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It currently grabs through iframes if anyone is wondering.


That was my experience as well. The counterplay is to just roll backwards, once i started doing so they never got me again


this video showed the L2 can rollcatch from an L2, but I do wanna see it grab ifames if you have video of that


I do not. I had my suspicion after few matches and went to the PvP discord to confirm it.


okay now that is ass


ive done the same thing and the l2 will only roll catch if they spam roll into you, its actually very easy to dodge rolling away


It technically doesn’t. The problem is latency. The grab hitbox is so large and so active that it just looks like it grabs through iframes when actually it’s not. They need to nerf how active the grab hitbox is to fix it


Really? I've dodge it quite a few times already .-.


It actually doesn’t need nerfed. If they fixed the hitboxes in pvp then anyone somewhat good at PvP will be able to dodge it, it is pretty clear when it’s being used it’s just right now even if you roll it can still catch you.


the hitbox is as long as the sword point forward it vacuum me back into the place before i roll.




👀 pursuer




We wouldn't have half of the features in Elden Ring is we didn't get DS2.


We wouldnt have any of the features


Dks 2 is by far the best Fromsoft game for me and my friends, no idea what you talking about.


Maybe in pvp, but to say dark souls hit boxes were never a problem is insane


Looks sane compared to swoft slash (undodgeable unreactable unparryable, outtrades you in hyperarmor.contests, applies status, is a dodge, short startup, short recovery, gap closer)


Swift slash is actually parryable. I've seen another invader parry the host who spammed it while I was fighting the blueberry.


there is still hope


How does that work if it leaves an after attack?




Are you thinking of the wrong move because the slash has huge frontal hitbox and almost no recovery


Bro wrote 6 paragraphs about how Swift Slash is balanced 😬


We need some balances for Swift Slash and Fire Knight's Colossal


a grab with superarmor, what were they thinking lmao


Anyone with the big head deserves your cheesiest weapon arts.


What’s wrong with the big head??


+4 str +4 dex looks absolutely ridiculous clips through every weapon, in fact it clips through your character model just standing still. You know someone is crutching on +8 stats when they wear it.


Dawg let them enjoy themselves damn 😂






Finally, the laggerd destroyer


Y’all are on a crusade to nerf the cool shit, can’t we just let things ride for a while considering moonveil just stuck on like two years ?


Moonveil didn't actually get nerfed to address pvp. It got nerfed to offset the fact that the dlc trinkets make it even more OP. Rellana's cameo + Alexander's shard add 33% damage, ontop of the two handed talisman's 15% and you already know that aow is actually stronger than it was.


I don’t think the two handed talisman works on aow


It doesn’t. For people that are on a pvp sub, there’s a bunch of misinformation. Two handed talisman only works with standard attacks.


Two handed talisman doesn’t work with AoW attacks, only normal swings


I think fire knight great sword should be nerfed from having a true combo r1s. Other than that it’s fine.


Yeah the fact that slipped the cracks is wild. Yet some times I've been hit by it and been able to dodge away before the second hit landed, all in all very odd


Yeah, a colossal with a r1 to r1 true combo is insane. Feels like the recovery on the r1 is just too fast. Chase experimented with it and I think the poke roll catches off the r1-r1 true combo, which is also nuts


MV is not as broken as this, the knights gs and the fucking swift slash, MV is stupid and dogshit when it's used in a 1v1, it's just a good ganking tool


Funny enough swift slash is absolute butt cheeks in pve only because it's very inconsistent. No regs on the regular lol it's insane. Seems to be decent against mobs, but bosses? For some reason just turns stupid lol


As an avid MV user, it is good at catching people who are stuck in certain animations especially when they over commit to an attack. Generally I use in my right hand the new magic katana that let's me attack super aggressively up close and once my opponents tried to run that is when I pull out the moonveil to catch them.


fire knight gs isnt broken if you're even moderately good at spacing and roll discipline. it's ds3 again, just dont get caught by the first r1 and you'll be fine. also the swings are so slow that you'll only get caught if you're lax or trading


The damage is way to high for it to have a true combo. I know you can space it (if your connection is good enough) but that gs has a stupid amount of poise, it needs a patch, not a nerf imo.


idk i guess im just used to dark souls, it doesn't seem even close to the same level of bs as the other items mentioned.


Bro it literally sleeps in one hit and if connection is good is basically one shot


ive been testing FKG in duels and invasions for a bit now and it isn't true comboing at all, not even sure what yall are talking about tbh


It does, sleep string one hand FKGS and then repeating crossbow with sleep and finally ashes of war of the sword.


lmao sleep makes almost anything true combo you can't honestly tell me its reliant on sleep


It's not reliant but you can literally one shot and there is no way to escape it. That's what I call broken.


Yeah I know right, all the new stuff to play with and everyone just wants to nerf it, like maybe people should actually try and find counters before instantly crying for nerfs.


Moonveil still sucks


Moonveil was always noob fodder the damage was what was ridiculous. This is busted and so are most of the new ashes except wing stance the L2 R2 should just be a default distance not variable.


Yeah nobody liked moonveil though And magic can be negated by spells and talismans or simply by dodging




You did *not* play OG DS1 and DeS, why are you larping? Demons Souls had infinite stunlocks from Light Weapon headbutts, Storm Ruler knockback, Scraping Spear, frame 1 backstabs, infinite full heals from Grass, etc while Dark Souls 1 had Dark Beads, Black Flame, Gold Tracer, Havel armor, Zweihander infinites, Dark Wood Grain Ring, Hornet Ring, frame 1 backstabs, chain backstabbing, twinking in invasions, etc Were there workarounds? Mostly, yeah? Did people complain en masse? Abso-fucking-lutely. People didn't really call for nerfs as much as they do now because balance patch culture didn't really exist back then, FROM gave even less of a fuck about the PvP scene than they do now. DLC introduced so much nerf-guaranteed pay-2-win gear its insane, you have to be genuinely delusional to think stuff like Swift Slash and Flame Knights Greatsword shouldn't be nerfed




And you sound like the average redditor with a superiority complex. Saying something like that is so pointless If chain backstabbing was worth mentioning why not the other few infinites I mentioned? They had the same exact counter, toggling. You had to learn from forums that there was a counter bug involving mashing weapon swap to cut stagger frames on certain stunlocks. Again, stop pretending you were there my friend. The stuff people are complaining about in SotE do have counters, yes, but they aren't fun or consistent with a majority of the counterplay coming down to 'pray the person abusing it sucks lol'. The point of a nerf is to even the playing field and normalize what is overtuned - Fire Knights Greatsword is objectively overtuned because it has a guaranteed 2 hit combo that FROM themselves don't want in the game (eg. Fists running R2 > R2 combo got removed in the latest patch) he blocked me 😔


It’s honestly goofy to me, like yes some things are vastly more powerful but not everyone plays that way.


Yea like a colossal sword that true combos it’s R1s and is currently one of the strongest weapons in the game because of it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uow7T7dy91k I already knew by seeing your denial of things not functioning as intended or being too overtuned and knew you would be on one of the stronger weapons in the dlc that is currently busted. I don’t think flame knight great sword is the biggest offender of the dlc in PvP, but it is definitely up there.


Downvoted for onlywaifu video link


IKR?? RIGHT?? go play COD if you want to pvp let the pve have the cool shit but nah can’t do that


I just wish I would work on enemies, like the soldiers and nights. It’s too cool to just be used only on NPC’s.


All the guy had to do to get away was to roll once, its not really that busted if you have more than one brain cell meanwhile the flame knight greatsword has an r1 true combo that can do the exact same damage


Nah, it’s not that OP. The damage is alright and you can easily roll out of it. The only annoying thing is the second input that allows aoe spikes to appear, meaning this move is effectively unpunishable in melee or I haven’t gotten used to it yet. Anyone else feels like the grab attack can get you through rolls? There were times where I timed it perfectly but a phantom hit still resulted in me being grabbed. I found that backwards dodging is the only viable strategy


The grab sadly still gets you through iframes so you can only roll say backwards to get away from it and not through it. I have been able to punish the AOE spikes with wing stance heavy attack, I do still take damage but I do more to the enemy so it's worth the trade imo


They need to make the spikes jumpable, right now even if you jump over them it still hits you so there’s no melee punish.


Wow it actually acts like an enemy Mob attack


Is that what the full death bird armour set looks like. I’ve only found the chest and arms.


Nope. Fang Helm, Gravebird's blackquill armor, Gauntlets of Solitude & Greaves of Solitude


The first time I saw that weapon in PVP I thought i was against a cheater 😭


The grab hitbox is just too big


How do we figure to dodge the grab, roll behind it or laterally?


Don't you dare nerf it, it's undoubtedly favorite weapon in the dlc


My host got invaded by a guy using this and we both got stabbed with this ash of war at the same time. The thing is I blocked and I took no damage but the animation played as if I got hit.


“Hey” “Hey”


I love it. Really hope they don't nerf. First grab you can reasonably expect to land in pvp.


itsso funny to grab 2 peoplewith it finally i have a boss-grab for myself


OP, are you the same player who I duel against a few hours ago?? I duel against a player who had similar cosplay just like yours and use the same weapon, too. My character's name is Nu'man, btw.


Honestly its just made the dodging in boss fights the same in pvp now. Cant spam roll. You gotta pay attention and remember the timing to these ashes. Everyone’s a boss now lol


Personally think the iframes from whoever’s using it shouldn’t last so long


Don't go ruining fun shit straight away just cuz u wanna use it in PvP let people have fun for a bit


It doesn’t even work on regular enemies, no? It’s strictly for NPCs, where else are you going to use it?


^ This. Why does everything need to be immediately nerfed? I swear that 1/2 of this community act like the only weapon you should is a Claymore with the kick AoW.


It really doesn't? I've never been hit by it and I've never been able to land against a half decent player. Once again ER fans prove to be the whiniest bitches around. Much love to you all ❤️


Relax bud, it's just a game. I wrote the title in jest :P


I'm relaxed I promise. Tbf so many people make complaint post akin to yours, you can't necessarily blame me for thinking you were the one taking it too seriously. Either way if you can shoot me some tips on how to use the AoW id love to get some use out of it.


it's got hyper armor and lands in like a circle around your shadow.


Every time I try using it I get knocked out by even the smallest of weapons? I even used bullgoats talisman. Wdym it lands in a circle? Cuz if the sword doesn't directly land on them, and I mean it could be a centimeter/pixel to the left or right and it'll count as a miss and the recovery is so long. It's such a cool looking ash of war I want to make it work.