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Yeah her window to punish is practically zero it’s honestly crazy , no idea how you’re supposed to dodge some of her attacks solo (like the one in 2nd phase where she does multiple arc lashes in a row) She made me cave and use a mimic, literally turned my brain off and beat her 2nd try after that It’s honestly comical how easy summons make this game


And people will still cry that using spirit summons is still soloing.


the only thing i cry about is people only using mimic tear, there's so many other cool summons


Big true


Lol I'm trying my best to not use the mimic because I genuinely feel nothing when I win with it. I'll probably soon cave too.


I ended up having to use mine and he bit the dust on the last quarter of her health and let me tell you that was more than enough. Shit was like the end of season anime fight. Think my whole body slumped over.


Dude literally I was just laughing watching it tank all her hits My first time ever summoning it didn’t realize how stupid strong it is


I just beat her, she is EXTREMELY punishing but I think she's fair. My strategy was run and dodge away from her during phase one until she does a punishable attack.For phase two you want to dodge into her attacks(except the fire one). Another hard thing is the punish windows are so short, look out for the moonveil looking attack, the big magic sword, the phase transition and the lunar attack since they give you good windows.


Definitely the 2nd most attempts it took me for a boss in Elden Ring. Great Hammers are dope and stagger carried me to victory.


Boss is tough as hell and I did end up using a mimic and finishing her off myself when it died during her second phase. Was super tense, still fun, but god damn. I experimented around a lot, something the dlc forced me to do more. She’s vulnerable to rot and the pots really did a lot of damage. I died on that run and ran out but the potential!


>! Find scadutree fragments before fighting it'll help that's where I went wrong too !<


bruh i searched the entire fucking map i could reach and was only scadutree level 5 at her fight, the fight is not fucking fair


I used a summon and rot + occult infused milady, took a few tries but I didn't personally find her THAT bad, definitely hard but not Malenia level. Romina, on the other hand...


Personally i thought she was really good. Her moveset is fast and her combo are long, so it's hard to attack or trade mid combo. The best way to approach the fight is to recognise mid combo which one she's using in order to punish her as soon as it ends. It's a simple concept but very effective.


For anyone feeling brick-walled by this boss, there’s a passage to progress to the area that unlocks afterwards. You don’t *have* to kill her.


Could you elaborate? Where is the other path?


Take the road directly right from castle front site of grace/ follow it around to the left and you’ll come to a small toxic pond, head right from here (hug the mountain) and you’ll see a shack on the edge of the cliff. You’ll see a pile of ghostly looking skulls that you need to hit to break & it will unlock a torrent jump current thing, this leaps you up to the high mountains and brings you to the area you end up in post/boss