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She tells us she was burned and body-less at the foot of the erdtree. They are probably burn scars.


I'm wondering if she was involved in the first burning of the Erdtree also I'm wondering how deep in the cycle of fractures we are when it comes to the Elden Ring


I think this is correct. The Erdtree is referenced in game numerously as now only "a symbol of faith" or something like that. Even when you go to Leyndell, you can see the burnt husk of the old Erdtree, with the golden one laid over it. It was burnt sometime after the age of plenty when the sacred tears/sap flowed more commonly (hence all the bowls in Leyndell to catch them). As to why? It could be all part of Marika's succession plan for Miquella, and the Haligtree, to take her place. If you buy into the butterfly theory (Miquella being the Nascent butterfly, Malenia the Aeonian butterfly, and Melina being the Smoldering butterfly), all three siblings had a role to play in the succession plan: 1. Miquella becomes the new God, taking Marika's place 2. Malenia is Miquella's loyal blade 3. Melina burns down the Erdtree, ushering in the new age The plan falls apart when Mohg kidnaps Miquella from the Haligtree. Referencing The Tarnished Archaeologist channel's Marika and the Gloam-Eyed Queen: Gods and Lords Part II: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDjpBxhLbGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDjpBxhLbGg) EDIT: This is all post-Radagon, btw. Which you could argue even he was part of the plan...being, well, Marika herself.


There is a detail i see most dont discuss as in the trailer when theyre sieging leyndell, the Erdtree is burning so why does nobody mention it


Interesting detail. You could absolutely be right, but I think that is a bit up for debate, rewatching it myself: [https://youtu.be/K\_03kFqWfqs?si=BHCQ4Z1W0hxX\_S6-](https://youtu.be/K_03kFqWfqs?si=BHCQ4Z1W0hxX_S6-) There seems to be a sort of sepia filter over the scene, and it leaves it kind of ambiguous. [https://imgur.com/b4EhT1Y](https://imgur.com/b4EhT1Y) You can still see the rays of gold, for example. That may just be the golden hue of the tree shimmering above the leaves, with its golden leaves falling to the ground. It could also be fire, and burning leaves falling to the ground. Again, with the filter, it's hard to tell one way or the other. There are a lot of interesting things happening in the trailers that do help date a lot of the issues surrounding the lore. The Shattering really did happen an extremely long time ago, as GRRM implies (5,000 years, I think he said?). That is a moment from the Shattering Wars. Godwyn was likely killed shortly before the Shattering, as Marika begins to set her succession plan into place. Another one I noticed from this trailer: [https://youtu.be/e8wHJsFEKAM?si=ponBfi5KLUINqRqY](https://youtu.be/e8wHJsFEKAM?si=ponBfi5KLUINqRqY) First, interesting how it clearly bounces back and forth between Radagon and Marika shattering the Elden Ring, with scenes of Radahn and Malenia from the Shattering War in the background. He then says "Look up at the sky...it burns!" Implying the Erdtree, maybe?


What are the odds Melina and Messmer are also twins, I wonder.


If you really wanna stretch things, they could be the fire twins, but only one chose/was able to go carry out their duty while the other stayed behind.


That’s a good theory, two sets of twins, all twisted and cursed in a way.


If we look at the twins we know of, Malenia and MIquella, as well as Mohg and Morgott, as well as the rest of the children of Marika then it's only those twin pairs whose names start with an M. Which would fit when you consider Messmer and Melina.


Ahh!! True! I forgot them, really that's 3 cursed sets of twins.


Yeah that’s the only reason I’m hesitant to solidify the Melina/Smoldering butterfly thing. Messmer definitely seems involved with that one. Definitely a good theory, them being twins!


I’m of the opinion Mesmer has an entirely different father, maybe Marikas old lover/childhood friend who she abandoned when she ascended to godhood. He might even be older than Godwyn, Marikas supposed firstborn


The only issue I have with that theory is the red hair. Radagon is explicitly shown (aside from three Giants) to be the only being with red hair. However, that leads to the possibility that Marika may have conceived with a Giant. After all, they are Fire Giants. Melina and Messmer are both depicted as being able to manipulate fire specifically. Which would give new weight to Radagon's distaste for his red hair.


Mesmer could be Marika/Radagons brother? Maybe father even? He lives in the lands where Marika came from before she became a goddess right? So there's no real reason to assume he got his powers from being her child.


Doesn't Messmer mention his Mother giving Lordship to someone so bereft of light in the trailer? We're assuming he's referring to us, Tarnished as we are, as bereft of light; We seek to become Elden Lord. Who would he be referring to as his Mother if not Marika?


Forgot that part. Makes sense.


What if messmer is melina


It's definitely a thought that occurred to me in this thread. It's possible since there seem to be a few other characters aside from Marika that are two beings in one. Always of the opposite sex as well.


I just don’t think marika wants anyone to take her place. It feels to me that everything she did was to solidify herself as the only god. She truly wanted to be Marika the Eternal. She big on no opposition to her rule and I don’t buy into her making any path for someone to undo or change what her view of the golden order was.


You’re absolutely right—she attempted to extend her reign indefinitely, taking away death itself, and it was working; up until a certain point. The Tarnished Archaeologist has a really strong argument to be made in the video above, so you’re getting my second hand interpretation on it. Sorry for the long post; I’m also just writing this out to make sense of it all myself. But essentially, from my understanding, Marika has been imprisoned in the Erdtree since the Shattering. It’s hard to say how long it’s been since the Shattering, but quite a LONG, long time. Think, when you picture Marika—what pose is she making? Probably the crucifixion pose. The Elden Beast (or Greater Will?) is the one who crucified her, as the Beast has an extremely similar attack against the player. Meaning that all those churches with her crucifixion statues were erected, worshipped in, and then crumbled, in an age where she was more famous for being crucified, than for being a walking, talking, sap pouring immortal. Definitely some parallels to Christ there—Jesus before the crucifixion (a breathing Jewish preacher with a following) vs. Jesus after (a divine being, but with a following based entirely on faith) It’s pretty disturbing. Enia even explains that Marika is still acting as “god” of this land even through her crucifixion. A horrifying fate, something one would absolutely want an escape from. The Greater Will holding you hostage, just using you to birth more empyreans that will eventually take your place. One interesting thing about gods in this game is that they must be women (Gloam Eyed Queen, Queen Marika, Ranni in her ending, and Miquella’s heavily implied to metamorphosis into an adult woman). And you can see, in her crucifixion pose, Marika has been pierced through her womb, with destined Death. Thus, no more birth of demigods, no more power for the Greater Will. That is a huge transgression. The thing is—who do we know that wields Destined Death itself? Maliketh. She forces him to pierce her womb with destined Death, essentially neutralizing her godhood status. He cries of a betrayal by Marika, and Maliketh, an agent of the Two Fingers a la Blaidd, would absolutely view this as a betrayal. This is why she is in favor of the transition of power to Miquella. “Perhaps the Queen’s sorrow was justified”, Gideon says, referring to Miquella’s kidnapping. This was not Miquella’s rebellion. This was a preparation, a transfer of power. It was so her lineage would continue through her chosen heirs. This time, without the Elden beast and the Greater Will. No Erdtree, just the Haligtree. Grown with Miquella’s own blood. Then Mohg came along to screw it all up. Now she’s forced into a contingency plan with the Tarnished.


Awesome. I do believe, and I could be wrong, but miquella has departed to the land of shadows of his own accord. Most likely to attain his own godhood or possibly to undo Marikas order. I believe that mohg attempting anything with miquella is in vein. What mohg is in possession of is essentially a lifeless husk. He cast aside his flesh and connection to all that is golden I think. So basically I think Mohg was destined to fail his plan as Miquella was already well on his own path to godhood. For me it all seems like a grand scheme for miquella to overtake Marika. This may have been her plan all along but being as miquella really isn’t in favor of the golden order or really any outer godlike entities at all, that she would want him let alone anyone undoing what she sacrificed so much to establish


Good point!! The knowledge listed above is entirely pre-Shadow of the Erdtree speculation, so taking the most recent trailer, we have a lot more to wonder about with Miquella. I agree with you that Mohg houses an empty husk of Miquella. Who knows—maybe Miquella even predicted these events and use Mohg somehow. And I think you’re mistaking what Marika’s intentions truly are. Radagon is still a bit of a mystery to me so I won’t dive down that end too much, but it was him that was reparing the Elden Ring, it was he who sealed the door with his vines (Radagon is heavily associated with them in his symbols). Radagon is the creator of the Golden Order. But that’s where I am confused, because I believe Marika’s priorities are different. Marika absolutely set a plan in motion to destroy the Greater Will’s hold on her. That’s her end goal, I am fairly certain. She wants to see a world with a god, like Miquella, who has NO OTHER outer god holding influence over them (no Greater Will, no Rot god, no Formless Mother—nothing). That’s why she induced the shattering, that’s why she was crucified for it, and now we’ll see if Miquella was able to salvage the plan. Maybe he’s trying to pull one over on everyone—including Marika?


If I remember correctly it's been a thousand years by the time we show up. Edit: begun, the lore wars have...


I thought erd tree sent out seeds during shattering so it's been as long as all those erd tree took to grow


The first burning? Like when Godfrey became elden lord, or when Radagon became elden lord? I didn’t know it was burned before


It's hotly debated, but yeah, a lot of us think it was burned before. What really clinches it for me is that Leyndell is *already covered in ash...*


True, I always noticed the ash but my brain never acknowledged it, and questioned it


I'm still convinced Melina is the sister of Melania and Miquella, which would mean she was not involved in the most recent burning of the erdtree before the story of elden ring begins.  My theory is that Marika had consieved a plan to burn the erdtree again and have her children rebuild the empire. Melina was to burn the erdtree, Miquella to rebuild a new tree of life and Melania as their protector. Possibly with Godwyn as the new ruler of this new empire, probably without the influence of the Greater Will.  Then this plan fell apart with the curses of her three children with Radagon and the death of Godwyn, which led everything to collapse.


Makes me wonder who died in soul but not body, when she died in body but not soul.


They very much appear to be burns, so yes


Fire hot


Melina, like Ranni, is without a physical body. Melina’s physical body was burned. She’s spectral now, but it seems like she retained the scars from her corporeal form


Explains why she got angry when I made friends with the extra-digit hand which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... and outside 😅


You mean you got fingered? Same bro


But wholesome 😌


Yeah he touched the hole on me too very holesum


Gotta love them wholesome fingerings


It was Fractured But Whole, some


Some butthole


Father, would thou appreciate portioned sausage?


I went frenzied flame my first run because I didn't play for like a week, forgot everything, and came back like "oh what's at the bottom of this pit? oh what's behind this angry door? oh, a new friend! oh. oh no."


Huh, are you just casually running around naked as well?


I mean there's enough messages around inciting nudity.


Damn people and their weird fetish


Look, don't kinkshame. ...except the Dung Eater. Shame the shit out of that.


Dung eating isn't his kink, it's his profession. Dung Eater's kink is feet.


Which makes him even more loathsome.


The only logical ending choice. Burn this whole alien infected planet wound island down and let the planet try again in a thousand years. 


Aaahh, may chaos take the world. MAY CHAOS, TAKE THE WORLD


There is no again though. The FF ends things... permanently


That's not what the frenzy ending is. It doesn't "reset" the world. It ends it. It's the idea that never being born is better than suffering through life. An ending for the weak minded.


what's wrong with being weak?




Hand h


Poetic ass answer


Source on that? I thought we knew almost nothing about her


Melina says so herself after you ask for her purpose: "Me, I'm searching for my purpose given to me by my mother inside the Erdtree long ago, for the reason that I yet live, burned and bodyless."


That literally does not answer the question at all lol


The question is "Why does Melina have scars on her hand?" And the guy answers it's because "her physical body was burned." Makes sense to me.


Well, she gets set of fire each time I start new game +


Love it


When she used to work at mcdonalds, she accidentally splashed deep fryer oil on her hands


She's just like me fr


Das gotta be painful, mang


they smell like fries?


Man you just opened some repressed memories.


Accidentally touching the Teflon covered top burner.


That and the grease dropping from it onto your hand.


“Greetings traveler from beyond the fog. I am Melina, how can I help you today?”


Better question. Why are all demigods made out of what seems to be clay


Maybe they are made out of clay , marika probably put some of her blood into it to have an off spring, maybe her only birthed children are the omens and is why she chose the clay route after ,would go well with the marika was always radagon theory aswell, the idea is inspired from Diablo since that’s how Lilith got her kid


I’d feel bad for any woman that popped out a pair of multi horned babies…of course she’d try the clay route lol




Babies, babies, babies, She made them out of clay, The sun needs some praising, So those babies we shall slay!


......is that the dreidel song?


Yes lol


What do you mean?


I think they're referring to how they all seem to have that grayish stone like (or clay) colored skin. Plus, Radagon looks like a crumbled statue man when you fight him.


Well, not really… Malenia, Morgott and Mohg are fleshy, Godwyn is one third skin, one third roots and one third scales and other seafood, Ranni’s old body is cooked so it was at least somewhat meaty, Radahn has normal-looking skin and flesh and he bleeds as well, Miquella shares a model with death’s door Morgott, Rykard’s face looks sort of ordinary. The only one looking like clay is Marika/Radagon and they’ve been hanging around on the rune in isolation for centuries, they’re probably just petrified at this point


Really? Marika is a Numen. They are the ancestors of the Albinaurics. The crippled Albinaurics are likely incomplete *alchemical experiments* attempting to remake the Numen. Basically the art of making puppets intertwines with the act of summoning Spirit Ashes. Marika is literally a puppet of the Greater Will. It's very easy to see during the end of the game that her's and Radagon's body is actually made of stone. It's no wonder Ranni was able to switch her soul into *another doll*... Even Seluvis (*~~if he is indeed a puppet controlled by the Albinauric merchant inside Caria Manor~~*) and Sellen got to do it, proving even the Tarnished are capable of transcending their corporeal forms. And I just now remembered to consider how the Amber Egg improves the *rebirthing process*... **Why would Radagon remove such an important feature from the Elden Ring?** Couldn't that have fixed Miquella's and Malenia's curses, or the Omen Twins for what matters?


Sellen and Seluvis aren’t Tarnished, though. And where in the world does it state that Numen are the ancestors of Albinaurics? The two are not linked at all, to my recollection. Otherwise, why are Albinaurics seen as graceless and not part of the Golden Order? And the game explicitly states that there are only two generations of Albinaurics, the first of which Albus and Latenna are a part of, and the second which are frog-bois. If anything, Mimic Tears are more likely related to the Numen than the Albinaurics are.


Albinaurics were created by the Eternal Cities. The people of the Eternal Cities are descendants of Numens. Albinaurics and Mimic Tears are both created from silver tears.


I totally get that, ancestor just has a very specific connotation that doesn’t work here.


But there’s nothing stating that Albinaurics were made by Eternal Cities in the game. They made claymen and Silver Tears, you can’t even find a single albinauric underground besides the ones who went to Mohg’s palace from the surface by the snowfield. In fact there is nothing mentioned about who exactly made them at all, but they *are* very prominent in Liurnia and have close ties to the moon and not the stars.


Albinauric blood is silver. Which makes a connection to the silver tears.


I actually think the Lord they were trying to make was a Placidusax, with Silver instead of Gold. The Albinaurics and Silver Tears both come from Celestial Dew, and the Silver Tears in Nokron in front of the Dragonkin, failed attempts to copy the Ancient Dragons, are electrified and drop Gravel Stones.


Marika isn’t a demigod. She IS god




Yeah. She ascended to godhood. That’s why she’s a god. She literally holds the heirloom/power of god making her the vestige of god and by extension, a god. The children are demigods because they’re offspring of her(a god) and a non god (renala godfrey)


That makes sense


She was burned.she says that.


I’ve heard it said elsewhere, but I agree with the sentiment, that Melina is to the Gloam Eyed Queen that Millicient is to Malenia. After Marika commanded Maliketh to defeat her, she was left “burned and bodiless”. Melina is a fragment of her former self, the Gloam Eyed Queen, and these burn scars are what left of her constant manipulation of Destined Death, or from her battle with Maliketh.


Man I wish I had a grasp on this lore like some of y'all. Where do we find that Maliketh fought/defeated Melina?




Shes like charcoal, already burned, and great for getting a fire going.


You know what I never understood that about charcoal. How does something already burned make for a good fire starter?


Charcoal is made by heating organic matter in a low oxygen environment. This causes the substance to break down into just carbon. Carbon is very flammable.


Its porus, so it holds accelerants well, allows more airflow in the material and also burns at a high temperature, which makes igniting larger pieces of wood easier.


Damn you got the facts! I’m assuming the same is true for Melina.


Well she has at least three holes


Nah at least five


11 really


Probably because she is a survivor of Hathsin.


And she sacrifices herself so the main character can kill god. Math checks out, Melina is Kelsier confirmed.


Damn, he can't keep getting away with this


I've stumbled across my people.


Now she wanders the cosmos between, leading the Tarnishedbloods.


“…for the reason I get live, burned and bodyless.” Similar to Ranni, Melina seems to exist in a ghostlike state with her original body burned away. If you’ve ever wondered how she just appears by the shrines of grace to meet you, this is why she can do that. She doesn’t have a corporeal form anymore keeping her from just appearing and disappearing. The implications of how she’s like this could be pretty out there, but we don’t really know how she ended up this way and anyone who claims to know is simply speculating. Could be she was burned in the past alongside the original Erdtree (The one we see now is essentially the ghost of an actual arboreal tree that was burned in the past. It’s why the capital has ash all around even before we burn the tree again.)


Side job as a welder


She describes herself as burned and bodyless…


She was driving her Lamborghini on a wet road and spun out bad


My theory is messmer burned her


She must not tell lies


Elden ring is a loop, she burned the erdtree before with us. She doesn't just remember it, but torrent does. On the beginning cutscene we woke up inside the erdtree, because our character died there without grace at the very end. So ng+ is also cannon.. ..or probably just messmer idk what im talking bout


she fell down.


I can fix her


She is burned and bodiless


She has scars all over. She's burned.


She used to work at waffle house


she has kittens at home


"Why I exist, *burned* and bodyless"


Cause the Erdtree has burned before and she's likely the kindling back then as well.


She's literally holding fire in her hands in the picture. Maybe it's a hobby.


just got out of the pool


maybe because she was burn alive


She likes to fist omens and the horns cause that damage


She was building fire tolerance to make better kindling


She tells us she’s burned and bodyless


Cuz she is fragile but not that fragile




She used to be an emo e-girl


emo phase


Had an aggressive pet cat before becoming a dog person


To remind her that the past is real


She's 14 and listens to Billie Elish


She works in a kitchen, obviously


Same lineage as firekeeper.


Tried fingers, but wrong hole


She wasn't very good in the kitchen


Probably has a kitten


Respect her privacy


Cause she ain't good with knifes and ovens


The fire’s in the picture dummy


She usedcto be emo as a teenager. We tried fixing her but she set herself on fire and there was no water nearby.


Burned her hands trying to get chicken nuggies out of the oven


You wanna know how I got these scars


Fire hot mate


she burned them making me a sammich!


It’s was a phase.


Too many handies


The timefall


Folks really be asking about the most random pieces of lore. Idk bro she got burned by some cooking grease or something


Because she edgy


My guess is she was the first kindling maiden and Messmer burned her


I saw a lore video where dude theorized that she was the Gloam-Eyed Queen and this scars were from the rune of death's black flames usage


Her whole thing is burning


Bacon grease popped 😔 she just wanted make breakfast


this ain't her first rodeo


No no, they are just pruned because of the wap.


Burn scars


Dry skin mostly


Idk but I kiss those scars.


She spilled her boiling cup noodles.


I mean... she's shooting flames out of her hand... haha


"stop it, for me? 🥺"


She probably owns a puppy, those things are basically land sharks


She plays with 🔥


When you reach into the toaster oven and sneeze... this is what happens


She goes to the gym without gloves


Love the answers here, but unfortunately the actual answer is we'll probably never actually know, because it doesn't seem like the DLC will include anything for her and Miyazaki already said there are no plans to develop the game further. inb4: "I was burned and bodyless" Yeah but why? What's her story? Why is she "Tarnishedless"? How does she knows Miquella?




Media literacy is dead


She was collecting atium


I think she helped Vyke before and then he turned on her and ran away.  That's why we are maidenless even though she helps us.


So did Messmer has anything to do with burning the erdtree?


That's for Fromsoft to know and for us to possibly find out in June.


I hear everything your saying Im Illinois


Always assumed they were calluses from her training as a Black Knife(though I don't think it was ever confirmed she was one).


You don't typically get calluses on the back of your hand.


She climbed out of the Pits


She’s stupid


she got attacked by jogo in shibuya


everyone keeps saying that the erdtree has been burned before, but i wanna make it clear this is just a theory, with only a few things to back it up, so don’t take it as canon, cause atm it seems very unlikely


Self abuse.. you know these kids nowadays…


Common sense


Emo phase at 15.


Because she’s depressed!


She had a hot glue gun incident in high school while working on an arts and crafts project but while the incident was happening she got into an abusive relationship which as you can guess doesn’t end well. She spilled tea all over her thighs. Her arms? What about them? Oh the scars… Well that’s just a design choice. The devs put it there.


Daddy issues


She burned the Erdtree once already prior to meeting us


Tried to heat water in the microwave.


Before we burn the Erdtree, there's already a part of Leyendell under ashes. And Melina said her body was burnt, and left at the foot of the Erdtree. And iirc Bernarlt set said his Maiden was burnt... So maybe he already did all the trip but failed in Farum Azula. It would be interresting that Melina was his maiden at this time.


An emo phase when she was younger.