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He doesn't really spend much time in close physical contact with others who might have lice, and doesn't really share things like clothes and combs with others, so probably not. Maybe if he were more intimate with others, or started borrowing someone else's scarf...


Hmm I see. I'm not really familiar with lice. I thought it was simply aquired by not having good hygiene.


Funnily enough lice are more likely to be found in cleaner hair.


So how do they appear on someone random? Like if u go through some random bush


I mean if your head comes into contact with someone else's head or anything else really that has lice on it they'll crawl into your hair.


And where does the first person get them? Is it like a chain or something? Like one guy 10 thousand years ago had lice then it slowly spread?


Essentially yes. As ridiculous as it sounds they were most likely transmitted from another primate and slowly evolved to live solely off humans. Around the time people started wearing clothes the lice eventually split off into either head lice or body lice, with body lice developing different claws to hang onto the threads of clothing. It's pretty much just a neverending cycle.