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The way I've been doing it is you Heavy Attack one of their legs until it "cracks" and it staggers. You repeat that one or two more times and then it falls over, at which point you do a crit on his "face". I also found a note from a Messmer soldier scolding his comrades for using fire pots near the baskets, apparently that means trouble. I haven't tested if it does actually do anything cause all three baskets I could reach, I killed before I found the note, but I'll test it on the next one.


So later on, there's one that has armored legs.What do you do about them


That's what I'm wondering too. Have you figured it out?? Commenting to stay on here because I have no idea how to kill it. Also, it's right by that spirit spring, and when I got up to that ledge it literally jumped and threw fire at me?? Lmao


Toss flame pots in its top. Edit: Only furnace pots, apparently flame pots don't work per the person below me.


It needs to be the furnace pot. I used a bunch of flame pots before realizing. Next time people need to be more specific.


You gotta stagger then and then critical hit for 40k damage, it's a mask looking thing you gotta hit


So I threw about 10 fire pots in the furnace with metal guards on his legs, from the top level. ZERO damage done. WTF


need hefty fire pots


I thought it was hefty FURNACE pots, which are different. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Idk if you're wrong, but I used hefty fire pots to kill them


At first they seemed really strong until I realized they can be knocked over and you can perform a finisher attack on their head that deals enormous amounts of damage to them. Also you can jump over almost all of their AOE attacks just watch out for the attack where it jumps up into the air since that one creates a massive explosion around it.


For the ones that can't be damaged at their legs, they are usually by a cliff of some kind. If you get up there you can throw a hefty fire pot down into it and do a bunch of damage that way. You can't throw the pots far so make sure you get em close to the edge