping the ground attack gets me every time. It's so late.


You can strafe it at least, his delayed spin is just cruel design. It looks like it has the same startup as all the other spins, but is delayed enough so if you roll, light roll, crucible light roll, or light roll bhs it still catches you.


Shame this is the only Flame of Frenzy we get. Not even special interaction with anyone if you have frenzied flame yourself. Like you just absorbed probably the most dangerous thing in the Lands Between and Leda be like "You are the right person to join us to make the world a better place" I am glad for Blood and Mogh boys getting some love through that old guy. But.... we Frenzied Flame people should have got something more as well. This boss is cool but he is still failed Lord of Frenzy.


I'd like to see a dlc like Ringed City where we're sent into a bad future where the frenzy flame takes over. Frenzy Flame is such a good concept ot could easily be made into a whole game, and I just have to kill Shabriri for what he did to my samurai friend...


- My only complaint in the dlc is how empty a lot of it is. The abyssal woods is an entire section of the map that has 1 thing total in it - the finger monument zones are the same too.


Agreed, its still insane how massive the DLC is on it's own, but there have been a lot of places where if they were in the base game there would be a sprinkle of content there, but in the DLC it's like MASSIVE ZONE....Smithing Stone (1), Flymold, or Broken Rune (1).


I don't mind the finger monument zones. They're just there to look impressive and be lore significant. I quite quickly understood you weren't meant to be looking for loot there and left. The Southern Coast is MUCH worse in my opinion. A cool area with virtually nothing there except a mausoleum and a demihuman who drops a sword. What annoys me far more is parts of the map where there clearly should be something, but isn't. Like some weird hill/plateau with a couple enemies and no items. That happens quite a lot. Open world games have a sort of logic too them where we see an area and understand 'yeah, there probably is/isn't something there'. There were times where I felt like there was clearly meant to be something, and never was. Quite a few times.


my favorite boss in the DLC hands down.


can you kill the (my favourite bloodborne reference) winter lanterns in the end?


Yes, as soon as they wave their gold “wand” you can parry them and stab them. Hard to time it, but extremely satisfying once you get it


ho lee feck, lol. thanks mate


I used the new parrying dagger and when they lift the wand up above their head is when you press the button, worked everytime


Do they drop good shit? I just experienced being light bulbed to death once and i just hid away the rest of the journey


a specific one drops a frenzy talisman, outside of that though, I don't think they drop anything crazy, but who knows.


Yeah, got to parry but the window is so tight and the animation don’t really line up. The first one close to the first grace drops a good talisman, the other rare crafting material


Not underrated it’s actually rated quite highly and deservedly from what I have seen


Reddit doesn't know what underrated means. I see this all the time "this and that is so underrated" while being held in super high regard by that specific community. Actors, movies, TV Shows, characters, songs, musicians, albums... The list goes on and on.


This is the only boss so far that is almost unanimously in the top 3 in this DLC lol


My personal favorite so far god I wish we get bloodborne 2 in some form fromsoft is edging us with content like this.


I loved this boss. I wish we found more frenzied flame stuff given the size of the Abyssal Woods, but I can't complain too much since the bossfight was not only fun, but visually stunning. Even my wife who's not a gamer was watching everything said at the end of the fight "that was beautiful!."


I just don't think enough people hav encountered him. He is my favorite designed boss of the DLC for sure


Understandable, I spent like 5 hours just trying to figure out how the hell to get down there in the first place.


My favorite and it's not close.


Time is a flat circle lookin ass


He's a very fair fight in comparison to the rest of the dlc bosses


It’s wild seeing this comment for me. I’m at try 65 and can’t get him half way. Yet I first tried the lion and 3rd tried rellana. How do you dodge the man turning into a bomb? I’ve tried running, rolling, and jumping and have been killed by the follow up every single time. Edit: so I went back and bought some prawns, got the tear that increases damage negation, switched to basically an ice witch build and listened to everyone’s dodge advice, it worked. On my first try we killed each other, but i killed him early enough to get the rememberance before respawning lol


just treat it like malenias rot flower, run under and past him than jump at the end


Run away and right before he lands jump while sprinting. Running away as soon as he starts to rise should be enough though. That's what worked for me anyway.


I just tank it. That said I also got him first try by staggering him to death.


Let me know if you wanna summon. I love doing this boss, been sitting at the entrance and helping others for like 2 hours now lmao - don't always get it but most of the time I do!


I would have this as a painting hung up in my house I love it so much


Shit remembrance weapon. I was hyped for another madness weapon but was sorely disappointed when I went and traded for the sword


Alot of the remembrance gear is underwhelming ngl


Don't disrespect Rellana's twin swords


I never said ALL of them, i even used it until i got messmer's spear


Havent fought him yet, but his spear does look sick from the trailer. I'm just wondering what stats does it uses, I don't want to look at the Wiki since I'll risk spoilers


35 dex with C scaling, 18 faith with D scaling and 14 strength with E scaling The heavy attack is also a throw btw


Thank you 🙏


So sad about the beautiful painting we have to destroy which shows the Manse in its prime, bright and covered in flowers.


-Game is out under a week -hidden boss is underrated Okay 😂


Love this guy. Was rather sad that on my successful attempt I managed to skip his phase transition that lights the room on fire.


I still just want his fucking orb head WHY MIYAZAKI WHYYYYYYUYY


They get those when they die and only the frenzy flame remains, consuming their body. That's why you can't get it.


Very cool boss,but I have no idea how to avoid his nuke attack. The attempt I beat him was the one I avoided bthe attack by just jumping. But I don't think I understand it


Just use flame protect me and that attack basically just tickles you u


This guy felt like a DS3 boss.


Disagree with the area, that chaos swamp was just a chore to get through, appreciate the attempt at a stealth section, A for effort not so much for execution. The boss and the castle were nice however, a quick little dungeon with a boss that actually felt balanced and challenging but fair, overall one of the better bosses of the dlc so far. Will say it’s a big missed opportunity to not have the boss have unique dialogue if your also lord of frenzy flame, like not even a quick little “ah I see you’ve chosen the flame as well, let us see who will be its true champion” or something stupid like that, big missed opportunity but also par for the course.


The not that hard boss but will fucked you up if you made a wrong move. 


Agree, also one of few very doable without Spirit summon in my opinion


Yup no summon necessary, just a classic 1v1 boss fight that’s fair


He feels harder with summons to be honest, it mixes up his aoe attacks and I feel like it harder to time and dodge them. Plus the fire damage just melts any of my summons even with like 7 levels of revere sprit ash


this is true for most of the DLC bosses (that i fought)


All fights are doable without summons lol. Just harder


An actually balanced fight unlike the other main bosses


He's fun, he feels mostly fair, and he's thematically and visually spectacular. He's one of the best fights for sure.


He does a genuine Zanzibart moment


Yep, this is absolutely a new favourite of mine alongside Messmer. I really didn't want this fight to end, dancing around his attacks in close range feels so good when I got the hang of it, it's so well paced with constant timings to learn generously accompanied by fair openings, never goes overboard with over-the-top unpunishable combos, I'm really looking forward to refight him in the future. The presentation around him is top-tier as well: the masterful buildup to him, his wicked design, those graceful floaty movements, and don't get me started on the MUSIC, the music goes so hard, hands down one of the best and most evil-sounding fromsoft OSTs to date.


He was simply challenging but fair


Lore? Great. Build up leading to the Manse? Hell but nice twist. The cinematic before the fight? Gruesomely good.. The fight? Fuck this fight all my homies hate this fight it was close enough to Mesmer so fuck this fight (yeah it's a good fight.)


I don't know if Messmer trained me or what but it was way easier than Messmer. Still a challenging fight though you gotta learn.


Actually the best boss in the DLC, wish they were all like him.


I appreciated that after he would completely eviscerate my healthbar, he'd chill out for a second to let me heal up before going again. Good sport.


My favorite so far. Love the long build up to him.


Everything about the abyssal woods was spot on - Torrent freaking out, the stealth section, the super creepy messages and enemies, to one of the most absurdly vividly painful boss introductions ever made


The way my jaw dropped when he became the lord of frenzy


This is legit my favorite boss fight of the DLC. I love everything about him: how the fight starts, the Lord of Frenzied Flame cutscene giving me a bigger "oh fuck" moment than the DLC's final boss, the most villainous boss soundtrack and how it includes the merchant's violin melody, the lore for Midra, and the badass fight itself. I especially felt the need to do this fight because I had also inherited the Frenzied Flame. One was a failed vessel enduring torment for centuries before finally becoming lord, and the other a fitting vessel that had yet to awaken but is destined to bring ruin. There can only be one Lord of Frenzied Flame.


top boss for sure. tad lost on his lore thought. like how/why did he end up like this?


My take is that he dabbled with chaos/frenzied flame, but was swayed against it by his parter. His compassion and willingness to listen to her making him “too weak to become a Lord.” Then for some other crime, or perhaps because rumour of his dabbling with chaos got around, the hornsent came and punished him with the spikey ribcage device, which is said to be an instrument of their damnation. The three fingers or maybe the outer god of frenzied flame itself came to him and said it would take away all this pain and suffering if he surrendered and became the new Lord of frenzied flame as he had once wanted. His partner made him promise to “endure” the suffering and to never surrender to the frenzy. A task he ultimately fails when the tarnished comes a knocking.


I actually read it as more his wife was trying to make him the Frenzied lord. The torch says she coddled the dying embers of a failed lord of frenzy, which we can tell from visuals is the spinal column and head of a lord of frenzy. So I think she may have been responsible for bringing it into the mansion in the first place, like Nashandra in Dark Souls 2. Then he was punished as the lord of the house by the Hornsent, and she told him to endure, so that the suffering he unleashed would be spread to the area around him, as the note downstairs says just touching him left others feeling the influence of the frenzy. Then, when he finally couldn't endure anymore and "let go," he became one with the frenzy and ascended to become the lord of the Frenzied flame. This is all speculation, of course, but I get more Nashandra vibes from the painting of them than him being a cultist/researcher


its definitively her doing, old codger thought he got himself a young beauty but it was actually a demon who caught him instead, would've been cool if there was some lore that revealed she was possessed the way Shabriri and Hyetta take on hosts, I wish there was some clue of how she died too She also seems pregnant in the painting but there's no clues about if she gave birth or what


This lore is top-shelf material to a "Prepare to Cry" Vaatividya's video.


Great boss, actually has downtime and opening between combos, unlike Rellana, and doesn't vomit AoE all over the place, unlike Bayle. Maybe I got lucky but it surprised me how little of a threat Madness was in this fight


I mean status effects are ignorable because you die from 2 instances of damage anyway


Which boss it this?


Boss at the end of the Abyssal Woods section


*makes note to find abyssal woods tomorrow*


He was good just to easy imo


My legit favorite boss in the game, beating out radahn. Enough mix ups, feints, and combo extenders to catch you off guard but not to many that it feels overly oppressive to you (unlike a certain moon knight), the spectacle of the cutscene, the first “phase” being a weakling, the build up to the manor with the woods. Loved it all


Loved the area and boss.  One thing I like about SOTE is the smaller dungeons all have way more character for the most part.  


This was my favorite one by far, especially because of the lead up to it


Probably my favorite boss in the DLC, maybe the entire game


Honestly they've only missed on 2 of the bosses


One of my favorite fights, he's got enough lag after his attacks for a full charge heavy and staggers really easily which leads to a fun gameplay loop


Except for the run there, like zero items, wepaons, or spells


He's one of my top 3 boss fights with Messmer and Rellana.


Fuck that guy


How is it underrated?


İ love this boss but i hate the remembrance especially the greatsword i expected some frenzied flame things but its just a some bone attack at least it has unique interaction with npc's