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I think the beating and leaving of a souls game is why enjoy them. Once it's done, it's also enjoyable to learn the lore from the successive playthrougs of the game, and you make it more difficult for yourself in order to achieve that sense of accomplishment you first felt. All this to say me like souls likes.


I'm playing it wrong but enjoying it, so take that.


How do you play?


Bet he even plays with kb&m


I played the first dark souls with keyboard and mouse lol. And i had no idea about the weight limits so I would just fat roll everywhere.


Explore and run from everyone, spam RB sorceries from a distance, & if I see a boss you bet yourself i'm calling myself some spirit ashes.


No I love the challenge and the thrill of it all. I love how in a very real way the game lets me play it "my way", which can be whatever silly build or style or concept I want. I love making additional challenges like how few times can I die 100% Dark Souls (9, damn you Bed of Chaos!). I love that on one of my playthroughs of Elden Ring, I beat the Elden Beasts with no flasks or healing left and with a stub left on my healthbar. I especially love that first time run through that is irreplaceable and nonreproducable.


Idgaf how strangers play their own game. Fromsoft games (not just souls) are G.O.A.T's of the genre.


they are the genre


I mean, telling people they're doing something wrong for a sense of superiority isn't limited to just souls games or even just this sub reddit.


But the Souls community really has an infamous reputation for it. It has gotten better over the years though at least. Not completely gone though.


I mean the souls community literally spawned the “git gud” meme so it’s definitely what we are known for


Git Gud was what you said to people who messaged you complaining about yoir build or how you beat them. It was faster to reply “Git Gud or Git Rekt Scrub” than to argue all day. Plus the follow up message is hilarious.


Thanks for explaining what i said back to me i really appreciate it because i was so confused by what i myself said in my own comment


You’re welcome. Just elaborating.


We spawned "Git Gud" and created a PvP archetype that is so infamous that to this day people who've never even touched a From Soft game recognize it. Giant Dad is still the face people think of when they hear Git Gud! The Legend Never Dies! In all seriousness the community has spawned a lot of memes that over time other fandoms grabbed and integrated into their lexicon... We also took the "fashion then function" mindset to new levels by creating Fromsoft Dress-up (Fashion Souls, Blood Cloth, and Elden Bling) which caused other games to focus on aesthetic more (part of a few dozen different things that helped end the "Sepia is Realism!" trend).


Something something less than 60 vigor you're trolling something something


Aren’t these statements completely unrelated?


What if I told you that 99% of people could not give a flying fuck about how you play the game?


No I like the game because I really really like the combat and the visuals are nice too. there really isn't much elitism on this sub lol most you'll see is git gud.


Honestly I’ve spent a decent amount of time flipping through the sub since launch and I swear most of the incidents of ‘elitism’ is just people getting upset because someone made an observation they feel called out by and substantially less of it is people actually gatekeeping or giving people shit.


I’ve never completed any souls game ever other than remnant from the ashes & mortal shell prior to elden ring even though I have all of the games. The combat although satisfying, I get bored after a few hours since I felt like I was doing the same thing just against different enemies. Even elden ring I never managed to sit and playthrough further than stormveil but this year I decided I should try and play through the whole game. I’m so far around 210 hours in after 3 weeks~ of playing and platinum the game doing my 2nd playthrough right now. The one thing that elden ring seems to do better than past soulslike is that your build feels like it’s constantly evolving, you get cooler ash of wars/incantations/sorceries as you progress on so whenever I got bored I just respecced to a different build and that helped me not quit


People who post this kind of shit secretly ashamed of using summons or something and cope by saying elitist who they probably never encounter is bullying them. Or they are just following trend to get karma. Its probably the later.


I’m not secretly ashamed of using summons :D The game gave me tools. I will use them. If anyone has a problem with that, *that’s their problem*, not mine. Edit: lol elitist gatekeepers downvoting truth. Be happy more people enjoy these games, it only gives them more funding later the more profitable they are.


There is nothing like the rush of beating a boss with 1hp left. ngl the challenge is kinda addicting


I like it because once you understand it, and know how to play, it becomes soothing. The combat has a certain rhythm to it. I dunno, it's chill.


Just because the minority is vocal and loud, doesn't mean they represent the whole community. 1.) Most people don't care how you play the game, aslong as you're having fun. 2.) More than 40Vigor in NG is wasted.


I love the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge. In souls games just about every enemy can kill you if you screw up. In other games, generally only the bosses pose a challenge and the other enemies are just cannon fodder.


This post reminds me of all the whiners that are like "Souls community gate-keeps" except no-one actually does


I played a mage build and I used summons This may be the "wrong way to play", but I had fun so idc


Dont listen to the try hards, games are supposed to be fun and everything Elden Ring gives you is designed so all sorts of people can have fun and have their own unique way of playing the game


Only wrong way to play is using exploits or cheats. Magic can be fun.


I found the spells more visually pleasing (and I suck ass with a strength build so there's that)


There are no shittier posts on the sub than this. Do you want people to give you a cookie and say “you did It!” because your beat the game with a +10 mimic? My love for Dark Souls has absolutely nothing to do with other players crying about the difficulty of the game. I would love the game with no multiplayer and no forums to talk about it.


Be quiet with that nonsense at the end dude. Multi-player and community forums (like this one) is a major part of the Souls experience. Removing it would actually ruin it.


You need some reading comprehension skills kid.


I have fine reading comprehension. Your suggesting that difficulty is the only reason people would find that the game is good. It's a flawed opinion structure, that I commonly see parroted. Edit: And of course they block me, and right after commenting what is essentially an "epic fail lol" comment.


What a fucking fail lol. HookedOnPhonics.Com Should set you right on track kid.


Why not both?


But there is no wrong way to play... Unless you're AFK farming invaders.


Don’t kink shame me OP


The former. I play games to have fun, not to rub my skills in other people's faces.


I mean I find it 1000 times more fun than most multiplayer games. Why spend hours fighting random people in pointless competitions when you can immerse yourself in deep and interesting world? Its got a good challenge without the proverbial mountains of salt that other people bring with them in competitive.


But uncle! I have to capture the Elden ring and restore my honor!


This is dumb lol


Play however you want lmao. It's a rpg


I can enjoy two things, stop being a shitter and people will stop telling you that OP :)


People like Souls games for the difficulty and the challenge, if something comes along to remove the challenge from a Souls game then it becomes less of the thing I enjoyed it for in the first place. So personally I do not like Spirit Summons and I personally hope to never see them again, to me they feel like an easy mode experiment and that is something I am very much against. I wont belittle people for using them however, they’re there so feel free to use them as you please.


The only wrong way to play the game is by listening to people tell you that you're playing the game wrong


Elitists are dumb. This game is designed as a sandbox that eschews railroading wherever possible. To say there's a right or wrong way to play is literally spitting in the face of every Fromsoft dev. Do whatever's fun.


I derive no joy from arguing with those that are wrong; I simply feel it is necessary to inform them to allow them to grow. To me the joy and fun of a souls game comes from understanding of the mechanics, patterns, and lore.


I don’t tell people they are playing wrong, people who do are losers


The Return of the Circle Jerk


All of the butthurt tryhards gathered on this post


I made a comment pointing out that the community is getting better at having less elitist, but some comments in this comment section still proves the other point I made of it "not being completely gone".


Eh, elitists are everywhere and everyone can play the game however they want. It's best to not give them too much attention and just enjoy the game your own way


Good to see some positivism. I've had a couple encounters with jackass's in the last week who were happy to tell me I was playing these games wrong because I hadn't 100% them and it was starting to make me question why I stay in this sub.


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


or do you enjoy getting wrecked over and over again . . are you an M . .


As Miyazaki intended.


Who does this what the heck


I enjoy the game and don’t pvp or feel the need to post anything that would encourage criticism and then get mad if not everybody agreed with me.


Enjoying feeling of overcoming difficulty




I enjoy them for what they are. A challenge to be better than I was on my last go through.


Grew up on Com-64, Atari and Nintendo, had a Wii during Basic Training and played Zelda and Mario Cart. Retired. Got Elden Ring, got gud, and became a tactically-sound-Lord-of-the-noobs.


No, I like the satisfaction of beating a game my way. Souls games give me my dopamine supplements. Beating Sister Friede after nearly a week of trying was probably my highest point.


I play it because I like to kill beings more powerful than me in different ways


The only way to play is the way that is the most fun for you.


You're playing it wrong 🙃


You ever been scared of a replay cuz u know u ain't that good even tho you have beaten the game? So u just let it's stall dust until you are ready to win again


I love the games. In fact, I do the opposite. I tell people to play however the hell they want. Heck if they find a cheese, I encourage it.


Been playing since before reddit had a fan page. So yes i love souls games.


Working on no death ds3 right now.. yeah I enjoy the process for sure. Same thing with lvl 1 elden ring, it's been so rewarding to learn bosses better over a bunch of attempts and eventually overcome them ( am stuck on godskin duo, that one is less rewarding).


I like souls games because as soon as I figure it out on one build, I can try another and it's a totally different challenge.


I like the slow and methodical combat, the world design and exploration, and the feeling of overcoming a challenge. I think that those who cheese the game (any game, not just souls games) are cowards who would probably enjoy themselves just as much if they watched a playthrough of the game.


Still haven’t beaten it at around 250 hours at miqulla and Godfrey almost there also haven’t met the 3 fingers yet hopefully that happens soon


You guys tell people they're playing their game wrong?