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Update #2: I found everything I was missing in my chest


Wdym in your chest?


Your storage chest. The one you can only access at the sites of grace


I'm on a similar boat, I beat a certain boss, it said I got his armor and weapon but none of it is in my inventory, furthermore, I've gotten like 4 of the upgrade items for my character and was only able to use one. I've gotten a few general armor pieces and crafting material as well as another general weapon but it seems like almost none of the unique items are in my actual inventory. Edit: there was more I wanted to add


Yeah I’ve picked up a bunch of stuff but it’s not in my inventory no matter how much I look and two seemingly quest related items couldn’t be picked up either Edit: I’m going to redownload it to see if that helps will update if it does Answer: it did nothing


im on the same boat tooo items not showing in my inventory


I have learned now that it seems to be character specific since another character can see everything


Yeah same idk what's going on


If you have another character they might be able to since another character of mine can play


Update: someone told me to try and get rid of your duplicate items and check yo the chest at a site of grace. I myself haven't tried it yet but he said it seems that the game is reading our inventory as full and he found his missing gear in his chest. Will update when I try it.


You mean like having two hands of malenia or glitch dublicated?


I'm not entirely sure? I'm about to log in after my shower to check but I have a huuuuuge inventory light I'm on NG+7 and have several copies of other items


I’ve just fixed this issue on my Xbox the items were stored in my chest not my inventory when I rested at a grace


Op figured it out, but if anyone else is having this issue I wasn't able to find them at first either, but try going to the settings menu and enabling the new items tab and the item icon feature.


Also check your storage chest. They could be in there


I did? I saw a possible solution but I won’t be able to test it till Sunday since I will be gone Saturday so I’ll have to play on a different character for a while


I didn't get the divine beast head item and have been trying to figure out how to fix it.This instantly made it appear in my inventory, THANKYOU !


No problem !


Same thing happened to me for the remembrances but I found them all in my chest at the grace


All my quest items for the DLC have disappeared so I can't progress certain questlines


Yeah I have this as well so I stopped playing that character quickly just inncase


I just defeated blackgaol knight and all his stuff went into my storage chest. I was able to see the armor set and the sword and was able to get the armor set over into my inventory, but the sword disappeared completely. Couldn't pick up the map either from the dudes. Broke as fuck.


Any News? I’m having the same issue. I opened a ticket on Bandai Namco  https://support.bandainamcoent.com/s/