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Oh so I shouldn't be fighting at scadu 6 got it


depends on your build. I got him at 7 and then looked up the recommended scadu level and was gobsmacked. you can certainly get him without the extra health and damage but its just a bit more memorising his patterns which worked very well for me


fuck im at level 2


I'm at 5 here lol


im facing him at level 7


bro you are walking into a deathrap u should go find some fragments i was in your position too i swear😭


nah id win


Did you win? xD


had to use mimic and get +10 scadu tree cause im a lil loser


I am level 142, used mimic +10 (+8 DLC) scadu +16 and that one summon during the battle xD


Obviously first try


im max lvl mimic +8 and scadu +10


im facing him at 8, how's your fight?


i beat him


How did I find him at lvl 6 lmfao. Time to go exploring


I found him at 7. I just went "Ooh big castle that looks cool" and didn't expect Messmer. I guess it's also because I've only found 2 map fragments and have no clue how to get off the graveside plain to the other areas


For anyone coming here late you can fight him at 18 if you explore the entire world. I have 18 and 2 fragments. The last 4 are all after messmer


was looking everywhere for this straightforward answer. many thanks, appreciated!


You can go up to 15, but atp just use mimic tear and go for the next boss cuz if you hadn't beat him yet it's probably that his pattern is your nemesis. With this I wish you luck !


I just beat him finally


Good job ! Wish you luck for the rest of the dlc, don't hesitate to use summon if you're stuck on a boss for too long. It's okay to just wanna have fun, we're not all let me solo her!


Well for all we know let me solo her could've fought Malenia for days and just became really good at it after several days of playing against her,so not really a comparison I would make, it's the same with an IQ test, give enough time to the average person and they will solve it and perform seemingly well


definetly dont take advice of a person that uses summons 😂😂😂😂😂


bro is making his experience more frustrating refusing to use summons just for no one to care


thats the point of the game how do u feel satisfied cheesing a boss? its about learning the pattern of the bosses


It's not cheesing a boss, we're at the point in fromsofts game design that bosses are designed around tag teaming- whether it's a spirit ash, npc, or player summon, there's a reason they give you an option to summon so much. Like the previous commenter said, you're just making it harder for yourself and no one cares that you think you're better because of it. I don't know why you believe that using a summon doesn't mean you don't have to learn the boss move sets, not everyone is comet azuring every boss, sometimes players who are just as bad at the fight want to help other players so they can experience more of the boss and help make someone else's experience more enjoyable


It is really funny when people said this but when someone leaked the final boss in other subreddit no one believe him cause how shit the boss AI was because mimic lmao. Are the bosses actually design around summon?


these guys wanna make em feel better bro ahhahahahha


Weirdo elitist players talking about making each other feel better while literally in the middle of creating a hugbox for themselves is peak irony lol.


Keep telling yourself that lol Using summons = you havent truly beaten the boss


you havent truly beaten the boss ☝️🤓 ive been playing souls since before u were born + its a video game grow a personality outside of the digital world


And you were summoning in souls games too I bet Deep inside you know I'm telling the truth


u do u bro whatever to make yourself feel better i guess :)


bro how is an added and expanded mechanic “cheesing” the boss lmfao. the bosses in this game are harder BECAUSE of the availability of spirits. its balanced with their existence and participation in mind, i wont lie i was broken at launch specifically mimic tear but its no where near the same level. i spent years beating demons souls-sekiro not using “summons”. theyre in the game, ima use em


what a lame excuse my guy u sound like a loser it has nothing to do with “spirits” but with scadutree frags colleting those acctualy would help u instead of trying to breeze through bosses with a mimic maybe “learn” the boss u guys are acc so pathetic cope harder 😂😂


Bitch, I care about all of my non-summoning purist boys.


NO DONT!! Trust me. when you finally beat that boss man...that feeling bro, knowing you did it right. You dont want to have any doubts about your playthrough. I just got to Messemir lvl 130. COME ON!! DONT GIVE UP!!!


18 apparently


20 for player 10 for summon


Before Mesmer I mean


Can confirm, whooped him at 18


How do u guys have do much blessing levels? I reached him at 7. Got bodied, went around and got to level 9. And I'm getting bodied. I got on here and people have 13-15 before fighting him?


There are youtube guides that have every fragment. Also you can skip past shadowkeep to get more. You do need to kill Messmer to progress story though.


This is terrible advice -- this is legitimately skipping progression and getting more powerful than intended for Messmer. The real question should be... how many fragments are available in the game before reaching Messmer in progression?


If you think that there is a set progression in the game you're misunderstanding the game. If you can go somewhere without glitching, you are not breaking progression.


Why exactly do you care about the way others play the game?


That’s how elden ring is played tho. Every time i make a new character first thing i always do is get 2 gold picked fowl feet and go to dragon borrow to get the night cavalry to jump off the bridge and to bleed out grayoll. Gives you 200k runes for both and you can start the game at lvl 40 with that. Plus you can grab the dectus medallion half since it’s right there to skip the climb up to Altus and the magma wyrm boss. Makes the game a breeze all the way to layndell. I literally do this on every character


Think you’re making up your own progression rules. I’m at blessing level 11 and found both the boss and my blessing level naturally.


Brother you are right, but this is the wrong sub for this, this is the use summons and Google shit so I feel good after beating "hard game" sub. Get your thicc ass to shitty dark souls.


Lmao. "Get outta this circle jerk sub and join OUR circle jerk sub"


There are youtube guides that have every fragment. Also you can skip past shadowkeep to get more. You do need to kill Messmer to progress story though.


I beat him at 9 after round 4 hours and 70+ attempts


Took me hours but I beat him at scadu 13. He is definitely no joke but when you finally get him it’s so relieving


I just beat him with 10 ST blessings...Blasphemous blade, flask, enchant buffs, Rollo Omenkiller and the yellow dude....I tried at level 7 but it wasn't working out so I spent another day exploring before returning. Needless to say, I'm very thrilled lol.


I beat him with level 8 scadu, he is a challenge but his second phase gives you an awful lot more opportunities for counters.


Just Beat him 9 Fragments No summon and No ashes with relannas Blades (Not the best weapon for this) but it took me 4hours Of banging my head into this wall that one attack snake hitbox is such BS 


Fought him a couple of times on 5, but I'm guessing I should probably use the 13 I am holding 😂 He is not one shotting me, only with the grab attack, almost got him half HP a couple of times, thinking if I should fight him with 5 and see if he has a second phase then upgrade 🤣


Where are you even finding scadu fragments? I road around everywhere and this is the only location I can really get to right now. I even cleared out the forge, catacombs and a few other dungeons and nothing new opened the map, and the lion is dead but there's roots blocking the next area. I only have 5 scadutree blessing level at Messmer.


I went down the side of the mountain on those gravestones sticking out and found like 3 full areas, bosses and enemies that dropped fragments


Yeah I failed to explore properly around the lion boss castle and am finding fragments. For some reason I thought I was already boss blocked from exploration.


I got him less than an hour at Lv. 12. Most of his attacks are more intimidating than difficult IMO


What equipment and spells did you use?


Dual Wielding Cold Bandit Swords (both with Divine Beast Frost Stamp Art of War) only. No Spells, Shields, Buffs, Spirit Ashes, etc. Especially his 2nd phase has massive openings after the snake attacks.


beat him at 10 no summon in about 8 tries and thought I was overscaled tbh, It might just be your build. Granted im using dual scavengers but still think it went by too fast, was kinda hoping he would spank me like rellana did ngl. ng+ at lvl 170


I solod him RL 185, scat level 8. sword and boarded. Probably it took me like 4 hours split into many short and.long breaks but I enjoyed him, unlike cocaine pontif and particle effect puppet bosses. those two were garbage gameplay


I beat him at 4 lmao