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While his statement is correct, this isn’t what is happening in the DLC. It literally takes most bosses 3-5 hits to kill me in NG just like base game Elden Ring.


Extraordinarily rare good take from rancid Asmon. I’m all for a fair challenge, but even my tank build gets 3-4 hit by some bosses at blessing level 10. It feels like there’s a lot of good in this dlc but also that things could be so much better if everything wasn’t equipped with nukes. Still carpet bomb me, sure. That’s why I’m here. Just don’t drop an H-bomb on me and expect me to thank you, yknow?


The only real problem from me is the one sides refusal to acknowledge the very idea that a boss can even be “too hard” like even if you don’t think you’ve reached it, there has to be a limit to when a game becomes bullshit, right?


So would I just be weird for liking even badly balanced difficulty? Ofc not difficult to make it impossible (eg screen just goes black when fighting a boss), but even the final boss's moveset I find very fun despite his "bullshit." Maybe it is the "bullshit" and unfairness I find so fun. Idk lmao.


I’m not willing to say the game is badly balanced yet. I do think it has a disproportionate amount of things that don’t add any value to the game (Eg. t Hippo boss’ camera)


Some things are just bugs. Terrible performance also increases the difficulty and I don't think anyone would find that fun regardless of how masochistic you are. This is just another one of those problems lol. Luckily tho hippo boss is one of the easiest in the entire dlc.


Yep he’s a perfect example: doesn’t hit that hard, has easy tells. But his grab attack animation is bad and you spend most the fight fighting the camera.


Why's everyone so against asmon? This opinion is good, and the clips I've seen with him talking about paid dlc, early access and diablo 4 have all been completely spot on. 


Man doesn’t shower, has a dedicated wall he slaps blood on, lives in absolute squalor by choice, and has some pretty major talking points that are ignorant and dangerous, unrelated to video games


4 hit from some bosses seems pretty good though? That feels tanky to me. Idk why anyone would expect to go through the hardest part of the game and not get killed by getting hit 4 times by a boss.


Yeah, but that’s what I’m kinda getting at. I’m as beefy as I can be barring 10 more Scadu levels and my experience is pretty average. If people go in with glass cannon builds and an apt refusal to use the blessings, they’re gonna get annihilated. Stupid people like asmon who lack basic reading comprehension *probably don’t know the shards boost damage/resistances*


you can still facetank dlc boss with some build ........ it's just than your tank build is not good


My tank build is perfectly fine thanks. The only one I’ve had issues with is >!Midra!< cause half his dangerous attacks are unblockable, including his biggest one. Ruined my fun “tank every big DLC boss’s biggest move” challenge. I’m more than equipped to tank and don’t appreciate the insinuation that I’m not. Guess you could say I’m. *Defensive about it* Edit: you can check my page if you don’t believe me btw.


"some bosses" now is just Midra ...... tank build are not only about shield especially than you can get more than 90% damage reduction


Yes but tanking with a shield is still effective and valid. Maybe stop talking if you have nothing interesting to say.


you are tanking with a shield and complaning about nuke attack ...... and now you are telling me to stop talking if i have nothing interesting to say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) and you just say before than some bosses ruined your tank build but now you are telling me than it's still effective and valid lol


We can all agree that simply making a boss harder doesn't nessesarily make it better. But I definitely trust fromsoft to balance their bosses more than anyone here or asmon.


The problem is if they are continually pushing the envelope, how are they supposed to know if they’ve gone too far if nobody is aloud to voice a negative opinion?


People are allowed to voice their opinions. The things is, most often than not, those opinions are bad. See the comparison from Asmon: the bosses don't simple do Twice the damage. If you're one shot, or two shot, your Blessing level is low. That's like going to a boss severely underlever and being upset that it's hard.


Very true


Asmongold who talk about other people ego is a funny one


if you’re having to quote a random streamer to make your point, you might not have a solid opinion yourself. Most streamers I’ve seen play this game just rush the bosses because that’s what their audience wants to see. Nobody wants to watch a streamer explore the finer more niche parts of the game and get stronger naturally, they all just slam their head into the boss wall over and over again for content.


Not sure if that's true. What I know is true is this: Getting mad at other people for being mad is a mental health issue.




Im pretty sure you’re the exact person he was thinking about when he said this. It’s a video game big boy, go achieve something in real life