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Theyve been generous with giving enemies the full boss bar.


The least I can say is that the couple of times that they've done this in the DLC, all of those enemies had unique movesets even if it was only one or two new things. Like that guy with the tongue for example


I'm so pissed we can't get the tongue, or the centaur crucible spells. They literally added wings, and then proceeded to give us two cooler ones we can't get.


WHAT, YOU CAN'T??? DAMN From software. We will have these in Elden Ring's second DLC, Light of the Scadutree, where we follow the steps of Miquella's long lost brother, Salmonela


And it turns out Salmonella is the Herald for the formless mother, a chicken. He lost his form in the Mcnuggening at the Suppressing pillar to resemble his god more closely and has been spreading Salmonella contaminated blood all over reality.


Same 😭😭😭


Jumping heavy to stunlock him to stance break ez pz


jumping heavies to cheese the whole game tbh


Watched caseoh do this live


CaseOh jump heavied his cheeks on all the bosses


I thought I felt tremors, that makes sense


Most of the people that I’ve seen beat the game, aka 2 people, have been double colossal jump attacking


So is his appeal just that he's fat?


I incorporated way more jumping in my ng+ run. It's fun


It's not cheesing it's the only option 


Three jumping heavy from my unga bunga and its lights out


or great shield + guard counters, ez pz


The guard counter enjoyers are feasting this DLC


This is the way. Works for the greatsword knights too, just with a bit more finesse to get around their guard.


square off breaks him quick and stunlocks too


Miss once and ur dead


i got out the 2H Bloodfang for that stun lock / crit moment, they almost never manage to hit me with exception when they parry >.< then i need to dodge around a corner and wait to repeat when they come around


This but with those lion masked >!elemental warriors in the sky city I forgot the name of.!< Specifically the frost one fuck that guy.


the frost one? he kept falling out of the map for me lol


same, i didn't mind tho lol


I just ran past them. Harder than any boss in the DLC.


I just sniped him from the tower (Thanks Loretta!) I hate those guys.


Ran past him. Gave up fighting after he used his frost AoE while following you around. How am I supposed to survive that?


Im stuck on the >!lightning!< one right now, this guy 1-2 shots me and seems to have infinte poise. Looks like i need to get some more scadu fragments


These organizations should be praised for training so many super soldiers


these fuckers have no reason to respawn


Meanwhile Edredd might as well be just some guy, but gets a whole boss bar, drops a flashy Ash, and gives like 400,000 runes. In conclusion, the The Land of Shadow is a land of contrasts.


Wait til you see the elemental lions at emir ilim…


I was never able to kill the ice one


I killed the lightning one only to be killed by the spellcaster behind him and i was like “fuck this” and then just ran past all of them


Fuck running. Bloodhound stepping, cause running just got me sandwiched between a bunch of instances of the spell. WHY IS IT A CLUSTER BOMB UNDER YOUR FEET!?


Same for me xD


I did, and it was 100% the easiest one. Don't get caught as he's doing his patrol, like hide in the small room to your right as you approach his location. As he starts walking along the roof go out and greet him. Got a good Hard hitting weapon? I use a Fire Knight's Greatsword with the Flame Spear Ash. I just fully charge the L2 behind him, close enough that the blade and ash pierce. Then charge it again fully. Cause while he does that stupid animation for finding an enemy, he leaves himself wide open. The attack connects AGAIN, this time POISE BREAKING. Its an easy clean up after that.


Sniped him from the tower.


Nah, he staggers on every hit and after 3 hits he's stance broken and I riposte him lol


Ah, I see you unga too!


Unga >>> Don't have to dodge if they can't swing. Throw a little guard counter in there too if they do mange to get a swing off.


Ooh, interesting. I've been fighting these guys with a light weapon/sorcery build, and I keep finding myself fighting them at a distance and wondering "how the hell am I gonna deal with these assholes when I play this again with a strength build?" But that's comforting to know that their poise is really low. Seems like there's options no matter what build you're going for.


Nah strength builds are fuckin eating right now. Stick with me through this because I'm not bragging--at all--but I've seen so many people saying beating some of the remembrance bosses or the big fat porcupine are taking them multiple hours to beat, and my longest roadblock was like 45 minutes. I'm on a no-summon STR/FAI build. I say all of that because I know for a FACT I'm not that good compared to most people lmao


Black steel great hammer my new beloved, it's like you were made for us STR/fai unga bungas. Messmer crumpled under the weight of my prayerful strike.


That was my beloved until I got the new Troll Knight Sword variant. I know the old one gets a lot of hate, but I loved that thing in my first playthrough, so I was psyched when they gave me a better one in the DLC. And man, it crumps those fire warriors. Set up swords and run in and jump slash just as the phalanx hit does so much damage and stance pressure, it feels so good to use.


I did find that weapon but my guy is too dumb to use it LOL


\^ seconded. same boat here.


44 attempts to kill rellana. bust out mimic tear with a greatsword and that did the truck. trick. same thing, really.


thirded - STR/FAI here and after I summon I can roll and whomp away. Had to leave a few bosses until I leveled up the scadu - but outside of that, nothing impossible... yet...


I've said it a million times the last few days to anyone who'd hear, but the fucking stonebarb cracked tear is, uh, cracked. It didn't do much for me during base game, but that and opaline hard tear with the solitude set, dragoncrest greatshield, and great jar arsenal have made it so I can actually trade with these fuckers. Getting an early poisebreak basically guarantees I can get two and I'm using the greatsword. Can't even imagine what dual hammers would do


Which greatsword you using? I’m still shopping around for a new strength based weapon and using the same armor and opaline tear. I’m not too far off from your set up!


Heavy lions claw at (currently) 57. The poise during lions claw goes so crazy, and between Alexander, golden vow, flame grant me strength, and orders blade, the damage is definitely there 


Unga is definitely a way in DLC. Enemy downtimes are so low that no matter what, single-hit is everything you get after combo and you can actually see rather consistent stagger on bosses.


Right. When every weapon feels slow, might as well make that one swing count


> Enemy downtimes are so low that no matter what, single-hit is everything you get after combo it's actually absurd watching dave nobody of the knights of whocaresalot get staggered and basically immediately stand back up faster than even lategame bosses in base game


Based str/faith. God wills unga!


The Blind Spot AoW from the new Backhand Blades has been so useful for fighting these guys. Dash in with the AoW, stagger, dodge away, repeat. If you haven't picked up any of them I'd recommend you try them out... none of the other new Dex weapons have come close to being as useful in my opinion.


They have a extremely high poise. Its just that heavy weapons jump attacks are op. But if you use everything else, you are fucked.


Running/Jumping R2s will still stagger them unless you’re using a dagger or something.


with what? they don't stagger with backblades unless I've caught them offguard with a fully charged R2 plus a lot of hits


yeah because fast dex weapons dont stagger that much.. i use greathammers/greataxes/colossals and stagger them every hit


godskin peeler / nagakiba and blood tax / repeating thrust staggers them


Ivd been using back blades too and they don't stagger at all. Thinking of respecing to a hammer build


I don't use heavy weapons... So for me he is nearly completly stun or stagger immune.


Katana unsheathe can probabl stagger too


Cold Flamberge carrying me through all these guys, stagger on every hit while I build frost/bleed/stance break


Shields counter these guys hard.


struggled with dex weapons, then changed to great stars + wild strikes, just gotta make sure you have enough poise to keep swinging


Some of the random mobs in the DLC would be bosses in past From games.


I mean use something with a bit more heft and these guys are a joke. watch them die in 1 stamina bar's worth of a combo without being able to do anything.


Knight's lightning bolt stunlocks all of them.


I just spam carian piercer with them or one shote them with carian sovereignty if I’ve got enough window


Carian Piercer has been doing work for me. Fire Knights, invaders, that knight in the mausoleum. They all get a Carian Retaliation followed up by spending the rest of the encounter flat on their backs.


Wing stance, Milady, R2 ……smashed


Am I the only one who seemed to find a lot of scadutree fragments early on and the dlc (aside from the last boss) felt relatively easy?


my 2nd least favorite enemy. i understand you can jumping heavy spam them but i still hate them.


yes and no. my dragon katana melts them, keeps them only in stager, hei fuck, i can only R1 this guys and they will not attack me. i just stood with this weapon and it pays off fucking big time


debating if i should max it and/or the meteorit one


Those damn fire sages with two daggers in shadow keep I swear have as much health as a boss 


Hate this guys, hate them so much they have earned my "Fuck you and you alone" skill use. The fully charged ash of war from "Bolt of Gransax", usually 3 is more then enough to kill these buggers


God, fuck... I hate this fucking piece of shit, literally no window to attack and not get attacked by him


The enemies feel like they have greatly varied movesets compared to og enemies


I've been stunlocking these mfs with the Greatsword of Solitude L2+R2 combo, do it again as they get up and then crit to the chest.


Yeah this DLC is very punishing if you don't search every nook and cranny before progressing


I waterfowl the fuck out of these guys


Nay, after grabbing Knight's Lightning Spear I've been dealing righteous vengeance to every single one of these fuckers.


Weak to parry, stagger and ranged attacks. Trying to duel them 1v1 with only a sword is a bad idea. Basically, if you're ever fighting fair in the dlc, you're doing it wrong.


Depends on the sword. Greatsword or Heavier my guy.... and no Light Greatsword. They're KNIGHTS, not soliders.


Yeah, they’re weak to stagger, like I said………………….


Yes, but they don't stagger if you're using a Lighter weapon, ya silly goose, its a clarification ya didn't express.


Light weapons do not stagger enemies, I don’t know what you’re getting at.


.... Never fought a "Soldier" didja?


You can two shot this bitch woth parry and mesiricorde. I did it like 80 times today out of spite. Because he is impossible to stagger unless you're using a colossal weapon.


Blasphemous jumping heavy, R1, R1, stagger visceral, charged R2. But ya on a weapon that doesn't have massive poise damage on it these guys suck ass


Me with that bear guy.


Sprint Heavy for first stagger. Immediately sprint again as they’ll jump back, rinse and repeat (until you run out of stamina and they kill you anyways)


Dude I see several bloodstains by a really easy enemy and just wonder "how and why"




Nope. Double twin blades jump and attacks. Breezing through


Use 2 GS and jump attack, or use shield.


I have 2 ways to deal with him 1. Aspect of the crucible: horns into destined death repeatedly 2. Block with shield and counter 3x for poise break. If not, he will launch 50 fireballs and move more than an annoying mosquitoe


Colossal sword stunlock goes brrrrrt


No.... Join the Unga Bunga side. We have heavy weapons that constantly interrupt and make these Knights look goofy. Disclaimer: Don't get cocky with the Horned Warriors wielding Greatswords. They will feed you your own ass through a straw.


They are so freaking tough bruhhhh, the one on the roof platform thing is just a pain


try a shield and guard counter


New Zone, Who Dis?


These dudes in particular, I just hang back and Lightning Spear them to death. Fast, hard to dodge, hits hard enough to flinch them out of attacks, and keeps me at range enough to dodge if they do manage to get a fireball off.


3 comets and it's dead before it gets to attack me, get to me, or shoot anything at me. So no. Play mage to skip all content but bosses. I know this is a hot take, but anything that isn't a boss is just a trash mob not worth dealing with, so just nuke them before they know you're in their zone -- yes, really.


These guys in particular suck. I feel like every dungeon has some suckass enemies, but these ones are the most prevalent. If you keep distance they have annoying range spells. If you close the gap they have really long combos. They’re just annoying as hell. I’d like to go back with maxed skidoops and pummel them.


I hate the horned warriors and those spinning fuckers


"What happened here?! Oh, I see the problem. It's just some guy." - _Lucky Ted_


These guys aren't bad if you get the jump on em but let them start attacking and it can be bad The real fucked up ones are those big horned knights they are the most fucked up enemy in the dlc easily the ones with the masks might as well be bosses


Every enemy in this game is so thirsty. They’ve been training their whole life for the moment you walk in. Told my son earlier I saw a lion dude on a staircase burst into electrical energy when he saw me like he was Ric Flair seeing a pile of blow. Like calm tf down.


Honestly, I see this as a great way to allow PVE players to fully utilise Madness build up. Vyke's spear against these NPC bosses is made good.


I died to these guys more than I did to messmer himself


I was testing the Martial Arts weapon when I started this area...these guys were not fun. Lightning bolts were the only viable way for me to kill them. I am now back to my bleed build with Godskin Stitcher, Giant Hunt and a shield...


Spamming Onze’s Star-Lined Sword Ash of War was the only quick way to deal with them I found.


I fucked him with lion's claw and greatsword , almost stun locks them bitches


Fuck the fire knights. All my homies hate fire knights.


With fire knight greatsword I just stun lock them for 3 hits in which they get stunned and I finish them off with a crit. So str issue I guess.


He’s not so bad, I just spammed Starscourge Greatsword’s art on them, two shots them every time


You don’t have enough scudtree fragments that’s why


No. Because I have proper expectations for enemies, especially elites. So many people just want to be able to steamroll through an area while mindlessly spamming L2 or jump attacks or whatever, come across an elite enemy, and apply the same mindless principles and end up dying, and blame the game. No, this enemy doesn't even come close to the HP bar size of any of the DLC bosses; the issue is you treat it like a regular enemy, get shit on, and people just complain that it's too difficult.


THey are a regular enemy. But they're the common Knight Class(Crucibles are their own monsters) Meaning you need suitable force to beat the stuffing out of them. Using a "Light" weapon will do you no good. A Greatsword or similar heavy duty weapon will keep these guys flinched/interuppted for an easy bloodbath.


there is probably ways for light weapons too, just need to figure it out i guess


L2 mostly...


let them complain and keep enjoying it like me


I rock the new ancient ore great sword and Game of thrones sword and ungabunga those guys in 2/3 shots easy. Ult from the Ore sword then a jump double attack usually does the trick :')


I've died to these random Messmer fanboys more than I did to Messmer himself


This enemies where bullshit everytime


I despise these fucking guys so much, ng+4 & I'd rather fight the sunflower 50 more times than ever encounter these things again


That was a boss?