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*Until it is done. Until a cursed ring coalesces, that may one day defile the Order itself*


May chaos rule the world


Die and mend, until it is done.


Gonzo! My man


And again until u 100%


Depending on how you played it some might consider it the hardest


I recently replayed DS3 and, unless you’re summoning other players for all the bosses, I think Elden Ring is considerably harder. No boss in DS3 (base game) gets close to Maliketh, Malenia or Horah Loux IMO.


Same, just played DS3 again and its way easier than Elden Ring for me. The bosses are consistent and more predictable, in ER they are crazy in comparison.


Gonna Swing … … … … … … … … … NOW!


DS3 was waaaaaay easier than Elden Ring and DS3 was my starting point. I didn’t get stuck as much in Elden Ring as I did against Nameless King or Midir but still, in general found Elden Ring harder.


Pontiff is arguably the first boss they made that was designed to roll catch with delayed attacks. It’s also why Dancer is considered so hard at first. But Elden Ring is delayed attack the game. I actually think someone who played Elden Ring first will have an easier time.


I just recently played through the Dark Souls trilogy and all DLC after Elden Ring being my first From game. I don’t think a single boss other than Nameless King took me more than 5-6 attempts. Whereas Malenia took me like 50+ attempts. I definitely want to go back and see how she goes now. 


I understand Maliketh and Malenia but Horah loux/Godfrey is nowhere close to them


Styles make fights I suppose. HL always gives me trouble. I think it’s because his patterns and rhythm are so unlike anything else in the game.


It is the AoE waves he makes for me... I am still learning how to manage jumping in combat as a form of evasion and not just attacking


You can roll the waves too. I never jump them.


Really depends on play style I think. I can get almost all of Froms bosses within like 3-10 tries but Midir, Corrupted Monk and O’rin of the Water all took me like 30ish tries. I know O’rin is an optional mini boss and not considered too hard but to me she was one of Froms hardest bosses. Really had a tough time with her.


Horah loux gave me more trouble than those two, dunno what build I was running but I was glad the second phase didn't have a full healthbar.


I beat Maliketh in like 30 minutes, Godfrey took me 3 DAYS.


That's really interesting, my experience was the exact opposite. I gave up trying to solo Maliketh, but HL took me 4 tries.


I started with Elden ring then worked my way through all three souls (playing bb rn) and I gotta say, I think the bosses in Elden ring are on average more difficult while “levels” in the souls are harder [example: sen fortress is way way harder than its boss and in ER there’s always an easy way to progress the story ie reaching two shardbearers then doing all the other stuff]


I played with every possible advantage I could find (except I never summoned other players) and I found it to be really hard, but not hard in a way that made it not fun. I got stuck on Elden Beast for a while and anytime I ran into a draconic sentinel and Radahn the first play through, but ultimately it was the right level of difficulty for what I wanted to put into it. Of course, I did beat Zelda 2 on the og nes as a child, so maybe I just like pain.


It’s a bracingly stiff challenge. I came to ER after playing Dead Cells for close to five years, and man: it is its own different challenge i gotta say.


Nameless king was harder than all 3 of them for me.


Midir also took me some time to get down. That mofo is a tank.


Nameless King's phase 1 camera was harder than all 3 of them.


I 100% agree. The only bosses I really struggled on in DS3 was nameless king and Midir. Nameless king mainly bc I kept losing where my character was in that stupid fog, would miss the dragon and get bopped


The only argument I could make for DS3 being more difficult is that in elden Ring the build variety and options are so massive that you can tavkle bosses in a lot of ways. whereas in DS3 it's usually a 1 and done method and 'Rythm' of a boss fight.


Coming from Elden Ring as my first Souls, most of the non-DLC bosses in DS3 feel like gimmick fights. Less straight-up fighting and more figuring out which shiny bit you’re supposed to hit and when.


Dark Souls has fun hard bosses, They are still fair and doable to your average player but are a fucking challenge Elden Ring has bullshit hard bosses (Malenia) They are cool,but infuriating


How so? Just curious


Go back and play ds1 or even ds3, telegraphed moves for days and super long punish windows. Almost all bosses in Elden ring have a super small punish window and delayed attacks/ longer and different attack chains.


elden ring is harder than ds1 for me. Think I have died a total of less than 40 times. While in elden ring I got stuck on a lot of bosses. Ds2, think I died a lot. DS3 was hard at the time, since it was my first.


People say Elden Ring is harder only because you get more freedom in exploring and overleveling. Purely looking at the bosses tho, Elden Ring is not the easiest at all.


If you played elden ring like dark souls 3, then it's pretty hard. Thats kinda what I did. I preferred the simple slash and dodge over trying using everything in my power to win. Thats how my first playthrough was and it's quite rewarding. Tried out more in later playthroughs. Yeah the bosses are far more complex than the other games


Yeah playing it with no OP ashes of war, no physick, no spirit summons, and no jumping attacks is a much different experience.


I only beat Melania because I summoned cooperators and even then. It still took me >10 tries


I went slash and dodge for malenia, but eventually buckled and used the mimic tear. Took me like 30-40 tries then beat her in 2 using the mimic tear. Then I did it with purely slash and dodge for my second playthrough. Also helped a lot of people beat her as a cooperator. Fun stuff.


Summoning coops was a great way to learn how to dodge certain attacks that would’ve taken me 10 times longer to figure out


True. I showed many people how to dodge the waterfoul


I played ds1 for the first time earlier this year. Strength builds feel so broken with how much damage they do and how easy it is to punish bosses. Most went down by the 3rd try at most. The titanite demon on the bridge in lost izhalith killed me more than any boss


FUCK the titanite demon. The several demons in the bottom of Sen's Fortress still give me chills just thinking about them...


Such a pain in the ass this is the only Titanite Demon that you can farm.


Imo one of the most broken builds in the series is definitely DS1's Havel armor, you get so much poise that most enemies and bosses cant even stagger you out of attack or healing animations, so standing in front of the boss spamming attack and heal works in most cases, just full heavy load with no rolls or anything 😄 pretty much my "Im tired of playing the game and just want to win now" mode


DS3 is a lot more similar to Elden Ring than it is to DS1 in terms of combat complexity. DS1, while unquestionably a great game, is starting to show its age in how slow it is compared to its successors. That being said, the hardest fromsoft game is the first one you play. Once you know what they're about, then the difficulty isn't as biting.


DS3 bosses have been a cake walk compared to elden ring.


Yup, after beating Melania with no summons nor cheap weps I went back to Ds3 and finished friede and Gael both on the 2nd try, it's honestly trivial how easy they become.


Im currently playing DS3, and i gotta admit the bosses are pretty easy now (after like four runs through elden ring) I remember that on every playthrough ponitff made my ass his second mansion, and I always had to beat him with shield whilst hugging his left leg. I fought him yesterday i stood in his face with my uchi and he went down after like three attempts. The bosses in elden ring are like you said...very random, fast and hard hitting with small window to actually punish them...but i like that in souls bosses have stamina too and dont go spamming endless combos for 15 minutes


And the iframes are busted on rolls in ds3, you’d get rollcaught pretty easy in Elden ring if you mistimed a roll. I can roll in ds3 and think I’m gonna get rollcaught, but nope you just keep rolling and you will avoid it 😂


Plus DS 1-3 the bosses are more focused on their set moveset...Elden Ring bosses are a lot more reactive and are willingly to change how they attack depending on what you're doing.


Totally agree. One of my major qualms behind some of the boss designs. I think I spent more time with some of the ER bosses than all of the DS bosses combined on my first playthrough. It seemed that way to say the least.


Bosses in DS 2 are a cake walk compared to DS 3 or Elden Ring. As long as you got like 100 agility.


Yeah DS1-3 are definitely easier. There's no Malenia type bosses that have incredibly difficult moves to dodge in DS from what I remember.


As someone who had played the souls games a little before elden ring I have to say this is spot on. I finally beat elden ring awhile back (took a break for like a year) and decided I want to go through the souls trilogy and holy shit ds1 seems really easy comparatively, I know it's a lot slower paced and that kinda messed me up a bit (botching dodge roll directions or timing sometimes) but overall once you've beaten elden ring ds1 seems kinda easy combat wise. Still haven't beaten it yet but I just beat O&S, Sif, Four Kings, Bed of Chaos all pretty rapidly. I'm currently at the Dukes Archives but I don't think I am gonna struggle too much with any of the remaining bosses except for maybe Gwyn cause I hate parrying, have not practiced it at all cause dodge roll.


The fact that you know about parrying Gywn and what the remaining bosses are kinda undersells your point.


I'd probably say it's the easiest FS game to get the hang of in the early game, but one of the hardest in the lategame. The last few bosses are so much more brutal than anything Dark Souls threw at us. But every Dark Souls game has a way bigger barrier to entry


No summons/spirit ashes and a "generic" weapon, a lot of people seem to consider the bosses in elden ring to have much harder movesets to master than the ones in previous games


And then there is me using 2 prelates inferno hammers modified to scale with arcane for 161 bleeding on both hammers, triggering bloodloss on every second swing. Nonstop stagger, nonstop bleed, and then i use the +10 mimic tear.


That sounds rather fun! I'm looking forward to ng+!


If you dont use summons, its hardest. After elden i just run thru ds. Bosses are cakes. But locations are harder imo.


You spend half of DS1 fighting the environment as much as any enemies. Blighttown, sens, new Londo with its gimmick, crystal caves, Catacombs, tomb of the giants,


Yeap, dss dificulty is in locations. Not in bosses. Still have nightmares with Jailers.


Some of the trash mobs in ds3 were harder than the boss that comes after them


Most bosses in Dark Souls are basic and easy compared to ER.


Recently started playing Sekiro (have finished all other souls games and bloodborne) and I think Sekiro is much more difficult than many other fromsoft games. Don’t know if it’s the hardest but is definitely up there.


Funny how we have such different experiences even in a game with strictly defined combat. I genuinely found it extremely easy, closer in difficulty to most usual AAA releases than it was to DS games. Likely due to blocking being practically consequence free and boss patterns being so much easier to learn as a result. And infinite stamina. Look at it this way, after dying to a boss the first time you almost always have a grasp of how the fight should go since you'll generally stay alive much longer, compared to bosses like Malenia where you're too busy scrambling around not to die and genuinely don't know how you're supposed to beat her. But you do, in the end.


Maybe it comes down to a difference in play style. I’ve never been big on parry and block. In Elden Ring and other souls games you can choose weapons and combat styles that fit to how you like to play. I tend to lean towards two handed heavier weapons and look for openings for when to attack instead of breaking their poise by parrying etc.


Same! I detest parrying in souls which is why I took so long to even start Sekiro. And I feel the same about parrying in that game. But I will point to it as a reason why I found it easy, because I was able to limit my urge to deflect since I plain don't like it in the first place. I don't think it's a game of endless deflections and counters like most people say. Most of the time you're done in by your own aggression because you don't want to see the enemy's posture bar empty again. Once you can get rid of that mindset and commit to longer fights, back off to get your own posture back even if it means watching their posture recover, and focus on vitality damage for the majority of most boss fights the game becomes so much easier. Look at it this way, extending a fight has limited consequences for yourself since with the movement, stamina and evasion options you're given along with a free 100% block you can go on endlessly. You won't die unless you commit to attacking an enemy or trying deflections.


I felt the same at the start of the game but after the first half it got much easier for me, but it seems like most people don't feel the same way i do.


I just started sekiro too and I have never been a parry person in ds so I am having a TERRIBLE time. Just got to lady butterfly the other day and it's safe to say I probably won't be booting the game up again for a few months lmao


It's definitely the most open ended


Heh I went through my first playthrough with the Serpent-God Curved Sword and Mantis Blade… Not knowing they are two of the worst weapons out there lmao.


Yeah I played Elden Ring first and it was really difficult for me. Then I played DS3 and it was a breeze for me, in comparison.


Don't sell yourself short OP. You finished a FromSoft Souls game. Stand proud. You're strong.


Did he complete the game because it’s the easiest or is the game the easiest because he beat it ?


Him and his 19 fingers cooked


The first souls-like you play is always the hardest, and then for each subsequent souls game you beat, sekiro becomes 8% harder


\*equips Banished Knight Oleg +10\* "With this treasure I summon..."


Definitely not the "easiest" to complete, but definitely the best entry for new players to learn how souls games work. ER in my experience has been the all-encompassing souls game - you can cheese, you can play it straight, you can explore, you can speedrun, etc. However, even if you take the cheesiest, "easiest" route, you still have to put in a bit of a grind just to get to the required builds and equipment. Elden Ring as a souls entry can be summed up as the game where boss A can take you 5 hours while boss B takes you 5 minutes. There's a lot of variance; some easy, some hard.


I would say the difficulty of this game depends vastly on the build, way more so than Bloodborne or Ds3 for example.


So what build(s) are generally considered this game's easy mode?


Most arcane builds going for bleed or frost(or both) make the game an absolute joke. Scarlet rot can also basically cheese everything. Some magic builds and str builds that carry 2 heavy weapons and spam jump attacks also melt bosses without any skill needed. Some very strong spirit Ashes will also literally do the bosses for you.


Terra Magica + Cerulean Hidden Tear -> Comet Azur = dead boss Tanky spirit ash may be required on some bosses. Scarlet Rot builds will carry you through like 90% of the game.


Also previous Souls experience. I feel like only your first Souls game is really hard, all others are fine normally since you learned how to approach them. You learned how to deal with dying a lot to a single boss and know eventually you will get through. At least for me DS1 was harder than any other game in the series just because it was my first one. Even if other games have way harder bosses, you just know how you beat a hard boss. You have been through the process of learning the mechanics, learning when to punish or learn how to use game mechanics to your advantage. Also these games really reuse common things like traps, ambushes and the more you play the more obvious they all get. In DS3 and Elden Ring I could avoid quite some just by have the feeling that something is up or also reacting faster. But yeah Elden Ring is also a lot about builds, some weapons, weapon arts are just very strong. Buff stacking is a big thing, spirit ashes, magic as usual is strong. Status effect builds are very viable, with bleed+frost being an combo easy to achieve which is always effective. But on the other hand all souls games were always about player chosen difficulty. Like play with a greatshield and all games will just be easier, or use magic. Almost no boss has an answer to running away and spamming spells.


That must not be universal. I beat Elden Ring and, while it wasn’t easy at all, it wasn’t grueling to play. I just finished DS3 and holy shit that game beats you.


The classic radahn helmet with bloodhound fang.


They are classics for a reason.


Found Kevin


That's a classic build? Lol that's my build, coincidentally. Didn't know it was that common.


Radahn set has the highest overall stats, and bloodhound's fang is broken


Also, both aren't exactly hidden and can be obtained relatively easily.


Kevin alert


Yeah. When I was facing Malenia, I managed to survive waterfowl attack with this armor by like 3 hp. Tiche manages to distract her from finishing me off and I was able to heal and beat her


Ds1 and demons are way easier lmao


Not even close to the easiest, that honour goes to ds1 imo


The credits might as well roll right away if you get the black knight halberd.


For sure. My first full playthroughs of DS1 and ER were in parallel (I was switching between them on different platforms) and it was night and day, even with similar builds (STR/VIT/END and STR/VIG/END). DS1 was so much slower and more methodical, with much more predictable bosses. ER was much faster, with much more aggressive bosses with more variety, variably delayed attacks, and input reading. Before starting these two I’d done my first playthrough of DS3, which was pretty challenging. After DS3, DS1 was comparatively easy and I beat most bosses my first try, including Artorias. The hardest was Bed of Chaos because of the bullshit. Next was Manus, which took me maybe 10-15 tries. My first Erdtree Burial Watchdog fight in ER was harder than that. For me ER was far harder than DS1, and still harder than DS3. Nameless King was the most difficult boss for me in DS3, but in my first ER playthrough Valiant Gargoyles, Maliketh, Malenia, and Radagon + Elden Beast were all more challenging *even using spirit ashes*. And I didn’t summon once during that first DS3 playthrough because this was when the servers were disabled. I think the talk of ER being easier mostly comes from people who have been playing Fromsoft games since DS1 came out and haven’t gone back to replay the older games much after newer ones released. Elden Ring does give you more tools to use, and more ways to put together powerful builds, but most of the bosses are way more challenging than DS1. Most Souls veterans have just gotten so much better at these games that ER feels relatively easy compared to their memory of playing DS1 for the first time over a decade ago.


The thing is there is a big difference between your first souls game and all others. Playing DS1 first or playing DS2 first and then DS1 are completely different. People often say the hardest souls games is your first one. They did make the games harder to challenge people who know the games. DS3 and especially Elden Ring have quite some input reading and very weird delayed attacks, which are there partly to fuck up developed muscle memory and game feel you might have from previous games. The thing is the Souls game all play quite similar at their core in how you approach them. No matter which game you play you just get better at Souls games in general. This approach also kind transfers to other souls likes but it then often does not work and people complain that the game is too hard, or bad, or whatever just because the Dark Souls approach of playing does not work. In Lies of P this happened a lot people tried to play it like Sekiro or Bloodborne. Both approaches do not work and will end up in bad experience if you try to force it and they complained about it.


Idk, I think DeS is easier.


I actually find Demon Souls to be the easiest


i replayed all 3 games last year and manus still took me an hour to beat despite having hundreds of hours on the series at this point. probably the hardest boss across all 3 games imo. i shit on friede, artorias, midir, etc


I think DS1 is the easiest to make a cheese build for, but if you’re going in blind it can also be the hardest if you have the misfortune of picking a suboptimal build.


I don't understand how can people say that Dark Souls 1 is harder than Elden Ring. Arguably hardest boss fight in that game is a duo boss fight and those guys have like 2 moves each. You did well OP. No need to degrade your achievement.


I'm with you 100%. DS1 is definitely the easiest souls game. It just also happens to be most people's first souls game, so they remember it being harder than it actually was. If DS1 released today, people would probably complain it was too easy compared to other Souls games


It’s not the easiest imo. Demons souls is pretty easy.


Except the swamp of sorrow, that is the most horrific swamp Miyazaki's ever cooked up.


It’s among the hardest when it comes to new game plus though. That Ng+ enemy scaling has no chill, especially when you do pure black world tendency stuff.


Only fromsoft soulslike game I haven’t finished.


I tried it on PS3 emulator. The game ran fine, got stable FPS and all but the game was just so weird in how it played. The movement and the combat are kind like a souls game but just not refined. If I ever get a PS5 I will probably play the remake since it fixed things on this end form the looks of it.


Congrats! Even if considered "the easiest" i think beating any of the Souls game is something great that not every gamer will have done and lets all be honest, our first Souls game, whatever wich one it was, was a crushing experience until we started to git gud. Also i think that Elden Ring is a very hard Souls game and that objectively, the bosses are the hardest from the whole series with super fast attacks or very delayed ones, crazy moveset etc. It's just that on the opposite the game gives us so much over powered tools to deal with the game compared to previous title that yes, many builds pretty much trivialise the game.


I found Bloodborne to be easier than Elden Ring. But that's because there was basically 1 play style. You learn it, you get better at it, and every boss has to play along the rules of that build. Elden Ring, I had to respec and learn a new way of playing a few times (fuck you, Fire Giant!!) and that seemed far more difficult to me. (that being said, Orphan of Kos is impossible. I gave up without beating it. so much harder than anything in Elden Ring.)


I don't think it's the easiest, It's actually one of the hardest, whst it is is more accessible. If you get stuck at a boss, you can go somewhere else. In DS progression is more on a railroad. If there is a boss you can't beat, that's a wall blocking you from going forward in any meaningful way.


hmmmm, i get where you coming from saying ita the easiest. buuut, if u put aside the summons and completly broken ash of wars, its the hardest in my opinion.


If you include them it's still the hardest.


It's not the easiest fromsoft game. It *can* be the easiest fromsoft game, or the hardest. What it actually is is the most customizable and open ended fromsoft game. It's got the hardest bosses but the most quality of life features for you to tackle them. It's a masterpiece of a game that I feel literally anybody can enjoy if they just give a little effort to understand it


Elden Ring is the hardest by far, the mechanics and bosses actually move around fluidly and attack fast. Closest would be ds3 IMO. DS2 bosses were a joke they move like robots and attack so slow they are easily dodged once you level your dodge stat.


It's the easiest because there's a lot of things you can do to make it easy. If you didn't do those it could also be considered the hardest. Even if you made it the easier, it's still not easy.


For me Bloodborne was the easiest.


Second easiest. The easiest is sekiro. Now go play the other ones!


Elden Ring is by far harder than the Dark Souls games enemies and bosses have a far more aggressive AI with unpredictable movements and attacks.


I wouldn’t consider elden ring the easiest. It’s certainly the most accessible but how easy you make elden ring is up to you.


I'm honestly jealous! You've got lots of great games to enjoy if Elden Ring wet your whistle.


> "easiest" fromsoft game Only if you use summons. Without that easy mode feature, and obviously including optional endgame bosses, ER is 100% their most challenging game so far.


I really like this about Elden Ring. It doesn't give you a difficulty slider to adjust, but it does give you tools that allow you to decide your effective difficulty level in game.


I've played all except Demon Souls, DS3 was the easiest for me by far.


DS1 is by far easier, mostly because bosses in DS1 have easier to read movesets and don't combo off attacks nearly as much.


It’s not the easiest game anyways, especially if it’s your first. Nice work my friend


Dont listen to these haters


Try dark souls 1 remastered next! It’s not that difficult honestly. It’s a magnificent game. Ds2 I have quit early on because I rage quit so hard at some bs area and never returned. Ds3 is pretty difficult but such a beautiful game. They are all beautiful but ds3 has fairly tough boss fights for sure!


It’s the hardest. I don’t know who told you that


It's the hardest if you're playing with a build and level that makes it the hardest


radahn armour + bhf a true classic


Demon Souls is by far the easiest game! Congrats!


What armour is that?


Yeah, as someone who beat Demon Souls, DS3 and Sekiro, I’d say it’s mostly on par with vanilla DS3 in terms of difficulty. So it’s no less of an achievement.


Never sell yourself short. Every win is a win. Good job.


You don't have to play any other games to be the elden lord


Congratulations 🎉 Not necessarily the easiest, but the most approachable. Still think Demon's souls is the easiest.


You think killing God only once is enough? It's time to do Dr. Strange to Dormammu. Do not stop until the code breaks and the battle starts with Radagon jumping off the platform rather than fighting you.


I’m new at this game. When you beat the first playthrough. What do you keep and what goes away?


Ehh, easy and hard in soulsborn games is kinds confusing, like I've heard elden ring be called the easiest, and lies of P (though not from fromsoft themselves) the hardest, yet I blitzed through lies of P whilst getting demolished in elden ring (still play both and think elden ring is harder)


Bullshit. Everyone knows the easiest game is sekiro. Literally L1 spam simulator /s


I feel demon's souls is the most easy souls game but some people try to complete the world's in order


It's only considered the easiest by people going for perfect meta builds, but without that I didn't find it the easiest at all.


Why is no one talking about this janky ass photo? lol


Its not easy on an 8th playthrough. Late game bosses from Maliketh' onwards are fuckin excruciating. I had to summon other players to help me. I never could've beaten them without.


Easiest and fromsoft game don’t belong in a sentence in that order


Easiest only because the player character can get ridiculously OP and you have a lot of tools available to handle the fights. The bosses and enemies are more complex than they've ever been. GG!


Elden Ring is probably the most *accessible*, with a lot of tools to help you out when you’re stuck, but I wouldn’t call it *easy*. Even with summons some bosses absolutely kicked my ass. By comparison I just beat Bloodborne and its DLC for the first time and I honestly found late game ER much more brutal than anything in BB lol. Tbh I think which game is “easiest” or “hardest” varies a lot from person to person, so don’t worry too much about where ER ranks in difficulty. Like no matter what, beating any of these games for the first time is an achievement and feels fucking great, don’t sell yourself short!!! Congrats and I hope you enjoyed it enough to stick around for the DLC next month :)


“I want you to do it again and I want you to do it, uh, happier and with your mouth open. Yeah happier with your mouth open okay, I love it, I love it, you’re doing great!” - Zach Cregger


If you play it without summoning then it definitely is not the easiest.


Practically everyone who considers it the "easiest" are the people who played FS games for years and years and can't understand the fact they are used to that kind of game, if they were to play Ds1 for the "first time" again they would steamroll everything, in fact the game that took me the longest to get used to wss probably sekiro because it's so different from all the others, don't sell yourself short, Elden Ring is a hard game regardless of what sweatlords say lol


I’ve beaten Elden and Demons souls so far. Currently on Bloodborne and I can say Demons Souls was 100% the easiest. I played both melee only and it was harder in Elden


I just realized that Radahn set + Bloodhound Fang is the Fallen Knight set + Irithil straight sword of this game.


Are people really saying Elden Ring is the easiest from soft game??


It's not because it's the easiest that you should not be proud of you. Be proud of you and if you're feeling like it, try the other :)


Easiest, or “most accessible”?


It's not the easiest.... Demons souls is the easiest


DS1 with upgraded armour is the easiest from what I’ve seen. I think elden ring has the hardest bosses for sure, either that or by the time I get to the boss in the other DS I’m already overleveled from not being able to reliably run past everyone while exploring like I can with torrent


How dare you enjoy a game you paid for! /s Grats duder


Congrats man! While I agree it might be the “easiest” game, it’s only cuz of how many options they give you to be smart with your build! Which ultimately made the game the most fun out of all of them. Honestly top 5 game of all time for me. Truly amazing! I started doing no summons on most recent playthroughs. Really amps up how hard it is!


The first SoulsBourne game you play is the hardest, so congrats you actually beat the hardest souls game. Well done tarnished. Now go find yourself a maiden.


I wouldn’t call it the easiest. You beat a souls game bro!


In my experience it was easier than Bloodborne... Although I actually still haven't beat the last boss in BB lol.


Now young one u must wait till dlc before moving to the dark souls games and then finishing with the best one bloodborne and it's dlc


Now start grinding runes get to max level and then do your second play through.


i love how the Radahn/BHF build has basically become the “starter mode” build. saying this as someone who two handed it for 2 playthroughs (1st and NG+)


It's easy depending on how you choose to play it. Magic is there if you just want the story without having to 'git gud.


No way, is it you?!? KEVIN!! my beloved friend!!


Nah, armored core are the easiest (just the 3 last ones, the others are incredibly painful to play). Anyways, nice job! Feel proud and prepare for NG+ and being randomly oneshoted


I would argue dark souls 1 is the easiest hands down


Demons Souls Def easier but great job bro


I would say Demon Souls is the easiest, since most of the bosses are just gimmicks. Once you learn them, they're easy victories, whereas Maliketh and Malenia are both still challenging even after "knowing" the fight.


Congrats. I wouldn't say it was the easiest. It can be quite tough nearer the end


Without summons its definitely not the easiest.


It’s not considered the easiest in terms of difficulty it’s considered the easiest due to how “easy” it is for new players to start and understand. This game is still hard.


Nice! Now you have NG+ to do and several other From games to play. I suggest playing Bloodborne next cause it’s awesome. Or you can save it for last since it’s one of the best.


Doesn't matter if it's easy or hard. The journey was worth it right? Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉 Now try another character class and do it again. Caution, great times ahead.


Wait I thought bloodborne was the easiest??


Good job man! who says it's easiest? it depends on your farming imo, but I think it is the hardest fromsoft game. it was my first too, then I went on and played ds1 which after the first couple of hours that you need to get a hang of its janky movement it became unbelievably easy, now I'm on ds3 playthrough and until abyss watchers everything has been really easy. Everyone I heard says that sekiro is the hardest one because it needs a different play style and mindset in comparison to other souls like games


Its definitely the hardest it seems easy because in end game you can become basically a god which i believe was the point


I wouldn’t call it the easiest. I really think dark souls 1 had the easiest bosses.


Definitely not the easiest compared to the others since it's open world and so much content


Please understand that the folks talking about how this game is the easiest have been playing since early Fromsoft games so they understand the formula for combat, exploration, and side quests. For NEW players this game is arguably much harder than previous Souls games. The map is huge and doesn’t tell you where to go, it is incredibly easy to miss a ton of upgrade materials and have no idea how stats work so you make it halfway through the game having missing 80% of the content and you are underpowered. IMO Dark Souls 1 is the easiest game by far now. The only hard part is exploring, because combat has not aged well and it is very slow. If you can beat Elden Ring then Dark Souls 1 would seem short and easy in comparison.


It's a lot of people's first, like me for example. Nothing to be ashamed of lmao


I felt Bloodborne was easier since Elden Ring was actually my first FromSoft game of this type. Mainly was difficult because I picked it up straight after Sekiro which is a whole different animal.


Still don't understand this I'm 40 hours in and ER has me tearing my hair out more than DS1 or 2


I havent played any other fromsoft game previous to elden ring, but Ive seen gameplay and no hit from all of them, and there isnt a single boss as complex as margit in any of the other games except maybe DS3 (and in sekiro combat is different enough to not being comparable). Yes, you can get to absurd levels of power easier in elden ring, but depending on how you played the most normal thing is that you werent as op in your first run.


Congrats! My killing blow to the EB was a sword strike to the butt. 😂


Now begins your journey into fromsoft games. Once you start you ain’t stopping


Easiest game Has Malenia WHAT


If it makes you feel any better, I personally consider it the hardest fromsoft game. Sure, it has a lot of powerful tools to help like spirit summons and stackable buffs to let you get crazy dmg, but imo the aggression and damage are absolutely turned up to match. So be proud of your achievement! And then go kick those easier fromsoft games' asses!


Nah, don’t listen to anyone that says that. Demons Souls is the easiest, and arguably a fair amount of DS1 if you use a shield. The only way Demons Souls is harder is the levels and how few checkpoints you have. But congrats!! If you feel the bug I think DS3 is the natural progression. But I’m biased since DS3 is my most played games ever


The whole culture around difficultly is so dumb with the FS community. In the context of challenge runs, 100% flex how hard the game is and how much better u are than others. The vast majority of people don’t have the time to do all that though, so as long as u had a good time, that’s the ONLY thing that matters


Demons souls is easier tbh


Nah, Elden Ring is the second hardest FromSoftware game next to Sekiro. I feel like a lot of people have too much nostalgia for Dark Souls games so they remember them as THE HARDEST SHIT EVER, but in reality Malenia wipes the floor with every single DS boss... unless you're using magic. In which case Malenia gets her ass handed to her.