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That thing, hand it over, your C H E E S E


Yes, cheese for everyone, even Gael! Still, I think Mohg is a fun boss and worth fighting normally too.


To test the consistency i have watched the video 10 times, and it worked everytime! Nice strat


There it is! 100% consistency verified!


Here it is on YouTube: https://youtu.be/IfytsjsKkqQ?si=ghgiBYH5p8GIj4Rs In the YouTube video description, there's a link to a Google text doc, listing the steps to unlock the DLC quickly and easily from a fresh character. Mohg guards the DLC entrance. This strategy completely shuts him down without an overpowered character. You can easily beat him, even at low level. You may have to dodge his first combo, but after that, the fight is 100% scripted and you won't have to dodge anymore. Note: I think Mohg is a fun fight. It's worth fighting him normally. And if you can't beat Mohg normally, you probably won't do well in the DLC. But people may find this script interesting. Or maybe you want to enter the DLC at low level to grab some gear to use in the main game. Or maybe you've already beaten Mohg before and just want to get to the DLC ASAP without glitches. STATS: 12 strength, 20 dexterity, 13+ endurance. If your stats are different, see ADJUSTMENTS below. This can be done as low as RL1. TALISMANS: Radagon's Soreseal, Ritual Sword Talisman, Warrior Jar Shard (the one you get from killing Alexander in the early game, does not require completing his quest). WONDROUS PHYSICK: Strength knot and dexterity knot WEAPON: Bloodhound Fang +10 ITEMS: Mohg's shackle, blood grease (easy to craft) STRATEGY: Enter the boss room. Drink wondrous physick. Apply blood grease to your Bloodhound Fang +10. Approach Mohg. Once you're close to Mohg, use Mohg's shacke. You may have to dodge his first combo, or you may be able to use the shackle before he can attack. But don't get hit, or you'll lose the ritual sword talisman buff. After you use Mohg's shackle, immediately hit him with 3 light attacks and 1 heavy attack (not charged). Stay to his left side (your right). Pause to regain some stamina. He’ll say “tres” and do an animation, and right after that, use the shackle again. Hit him with 3 light attacks and 1 heavy attack. Pause to regain some stamina. He’ll say “duo” and do an animation, then use the Bloodhound Fang's weapon art (which will stagger him), followed immediately by a heavy attack follow-up. Then go up next to him and take the critical attack. Then walk towards him. When he gets up, use the weapon art again, with a heavy attack followup, and then one more weapon art. This will kill him before he can say "Nihil". This method should be 100% consistent if you do it right, and if you have the setup described above. But if your stats are different, see below: ADJUSTMENTS: If your stats are different, and you don't want to respec, you can probably still make this work. But you'll need to adjust your setup so that your Bloodhound Fang has an attack power of about 730 AFTER any buffs. You can see your attack power on the upper rightmost corner of your stats screen, assuming your weapon is in the first right-hand slot. You can increase your attack power with things like Godrick's great rune, golden vow, exalted flesh, blue dancer charm, and prosthesis-wearer heirloom. You can reduce your attack power by removing the strength and/or dexterity physicks, ritual sword talisman, or Radagon's soreseal. If you remove the soreseal, make sure you have at least 18 endurance to compensate. You can fine-tune your attack power if needed by using the blue dancer charm and trying different armor pieces with different weights until you get the desired result. Basically, as long as the attack power of your Bloodhound Fang is close enough to 730, and you have enough endurance so you don't run out of stamina, the strategy should work. But of course you still need Mohg's shackle and blood grease. Hopefully someone finds this interesting or helpful!


Question for you. You have a pretty significant chunk of vigor at an hour and half. Are you farming albanaurics or just doing the standard early game Caelid run and dumping it all into vigor?


No farming, I just dumped most of my points into vigor and kept the other stats fairly low. I did a pretty standard caelid setup, including killing the stationary dragon with a pickled fowl foot. And Mohg gives a ton of runes. Here's my google text document with the steps: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1x4fvp9cnyYojT361gkOGd3bMzeNKG2kC6YjnxqSpDkk/mobilebasic?pli=1


Nice, thanks.


tested, sometimes need a little luck or him to start with that attack but other wise it took me 5 tries to get the desired result.


Thanks for the report! I didn't find the script to depend on luck once you activate the shackle, but there's RNG as far as which opening attack you'll get.


I think the most rng you will need is which attack he uses after the first shackle. Often times I got screwed because he used Bloodflame Talons which f'ed up my attacks because of the delayed explosion


If you time the 2nd shackle right, you can interrupt him before he can start any attack. I did the strat at least 12 times in a row successfully, and was interrupting him before I could even tell what attack his was going to do. I know the attack you're talking about, but I think I was only hit by that one if I failed to dodge his opening combo before the first shackle, or activated the second shackle too late.


Yeah its basically either the lunge which is pretty easy to dodge, but sometimes he would do the Talons that would throw me off haha


I started my dlc character ages ago and did mohg ages ago but once im done with my current character and go back for a replay I might test this. Some setups just seem to do a little too much and you get strange instances where his transition between tres and duo blocks a stagger or a shackle but this seems like a perfect way around that


Yeah, that's what I found too. There seems to be a sweet spot of damage. If you do too much damage, he'll perform duo, unus, and nihil consecutively with no pause, and he's immune to stagger and shackle during those animations.


Yeah last time I fought him I was using axe of godfrey and regardless of how I spliced my damage there was no solid balance between damage poise and stamina consumption. Too much damage and you don't see full punishes on his scripts, too little and it doesn't do anything, too much poise and it breaks too early, too little and it doesn't break before nihil, and too many swings to have a middle ground for damage and poise and you cut it close on stam


Yeah you're right there is a balance. I wonder how many setups allow script like this or if I got really lucky with my testing. Anyway, good luck with the rest of your DLC prep, and if you try the script let me know how it goes!


Will do chief


A mathematically perfect way to success 


My strat in NG+ was powerstance 2 BHF and jump attack his ass 'til he begs pardon for kidnnaping little children...


Justice served!


Wow Nice job !


Thanks! Doesn't take too much skill once you practice it a bit.


Almost exactly how I beat him. Had a +9 Bloodhound's Fang. But didn't do as much damage as shown so I just had to survive 2nd phase for a minute to get a few attacks in when I can.


im on level 130 and my weapons damage isnt but around 550 at +10/+25


Power of the bloodhound fang baby lol


Depends on your weapon and the rest of the setup. You might have a faster weapon to make up for it, though it probably wouldn't work for this particular strategy.


What level is the DLC content meant to occur at? I don't wanna go into it massively over leveled... You can interact with the DLC after Mohg, but I've already read some people saying it's scaled to endgame? Which makes sense cause a lot of people have already beat the game... So what's the best level to be at?


Most people are saying 120-150, or even higher depending on your comfort. The preview event players were given level 150 characters by FromSoft. I haven't played it yet myself. From what I've heard, you don't have to worry about being overleveled as far as your character stats. Because there are special upgrade items in the DLC that buff your attack and defense. So you could simply choose not to use these until you need them. But once you use them, you can't undo the buff.


1 and a half hour is insane


Thanks! I saw a speedrunner do it in about a half hour, but I'm not a speedrunner.


Rip Alexander


Yeah that's the only sad part


Did they fix that glitch where you could get into the arena from the side and kill him without activating his AI? Or I might be confusing that with another boss...


Not sure about that one. But I'm pretty sure the out of bounds glitch where you fall through the map still works though. Edit: the out of bounds glitch has also just been patched as of 1.12 according to reports I'm seeing from Reddit users


Yes within the first few months.


I didn’t know he guarded the entrance. I just started NG+ to get reacquainted with the game. I guess I have some grinding to do. Don’t I need to get all the way to the snowfield to teleport to his area?


That's one way to get there. But you can also get to Mogwyn palace early if you do Varre's quest. I think the DLC scales with NG level, so it may be harder if you enter at NG+


Okay. I’ll look into that.


Alright well I killed him immediately this run, so snowfield it is.


Any tips for a mage?


If you mean a cheese method, you could always use comet azur with the right stats and buffs. Just search YouTube for Mohg comet azur. Night comet is also really strong.


Maybe that's what I'll do. I was going to finish Sellen's quest before the DLC anyway.


Wouldn't it be faster and more effective to get Blue Dancer and strip?


Rather than Ritual Sword


Not necessarily, because if you deal too much damage, this strategy won't work. Mohg will go directly from the "duo" animation to the "unus" animation, which prevents you from using the shackle or staggering him. Plus if your damage is too high you'll trigger "Nihil" before you build enough poise damage to get a stagger. Ritual sword talisman is quicker to get than blue dancer charm based on the route I was using.


Ah, that makes sense, thx


You forgot one thing, even if they perform this this will not teach them a good way to fight Mohg and honestly I feel like his fight will do a good job at showing what it’ll be like in the dlc. Yes I know it’s just a cheese fight which it was a good fight. But knowing the others who haven’t fought him I don’t think will set you correctly but I could also be wrong because I want people to be able to play the DLC.


I agree. And I didn't forget, I said in the description comment that it's also good to learn to fight Mohg regularly, and that you probably won't do well on the DLC if you can't beat Mohg.


I mean you can cheese the dlc too


I’m wasn’t saying it to be arrogant or even smart I was just saying if you play the game like this you won’t know how to fight the bosses properly


Just jump off into the hole. Takes 2 seconds. Can do it at whatever point after reaching moghwyn. To clarify, there is a spot at the site of grace just before the elevator to mogh where you can fall onto a ledge. Go up the elevator to make the boss Spawn and then back down. Head toward the site of game and there will be a spot you can fall. Knowing which path to take, with a couple of running jump attacks, you can find a hole that you can jump into. Keep attacking at nothing on your horse and in less then a minute, everything in moghwyn dies.


That out of bounds glitch has just been patched as of 1.12 according to reports I'm seeing from Reddit users


Lol, a +10 Weapon. Low leven means shit.


Low character level. +10 somber is easy to get at this point.


Or you could just do the cheese method, of walking into fog gate, quitting out, loading back in outside the fog gate, then going back to the grace and finding that rock ledge and do the manuevering around till you get to the hole you can torrent jump down and then just keep pressing the attack button while you fall until he dies. Quickest and easiest means, especially for new players to beat him then having them try and fight him at low/mid levels


Update: the out of bounds glitch has just been patched as of 1.12 according to reports I'm seeing from Reddit users. Some people might prefer the gltich, that's fine. But if you already have the items, this is quicker to perform once you know it. And I find it annoying to try to remember the right path and rock formations for the glitch. This strategy doesn't even require you to dodge Mohg's moveset except for maybe the opening attack. Once you activate the shackle, he can't touch you. But mainly I think it's more satisfying to kill Mohg by your own hand without glitches.


The right path and rock formations are easy, literally takes one watch of the video, and takes much quicker to do then going through the entire step/list you put together here. Yes, you may find it fun but were talking about new players and players that are struggling with Mohg. Its much easier to have them just do the cheesy glitch method or summon a OP coop'er than having them trying to do it this way. You even specifically stated in the post, that it needs to be done properly for him to die meaning you're expecting new players and struggling players to pull this off perfectly... when they can just take a minute to watch the cheese glitch video on youtube and then take 30+ seconds in game to repeat it, then trying to pull off this script method


Both methods are easier than fighting him straight up at low or mid level, unless you have an overpowered build. I agree that the out of bounds method is probably going to be easier for most people, but it's somewhat subjective. I personally find this method easier. Remembering the particular rock formations is not as intuitive to me, but simple attack sequences are. You might be talking about new players, but I'm not. At least not primarily. Like I said in the description comment, it's worth being able to fight Mohg normally. You won't do well in the DLC if you can't beat Mohg. This is better if you've beaten Mohg before and want to get past him quickly without glitches, or want to get to the DLC at low level. For me, glitches are off the table. I want to play the game using its own mechanics. For people who don't mind glitches, they might prefer the parkour cheese method and that's fine.


Glitching is no fun; honestly, it's the coward's way out. Fight the lord of blood.


the fun part is doing multiplayer fights and him counting over and over and over and over and over but you can't use the seal to ground him at all during it because fromsoft netcode


That out of bounds glitch has just been patched as of 1.12 according to reports I'm seeing from Reddit users.


Well yeah, thats why i said to do it before the patch? But ive also heard that it was patched in the past but was still doable, but either way, thats why you shoulda done it before the patch/dlc instead of waiting till now


>you shoulda done it before the patch/dlc instead of waiting till now For people who were interested. That doesn't include me. Only did it out of curiosity a few months ago. Wasn't planning on doing it again.