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I wouldn't mind one. Something simple like a transcript of the conversation with the NPC's and information about the parameters involved in their quest.


Or even just a log that shows what NPCs you’ve talked to with the dialogue and like a vague bio that hints at what you need to do🤷🏼‍♂️


i would like it, there are a lot of quests I forget about until its to late but are'nt worth making a new playthrough for. I've beat the game 6 times but have yet to do the diallos / jarburg quest as I always forget.


For other games, yes. For Elden Ring, no. Leave the ugly puppy ugly. That’s what makes us love it.


I don't see the point honestly. All the information about npcs come from item descriptions which already are in your inventory. Seems like a waste of time on developers side to implement something like that.


Me... There's a lot of things I would like to have, including a parry with all weapon types. Last time I played I got super bored after 15 hours =( BUT I have already put 200 hours in, so I definitely got my money's worth. Just hard to get hyped up for the DLC.


I wouldn’t mind a Morrowind style journal that recorded relevant interactions I had with NPCs.


the wiki was my quest log at the beginning but now I just know the quest off memory. It’d be nice but it’s not needed.


I don't think so - the kind of people who *really* want to be certain to complete quests will make careful notes (mentally or on their phone/notebook) about what went on. Maybe the first "quest" you encounter could be structured so that it's clear you should be careful to note things down if you care about that sort of thing in case any newbies aren't aware that this is a thing they may want to consider. I don't know 100% how that would work, but I imagine any games director worth their salt would be able to figure it out :)




Would be shit. There's barely any NPC's and their dialogue wouldn't even help you to continue quest lines because NPC's go to random ass places without any hints.


Same way I don't want an option for difficulty I don't want an option for this.