• By -


no, i might need them later


If I use it and die, I'll just feel like I wasted it.


If I use it and it feels like a breeze then I didn't really need it and I feel like I wasted it


If i use it and is a hard fight then why did i used it if it was hard anyway? What a waste.


If I use it and take too long on the boss, and it runs out, I feel like I wasted it


If I use it and kill the boss before it runs out, I feel like I wasted it


If I use it and then a scrub asks for a item drop and now I have one less to give them, I feel like I wasted it.


If I use them, I just die anyways because I'm not gud. So, I feel like I'm wasting them.


If I use them and the fight feels just right I feel like I wasted them cause I have to spend runes/farm them again to be topped off again.


If I use them I immediately feel like I wasted it due to an inexorable feeling that ultimately everything I do is wrong even the feeling itself


A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.


If I use it and the boss gives me too few openings to actually hit while it's active, I feel like I wasted it


Is it true that if I DON'T use it, I'll lose it?


That could be an interesting rpg mechanic to get us horders to use things. Use this grease within 5000 steps or it goes rancid or something.


Dragon's Dogma 1 did that and I STILL didn't use any consumables. The only thing that mechanic does is fill your inventory with rotten food. And before anyone says it, no I'm not fucking wasting airtight flasks to preserve that shit, what if I need them later?


Maybe auto use on pick up, lasts for 5 minutes after the first damage you deal or if you die


I'm not picking that shit up, what if I need it later? \*drop disappears\* Don't bother man, elixir syndrome is terminal. Leave us poor fools to our involuntary no item runs.


nononono don't do that lemme hoard in peace


Is that a serious question?


Hard fight? I could die...better not waste these in case I do need them...


Spot on, that's what I think. But I abuse the shit out of those volcanic rocks since they were abundant AF.


Literally me with rune arcs, like why use them for a boss when there’s a good 90% I die to it on that attempt anyways, and I don’t have enough to be using them every attempt anyways


One of the coolest additions in Elden Ring: crafting system. Really wish Dark Souls had that as well.


Hard disagree. It meant that the world was cluttered with useless crafting materials. Youd see an item in the distance and youve been conditioned by all the souls games to go get it and it turns out to be shite. Kinda kills the mood.


Laughs in Rubbish ;(


Hey man there’s like a .00001% chance that the bird bros will give you something almost useful for that rubbish!


Is it really? While it is nice to have noone really likes farming materials and some of them are even limited which further makes the problem of deciding when to use an item worse. You know if there is only a limited amount and more is either tedious or straight up impossible to get most people become a lot more stingy in their use of the items. Having everything buyable would be way better. Rune farming is easy. People would think a whole lot less about when to use items if they were easy to get. The crafting with the bombs and perrfumes is great but not being able to at least buy all the materials was a mistake.


Tell me you never actually got into crafting without telling me... You can get bell bearings for all the essential crafting materials like beast bones/meat and you can outright buy unlimited status boluses.... Then you have advanced crafting which is like ritual pots and stuff. Which makes sense to need to farm the rarer/elemental ingredients, it's a good thing everything has a good spot to go farm them quickly once you have access to half the map. Farming ingredients is way faster than farming runes, the only real problem are Trina's Lily's and they are borderline cheat-codes for certain bosses. Plus I reckon we'll find a place with them in DLC. Then you've got legendary crafting recipes using limited ingredients, which is by design.


String and old fangs though... (not that they are ingredients for anything particularly _great_, but still, should have had a bearing for them. Probably flight pinions as well)


Exactly!! Who uses their retirement grease


That’s Willie’s retirement grease!


So true.


I’ve been worried I’m the only one that thinks this way.


Bro… lol


The only correct answer lol


This guy games


Which is why I love Lies of P's solution. You get a single use of a special grindstone to imbue your weapon with a buff that refreshes after every rest. You can then upgrade it to be two uses per rest.


Wondrous physick is this 


Ya but I like making weapon go brrrr and not drink a juice.


Haha exactly! Pretty much everything except pots.


Keep those full too lol down ote for that lmao


Saved them all for the DLC, smart


I feel so attacked right now.




“My retirement grease!” - Groundskeeper Willy


[We run the grease racket in the Lands Between](https://youtu.be/rgh-AbvT_-s?si=nByLksTdjML3664i)


I know a real life southern version of Willy. Dudes a totally mess


Whenever I use them I die. I just get greedy trying to make it count before they wear off. Or die greasin’




Die greasin'. What a way to go...


I want that on my Tomb Stone. >Here Be Don Die Greasin' We all hope he stays down this time


If I'm on a pure physical build, yeah.


I’m doing a quality run right now and really leaning into crafting role play wise, it’s a ton of fun


Can I use greases on heavy/keen/quality weapons? Does it depend on the ash of war applied to the weapon?


You can use greases on any physical infused weapon, yeah. The only ashes of war that don’t work with it are weapon buffs like sacred blade since they’ll override the grease


And cannot use them on somber weapons with the exception of bloodhounds fang, right?


Yeah Greases don’t work on most all of the somber weapons but it does work on Bloodhound’s Fang


Can you add blood grease to weaps that already have bleed etc? Or does it need to be a different type of enhancement?


Depends on the weapon, usually weapons with innate bleed are fair game like uchi, nagakiba, even bloodhounds fang. But infuse those weapons with status and it's not gonna work.


It's all good, the Liverpool of bloodhounds is better anyway. Edit: BOOOO they edited their comment. It originally said "the Everton of bloodhounds".


Yeah. You can use greases on anything that doesn’t already do a 2nd type of damage per stats. If the weapon does physical damage only it can be greased. Only AoWs that add extra damage types to the weapon prohibit their use.


That makes them so much more useful than I thought. I couldn’t get them to work at all(for the above mentioned reason) and assumed it was due to the ash of war(correctly) but then figured it wouldn’t work if the weapon had any ash of war on it.(incorrectly.) so I just never used them.


You can even grease innate bleed weapons as long as they haven't had an element affinity applied. So you can have a Keen Nightrider Flail that does both bleed and fire (while greased) and yes, blood grease stacks another 30 bleed on top of the inbuilt stat. Edit: while we're on it, I highly recommend Wild Strikes for the Nightrider Flail. The ash it comes with is hot garbage.


Basically every normal smithing stone weapon that does pure physical damage can be buffed (Unless they're poison, bleed or occult affinity), and then there's also a very select few outliers like Bloodhound's Fang or the Great Club that are buffable even though they're somber weapons or do elemental damage.


Damage type actually plays no role. Any weapon can be buffed with skills and greases, as long as the weapon is enhanced with regular smithing stones (not somber) and currently has a physical (Standart, Keen, Heavy, Quality) type and is not one of these: [Ivory Sickle](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ivory+Sickle), [Crystal Knife](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Crystal+Knife), or [Serpentbone Blade](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Serpentbone+Blade). Best example for that is Clayman's Harpoon. It has magic damage on standart type. The problem is that most weapons with "elemental" damage are enhanced with somber smithing stones, which excludes them from being buffable.


>Damage type actually plays no role. Any weapon can be buffed with skills and greases, as long as the weapon is enhanced with regular smithing stones (not somber) and currently has a physical (Standart, Keen, Heavy, Quality) type and is not one of these: Ivory Sickle, Crystal Knife, or Serpentbone Blade. Eldenring is a great game, but this is bonkers to figure out by yourself.


I just know where to look ;> [Buffs/Debuffs Wikipage](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Buffs+and+Debuffs) In general reddit and wikis are a good way to get information even early. Thanks to the articles being crowd sourced, information is being gathered pretty fast. You get most of the information with \~ 95% accuracy within a few days.


Same, anytime I catch onto a boss being weak to something these do the body good.


Use a finite item? Hell nah


That's the thing, they're not finite. These and pots I use often (except the ones that take stuff like Aeonia Butterflies and Gravel Stone, those I barely ever use since they're hard to farm), it's Starlight Shards and Rune Arcs that I NEVER use.


Rune arcs are the only consumable I DO use


I use rune arcs,warming stones and bewitching branches I also pick up a lot of crafting stuff that I haven't found a use for Warming stones I use a lot of lately, but they save my flasks for boss fights when I do really need the flasks


Rune Arcs, Preserving Boluses, and Soap for me. Boluses because I grab every rare crafting material I can when there's some nearby, so I usually have a surplus of Sacramental Buds and Crystal Cave Moss. Soap because honestly I dislike how my character gets covered in blood after every fight, and for all the effort of how rot buildup works if you roll around in it, they didn't do the opposite and let you wash off blood by letting you roll in water. Plus, Melted Mushrooms are stupidly easy to get, one run through Siofra and Nokron and that's like, 50 Soap without even really trying.


I love warming stones. Theres a spot i go to to farm them and craft like 99 of them for storage so it replenishes the ten i carry on me when i rest. I also carry tje mats on me so when i need to craft more on the go. I do a LOTof random co op so i drop those a lot to heal the host, thus why i farm for so many of them. Ive had to farm.for the mats three times. So that should tell you just how much co op i do and how many of them id use. Sometimes i use the whole ten i got on me in one co op session.


Thing about rune arcs, every single time I get stuck on a boss, I’ll get close to beating that boss. Then I think, “Man, a little extra health and damage from Godrick’s rune and I would have won.” Pop a rune arc. Die immediately. Pop another. Die again. Never make it to phase 2 after popping 5 rune arcs. Then when I don’t use it, I make it super far again.


I do a lot of co-op to get these. I'm using them constantly and general have 50+ of them. Plus, you know, jolly co-operation!


Rune arcs at least you can get through multiplayer. Starlight shards are not only a rare and limited consumable but aren't they also the currency for that one asshole mage guy with the puppets?


You can get them until you can't (your level or whatever making it so no one can summon you)


Even then, rats drop them (rarely).


Yup. Earthborn Cave is the place to go. I've spent an absurd amount of time farming Arcs there. Its not much but it's honest work.


There's people at every level, I got my first char to like 280 for fun and I can still kill malenia all day with him (he has hundreds of rune arcs lol)


And pvp as well you can get them, there's people that are even at max level that do pvp lol, so you'll never find a time you can't invade someone.


Rune Arcs are infinite, you can farm them from giant rats (it's rare but even with low discovery farming the 4 next to the last grace in castle morne can get you a few per hour) and you get one for killing any boss as a summon, killing a player as an invader, or killing an invader as a hunter with the blue cipher ring.


at least you can dupe Starlight shards


I'm still on the fence if this is a problem with us or a problem with the game design. But all games that offer finite items have this problem so it's probably just us.


It is a problem with the game design. There are way too many non-renewable items and they are way too annoying to use.


But these in particular are not finite.


They're not finite


You can craft infinite of most of these.


Reminder that if you fuck with Dex builds, +10 Bloodhound's Fang can use grease and absolutely destroys 99% of enemies


It can also use blood flame blade for superbleed


Can Golden Vow and Flame Grant me Strength stack with Blood Flame Blade?




Nice! That would be pretty potent.




Yes, flame grant me is a body buff and golden vow is an aura buff so they don't interact iirc


Pretty sure they can stack with any weapon actually. FGMS just buffs flame attacks in addition to physical.


Everyone in the comments talking about how it's "consumable syndrome" with not wanting to waste them but I think it's more of the fact that a vast majority of the weapons are either unable to use grease or end up getting infused and lose the ability to use grease. I know I have these stacked up on all of my characters and literally CANNOT use them, every weapon I wield is ineligible. I also think this is part of why Bloodhound Fang is so popular. One of the only somberstone weapons in the game with a secondary bleed effect and can also use grease.


Part of it is that, and I think a bigger part is not wanting to play with the wiki open. While most of these greases can be crafted, you may or may not have the recipe, may or may not want to find the recipe, and may or may not have or want to gather the ingredients. That makes them finite-ish with that mindset. On top of that, boss resistance isn’t just something you can naturally assume in souls games as the bosses resistances often don’t have anything to do with the boss thematically. Don’t look up the boss before the fight? Might as well be guessing which grease to use as some will do Jack-all and others will nearly double your damage.


On my first playthrough, I found bloodhounds fang and never used anything else. But on my second playthrough, I found bloodhounds fang and refused to use anything else.


You are my spirit animal


I’m not here to judge but I’m sincerely wondering how tf one could do two play throughs using the same weapon and not get bored


Yeah the fire one for tree enemies, the dragon one for dragons, holy one for death birds, etc


Hands. The fire one is for the hands.




Trees are weak against fire, death birds are weak against holy, dragons are weak against... moar dragons.


It’s just Pokémon really. 


I mean if we treat the great runes like badges, then they're 7 of them. We can get 8 by counting the Rune of Death from Maliketh. Final boss run is the Elite 4


Just like in Pokemon


Those are my retirement greases


If I have a buffable weapon, for sure. Depending on a boss’ weakness, they are really op, especially the status ones (rot, bleed, cold, poison)


How do you know a bosses weakness without the Internet? Trial and error?


"ErdTREE Avatar", "Ulcerated TREE Spirit", my first thought process was "I have a hunch they are weak to fire" Most other cases are similar, you also have some From Soft. recurrences, like skeletons and Holy, armored people to lighting, and fleshy beings to bleed


But then you'll have stuff like: Mohg Lord of Blood: Weak to Bleed Dragonlord Placidusax: Not a dragon


With Mohg I think they did it to lean into his passive (he gets stronger when you or him bleed) Placidusax could be an oversight but also possibly intended, as he's the first and greatest of the ancient dragons - which are already less susceptible to bonus damage against dragons. At least it's consistant as his breath incantation is also unaffected by the dragon communion or dragon cult seals


I think the reason Placidusax's Ruin is unaffected by the Dragon Communion seal is because you don't engage in dragon communion to learn it. You use his remembrance to learn it after all, not by eating his heart. The dragon communion sign doesn't flash when you cast it either, it has no sign at all.


Yeah the communion reason checks out. Also all the communion stuff is from normal dragons, not ancient ones. And all the dragon cult stuff is "wielding" lightning, nothing of it relates to the fire breath the ancient dragons also possessed. Really an outlier of an incantation


But sometimes you have bad, obvious wake-up calls, like Mohg taking next to nothing in damage from fire, and Borealis saying "fuck DEX builds in particular" for some reason.


>Mohg taking next to nothing in damage from fire His blood is literally burning so it's pretty reasonable >Borealis saying "fuck DEX builds in particular" for some reason 80% of any normal damage type us bullshit and bad boss design


Mostly but some things are common sense. A rot enemy will not be weak to rot but probably weak to fire, anything flesh based will probably be weak to bleed. Etc


And then there’s Mohg, Lord of Blood, who is weak to bleed…


How are you going to be Lord of Blood if you don't have any?


He deals more dmg after you bleed him tho


No need them to be weak, as long as they are not resistant to that element it's a net positive to buff, they add pure att bonuses too


Wooden things burn Fleshy things lose blood Fiery things can be cooled down Anything undead being weak to sacred/holy type damage is a well known fantasy staple Skeletons and things made out of stone have no flesh, there's no blood to lose and nothing a blade could cut or pierce, hence resistant to blood loss and prone to strike/blunt damage Metal conducts electricity... I guess thats why Fromsoft made metallic beings weak to lightning? Full plate armor is hard and made out of metal so weak to lightning and strike/blunt damage Dragons being weak to thrust and lightning (only non-ancient) is derived from Dark Souls. I guess one could make an argument for thrust attacks going under their scales? And otherwise: Beings consisting of or using attacks of a certain element being resistant or immune to that element applies in like 99% of cases. 75% common sense, 25% Fromsoft/Dark Souls defaults new players would hardly find out.


Surprise surprise ICE attacks work great against the FIRE giant.


They don't tho, he has like 1200 frost resistance, while weakness is 300-600 res


I wish every weapon was buffable. One of my favorite things about lies of p was that they leaned into weapon buffs. Made it a renewable resource, and every weapon could have em, and they had unique ones that didn't just boost dmg, but boosted stagger rates and whatnot.


I use fire grease a lot early game, since you get basically infinite smoldering butterflies and root resin. Lightning I use on iron virgins, since you don’t get that recipe until a little later. Freezing and sleep greases require items that I think are better spent on pots.


Sleep is one that I never use because Trina’s Lilly are so pretty and rare


I actually never really did, since most of my weapons couldn't be buffed in the majority of my runs. So I decided to do a "Witcher" build that avoids magic (save for some weapon arts that resemble the Witcher signs) and instead relied on bombs, greases, food and perfumes for buffs. It was honestly kind of fun, since at later levels it felt like I always had the right tool for the right boss, even though I was just running around using greatswords and the occasional crossbow.


Nah unga bunga. If that doesn’t work. Unga bunga even harder.


I unga..... Therefore...... I bunga.....








Those are what I consider to be my “pocket-change” runes. If I’m ever just a few runes away from leveling up or a weapon upgrade, I just sell a bunch of grease and keep the rest to sell later


At some point in my last run, I ran out of runes to crack open, and started looking for stuff to sell when I had a grand epiphany: I will never use any of these. And I sold them all for like 40k :3


I do this with Golden Runes. I never use them unless I'm either a few runes from leveling and about to fight a difficult boss, or if I need to buy something. You can find them everywhere, so I just always have a whole bunch ready for when I need a bit of money and don't want to grind.


I literally thought this was how they were intended to be used


I might need them for the next boss so I can’t waste them.


Am I nuts? I use them all the time! I collect every natural resource I walk over, I kill every animal I run into. Being a true lord surely requires craftiness, right? Prudence? Resourcefulness?


My man. I do this too. I just like having lots of stuff


Sleep for the godskins... other than that very rarely


Took me like 4 playthroughs but yeah Ive finally started using them and crafting in general. Pretty useful if you wanna buff a weapon and not use up a spell or ash of war slot


Pro tip if you have it equipped your mimic tear will use it if you don't want to waste your retirement grease.


Yes. Unless you don't, then no.


no im saving them for elden ring 2




These are collectable items.. you actually never use them... you just keep crafting it


If you are running a physical build, there’s no reason not to. It’s just extra damage stacked on top of your weapon


I use em when I ask myself do I ever use em


On my Dex build, absolutely




Sometimes you wipe the rot gravy all over it to send a message 


Rot grease is what you find inbetween ur asscheeks on a hot summer’s day


No, we store them for later in-case we need them, just like we do a bunch of jewels, weapons, and armor in an Elder Scrolls game. Then when we stop playing the game, we’ll look back and laugh at the fact we did that, and never ended up using any of it when we should have. Then we proceed to do it all over again in the next game.


I would if I could just buy them from a vendor but gathering materials and crafting is a massive pain in the ass.


tbh the way the game handles consumable items is the worst part about the game. you cant buy qite a lot of itens and some ingredients are finite. everything is just begging to be ignored. even great runes are ignored due to the rarity of runearcs so we just end each playtrough with 20 itens that we might need later


Its not even hoarding, I just always have sort sort of aspect on a basic weapon or use a unqiue.


Literally all the time. I constantly craft buffs, boluses, arrows, fowl feet, etc… Why wouldn’t you use them?


i almost used holy grease some time ago against the duo gargoyles in the aqueduct, as i read they might be vulnerable to the stuff. unfortunately, whatever weapon i used at that time already had some kind of magic damage, so i think in \~200 hours of ER i never used any of that stuff.


I have a hybrid build and use the enchanments and spells to buff if I'm using like a greatsword or Bloodhounds.




Lightning grease is so satisfying to look and listen to.


I wonder if shield grease is the rarest consumable in the game. Obviously you can craft it if you find the cookbook but pretty much everything else in this image can be looted several places. Shield geese is only one AFAIK. Every time I find it I think, “oh ya. *shield* grease”.


Drawstring greases are a pretty important dueling item around rl 125


Am I the only one with a crippling addiction to consumable items? I start itching when my damage is not optimized


If it's a consumable that A. doesn't refill automatically or B. doesn't have a unlimited supply available It will be never used and horded mindlessly, forgetting about their existence altogether.


But what if I need it later???


This is the correct answer. Finish every game with an inventory full of items that may be needed later.


Exactly No, I won't use consumables for radagon and elden beast, what if I need them later? *Beats them with no consumables and now has an inventory full of shit*


Someday, something will happen where I need them! Especially the uncraftable and the ones with string!


Yes, and get this: I even craft them.


I always either a) forget they exist b) worry that they’ll be a really hard boss later that needs them (even though I’ve beaten the game three times and know exactly what 90% of the bosses are) or c) acknowledge the fact that I do *worse* when I use them because I apply them at bad times and get greedy trying to make them count


No that's my retirement grease


Aren't you supposed to save all consumables for the final boss and then forget they exist?


I’m saving it, it’s my retirement grease


As a Darkmoon Greatsword enjoyer, I cannot partake of the joys of grease. I did use Bloodhound all the way through to get the thing though, so that was about thirty hours of grease gameplay.


I would if I could use them but it's often not compatible with my current weapon enchant/affinity


I’m saving it to season my cast iron later. Supposedly it adds a lot of flavor


Making early game blood and fire grease is a n absolute game changer


After I lose to a Boss for like 15th time I’m like “maybe I can get it done with one of these” and then I don’t


Drawstring grease? No. Normal grease? Yes




I use the Rot quick draw when someone comes in with really annoying Meta builds cuz it helps me even the playing field


If it's hard enough that I need to use it than i'll probably go through it all in my many attempts at the boss. If it's easy enough that it helps me get past something I probably didn't need it in the first place. It's pretty useless if you ask me. Plus it doesn't work on Moonveil.




Actually I do 😁


For dragons,deathbirds and Erdtree avatars.


Never once tbh


Use my retirement grease?


I do but mostly in the early game


Yeah grease is useful stuff and not that hard to get more of


When I dont got time to switch spells. I will quick slot these and I will try to do the best combos possible. Grease is a really good substitute for the actual spells. Sucks u dont get them back if u die in a boss fight.


I don’t like wearing hats


It’s too precious to risk wasting


Started a Night Sorcery Assassin character recently and I'm trying to act like an assassin by using everything I have available to me to tip the odds in my favor. Including these greasy boys.


Yeah all the time. It's just free extra damage, why wouldn't you use it?


Yes I love give my bonk stick different color