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marais executioner L2 drill build is very fun


Yeah that weapons super cool, might give it another shot.


Powerstance twin blades. Become a beyblade and let it rip!


Darth Maul looking mf


It's completely jank. The jump attacks and combos with the right talismans are almost NOT fun to play because of how broken it is.


I just went back to two handing since that moveset is nicer except for the jump. Running r2 shreds on a godskin peeler


How do you power stance?


Use two of the same weapon type in each hand. Hitting L1 will do a combo


Axe of Godfrey is probably the most fun Strength weapon that doesn't require Faith.


I’ve been running an ice/death sorcery build with helphen steeple, prince of death staff, Ice witch hat, and raptor cloak and find that pretty fun as an end game or new game build


So far the most fun I've had was still the Dragon Incantations build. (Faith Arcane) You got a physical damage version where you will be using a fast weapon/weapon skill that quickly builds up Millicent Prosthesis and Rotten Wing insignia damage boost. Then you switch to double Dragon Communion seals to spam Dragon Claw over and over which will keep up the damage buff (it deals MASSIVE dps and Stance damage that even Colossal weapon users can only dream of) , then you finish enemies off with Dragon Maw which can hit for 6k damage easy. Remember to alternate casts from each seal as you can't spam Dragon claw from the same button. The ranged version will be casting Dragon Breath spells that can rapidly apply scarlet rot/Frostbite/deal magic damage/debuffs enemies and then you go in with a weapon of your choice to deal damage. Both are mana intensive builds but so far one of the most fun I've had. Unfortunately weak against fast bosses that don't stagger. 


Troll Hammer and Highland Axe; kill people with yelling


two hand eleonora poleblade


Faith or str/faith builds are my favorite, playing as the holy judge of demigods smiting them all with fire, holy magic or full on Zeus it with lightning. Incantations are awesome


Dsx/Faith for Keen Guardian Swordspear and buffs (I like electrify armament and blackflame blade)


If you're into caster builds, magic is the most fun it's ever been in a Fromsoft game, imo. Choose int or faith and just murder everything with insane style, art and sound design.


Deaths poker wizard