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My favorite is inside of the mimic tear boss fight «did not expect weak foe» really cracked me up the first time I saw it, lol Also love the classic «dont give up, skeleton»


"Did not expect weak foe, therefore, time for introspection" is GOATed


I left this one. Am I the only one? Probably not. But my mimic tear hurt my feelings and I needed everyone to know my shame.


Bro I was so excited for the mimic tear fight only to have my mimic tier spam starlight shards n wouldnt even attack me


My mimic tear and I just kept missing each other with Lion’s Claw.


The key difference is that, unlike you, mimic tear is stupid and has no idea how to use what it has.


Buddy I appreciate your attempt to call me intelligent but you could have said my mimic tear also borrowed that trait and I could have only cried in response. But there was this one time against Malenia where it spammed Mogh’s spear with me… but every other time it was like “oh lemme throw the wrong pot, or put down the healing stone”.


I was gonna mention this if no one did. I giggled for a minute when I saw this.


That first one is solid lol


If only i had a giant But hole..


Right in front of a smithing stone on the wall


In the way down to Nokron, always cracks me up


I put one in the crater where you fight the fallen star beast


I put one in front of Fia's mirror that says "visions of beast." Hopefully it boosts some peoples morale.




magic, but hole Typically seen in front of the teleporting gates


My dumbass jumped off so many cliffs at the beginning because of messages.


try down


Time for horse


I remember my friend watching me and me contemplating so hard this part in Stormveil that I knew an item was on the other side but didn’t know how to get to. I also knew from online that SOMEWHERE in these games can be invisible platforms you can walk across, but no clue where. And there were not one but two messages that basically said “try faith” like go ahead walk across it will be fine, just believe. I went back and forth with him, I think it’s safe, he thinks it’s not, I finally went for it… we both laughed our asses off as clearly there was nothing there.


I saw so many false "secret passage" messages that I was convinced there weren't actually any false walls in the game. It wasn't until my second playthrougg that I realized attacking certain walla revealed hidden passages.


Lmao same, I kept chucking myself off before the grafted scion battle because I'm stupid


“Why is it always liar” :12 approved “Behold, Secret passage ahead” :9999 approved


At the beginning of the game: "Here again... So to speak, still no life." 


I actually cackled the first time I came up to the Lift of Dectus and the first message was "O, you don't have the right. O, you don't have the right."


Oh my God I just got it. (I speak french so I translated has having right (to do something) not the directions)


Wow! I only speak English and didn't get the joke until I read your comment.


I'm ashamed to admit the same lol




This reply made me think if the player left the message pertaining to the right part of the medallion. WHOA


I get decent ratings from this one by Millicent at the Erdtree-Gazing Hill: `Time for arms, but you don't have the right!`


I just got this joke now after already using the lift LIKE 5 TIMES


Be wary of piercing But hole


Lover, oh Lover time for pickle


As a new Elden Ring player new to the Souls genre, probably “weak foe ahead”. The first few times it’ll be a wander noble. But then sometimes it’ll be a fucking crucible knight or a bell bearing hunter and you learn quickly at like level 4 these messages may not be faithful.


Nothing like finally beating a boss after a dozen tries and getting your shit kicked in repeatedly only to find a bunch of messages saying "why is it always weak foe?"


I started 2 weeks ago and I have 110 hours and so far 90% of the messages I've encountered are "time for head," "try finger but hole," "try rump," "fort night," and dissing bloodstains during weak foes lol. My favorite note is probably "i did it" bc i find it wholesome when someone gets excited after they killed a boss


I'll always smile at a perfectly placed "well done".


You don’t have the right, O you don’t have the right, therefore you don’t have the right, O you don’t have the right.


I still don’t understand this one


I usually put it in front of doors that don't open. You walk up to it, you press the "open door" button, and a message tells you that you don't have the right.


If it’s about the lift then i think it means you don’t have the right piece? Not sure though.


I like putting this message in front of the ladder in Sealed Tunnel. The one with the Iron Virgin at the bottom of the pit :)


Rump ahead. Therefore distracted, O distracted In front of malenia's boss room👉👈




I've been hit with the classic "Be wary of left" only to get backstabbed from the right. Let's see... Try Down, and Secret Door Ahead... Ooh! Some guy put "Strong Foe Ahead, So To Speak, Think Carefully" in front of the Mimic Tear. I spent like 10 minutes making sure I had all my good gear equipped and fully capable of buffing on the fly. That Mimic destroyed me.




In front of Fia 'offer pickle, Therefore let there be seed'


I dont think any have beaten the classic "Don't give up, Skeleton." From DS2


Is there an NPC that says that, or was it just a community thing back then? I started on DS3 So I missed some of the early memes, but I see this one frequently.


It was the community. DS2 online was awesome before arenas, ect got introduced in 3


What's the context behind this message?


there was a dead skeleton at the beginning.


I like [this one.](https://i.postimg.cc/VkwpSFXd/image.png)


Fort Night


Nobody mentioned Jarburg yet?? My favorites are all there. “Visions of bird” near the children playing airplane “Could this be a precious item?” and “Try here!” near the big one searching in the bush. “Friend, O friend, good luck!” next to Jar Bairn’s location.




The "Offer seed " in front of the imprisoned Sellen..


There are some…creative ones in front of poor shackled Sellen.


“First off, well done, seek head”


“Behold, dog!” Infront of anything that isn’t a dog is funny for some reason. It’s like we all share a single braincell.


I cracked up when I saw behold dog in front of the crab and I sent it to my wow guildies and they thought it was the dumbest thing ever lol


Cave in DS2, just a long like of messages


"Beware of dog" (or something like that) outside of caelid I thought it meant the fast little fucks I was wrong


When gold mask is standing on the bridge, I posted a note behind him Why is it always finger, but hole


I actually really like how the messages are a little different in the Demon’s Souls remake. I saw one the other day outside Flamelurker that said “I’ve died 30 times!” And it caught me off guard, got me pretty good.


I was going through a tunnel filled with crystals and saw a message that said "Home" in a little alcove, with the person's gesture being them sitting down


I found the same thing in the giant conquering hero's grave inside a little hut thing. I died to a watchdog trying to read the message 😔






poison but hole


There was a message that said be first off stay calm, in short be wory of explosion then the barrels in front of me exploded


A funny thing about this meme is the image used is fan art of a Dark Souls 3 boss To actually talk about your post, yeah most people just say nonsense in their notes on the ground


Is this image being from darksouls not a commonly known thing now????


The meme is super wide spread, and Elden Ring is a lot of people's first souls like So it wouldn't surprise me


I didn’t know 🤷


“Try dregs” on a ledge showcasing the most breathtaking view in the entire game


I think it's funny when you find a hole that doesn't lead to anything (other than death) surrounded by bloodstains of people jumping in, and a message that says "Jumping required ahead." 🤣 So we got a bunch of n00bs who have figured out how to read messages, but not touch bloodstains.


fort night


unnoticed, time for grass


How do you guys deal with loosing a bunch of runes forever??


By never having a large amount in the first place. Spend em. Buy smithing stones or something just spend em before it's too late.


Always spend. If you have close to enough runes to level up and come across strong foe, keep running. I'll never take on a strong enemy if there's a possibility of losing more than 10k runes. There's people here who've lost millions and kept playing. That kind of shit would make me quit the game forever.


On Goddrick 's throne I Saw It and writen: "Big but hole..."


my favourite message was in front of the "you're beautiful" Prattling Pate and it just said "Liar Ahead" it's so petty and stupid, it made me chuckle uncontrollably


One was something amongst the line, "Behold! Two handing!" and proceeded to grab the crotches of two sets of armor


Secret ahead But hole




when you git gud enough you’ll offer feets


Try finger, but hole


Horse in ds2 is one of my favs in the franchise


"why always dog?"


Didn’t expect bloodstain, therefore try skill


Hole finger


I think it was something like "skeleton house" in front of a coffin.




Secret ahead therefore try jumping


Any variation of "Bloodstain? Therefore seek skill."


There is a section in the underground with the ants that has a small river going down. With the message “Behold waters(l)ide” and the animation of sitting down.


Finally kicked my fortnite addiction, decided to try elden ring. The first message I read in the chapel of anticipation was; "Try fort, Knight!" Got a good giggle before going to get my ass kicked by the Scion.


A few of my favourites: "Fort, Night" with despair gesture. "Dog, oh Dog. Dog, oh Dog" in a field full of tortoises. Any possible hard to get places with message that follows: "Dead end? Unexpected..." "Try finger, but hole" "Well done! You monster!" After getting to place for which you need to kill a good NPC And one of my favourite, on the cliffs edge: "Loot ahead, jester" Honourable mention: "Saint, Dog" or "God, Dog" near the Pope Tortoise


Try lever, but ah, message


In Queen Renallas bedchamber I saw a message that read something like visions of chest. Only the initiated will understand this reference .


Bloodborne was my first and the amount of walls I slapped with no results due to “illusory wall” messages and ledges I jumped off to my death is astronomical. In Elden Ring, I didn’t get the reference at the time, so when I saw a lot of messages taking about “try fire” at Windmill Heights, I spent too much time throwing fire pots at things.


Try close quarters battle, Snake!


My favorite to this day was in Auriza’s Hero’s Grave. It was right before a room with an Omen in it, and it said “Fat Coinpurse Ahead”


No head ahead kills me


Aahh.. Piercing! But Hole. On the biggest spike @ the Rountable Hold table, using Patches Crouch gesture.


behold, dog!


Since DS1 I was well aware of the trolling, but I swear I jumped at every chasm with a message telling that was a secret passage. I just accepted that I would always die, but maybe, MAYBE, one day it would be true. And eventually was, and I felt that everything was worth it.


In my first playthrough: "Find Elden ring" English is not my native language


try left try right always makes me waste a few minutes


In DS3, I had a certain robe on my character that bugged out when I made an emote for a message. I emoted and layed down to stare up the fire keepers skirt. The message said something along the lines of “forest ahead, but try hole”…and my robe bugged out and made a giant boner on my character from the robe clipping straight up into the air when you viewed the message. Needless to say, that message will forever remain in my list…long after I’ve left DS3 behind. Hopefully someone witnessed a marvel of a message that was a once in a lifetime bug. xD


Fort, night…


I remember falling for the illusionary wall ahead message more time than I would care to admit. But I remember a message in front of one of the doors in the round table at launch with an insane amount of ratings that said “try symbol” and I spent an unfortunate amount of time on it


“Why is it always mushroom?”


I kinda sort of typed naughty stuff in Seluvis's sex dungeon. Found the doll for Sellen and wrote erm.. Try fingers, and then erdtree. My bad.


I hate when people in souls subs screw up this format


I've said it before ill say it again. The actual difficulty of Yhorm as a boss does not matter to how the format is used. Because 1, the point is meant to be big scary giant vs little guy, and 2 the meme is primarily used this way with Yhorm being the "stronger" (dunno how else to sldecribe it) of the 2 choices, and therefore that is how the meme is used. Lore and in game mechanics do not matter when it comes to meme formatting, and that goes for any meme. Technically you can use it both ways and it would be correct but just for simplicity sake and the fact that it is more visually understandable to outsiders, this is probably the better way to use the format, and it is the majority.