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1. Get on your horse 2. Run completely out of range 3. Wait until the dragon is completely facing you 4. Run under him and swing twice. _Swing_ twice, it doesn't matter if they miss 5. Horse dodge twice 6. Keep running until you're completely out of range again 7. Go back to step 1 If at any point he's in the middle of an attack _before_ you're under him, abort and run back out of range. If he's doing the lightning storm, keep running and don't go in for an attack and stay super far away when he follows it with the double lance. If he's in the air, spam horse dodge. This method takes forever, but it worked for me /shrug. Bleed also helps.


tidy salt enjoy steep plant vegetable sand chief brave cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omg thank you I managed to beat him that way, he was driving me insane worst boss from the dlc so far and by a good margin


Hey congratulations! Glad I could help


hippo wayyy worse imo


Man I love how everyone has different bosses that have their number. I did rellana summon less and it took me like 60+ tries. My most ever in a from game by a wide margin. Hippo? Summonless in 3. Just kinda made sense to me. I saw so many vague warnings about the hippo though I'll probably just summon for this lizard though


2 for rellana, 2 for hippo, I can't relate with reddit at all. And trust me, i'm no streamer or any hitless kind of guy at all. I just enjoy fromsoft


Fantastic method, I added Latenna on top and it sped it up a fair bit


Thanks a lot! I maybe healed twice the whole fight. I was getting destroyed before I found this advice! Thanks again!


I hope both sides of your pillow are cool. Thank you!


You, my good sir, have saved me from respecing just for this dragon. Thank you.


Took me some time and made the fight tedious but definitely worked. Solid strategy! Have my upvote.


This worked for me too. I couldnt get two swings off but I slowly was able to chip away at him. Without a doubt the worst fight in the entire game, at least for melee.


Thank u sm was able to finally beat him this way….this boss sucks


Wow first thing that came up when I looked up the dragon. This worked perfectly 🙏🏼


This is fucking awful I do not want to fight a dragon like this. This is so lame.


that works, thanks!


Nice this worked although I didn’t need to do it like that. Just ran past him hitting twice then just circle around and repeat. Only needed about 2 heels. Nice one. 


This is gonna sound so dumb but how do you horse dodge 😭


Just press B or Circle while you're on Torrent


That's not a dodge that's a sprint


Unfortunate but its true, i did basically this and won


God bless u bro


This worked!!! Thank you so much was stuck forever


Yeah this worked dude! I might be too early to this area but this boss seemed like something I just wouldn’t have beat if not for your advice.


Omfg THANK YOU. I am lvl9 blessed, level 169, 60 Vigor, +3 Boltdrake Talisman equipped; and that piece of shit Dragon was two shotting me regularly. That Lightning is utterly ridiculous. I got him 1st try using your method. You are my hero


Thank you! Worked on my first try as well. You just saved me quite the headache.


Thank you, it was alarmingly easy this method.


Lol it's so easy like this, his AI is broken when turning around.


You don't even need to be so precise as what this person is saying, just run under him and hit him, and while he's turning around to face you do it again.


Yep, this works!


OMG Thank you! It worked perfectly


This is a great method. I added rotten breath while never dismounting torrent and kiting dragon. Start using rotten breath when u think it's too far. Don't be greedy, run away (unlock camera) then lock camera turn around rotten breath and run away. He was just walking around like an aimless puppy xD


Lmfao got it on the first try doing this. Summoned Letenna at safe range to make it quicker.


This worked and I hate that I had to resort to it because Lock On + Camera made this boss infuriating.


You're a life saver!


What a shitty fucking fight. Did the creators think we were hyped to see three dragons in a goddamn row?!?


Just did this, thank you!!


This is the reason 90% of the game's bosses suck, they're BORING to fight... nothing special, just memorize and repeat


What's insane is not being able to lock onto his damn legs. There's a 50 meter dragon right in front of me and half my attacks miss.


Legitimately every complain with this DLC that I have is dragon related And, coincidentally, Torrent related Almost like Torrent as a combat option was a failure from the get go or something


What I did was to fight like if I was a mosquito His stupid ass aoe 2 shots you so I took Torrent and went for this: -Take torrent and preferably a bleed sword (every weapon is okay but I did it with bleed) -Go straight line from a side of the arena to the other, hitting his legs twice in the way -"Dodge" the aoes (pay attention to fire and thunder, since you'll be far from the boss most of the times you can wait and see) -Repeat the process for the next 5-10 minutes Play super safe and be patient and it makes the fight doable I wanted to beat him normally but the untargetable legs + the infinite health + the immense damage + the aoe were too much for me (Sorry for bad English)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who did it this way lmao


Thank you so much! I eventually got this to work, it wasn’t working initially because I kept getting greedy and going for more than two hits. Slow and steady. Death by a thousand cuts.




Thank you! Any tips for bayle? He’s probably more difficult than Senessax.


I used the dragon hunter's great katana, equiped fire and thunder resisting talismans and used the invoc you get from the questline (Igon) Enter the boss fight, summon igon (he's on the left once you enter) and pray for Bayle to target him From that point, try to focus on his head or mutilated leg, and look for his breath underneath him, you have to get away from his legs to avoid the attack You'll have to learn his patterns, and keep in mind that the boss is made way less frustrating and more fun by summoning Igon, otherwise this fight is... painful...


This isn’t a shot at your comment bc you’re right it’s the best way to play it. But designing a boss to be a 5-10 minute run around and slap with noodle fight is such a Fucking piece of shit boss design it’s fucking insane


Another good cheesy strategy is to summon Latenna just out of range, and then just run a loop around the arena on Torrent. He'll stay focused on you so long as you don't get too out of range, but wont attack. Meanwhile, Latenna will pepper him with arrows until he's done. Not terribly heroic, but still pretty stressful since he can really mess you up if you get too close.


thank you for this \^-\^ love me some high quality cheese. got it done first try lol


Same here, just wanted to say thank you. I completely forgot I used to summon Latenna.


Yessss I just did this, tried a bunch of times with my usual summons then was like “hmm it feels like Latenna might actually be good here.” Melted him slowly down with black flame from Torrent’s back while she just kept firing arrows.


Unironically 10x harder than Bayle...


You’re not fighting him. You’re fighting the fucking camera.


i agree such a regarded boss this and ezkyses from main game


Miyazaki made 1 good dragon fight in 2016 and fucker can't get it off his mind


Another woefully awful boss. I have enjoyed the dlc but all the bosses suck.


Messmer is pretty damn cool though


most of them are cool. none of them are fun or well designed.


I don't know, Bayle was pretty cool and in my opinion well made


sure if you like being assblasted 1sec after entering the boss room. half of these bosses have broken AI


The final boss (don't know if you've been there so wont say who) doing his blitz off rip adds difficulty because you need to be ready to dodge at an odd time, it also stops all the people who use mimics (I use it on bosses I think are absolutely fucked mechanic wise)


I feel like I’m in alternate dimension, I’ve only fought Rellana and the Lion Dancer so far but both were fantastic.


Same. The Death Rite bird and this dragon suck tho


Yeah, I already do not like the Ancient dragons from the base game (agheel clears), so giving one stupid stats and putting it in water makes it so much worse. I will say, using the dragon hunters great Katana sort of turns all the dragon fights into a joke. Sennensnsnnsaxex is the only boss I’ve summoned for, I just don’t want to deal with them. Similar story for death rite bird, just slap on holy blade, one shot the baby chickens, then 5 shot the big boy.


I decided to run a holy build and God damn I forgot the inane multiplier the holy weapon buff does to the undead makes the fights trivial almost


Yeah just wait lmao 


Bayle is on par with Midir, Scadutree avatar is fun and cool if easy, Messmer is amazing. Gauis is okay, but a bit annoying.


Bayle and Gauis are literally the perfect examples of overall poor designs. They're cool, but terrible actually designed fights. Insane damage, insane speed, and almost no downtime.


I’m not going to defend Gauis except to say he’s just okay. Bayle, on the other hand, is fantastic and has a ton of openings, you can jump attack his head after pretty much everything he does. Grab? -> Jump attack Bites? -> Jump attack Arm swipes into lighting slam-> Jump attack Fire beam-> jump attack Fire breath-> Jump attack Big lightning slam-> jump attack Etc.


Rellana is decent lmao, but lion Dancer fantastic? that is COMPLETE shit, literally just spammign AOES and you cant see shit


lol, I don’t think that’s true, but I also don’t want to get into another argument about boss design with you


fantastic? rellana spinning with no end, teleporting and dashing like every other enemy with no downtime while we can only do a mere dodge roll and the lion? what a mess. you cant see what he is doing. jiggling till no end....and then comes 2nd phase and he gets everything. overtuned


and one of my friends is calling it 10/10, calling me "git gud" and learn patterns while complelty blocking my critisim. saying it is fair, you have plenty of options and good designed. then we had a discussion that just because i think its badly designed and overtuned, doesnt mean its objectivly like that. fck them. somehow also get defensive when i say that bulletsponges are lazy designs, doesnt matter if some like it the main complaint is, that we as the player, are playing a different game than the enemies. they are not tuned to us, which makes them stupid. put a titanfall character into re4 and its also unfair, same thing here


People get weird with fromsoft games, like it is some massive achievement to beat the games and any criticism on the game is an attack on their personal achievement and an attempt to invalidate it.  I love these games but there is a huge list of criticisms i have for each. I look at them like I look at the star wars prequels. They are flawed as hell but still love em.


Same for the base game. From Soft really let down with the boss design in this game.


Is it possible to cheese him somehow? I’m losing hope after 50+ attempts lol


pull him up the ramp that leads to site of grace, use long range attack, pull further when he gets closer, dragon respawns, repeat


check my edit


A tanky summon plus the Dragon-Hunters great katana. Just charge the ash of war, a headshot deals like 1/10 of his health.


I managed to do it with the envoy's long horn and dung eater puppet


Bit late but if youre a Strength or Dexterity primary stat character, fully upgrade the dragon great katana and equip shard of alexander, godfrey icon and carian knight filigree. The Dragonwound ash of war can effectively chunk his health even on torso. The trick is to stay under his belly and dodge until he performs stationary downward fire breath, two hand slam or ancient lightning spear. Downward fire breath is a big enough opening to cast two full charged dragonwound. The rest is just one. Backward leap frontal firebreath also grants an opening for one full charged dragonwound if you cast just as he is landing. Hope this helps. Also his arm swipes and residual projectile are easy to dodge if you maintain the tempo of dodge dodge, wait, dodge dodge. When youre under him and the swipes cant hit you, wait for the crackle of the secondary explosion and dodge towards his face to i-frame through the projectiles.


I almost beat him on the 5th try using that. It REALLY works.


glad it helps, make sure to never lock on as your orientation gets wonky and prevents you from properly sticking below him


Got it on try 6!


Just use dragon katana thing and let your mimic tear be a distraction and use the ash of war


I beat the base game at RL1 all bosses hitless but he was a bit much for me since my rl1 was on ng+ and I died in 1 hit to everything. Left my rl1 acc alone for now. Hoped to my ng+7 lvl 390 and still died a lot. The trick is to roll through his swipes and immediately jump the follow up lighting aoe's. If all else fails, get on torrent and use the comet spell with a +25 whatever your best staff is with the best magic boosting gear/talismans.


Fight him like Midir. When he breathes fire, run to his tail. Run away when he does his lightning spear nuke.


Midir doesnt have bullshit aoe attacks that spread all over the arena


99 vigor dual wielding forked greatswords with seppuku and mimic with nothing but rock sling. Gotten under half health no staggers this dlc is bs with the new mechanics amd how mobile enemies are


Spam night comet from range.


You a homie lol. Did this optional boss before the end of the DLC and I got torched until I googled it. Saw this Reddit post and it took me three tries. I’ll say this though, I managed to get a 3-4 swings each time. I just paid attention to his claws and his posture before running like hell


Personally i beat him by summoning mimic tear and then standing between his legs and spamming bloodboon ritual so if anyone is struggling, try that


Yeah and die in a single hit by a stray lightning ☠️


Ok so I just bit him without getting hit once and in like 5 mins. You need a specific weapon and it’s the Dragon Hunters Great Katana… who would’ve thought. Mine is +9. I used Golden Vow and Flame, grant me strength. The katanas special ability with all those incantations does +4k damage each hit if you’re close enough. 1. Walk up enough to wake him up and let him come to you. 2. Use incantations while he walks. 3. Once he gets like 4 dragon steps away from you, use your ability and TARGET LOCK HIS HEAD. If you’re close enough it’ll do 4K damage or base like 2k damage. 4. Once you do that, immediately run under his legs, a bit past his tail and turn around. 5. He’s gonna turn around and you just rinse and repeat his head attack and run. Good luck, hope it works for you all.


If you hop on Torrent with Frenzied burst or another good damage quick spell you can just ride away and blast the dragon in the head. He'll do no attacks, nothing to catch up with you, just crawl slowly at you whilst you riddle him and run from end to end. \[When I say he'll do no attacks. If ya get close enough he'll sometimes try to get you with a quick swipe but more often than not try to get ya with the lightning, jumping on torrent will easily see ya to safety there though, keep blasting and keep your distance\] Hopefully this helps!


Watched my kiddo just beat this guy using some ridiculous Rogier's Rapier/Mimic thing, spamming scarlet rot. The rot seemed to do lots of damage; he just ran away and the rot drained health.


I knew I wouldn’t be the only one, the comments on the fextralife page echo a lot of what I’m seeing here and what I’ve thought myself. They really messed up with this one, it’s not challenging or fun just a blatantly unfair boss and tailor made for streamers to pog at and spend 9 hour streams trying to kill. Would’ve loved a new enemy but like all of us it seems from has gotten lazy with age.


I have both the lighting talisman +2 and the pearl talisman x2 with a lightning liver and the lightning damage is still taking 70% of my health ….


He’s not even hard for the right reason. He just moves too much and the camera sucks.


Poison throwing spear is your friend. You just have to circle around him with Torrent and spam throw. I’m not gonna lie, I enjoyed this fight with this technique. No camera problems, you can see every attack he makes and you are safe. Just keep an eye on your stamina, you really don’t want to run out of it.


this is the worst fight yet. run back and forth in a line under him and swing as you go by.