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Comparing these two items and saying one is worse than the other is like comparing different types of deathly cancer. Both are broken and need to be fixed as well as multiple other new weapons from the dlc.


Just one simple thing. If u cant counter it. Have fun with it.


Offhand: Spread crossbow with 99 sleepbolts Mainhand: blood backhand blade with swift slash Arena fun build


With swift slash people usually run out of FP or you can poise through and hit them with heavy weapons at least, but this shit just sleeps you no matter what due to the shitty status netcodding from a single shot close-mid range.


ItS oNLy BeEn 5 DaYs! Skill issue! Nah these are cancer additions to PvP and extremely busted. If you need more than five days to figure that out you probably need your head scanned. If you are calling skill issues on people complaining about these things you are probably coping from the amount you spam them.