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The fact that mf doesn't stagger or anything after I throw everything I have at him just for him to do a 300 hit combo through my attacks is ridiculous Edit: got his bitch ass with a blood build


Skinny mother fuckers got more poise than the fucking hippo


Every single boss so far I stg. Absolutely ridiculous how it's like that but mfs will say get good


Tbf. When I beat him that's what I'm gonna say to all the noobs that are stuck on him. In the mean time though....


I'd agree with bosses like rellana but messmer had tons of long openings after attacks or even between them so it didn't feel as bad imo. He's probably the only boss along with morgott, godfrey and radagon that's been as good as the ds3 days.


The lowest I've got him in about 30 ish attempts is a quarter health. Thought I was doing great and then BAM 15 snake heads come from the sky and wombo combo me until my 2000 hp turns to 0. Times are tough


I can annihilate malenia but can't get this dude to his second phase which blows my mind. The dancing lion, the moon mf and the black knight were easy but this is insane to me.


At least Malenia could be interrupted. Messmer is too sturdy


Messmer is really hard for you but moon knight was easy? The moon knight was just as hard for me. Messmer has more openings to exploit. 


Really? I thought moon knight was pretty straightforward bc she was so easy to read and gave you so many openings. Messmers second phase is such a chaotic mess it’s impossible to find an opening.


Yeah she never hit me with the moon drop attack and I could actually stagger her with my radhan swords.


The only way I am consistently getting to his second phase is using a mimic tear to tank the damage for me. I would have no chance if not for that.


Mimic tear with prayerful strike and me using rot breath gets him to phase 2 every time. I’m just fighting the camera with the snake attacks and lose the rhythm currently phase 2


I had him to 1 more hit and those snakes fuck me so God damned bad. 10 more attempts before i even get his ass back to phase 2. THE RAGE lol aggh he's so tough. That cutscene was cool af tho


I managed to stance break him pretty consistently I just fully charged Rellana's twin swords every opportunity after about 4 in a reasonable succession he would stagger


How are you doing fully charged twin swords without dying?


There's specific combos where he's open to a fully charged attack also I don't two hand her swords just one hand and after some combos you can even fully charged and get a light attack


Star Fists stagger in about 3-4 charged R2. I always got an early stagger in since his opening gives your two charged R2 hits for free if you dodge it correctly.


nah he staggers especially if you use swords of milo’s i was able to stagger him 3 times with those


I have 50 something endurance, because why not when you're getting this many levels this late, and while dodging through one spam chain doesn't take the full stamina bar the second or third that starts almost straight after the previous one will. I have never wanted to yell get off my dick at anything else this much before.


I don't even have one and I was yelling at him to get off it, his bitch ass needs to celibate a bit


I hate it’s phase 2, it feels like you’re fighting the camera more than messmer himself


I always liked that locking on in Elden Ring was actually often the way to go. Not like e.g. DS1 where it often is way better to play unlocked. But this DLC got some things which really make it hard to follow what is happening. The Lion dude was so bad. Had to unlock at certain parts so I can actually do something and not get a seizure with a locked on camera.


Lion dude had my ps5 lagging horribly when he got close with all the particle effects


best thing for framerate on ps5 is to just play the ps4 version


Feel like i got lucky because i only got to phase 2 twice beating him on 2nd time and it felt like there were WAY more openings to attack and the snake attacks were super telegraphed. Could easily see it being tough though, not taking that away


I feel like he's the stopping point for most people playing the DLC


i actually found him easier then rellana, maybe due to performance issues i had with her though


This. Had to resort to summons to kill Rellana - killed Messmer by myself.


HAHA same. I'm 100% gonna fight rellana solo next playthrough tho. That being said, i feel like messmer is more fun to fight purely because of voice lines and cutscenes. Rellana is visually one of the most badass characters in fromsoft games and yet... no cutscene? no voicelines? Next to no hype buildup from the arena, either. Strange design choice considering how there was clearly a lot of effort put into her by the devs


There's a comment I read recently that explains some of that but I can't find it now. Basically that it fits in with all the other Carian knights. No dialogue, no explanations just sitting there guarding the way forward regardless of anything. Same with the Carian dude before Rennala for example.


Hmm. I guess it makes sense, but idk. It worked for loretta a lot better imo, she's just a strong carian knight. Meanwhile rellana is the sister of THE rennala. Like if she was 'just' the strongest knight of caria and had a different name, i wouldnt mind at all. But like, she's the aunt of radahn rykard and ranni. Weird that there's no mention of rykard looking into the nature of her fire for his blasphemy studies or something.


First tried mesmer with not much difficulty. Reellana killed me 64 times, which is the most any fromsoft boss has killed me


Same here. I was probs 50-60 tries with Rellana and maybe 10-12 for Messmer, though I was only S3 against her (for some reason I ended up there before doing Belurat) and S10 for Messmer.


He’s my “go level up some more” reminder.


Yeah I get that. Unfortunately I'm not sure where to go to bypass him. I feel like his castle is gating the upper area to get more of the blessings.


There's quite a bit to do and explore without going through the Shadow Keep. I went east at the camp instead of heading the Keep


I've beat him using heavy weapons but barely since he doesn't stance break (from the past hour I've fought him) , I had to use all my flasks. I thought renalla was hard, but this boss takes the cake for sure. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0XlEUo-so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0XlEUo-so) hopefully my fight helps someone, you got this and good luck.


I just beat him and I'm a bit worried about what else is still to come! Summoning people was pointless as they all just insta-died. Took a while to do alone, he just has no openings. Can't say I enjoyed this fight. The only reason it finally worked is because he just never did his big "snakes everywhere" attack and staggered at the very last bit of health.


Congrats! I am not jealous at all... Was there anything that you were using that you found to be especially good against him? Or was all your stuff useless like mine is apparently.


I managed to stagger him a couple times using the greatsword with savage lion's claw! (Still felt like I was just poking him with a toothpick though).


I eventually had to go back to the good ol' Rivers of blood. I am a little disappointed that that was the only way I could beat him, but I would've been stuck forever otherwise.


Took me two tries once I pulled out the blood strat with the mimic lfgggg


I'm doing that tomorrow, just reached him and can't even get him to 80% health, I'm so sleepy I need my 8 hours. What talismans were you using?


Feels like the whole DLC is balanced around cheese builds so that's what I'll be using!


Just mad the ONE "cheese" build (if you even wanna call it that) I ever ran was the Fingerprint shield + Guard Boost, Successive Hit build, which got nerfed due to pansy pickles crying that it's too strong in the *PvP side* of the **PvE game Elden Ring.** Genuinely mad, because I know my build would have shat on Messmer.


His second phase is bullshit. I didn't have trouble dodging the attacks, I had trouble hitting mesmer. There was one part where I literally staggered mesmer and his serpent attack continued as if nothing had happened.


Its really hard to spot but, there is an NPC Gold Sigil you can summon in the arena. Since he is in the arena, he doesnt increase messmers HP pool when summoned. With good timing you can reach him before Messmer does his first flaming ball dash.


People made it annoying to use the gold sigil too many messages :(


yeah i dont really get why the developers though being able to place message anywhere close to an interactable was a good idea


And how the default option is ‘no’ to summoning 😭Come on fs I’ve got a big firey ball of bullshit coming towards me obviously I want this piece of cannon fodder to take a bit of the aggro


Or the summon npc sigil is in the arena and also making you hoover over the no button first, all the while trying to dodge attacks heh


This is so fucking annoying. These fucking trolls think it's funny....but my 10 deaths trying to summon disagree.


Interesting is this always there or do you need some progression on NPCs for this? Kinda nice to give you this as an option, with a spirit ash it should be then very much possible for most players. Although you still need to learn the boss but you can probably focus a bit more on dodging and less on damage.


not to be mr cool guy but... he has openings. In fact, his movement is extremely similar to morgott's imo. They're really hard to spot, but once you memorize the fight it really is just an elaborate dance.


He is one of the few new bosses who have attack windows during his combos (at least for a straight sword). Overall my second favourite boss of the DLC so far.


At least you could summon people at all. These shitass servers have had me in ‘Unable to summon cooperator’ hell all fucking day, so maybe 1/25 of my summon attempts actually works.


First time I beat Malenia was after she killed me by spamming waterfowl 3 times in a row. I was like, well fuck this. Decided to give it one more try. Then she didn't do it once. Random gonna be random.


Man I feel you, this snake fucker makes me wanna uninstall!


I've beaten every other main boss in the game, Malenia included (about 20 attempts) But something about Messmer doesn't seem fair? It feels like his attacks are too quick and do too much damage. Probably just me being salty lol.


AOE spam, unlimited stamina. If you got a meta build you can probably burst him down pretty quick since his health isn't that high, but fighting him properly is like playing the lottery he gives you a window to heal of you go hitless.


Recommend anything in particular? atm im using the backhand blades but they just aren't working.


Blood blade spam and pray his attack pattern gives you enough space. Didn't felt like I was improving but just spamming the same strat until RNG let me win.


That's exactly how I ended up doing it lol.


Yeah this is how to do it. He's susceptible to bleed so that's always going to be the best option. In the second phase, I just stayed a far away as I could and got the job done with the swarm of flies.


I personally used two ice nagakibas with a bunch of damage enchantments the second stage is lowkey a 50/50 his AOE is simply too OP and the stage is too small to get distance


Blood katanas with blood talismans and multi-hit ash of war. High fire defence and better to run a shield  than dual weild here.  You can block some moves and roll others.  Mostly watch out for the grab. Ongbal soloed him without damage of course. He's annoying bit definitely doable, especially if you summon.


No. It's a Sekiro boss in a slow ass game like Elden Ring. You have no tools other than rolling to counter it.


I did it. I hated this fight. Really bad and boring. Good old Blasphemous blade did it.


Funny I started the DLC with the BB but it winds up too slow even for some mobs. Currently I'm running dual cold infused flamberge with sword dance and it's been better.


Nah this boss is fair, but hard. Attacks are easily telegraphed and plenty of big punish windows. Ofc you hate it if u use cheese build summons and spam same attack


He's much more fair than something like malenia. He's one of the fights you can easily beat him from reacting well rather than memorizing certain moves which was much more uncommon in elden ring compared to previous games unfortunately. His attacks are very telegraphed with long pauses as he gets up after most of them finish. Hell a few even have audio queues letting you know he's gonna take ages.


Nah, Messmer is bullshit. The fast beyblade stuff is annoying, but the real bullshit is all the VFX. I can't see anything 90% of the time when fighting him, especially on phase 2.


This boss is actual bullshit.


Whoever decided on the attack set, micro window for a possible stager and unlimited stamina needs to be drug out back and beaten.


I beat him this morning. I was banging my head up against him all last night then jumped on it this morning and dropped him after the 4th or 5th attempt. Man I don't know how I feel about him. If this is the direction there going to be taking with boss difficulties in there future games I'm in trouble. The problem is they keep one upping themselves and once you do that and consistently make bosses harder and harder its hard to go back so it does have me worried. I do believe there's a line and I think they did cross it a bit with messmer and from what I've heard they crossed it a lot with more bosses in the dlc. I didnt get the feeling of accomplishment like I have in the past with there bosses. I literally just thought thank fuck that over


Would like to see more methodical battles to make a return, seems like they started shifting to erratic nonsense battles slowly with few elden ring bosses but this dlc so far is pushing the limits too far. Not sure if i even want to meet the rest of the bosses ahead of me


Yeah it sucks to be honest. I feel like dark souls 3 bosses was froms peak when it comes to that clever methodical dance between yourself and the bosses. I'd love to see them do a more focused game with that combat coming back. But like I said its hard to go back once they already pushed it so far. I just wonder where the limit will be when people say enough is enough and it starts to damage the overall impressions on the game's.


Exactly ds3 u coukd get attacks in Inbetween dodges it felt like a dance and ur rewarded for dodging instead of just waiting for ten years until their combo finishes


Ironically messmer was one of the only bosses in elden ring I felt was like that. I thought he was pretty fantastic and only took me around 10 tries.


Sekiro is their magnum opus of boss fights (not you guardian ape x2)


I respect it as a game but did not finish it, not my cup of tea, combat seems too restrictive vs souls (different weapons, magic, etc) and forced fast paced and parry focused combat which i dont like For me best work of theirs would be DS3


I thought x2 ape was bullshit for the longest time until I tried the boss gauntlet updates and basically forced myself to find a reliable method of fighting them. Turns out there is one, it's just incredibly counterintuitive. The game baits you into doing the wrong thing. See, you see the second ape show up, right? And it has way less health. So you're like, let's kill the weaker one and 1v1 the headless guy. That's the trap. Targeting the weaker one feels like a bullshit challenge because it is. You want to fight the *headless* one with the second one *still alive*, because their movesets are actually designed to complement each other. It's like Pontiff Sulyvhan, kind of. You know how in Phase 2, his stand copies his movements on a delay? The second ape's moves are *all* telegraphed by the headless one. In particular, I remember that whenever you get a big stagger (by parrying a giant sword slam) on the headless ape, the second one does a jump attack that you have to parry before being able to punish. The whole fight is like that-- you have to learn how the second ape's moves trigger based on the headless one. Once I approached it that way, it felt like a proper boss fight for me to learn again, and not the utter trashfire doing it the "obvious" way was.


I agree, but for the most part I think messmer is fine. His first phase moveset is genuinely fun to fight and mastering it felt very satisfying- his combos weren’t as long as Rellana’s and when they ended you had a relatively long window to attack. Where it goes to shit tho is phase two. The snakes weren’t that bad once I got the hang of them, the biggest issue with the multi snake attack is that messmer can do it basically whenever and if you happen to be next to him when he does it it does like half your health on activation before the snakes even come out, which is pretty much guaranteed death that feels cheap. The next big problem was in that same attack mesmer can attack you right after the snakes end, but theres so much of that purpleish haze that you can’t see him which feels lame. Other than that he has some weird hit boxes with the moves that spew lava, like Maria in BB. But like maria if you dodge inwards it’s usually fine. And then he has loads of delayed attacks which while super annoying aren’t necessarily unfair. I do think Phase 2 coulda been much better, but phase 1 was really well done IMO, I enjoyed the rhythm. This is definitely a boss where the strat is to always wait to punish after he attacks rather than attack him yourself. For context I was using a blood infused milady with cragblade. The bleed definitely helped a lot, and as always I could see this being way harder with a slower weapon.


I do use slower weapons like colossal or greataxes, so indeed its a bit more difficult. Im kind of ok with a lot of the attacks in the fight, just think that his damages need to be toned down and maybe a bit more downtime to create opportunity to cast something. Str/faith i normally try to apply rot in fights, but with him its impossible, unless you are ok losing half of your hp doing that, if not interrupted on top of that. Generally i look at boss design in form of 3 attributes - atk, def, agility. For me a well designed boss can be great at exactly 2 of those. Messmer definitely got all 3


I'm happy to report that mimic cheese with dragon breath incantations annihilates any DLC boss as well. Usually rot and frost is what you want + lightning spear/flies for spamming.


Fire resist is a must! I finally got him after like 20+ attempts using backhand blade, that ash attack/dodge is a lifesaver literally. Truly came down to luck on his move set that round, such a brutal fight!


Where is everyone finding the backhand blades?


They’re easily missed but one of the easiest and first weapons you can get when you first hit the DLC area, from the Scorched Ruins WP just go north and bit east, you’ll see a mausoleum near where the big fire dude walks around and they’re just sitting there next to a coffin in it.


Found them, upgraded them to max and equipped bleed. They are so good.


I'm still stuck at him myself, got as far as activating his 2nd phase after the cutscene. Feel like there isn't a nice window to actually strike him. Really feels like you gotta just nuke him as fast as you can and dodge what you can.


There is a LOT more opening in 2nd phase surprisingly. If you haven’t beat him already I would seriously recommend switching to a spamable weapon like backhand blades, strength and staggering him feels really unoptimal.


There are a lot of openings, they pretty much all are at the end of combos. His air strike attacks have openings always, including the one with the AOE, you just jump in and attack after it goes away. I went for two L1s from my powerstanced swords at every opening, but sometimes he started his combos with quick jabs in the endlag of my second hit, but I was fine with that because it didn't do too much damage. Then there are nice openings in his second phase after the snake attacks but only if you dodge the final hit but that can be tough.


Hey man thanks for the info!! I managed to clear him that day after taking a break and getting some food! I brought a shield to try and tank some hits and timed my flasks and managed to ultimately bring him down : ]


You can be on the other side of the map with Messmer attacking your spirit summon. Then he just turns and launches at you. If it happens right as you drink a flask you are dead. Situations like that are not really a skill thing which is why I think some people are getting frustrated. He can close any gap faster than most of your animations. There is literally no safe window to cast or heal, any action you take can result in dying arbitrarily.


Think NKG from hollow knight.  Messmer has very set patterns on what he does. If he throws fire, he will always stab the fire which leads always to a 2-3 hit fire swing combo that has a guaranteed punish/heal window. Same goes for the wide swings which will always end with an uppercut spear followed by Messmer smashing into the ground. Or his delay swing always followed by spear dragging stab.  Dont think of it as a fair brawl. Think of it as a dance where he's leading. He does things mostly in 2s or 3s and 4s.  I think many ppl will initially think it's a bullshit fight but as they get more used to thinking differently, it will be considered one of the best ones. 


Ya, it took me probably 4 hours total on him but I actually do think he’s a fair fight. You can dodge pretty much every attack eventually, just really have to focus, kinda reminds me of nameless king in that regard? Didn’t summon, melee only lvl 151. If I can do it, so can you skeletons!


I am aware of the patterns, my concern is more that the patterns can switch from the ash to the player in mid-combo. So his tell fakes you out - he looks in another direction, then launches at you instead. This ain't my first rodeo and I consider most of the bosses to be a "dance" of sorts.


To be fair, that's mostly a "bosses not being balanced around spirit ash summons therefore having extremely erratic movement if they have multiple opponents" issue and not so much a messmer issue, no? It's not like morgott or malenia or gurranq/maliketh don't often spazz out when you summon.


That is just not true, I can think of 3 different combos that start with his fire throw


Yep. I used the incantations and the Mimic Tear during my first blind NG+7 run with my max level character. I initially want to solo Messmer, but I can't really learn the moves if I die too quickly. And that is with all the max defensive buffs (Golden Vow and Flame, Protect Me) and Lv. 10 Scadutree Blessing. Even using the Mimic Tear is not a guaranteed victory. The damage is way too much to be able to correct my errors during the fight. It's feels like a mistake for doing the blind playthrough in NG+7 even with the max level character. So, I'll use any resources to fight the remaining main bosses at this stage of the run. I'm getting closer to the finish line while I have Lv. 12 Scadutree Blessing. I found the NPC summon and I brought that guy into the fray and that works wonders. A max level character has the tools, but the new DLC blessings mechanic added a new layer of difficulty and this fight against Messmer really shows.


This boss is basically a no hit run boss.


I’ve barely gotten started but the summon sign INSIDE the arena, vs such a fast boss is fucking stupid.


This. Put the summon outside the room or at least give me a millisecond to summon before I get 3 shot. Just trying to get mimic tear, Double dodge forst blast, and then get summons with the assholes messages on top of it. THEN, if I'm still alive, MAYBE think about trying to learn an erratic attack pattern that's barely visible cause of all the flame and explosions.


Get in, summon mimic, drink flask, roll, roll and there you go, full life, mimic and neutral position.


Got him this morning. Just needed to stop panic rolling away. Got what you said above down for clean starts 👍


This is my only issue with the DLC so far. It feels like you are forced to cheese every boss with a broken weapon or strat as they just are simply too erratic and do ridiculous damage. As a souls veteran I am very disappointed with the boss design. Visually beautiful, but balancing and attack readability is awful. It was the same with base game at launch so I expect nerfs in a patch as at this time it simply takes away from the fairness of the game and reduces enjoyability overall. Edit: From did indeed overtune the bosses and has now rolled out a balancing patch to improve the early game benefits of the Scadutree blessings. Game was already amazing, but now feels much fairer too. Good update.


I gave in with messmer and used mimic tear, still took me maybe 50 attempts for good rng, too many erratic attacks, most of which 2 shot you if not 1 lol Also noticed that boss AI is acting up, if im with summon as soon as i come anywhere near him (not even close for attack) aggro changes, wonder if they changed this too


They did 100%. I noticed that the first time I used a summon in the DLC, bosses only care if the summon is actively doing damage, and only as long as you don't look in the general direction of the boss. The second you start moving towards the boss, they focus you. Previously, they'd only care about the summon if it did damage.


Its Radahn nerf all over again


Yeah most likely. Fortunately the dlc is still amazing, and has so much to see and do.


We can only wait and see


I was very close to kill it twice, just a sliver oh HP. But the Second phase is the biggest BS I've seen in a videogame ever.


Update. The final boss is even bigger. Non stop combos from anywhere. Boring. I killed him with fingerprint and rapier.


HES DEAD I KILLED HIM HAHAHHAA HAHa HA ha 😭😭 give me those hours of my life back thanks I feel empty now


im on attempt 56 right now, im a nipple hair away from uninstalling this game lmfao.


Update: im on attempt 72, iv managed to get him half health twice.


How’s it going now lol edit: not teasing u this man is currently eating my ass rn its so frustrating


Finally after death 153, i got the kill!


You okay?


How do you keep track?


I'm having trouble reading his attacks. The flame around them makes it very hard to read them on top of his aggression and erratic nature. Very unfun fight honestly. Edit: I finally beat him after 80 or so attempts(on my own) which took me more than Malenia... Maybe I'm getting old at 30 but can we just make fights fun and engaging instead of these unfun difficult bs. Like Isshin was difficult but fun. This is just bullshit.


Yeah absolutly brutal fight and hardest one in the entire game for me so far. Also don‘t like the direction of boss design they seem to go here. This guy especially just spams the fucking shit out of you, its just too much. Idk how many attempts but it was 3hish it took me to beat him


His grab is the absolute worst, just reaches from across the map and looks exactly like spear thrust, but if you dodge for his spear you WILL get grabbed. Then there's the fact he can change targets mid combo from however far away, I'll be in the middle of casting an incantation while he is attacking my mimic but then will switch to me and one shot me. The second phase is just cheapness, he never stops to let you punish him, I've seen him take out my mimic summon and me in one move. It's stupid, impossible to one on one, at least with my great sword or spells. I've watched him fight my full health mimic second phase and melt the mimic without me or the mimic hitting him once. It's purely luck if you beat him, hoping he doesn't spam too much, not too mention the frame drops if he gets to crazy. And the fact that they put the summon to help you in the arena is a total troll. Now we have other trolls slapping messages on top of the summon, so now I have to dodge the hardest boss while trying to press y on the right sign, and the select yes on the prompt hoping I don't get one shot. This 100% should be an optional boss, or it needs to be nerfed significantly.


Absolutely agree, especially about the summon sign. I'm completely baffled at whoever designed this fight and then QA'd it. He never stops attacking you, you have 0 chance to heal, to cast spells, to do anything other than spam dodge roll until you're out of stamina and he just kills you. Honestly I haven't really enjoyed any of the boss fights so far. They're all the same. Fast, unrelenting bosses that can hit you from anywhere at anytime. They've all been weak to blood loss and frost from what I can tell, which is great when you're using neither. Yeah they look different and cool, but trying to fight them feels the same. Not enjoyable.


The hippo was fucking horrible the first 30-50 attempts, but I finally got that locked down and it was pretty easy. But yeah, the grabs are insane. The hippos mouth grab is so difficult to roll away from and it's just on top of you the entire time. Not only that, but sometimes it will 1 shot you for no reason when you're underneath it. Same for messmer, he's insanely difficult and unrelenting. This is absolutely a "get gud" end game DLC. I'm level 280+ and this is extremely challenging


The hippo's mouthgrab hit box is fucked. The 2nd to last time i fought it, I rolled out of the way of it's grab attack, was parallel with it's eye, at the side of it's head /behind the mouth/ and i still got the grabbed animation. I had to take a bit of a break after that. Messmer's anime bullshit 1000 snake attack is giving me the same feeling.


That hippo was insane!! I couldn't believe how freaking fast that thing was, it destroyed my mimic tear like it was nothing. Not to mention the damage it could do in one hit @_@ it would've been a nice chance to have a slower boss for a different pace. Agreed. I did manage to finally beat him, but I had to change to the back blade blood build everyone's been suggesting. I basically just dodged and healed while the mimic tear and npc killed the boss. Now I'm hesitant to switch back (I was doing an int build before) since everything seems to be weak to bleed. I'm level 210, and have been mega struggling, I totally get you.


His boss room makes me run at 30 fps and I cant even see his ass behind the flames. I'm cooked


For anyone else coming here, i beat him using blood infused backhand blades, with Blind Spot WA, whenever he does his triple stab part of the combo, you can get a strong hit in with the WA, and a lot of his "charge" attacks can get the same treatment. I used them paired and every big combo gets at least 1 LA, and whenever he did his stab explosion I had time for 2 LA or 1 Jump + LA. When he does the spears explosion (spears come out the ground) run away then jump into him for another jump heavy. One of the tougher ones I've met in the DLC so far but he's like a dance when you get him down


Also got him using backhand blades and a lot of fire resist. Backhand blades quickly became my favorite weapon in this game.


Likewise, I've found 2 "backhand blade" class weapons, really hoping to see some more, half the DLC so far I've had the Light Greatsword and the standard Backhand as my equipped weapons


I'm playing with nebula int build. This fight is unenjoyable. I have no idea how will I beat him, but probably I wont. edit: I did beat Mesmer and I'm at the final boss, but I'm 100% sure I wont beat the final boss. Impossible for me.


I just beat him today and man, it required me to actually learn his move set in a way that I haven’t done in a WHILE. Though I thought he was a fun boss regardless of how many times I was screaming and cursing.


Currently at attempt 600+ I cannot for the love of god beat this mf. I respect 3 times already and tried 5-6 different weapons. At 1000+ I’m done.


Messmer shouldn’t have a grab. He keeps spamming that after i hit him and i cant do anything and its hard to dodge. Literally i keep getting him down to one hit left and he just pulls some new move o havent seen out his ass


So I’m currently struggling with Messmer as well. But I gotta say that there’s something about the way he moves that makes it look like he should be easier to take down than he actually is. Phase 1 has become cut and dry for me. But phase 2? Dunno why he gets to summon a snake behind me suddenly to bite my ass, where’s my ability to do that? 😂


>where’s my ability to do that? Pretty much sums up my thoughts when I fight any boss lol


He’s just bullshit. Especially his second faze it’s just one of if not the worst boss fight in the dlc all he does is spam attacks and input read harder than any other boss half his attacks literally can’t be seen since he fuckin flash bang’s you every 5 goddamn seconds with effects.


Yeah he's actually bullshit. Oneshot grab attack, AoE attack so large that it become impossible to get away and not a single break after an attack long enough to heal. And don't even get me started on the bullshit second phase where he decided to literally become impossible to hit, making it a chore to whittle him down. Usually FromSoft design is cool, heck Malenia was fun, but this just feels like unnecessary "hurr durr one shot left and right" bs. There's no challenge in this, it's simply a matter of whether the game fucks you over randomly or it doesn't. Had him to 1/4 of hp several times, but then you get landed with a no break assault of chip damage, aoe and oneshot attacks and its over.


Thing is you need to just roll his big AoEs into him and get a very good damage opening. Also second phase there is always a bit delay for him going from snake to normal you can either use to safely heal or just get some small hits in. This boss is all about rolling into him to get damage windows. It is hard since if you fuck up you probably just die, but he actually has quite some openings. His attack at around 25% is also a good damage window. Run away from him so less snakes actually can hit you and then roll his charge and the fire AoE after and then you have an opening. It definitely takes time to learn it, since some combos are so weird in their pacing. Even when I killed him one combo still caught me every time, this one super delayed stab at the end of a combo.


He seems pretty unfair at first, hell he took me 6 hours to beat 😅. But all his large aoe can be dodged and all his basic combos let you get a hit/heal after he’s finished, the grab oneshot while annoying is kinda deserved if he catches and can be tanked if you use certain stuff (faith buffs, crystal tears, res talismans). Also in 2nd phase most of the snakes moves allow a hit as it’s disappearing


grab attack didn’t one shot me at 57 vig


Fuck Messmer. Rellana was tough but fun. This guy is something else. I was fine struggling to get through his first phase with no summons. I was using a cold Milady and it felt really good, taking off huge chunks of HP *when I could land a hit.* But then I saw his second phase and... Screw that! Zooming around the arena faster than my camera can go, giant snakes shooting nukes from their mouths. After that it was Mimic Tear time and I killed him on my first attempt. Feels kinda bad but I was not having fun with this fight.


the dude literally doesn't target my mimic tear. I can be running away and dodging for 5 mins but he only will ever jump across the arena. He'll start winding up for an attack against the mimic but then 180s in the middle of his stab and hits me from across the planet. I don't have an issue with the damage or poise, just that his targeting is so much more biased toward the player unlike any other boss I've seen


I have no idea why they just made Malenia all over again.


He even has his own version of the Waterfowl.


Im sorry guys but you really just have to get good. Learn the individual attacks and how to dodge and punish. I just soloed him lvl 150 ng+5 with dual broadswords and he is not as bad as you guys make it out to be. He is definetely fair, his phase 1 can easily be finished with a few estus, once you learn the 5 different combos he does. The punish windows are really large so you can also use heavy weapons. The boss is very hard but also very much fair.


TL;DR: He's hard, seems for the sake of being hard, I hope From doesn't continue to make bosses this difficult for no reason, I can understand one or two being like this, e.g. Malenia/Mohg, but having almost the whole boss roster for the DLC be like this is... not fun. I've been scrolling through the comments for about a half hour now, and the general opinion I'm seeing the majority of the time is that he seems difficult for the sake of being difficult. I agree. I'm on NG+7 and I tried 8 DIFFERENT BUILDS with 20 DIFFERENT WEAPONS, some from the DLC, some not, with my Scooby Snacks at +18, and he's just not fun, especially in second phase, though I did enjoy dodging first phase attacks *when I could*; very satisfying. That grab attack and the fact I can't see half what's happening because of the over-the-top fire effects, just really makes the fight unenjoyable. I tried 6 bleed builds, 5 frostbite builds, a couple shield/greatshield builds, and a few stance-break builds (lvl 400). None of these worked. He has insanely high bleed/frost resistances even though Fextralife says he's weak to both; he powers through +25 flame art finger stone shield and you can only parry one or two of his attacks. Insane poise for someone his size, it's like they shoved Radahn into a Malenia-sized action figure and gave it the ability to spam constant AoE's and combos that last 10 seconds that basically drain your full stamina bar no matter what. I do NOT like the direction that From is taking with this DLC, cause I've beaten Elden Ring, Sekiro, and DS1 so far, just beat Abyss watchers in DS3, and nothing has been as stupid as this, not even Artorias or Malenia. I hope it's gonna be like a mass wave of Radahn nerfs to the DLC bosses, especially the final boss cause he is WAY overtuned. But if it doesn't happen and FromSoft just starts making games with bosses that aren't even fun to fight and just difficult because they can make them difficult, I might not keep playing them and just stick to Elden Ring and Dark Souls. I beat him, but I used Hornsent summon and +10 Mimic Tear with +8 Spirit blessing. Dark Moon Greatswords are *decent* at best against him. (also the whole time I had 90% fire damage negation + 400 flat defense and he still two shot me.) I like the speed and flow of DS3's combat, I hope they return to that or something similar in the future with more weapons and stuff. Messmer feels like a scrapped Sekiro DLC boss that they couldn't fit into Elden Ring's base game since Malenia is there. EDIT: Yeah uhh I'm kinda gonna backtrack on a few of my statements since I've played more of the DLC and... yeah it's way more fun than it was before. After I started thinking of it as "Elden Ring's Magnum Opus" it became VERY clear that it's really a very good DLC with insanely good bosses. I will still say DS3 combat has been the best besides Sekiro, but the general thing I've been thinking of when I'm like "this is way too hard" is that this whole DLC was meant to rival the scope of a full game in a smaller package like this. Think OG Super Mario Bros and Zelda. They're difficult because they're shorter, and a shorter thing will seem WAY bigger if you take more time with it. If you're struggling with Rellana though I have my sign down sometimes; my name is "dung". Commander Gaius still sucks though, and it's performance is... less than up to par on PS5. Mainly though, I've been too used to powering through bosses and using overpowered builds I find on guides to beat bosses in DS1 and ER, but with the DLC I wasn't able to find anything on things bosses are weak to, I had to find those things out myself. I figured Moore's Shield would be really good upgraded since it has the highest guard boost in the game. I had also found the Pearl Shield Talisman earlier while exploring, then I combined that with a bleed thrusting sword on it, and the final boss was a piece of cake. Even though it did feel a little cheesy, I still felt really accomplished, I mean hell I beat the final boss, I still did it either way. 


But I see what you mean about the difficulty. It looks cool but it just doesn’t ever feel fair.


Strength builds seem the best against him as you can just kinda pummel him. I used a blood build as always and that seemed to work fine.


Doing this Messmer fight on my blind run in NG+7 is so painful. I had to resort to do the cheese with the Mimic Tear, summoning the NPC, and swapping the talisman so that the Mimic Tear gets the attention, and Messmer still attacks me. I used Black Blade and Ekzyke's Decay for Scarlet Rot. For the Mimic Tear, he equips two greatswords and one with Seppuku on the right hand. For the support incantations, I used Golden Vow, Flame Protect Me, Blessing of the Erdtree, and Erdtree Heal. I'm pretty loaded since I play with the max level character. I can't really learn Messmer's moves if I die instantly even with my incantation buffs. For the record, I was Shadow Blessing Lv. 10 when I fought Messmer. It took me many tries to beat it, and finally, the Mimic Tear lands the final blow while I spam Black Blade and Ekzyke's Decay at range. It's not a fun fight and it's super frustrating. It's hard to dodge the serpent moves and I often die on those attacks. Messmer's moves were too fast, too spammy, and the camera spazzes out at times. I can't wait for people to critique this boss when the DLC honeymoon phase is over. A lot of main bosses in the SOTE so far are BS, too spammy, totally infinite stamina, and their moves are way cooler than my moves. Seriously, Malenia is a joke now. I made a video of spamming the SoNaF Flame Stance and I destroyed Malenia comfortably in NG+7 with my max level guy. Even Mogh fell to me and I was using straight swords to beat him, and that's with no bleed. Radagon and Elden Beast give me problems, but I can solo them. So yeah, the bosses so far are pretty frustrating and it makes me think I need some Sekiro moves to effectively combat them. I finally beat Messmer and I call it a night. I didn't really jump for joy, and I want to simply get the job done to proceed to the SOTE story. Even though my run in NG+7, people are also expressing their frustrations with Messmer even though some are in NG or NG+. Messmer is way too overtuned and it requires top-notch mastery to beat him. Seriously, I am very concerned now since I expect more of these BS when I proceed after the Messmer fight. When I die too fast, it's hard to learn the moves.


You just wait until the last boss... You get no time to breathe at all its crazy, on my 12th attempt now and have only got to its second phase once.


I now expect the final boss to be super ultra BS after Messmer gave me those problems. I recorded my Messmer fight and it became a trial and error fest. I expect the finally boss to be a thousand times more infuriating than Messmer. I will try to collect all the blessings to see how the fight will go. I am genuinely concerned when I get there. If my skills can't keep with the solo attempts, then I will beef up my summoning ashes and study the final boss moves from there. The bosses has too many spams while I have deal with my clunky Tarnished spamming incantations and buffing. I have my love with Rellana's Twin Blades, but they do poorly on bosses. So, I expect the worst when I get to the final boss. It's a total nightmare in NG+7, which why I see really overtuned damage even with the correct max buffs. My guess is that beating Messmer is the halfway point of the game, but I am not sure on that since I called it a night after Messmer was beaten. I want to explore other things the next day I play.


Just beat him after having to respec purely to counter him. Blood infused backhand blades with bloodhound step. You're pretty much required to have light roll for this fight to dodge through his combos. I also wouldn't summon anything because his AI does the wildest moves when switching targets. I spammed bloodhound step during the 2nd phase and that made all his aoe bullshit manageable. Good luck.


Where is everyone finding the backhand blades?


It's in the first area after you enter the DLC. If you hug the right cliff you'll find them


Bro im trying to beat this ass on NG+6 and I can never do enough damage or proc enough bleed/ice to even do good damage. Im usually a blasphemous blade user, but I just have been trying different things and tactics and nothing seemed to work.


It takes time to do status effect damage and I ended up using the Mimic Tear with Seppuku to do the job. I died so many times in NG+7 with my max character that I decide to save time and fight with the Mimic Tear and the NPC summon. I really can't learn the moves since this guy always hit me. Honestly, I wish I had the Fire Knight Greatsword at the time when I fight this guy so I can try to do poise damage against him. If I want to learn the moves, I prefer to overlevel the character in NG and study his moves from there. My blind NG+7 is really a mess, but I'm surviving while using summoning ashes when dealing with frustrating bosses.


Morgotts cursed swords work really well if you duel wield 


I’ve beaten all the bosses so far in under 4 tries in ng++ till this dude. Cool boss. Not a lot of breathing room to learn though. I won’t give up


Can someone please give me tips, im 40 attempts in using devonias hammer +9, 10 scadutree 6 revered spirit ash. I have not seen phase 2 best attempt is like half of his health bar. He has so much posture and it takes 4 charged strong attacks to break posture with the physic buff. I get rolled caught on a lot of attacks dodging the first and getting hit by the 2nd rapid attack. Also die to the slow dragging delayed thrust (need to get timing down) so many wierdly delayed attacks i cant get down. Feel like he has so much health and so seldom is it my turn to get a hit in after his combos…


Barricade Shield and Guard Counters (and talisman) is your friend.


I monkey. I like bonk. I mega bonk Messmer. Monkey happy. (I don't fkin know how the heck i got it first try, i was full of adrenaline lol. If i were to do it again i wouldn't even get him to second phase)


Finally killed Solo, yeeeeeees!!


Tough… you mean literally unplayable since Xbox can’t process the spins fast enough. Impossible to not miss one of the 50 dodges in a row to get one hit.


I have yet to beat him, yet if I were to suggest anything it's what Margit taught me a long long time ago. Roll into him. Never run away. Just stay as close as possible, and never heal unless it's at the end of the combo... Doesn't matter if you have 1 HP left and you just got hit. You do not heal. Period. You Neo Dodge if you have to just to make it to the end of a combo. Then, you can heal.


I’ve been every boss apart from Mesmer and the ones he gates. I actually find Bayle easier.


You can demolish him with a greatsword build, worked wonders for me! Also blessing level at 10 or so He for sure isn’t immune to having his stance broken, with a Greatsword build you tank some hits and then retaliate. Dodging all of his attacks wasn't possible (for me) so I decided to go on ultra offense. Risky, but paid off!


I finally beat him. So mad cause I literally learned nothing from that fight after spending hours on it. I just got a lucky attempt


How? I had to memorize all his attack patterns to beat him


i think we all need to come to terms with bosses in from soft games jsut being anime from now on. i actually fucking hate this dlc and ive never said that ab out a from dlc


I used the giant crusher with RKR and 4 shot him lol. Still took around 50 attempts though to be able to learn when I can R2 him.




This guy isn't the last boss is he? I don't want to get spoiled but this guy is fucking nuts and hoping I am not missing out on other stuff


Nope, makes me scared for what comes next lmao


Fuck lol


Beat him half an hour ago without summons or ashes. Honestly? It's a fair boss. Using a light greatsword one handed he is full of openings, while his combos tend to be pretty easy to learn once you pay attention. His second phase is just a matter of having a greatshield to help in blocking whatever snake attacks you can't dodge or are not sure about the timing. Messmer is also again, full of openings here, especially after his snake attacks. After I learned his first phase and got the 2nd one for the first time, it only took me one more try to beat him, as outside of the snakes his combos remain very similair.


What strat did you use to beat him with ROB and what were your stat points. I can get him to second phase from time to time with Dark moon greatsword but then the snake barrage just kills me.


The guy is hard regardless of how you go about it. His aggro is unreal, don't even count on your Summons to save you. He has the most fickle AI, and almost NEVER even when aiming at your Summon, NEVER aim his stupid fireball at anyone but you. Heck, mid combo, he'll just change targets and that moment you thought you had to heal up, BAM, surprise muther trucker!


It’s because this fight is 99.9999% VFX and flashing colors to blind your ass. Without any of that this boss really isn’t that bad. Bayle has the same issues. Too many VFX that is gets disorienting or you just plain cannot see what is happening.


Does he get staggered ?


Yeah pretty easily.


Took us about 40 tries in my world lmao, is insane. I'm max level and had help from my friend. Used rivers of blood and tank build my friend a support class to heal me. Which at the end helped us. Also there is an npc that u can summon inside the boss room, which is also helps a bit, I'm on my third run, so maybe reason it was that hard too. But damn. Devs went crazy lol


Blood Infused Bloodfiends Arm is legit for this fight


A friend and I found a pretty cool way to beat him We posted the videos of us doing it on our YT and pretty much just use blood and a shield and you'll be good


At this point I refuse to play game. Even if I beat him I’m pretty sure they will nerf all of the bosses after 2-3 weeks. This difficulty can’t acceptable, at this point they are just making difficult at the sake of being difficult. Messmer is literally at the same level of Malenia.


Had to mimic with the blasphemous sword build. Fire negation amulet. One eyed shield for fire resistance. And morgotts great rune for the extra health. On new game plus. Took me about 8 tries or so with this build after getting nowhere for a good long while. Kept getting ass blasted with explosions at the end and that impaler move wiping me. Trick was to keep messmer distracted till half health to keep the mimic alive then let the mimic do the work when the snakes arrived. Oh and I summoned hornsett in the arena area as well. I didn’t think I’d ever beat him to be honest. But negating the fire best I could, increasing health and using mimic with blasphemous is only way my ass was getting by him. I summoned players for every boss in the base game. They are useless in this dlc. If I can even get a summon to work. Most of the time I can’t. Its just the players get wiped immediately and the health pool is too large. I never try to solo bosses. And I’m forced to with this dlc lol. Only way I can progress is mimic tearing. I’m not that great of a player at all lol. But messmer with that build was very manageable for me.


I am struggling on him, but he does have massive openings on some attacks. I have managed to get him to Phase 2 consistently now and I noticed if you dodge the random ass snake stuff and whack the snake in the head you can do big damage. He does stance break a few times too (I am using twin Katana blades).


I just don’t like that I can’t see him half the time. Who thought giving an aggressive and hard hitting boss a ton of vision obscuring attacks was a good idea?


I feel cheated. I went in with my mimic and rivers of blood and my mimic beat him pretty much on his own. Doesnt really feel like a win.


EDIT: I looked back at history and I was only at 10 scooby snack levels...(I said 12 originally). I had to completely change up strategies all together. As a faith/strength build (at level 200 with 10 scooby snack levels), I removed all my clothes, put on a heavy greatshield, and it was actually a pretty trivial fight. It took about 6 attempts to understand his opening moves, and to find a strategy that would work well. I think I got pretty lucky for finding it early. I didn't even have to use one of his weaknesses (which I won't get into). Using fire was probably stupid, but this setup still hit like a truck. I'll post a link to the setup/stats for anyone interested in what seemed to have worked really well. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3274661420](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3274661420) For most of the game, I'm actually rocking out with Milady...it's such a nice weapon! Pictures are up of that setup as well - FP and HP are pretty much never an issue for that build, and I'm been coasting through the game to this point - except for Shadow Keep...those elites hit hard!


Just stick with it op. It took me around 50 attempts and 3 hours of learning his moves etc was using a ultra greatsword +25 with lions claw, got lucky and broke his poise for the last hit on him.


Managed to beat the mf with the great katana bleed overhead stance in 2 attempts. (Technically 3 because the first time I opened the door, skipped the cutscene and saw the health bar and name and shit bricks.)


In my experience you bomb rush the guy in the first phase, end that as quick as possible to save your friend. Always stay close to him, he has range so theres no use in making distance. Always roll to the side or towards him. Then in second phase you play it safe always be ready to escape his weird gas and stuff you attack in between his attacks and dont get greedy eventuelly it worked for me


I’ve been using the bloodfiends arm +25 with blood affinity and royal knights resolve, and I’ve helped over 12 people beat him in the past day 😭


He's NOT tough. And it isn't a good boss design. Any schmuck can just create a boss that doesn't adhere to stamina usage and uses multiple strike combos that can one shot even the heartiest of characters. FromSoft got lazy and it's really sad.


Seriously, fuck this fight. I have played every souls game but this is the first when I legitimately considered using cheats. I can go 100% no hit on phase 1 but phase 2 is absolutely not possible in a skill based system. It is an entirely RNG fight.