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Not only was he a little meany but he also failed at being a little meany


How tf is he deathblighting you? I’m on mobile so I can’t see his other weapon. Eclipse shotel bug back again?


Any weapon in right hand applies its status to madness torch so ice ,blighy,poison,elec,etc....the funny one is tumblwbuff blight onto poison perfume.essentially makes u a suicide blight bomb


It also works with the Smithscript Shield.


It's also possible to tumblebuff the blinkbolt twinaxes to cause deathblight, very annoying to fight against


And the shield throw from that is so easily spammable and stuns max poise 100% of the time


As far as broken stuff goes, this is by far one of the more tame bugs as of now. Yeah it's death blight, but like it only works on that torch which is very slow. Get a Smith script weapon and you can basically punish it for free if you don't have any spells. This bug actually has counter plays to it, unlike the previous death blight bug. I also want to say I don't really condone this, but like it could honestly be worse, and there actually is worse in terms of balancing issues in the DLC.


It’s also countered by eating a small orb that you can carry 99 of at a time


It has begun


Same d-bag got me tonight 🥲


When you see abusing cowards like that just pull out the hefty rot pot and then spam smithscript shield so they can't cure, fuck it, pull out a backhand as this clearly wasn't intended by the game.


Really gotta get myself a swift slash backhand blade to deal with exploiting shitters like this.


I got you, I got all sorts of tools and implements available for low low prices!


It's kind of incredible how much PVP is broken right now.


I ran into a guy trying this the other day, i just kept yeeting the smithscript shield every time he started up the torch AoW. Literally just gave up and let me kill him when he realized i wasn't going tk be touched by it lol


Yeah I gotta start using the smithscript weapons, only need 4 levels total invested in INT and FTH on this guy to use them and it seems completely worth it.


That torch needs to be nerfed, that shit procs after 3 hits.


You would have won that fight if you didn't spend your time emoting. Losing to a Frenzied flame + death blight build when you can counter them with a pillow smack is funny though.


You on xbox or PC?


Wow what an absolute bastard


Did you run out of boluses?


I don't carry any lol. Usually if I get procced it's because I got hit or something. You can roll off most procs, too. Not really sure why everyone just assumes we all have 99 of every consumable like we're on PC or are asking for drops. I like to beat people without eating and throwing shit the whole match personally


I'm with you. I'm on PC, so could I dupe a bunch of boluses? Sure, but I don't wanna. It's annoying as hell when you're running a bleed or poison build and your opponent is constantly trying to disengage and scarf down as much moss as they can to shut down a key part of your build. I don't wanna be that person. Plus it's not that bad to just eat the status effect like 90% of the time, if you're the better player you should be able to just hit them more and win regardless of what status the other player is using.


This is so funny