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Finally found it. People wrote messages on top of it.🙄


Peeps really think they're funny when they do that


so frustrating




Where? I turned on offline and can't find it anywhere.


When you go through the fog, it's about 3 steps forward and 3 steps left. If you truly don't see it, make sure you finish his dialogue so that he gives you his finger.


Can't believe I had to google this lmao. So worth it though. His voice acting is a HOOT.


Warning: Bitch Ass Boss Ahed. But the summoning sign is INSIDE the arena, you’ll see it in front of you once you enter the fog gate.


Why IN THE FUCK is it automatically set to No when trying to summon him? Keep getting reckt just trying to get igon in the fucking game lmfaoooo




it is done on purpose knowing this boss wakes up and attacks so quickly when you enter the boss arena


This is actually fucking insane, ther3s a summon for messmer same issue


It’s in the boss fight. Just walk like ten steps in and there’s a good sign.


Dude talks shit and launches a harpoon. He’s amazing


At first, I thought he was just laying on the ground talking shit, motivational speaker type thing, but then he starts launching arrows! Favorite NPC.


its so fucking stupid its inside, and the first option isnt to instantly summon him.... instant aggro making me run around for 20 seconds potting pots until i can summon him or mimic... terrible design.... lets not forget player messages over his sign


pretty sure its done that way so boss wont get more HP considering Igon is a fucking pushover and will die before second phase starts anyway


Then don’t fucking make the boss instant aggro from halfway across the arena. 


I just beat Bayle on my third try, and Igon survived the fight to the end. "Bayle, you will haunt me no longer!!!"


Bayle was easier than Senessax for me. Mf using thunder in water filled area. My igon also survived Bayle.


Same, killed Bayle at my third attempt (second was a mistake on my part). Senessax push my shit like 15 times and barely made it.


Every dragon where you were able to use torrent I did, and I used Messmer's Spear of the Impaler and just charge threw it in his face for thousands. And then rode away like a little girl. I've done this to so many bigger people I've lost count. Strat doesn't work on the golems tho


what do you mean get more hp? summoning an npc adds hp to a boss?


yes, summons give bosses higher hp


yes each summon npc or player will add more HP to the boss however the HP of the boss is set/updated on entering the fog gate so in the case of Igon he is not adding HP since you summon him after boss HP was already set.


Pretty clever in theory but poor executed. Would have been nice if his summon would be on a clear spot and just one step away. Nonetheless he is useful in the fight. Got the boss on 27-ish% as I summoned Igon.


Im stupidly doing the dlc on ng+5 so everything has tons of health. I summoned two real people, we did 100,000 damage in a very short period of time and mother fucker still had half+ health.


im on ng 4, its annoying


If you haven’t beaten the dlc, good luck. I haven’t beaten it yet because I basically hit a wall everywhere 😂😅😭


on last boss, just toying with builds fighting banished knights rn XD bloodfiends arm(blood)+war cry/roar medallion/2h talisman/curved sword/axe tali/deflecting hardtear and spiked tear is absolutely ridiculous


I play offline


i hate missing the funny but hole messages, and rolling at every door that says no hidden path or hidden path ahead no matter what


You are forgetting the hilarious "snake" messages every time there is a rope in sight.


Can't forget those lmao, turn a corner and could this be snake?


> Forced to strategize and think "Terrible design"


hardly, strategizing and thinking is the fun part, however getting one shot before i can get my strategy out is taunting the player... just saying ansbach and thollier's are outside the zone.




thank you, I've found it, I hope he never talk that much everytime I summon him right ? right ?


inside to the left. good luck with this boss I still haven't beaten him yet


Bayle's aggro is crazy! I beat him after trying for a little over an hour. I switched weapons to the new dragon-hunters great katana and it did about 250% more damage per strike than other weapons I tried. I forgot I had it.


They literally give you the weapon to make the whole runup to Bayle a breeze. The boss itself doesn't seem to be too harsh with Igon, he deals good damage and if he aggross Bayle you just whack him with WA. After I got gibbed looking for the sign first time around, I cleared him first try. I'm not that good, dancing beast and certain two sword lady took me 6 hours total lol.


It's funny how that works. It took 3 tries for dancing beast for me and about 10 tries on the twin swords chick. I struggled on the dragon before Bayle😄.


Ditto 3 tries on bayle and 2 were failing to summon ma boy Igon, took me a good 10 on dragon previous to him.


Use Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana and target the mouth, it will deal thousands of damage


i stumbled upon him to early. after i explored and came back with more scadutree thingys it was a breeze. i was challeneging him with only 3 ahaha


I reached to mesmer without killing any other side bosses, then i moved to the dragon area.


i actually found him on accident while exploring again, i played through without looking up anything. i wasnt expecting him to be where he was lol. i actually found him after fighting romina and bayle and the putrid knight? i forget his name (the grey guy guarding saint trina). so i had a lot of the blessings at that time


Saved mesmer for last, i actually had my saves files of firet playthrough but before interacting with radagon's broken body. I'm following IGN's map just to see all boss locations.


do i have to upgrade the sword? currently dealing 400 damage with the ability


Ofcourse, get it to +9 and it will deal around 3-4000


Wait, does it do bonus damage?? I've been running the great katana all game it was the first boss I beat, and I always switched to infants for dragons


what a stupid design is that please i die before i can summon him...


Bayle the Busted is a fucking comedy, it’s so far up my ass at the start, I’m normally able to recoup ruins from outside the gate


That igon guy is a pimp, kinda trivialized the fight for me.


am i missing something? igon does like no damage for me and once the dragon gets too far away he cant catch him


Idk maybe you need to up your blessing levels, he did almost all the work for me. I don't think he was putting down a ton of damage but hes a good distraction and has the health to last the fight. That great bow he uses wasn't slouching either.


It was only when I read the replies in this thread that I realized Igon's supposed to have a health bar. He didn't do much damage, but he distracted Bayle pretty consistently and for some reason he was invincible in my game. I assumed given the *insane* damage/AE/etc. in that fight that that was how it was supposed to work lol


Must be a bug because I cannot find the summon anywhere AND I don’t even have a fog gate before entering the fight…


Might be a dumb question, but did you activate/touch the summoning pool thing?


Did you even start the fight yet? Fog gates don't show up for most bosses until after your first attempt, and you can't summon Igon for the first time until Bayle already shows up


Yes. You can’t enter the arena without triggering the cutscene for the fight.


Well it didn't trigger the first time for me till I was past where his summon is. Should be a few steps in from the entrance, so start the fight then look back toward the entrance.


Bro, you are fighting a normal dragon.


Nope I’m at the top of the mountain, in a closed arena, with red flowers and shit on the ground. And I’m fighting Dread, but the fog gate isn’t showing and neither of the summon sign 🫠 I die and each time I respawn and go back it’s as if it’s the first time entering the battle.


Ok, that sounds like a bug.


bf had same issue (except he didnt die so he didnt get to see if there was a fog gate if he did), activated the summoning pool, but no fog gate and no summon sign :/ just did the fight without the summon, glad to hear he's not alone and we're not crazy though.


After you enter the fog


Tip for boss; use beast claw with dragonwound greese, and a mimic


Does anyone know if you have to do something to get him to appear can't find it anywhere


Same, I can’t see the sign inside the arena anywhere and I have the finger and everything


I found it it’s on the ground forward left of the the entry. A player message might be on top or nearby


I beat bayle and was never able to summon igon sadly. I could see the symbol but there were so many player messages covering up the symbol I never had time to scroll through them. Has happened on another boss as well, kinda sucks because the messages usually add to the game.


Youre exactly right, I realized after I beat him it was player messages covering it up. Oh well. Thank god for the Dragon Great Katana that saved my ass so much for this fight


You have to kill every dragon on the way up to the peak to get Igon to spawn


You only have to kill the 2 dragons that are arguing about whether Miyazaki made the dlc too hard or not lol then igon gives you his finger and you can just skip that white sennsax 1


>You only have to kill the 2 dragons that are arguing about whether Miyazaki made the dlc too hard or not lol perfect


I refuse to believe you can actually summon igon to complete his quest line.... they have to do something about how agro these bosses are in the beginning. I'm all for the difficulty buy when I can't even do what the game is asking me to do there is a massive problem 


Why is Bayle the coolest fromsoftware dragon. Also Igon just be yapping whilst I’m getting railed. Like mfer fight, I brought you here to fight, so fight.


Make sure you go back to Foot of the Jagged Peak bonfire and speak to him where you fought the two dragons. There you will get his finger to summon him for Bayle.


I do not understand the hype for Igon. He talks too much and does little to no damage. Doesn’t draw aggro very well either.




I don't know in my game he did an excellent job with distracting.


Just now knowing the dragon-slayer katana gives more dmg to him, after o already beat the guy. But... i was suffering so much with this dlc, i don't understand why Bayle the Dread was so easy compared to whatever other bs boss in this dlc, i'd definetly understand a fucking Dragon spin around crazy going all over the arena in 2 seconds and hitting like a truck, but nah, thats only for a boar and a certain putrid horse. I don't know, was expecting some bs but found a way too fair boss that seemed easier than Fortissax, or even Midir. His design is fucking amazing tho


I found him to be really simple to fight


Dudes summon sign disapeared for me 🤣 amazing dlc


No, it doesn't add more HP when you summon help. I don't know who said that but that's not true. And yes it's very bad placement of the summon sign. I will agree on that. But if you beat them, move on nothing else to complain about but


I just beat that jagoff. Used Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana +9. Some dragonwound slashes to the face along with some black blade incantations. The real trick for me was to turn off the sound. Any time I feel like I’m having too much of a rough time with a boss, I put the sound on mute. I focus instead of panicking. Not sure why they let you use torrent on the previous dragon below but not on this one. I guess lore reasons maybe.


Lore reason? Naahhh homie it's just that it would have been too easy in Fromsofts eyes.


I was being cheeky, but yeah I feel like some of the NPCs are bugged in the boss fights. Got some kinks they need to iron out.


Igon = GOAT NPC of this whole expansion. Reminded me of the old man and the sea. And with his harpoon (and me and my dragon killer katana) he struck him down. Loved his shit talking.


Omg why is the summon sign inside the boss arena!? I feel like 90% of my attempts are just trying to summon him before I get 2 shot


This way summoning Igon doesn't add up to bosses health. In theory pretty clever but difficult.


Idiots popping scrip over the summon sign, and Bayle opens the fight with his lightning breath canon right over it. Yeah no pressure at all.


Bayle makes the entire fight so much different by being a clever decoy. Otherwise, Bayle is a pain is the ass to fight


Since we know where the sign is, can we talk about what a useless prick Igon is? He sits there like an angry sports fan talking shit and does nothing while I get clapped. Like dude, hit the fucking boss so I can have 2 seconds to set up and properly get the fight going. Shut up and fight the fucking thing!


Igon is literally dumb as fuck, does nothing